User Manual PPS

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User Manual

Philips Product Selector (PPS)

User manual PPS Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents
1 Introduction.............................................................................................1
1.1 Why use PPS?........................................................................................... 1
1.2 How to use PPS?....................................................................................... 1
2 Steps........................................................................................................2
2.1 Make sure PPS is installed properly........................................................... 2
2.1.1 The PPS program and plug-ins .......................................................... 2
2.1.2 The Philips Luminaire Database......................................................... 2
2.2 Choose how to start PPS ........................................................................... 3
2.3 Choose from where to import luminaire data into PPS ............................... 3
2.3.1 Import from Philips Luminaire Database............................................. 3
2.3.2 Import from File .................................................................................. 4
2.4 Choose export destination of Luminaire data ............................................. 5
2.4.1 Export to calling program (if any)........................................................ 5
2.4.2 Export to file ....................................................................................... 8
3 Concepts .................................................................................................9
3.1 Philips Luminaire Database ....................................................................... 9
3.2 Photometric formats................................................................................... 9
3.3 Recognized Lighting Design Programs ...................................................... 9
3.4 Reference Name........................................................................................ 9
4 Glossary ................................................................................................11
User Manual PPS Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Why use PPS?
With PPS you can:
 import luminaire data (photometric, graphic and descriptive data of an individual
luminaire), either from the Philips Luminaire Database or from file
 inspect and modify the descriptive data
 export the luminaire data to any of a number of recognized lighting design
programs, like Autodesk VIZ, Calculux, Dialux and Relux
 save the luminaire data to a file in any of a number of photometric formats.

As such, PPS has two main usages:

 You can use it as an interface between stored luminaire data and a lighting design
program in which you want to use these data.
 You can use it as a tool to change content and/or photometric format of luminaire

1.2 How to use PPS?

The flowchart below shows you which steps to take when using PPS. In chapter 2
(Steps) each of these steps will be explained in more detail.

User Manual PPS Steps

2 Steps
2.1 Make sure PPS is installed properly
The PPS package consists of:
 the PPS program itself
 plug-ins
 the Philips Luminaire Database.
Please observe the following remarks about the proper installation of these

2.1.1 The PPS program and plug-ins

You can start PPS from within a recognized lighting design program and export
luminaire data from PPS to that program. To make this possible, plug-ins must be
installed together with PPS: one specific plug-in for each different program. The way
these plug-ins can be installed, depends on the type of installation: complete or
 In case of a complete installation, the Install Wizard automatically installs as many
as possible of these plug-ins, also for programs not already present on your
 In case of a custom installation, as many as possible plug-ins are presented to you
as pre-checked options to be installed.

The only plug-ins that can not be installed, regardless the type of installation, are the
ones that require the presence of that program on your computer while that program
has not been installed yet.
Presently this limitation holds for Dialux and Autodesk VIZ. So, if you want to use
PPS in combination with any of these two programs, you are advised first to install
that program and only then PPS. If you were not able to do so, you must yet install
the lighting program and subsequently re-install PPS. How you must do this,
depends on the situation.

 In case you have a newer version of PPS to re-install as the one already present
on your computer, both a complete and custom installation will produce the desired
result. The older program version will be overwritten by the newer one and the
required plug-in will be installed.
 In case you only have the same program version of PPS to re-install as already
present on your computer, the Install Wizard will detect this and omit the possibility
of a complete installation. Instead, you can do either of the following.
 Go to the general maintenance mode, select the Modify option and check the
required plug-in to be installed.
Caution: Do not un-check the already installed plug-ins. If you do so, they will
be removed from your computer!
 First remove PPS from your computer. Only then you can re-install PPS and yet
the required plug-in.

2.1.2 The Philips Luminaire Database

About the installation of the Philips Luminaire Database, you must take three different
situations into account.

User Manual PPS Steps

 Situation1: there is no PPS program or database installed on your system yet. In

this case, the Install Wizard will install both the program and the database
delivered with it.
 Situation 2: There is already installed a PPS program and database on your
system, and you want to install a new database delivered with a new program
version. In this case the Install Wizard will remove the old program and database
from your system and install the new versions. But the other way round, this
automatic linking holds as well. You cannot exclusively install the new database
version, without as well installing the new program version that goes with it. And
that means that you need administrator rights to install the both of them.
 Situation 3: There is already installed a PPS program and database on your
system, and you want to install a new database delivered with the same program
version as already installed. In this case the Install Wizard will not install the
(same) program version once more. But at the same time it will offer you the
possibility to exclusively install the new database version, for which no
administrator rights are required.

2.2 Choose how to start PPS

You can start PPS in two different ways:
 direct, as stand-alone (use the PPS icon in the Windows Start menu: Start >
Programs > Calculux > PPS)
 or from within a recognized lighting design program (see the user documentation
with that particular program).

If you want to export luminaire data from PPS directly into your lighting design
program, you must start PPS from within that lighting program. If not, you can start
PPS either of both ways.

Note: In the present release of PPS, the program icon in the Windows Start menu
may be named ‘PCAT’ instead of ‘PPS’. If so, this name will be changed to ‘PPS’ in
the next release.

2.3 Choose from where to import luminaire data into PPS

2.3.1 Import from Philips Luminaire Database
Use the 'Import from Database' tab to import luminaire data from the Philips
Luminaire Database into PPS.
What you import from the database, are the photometric, graphic and descriptive
data of an individual luminaire. In that respect, it's the same as for import from a file.
But where a file may contain (or miss) any possible data, each luminaire in the
database is represented by the same set of clearly defined data. Together, these
data for an individual luminaire define what's called the individual 'Philips Photometric

To select a photometric product from the database, define a query, step by step, as

1. Select the Market Group (Indoor or Outdoor).

User Manual PPS Steps

2. Use a maximum of three out of five defining variables (from the data model of a
photometric product) in whatever order you like:
 Family name
 Family code
 Luminaire category
 Ballast type
 Lamp category

Select variables in the left column and their values in the right column.
Note: While you are making your selection, the number in 'No. of Luminaires' shows
you how many photometric products fit the query specified so far.
Note: PPS remembers your last used selection of variables and their order in the
query. At your next query on the database, it presents them as default.

3. In the group box 'Filter', select in whatever order you like:

 Housing
 Distributor
 No. of Lamps + Lamp Name

Note: Even if there is only one value to select from, you must explicitly make that
Note: Each time you make a selection in one of these three fields, the content of both
other fields is automatically updated accordingly.
Note: Use the Reset button to undo all selections in the group box 'Filter' so far.

4. In the group box 'Lamp', select in whatever order you like:

 Ballast
 Colour

Note: If there is only one value, selection is not necessary, nor possible.

Your query is now fully specified. In addition to the query, PPS shows the Reference
Name and the following luminaire data:
 Lamp flux
 Picture (if available)
 Polar diagram
 Total Light Output Ratio (L.O.R.)

2.3.2 Import from File

Use the 'Import from File' tab to import luminaire data (in any of a number of
recognized photometric formats), from file into PPS.
Note: For certain Lighting Design Programs, you can instead directly input the
contents of a file into that program, without using PPS.

User Manual PPS Steps

After you've imported the file's contents, PPS shows them in a number of pre-defined
 the polar diagram
 the Total Light Output Ratio (L.O.R.) of the luminaire
 several descriptive luminaire data
 and a Reference Name.
Most of the descriptive data you can modify as well.

Note: Of course, PPS can only show these data insofar they are present in the file.
For absent data, the corresponding fields in the 'Import from File tab' are left blank.

Use to

Rotate CPlanes rotate the CPlanes orientation (the orientation of the light
intensity table is rotated) 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees.
Note: When you modify the Rotate CPlanes value, you will
directly see the effect of this reflected in the polar diagram.
Note: Different Lighting Design Programs may require a
different orientation of CPlanes.

Click to

About view the version numbers of PPS and calling program (if

Close close PPS. If you started PPS from within a Lighting Design
Program, you will return to that program.

2.4 Choose export destination of Luminaire data

2.4.1 Export to calling program (if any)
If you started PPS from within a Lighting Design Program, you can export luminaire
data from PPS to that program. What this implies, depends on where you imported
the luminaire data from:
a. If you imported the luminaire data from database, specify the export at the bottom
of the 'Import from Database' tab.
b. If you imported the luminaire data from file, specify the export at the bottom of the
'Import from File' tab.

a. Export database-input luminare data to calling program

Use the bottom part of the 'Import from Database' tab for to export the luminaire data
to your calling Lighting Design Program (if you started PPS from that program and if
you want to add the luminaire data to the set of project luminaires).

Use to

Reference Name view or modify the Reference Name of the luminaire data in
the calling program.

User Manual PPS Steps

Click to

Compose (re)compose the Reference Name of the luminaire data,

based on the present values of Housing, Number of Lamps,
Lamp Name, Lamp Colour, Ballast and Distributor.

(Un)check to

Luminaire-specific choose the type of 3D model: luminaire-specific (check) or

3D Model generic (un-check).
Note: You only have a choice if there actually is a luminaire-
specific 3D model.

Click to

Add add the luminaire data to the set of project luminaires in the
calling Lighting Design Program. PPS will automatically
choose the appropriate photometric format: the specific
format that can be handled by that program.
Note: This button is only available if there is a calling program
(not if you started PPS direct, as stand-alone).

If you import luminaire data from the Philips Luminaire Database and subsequently
export these data to the calling Lighting Design Program, PPS will send a 3D model
of the luminaire with it. In the Lighting Design Program you can use this 3D model in
your lighting design and calculations.

For several (but not all) luminaires there's a luminaire-specific 3D model available. If
that's the case, you can check the checkbox 'Luminaire-specific 3D model' to indicate
that you want to use it. If there is no such 3D model or if you do not want to use it, a
generic 3D model will be sent instead.
Note: PPS will always send a generic 3D model to Calculux, because Calculux
doesn’t recognize luminaire-specific 3D models.

There are three generic 3D models:

 a rectangle
 a cylinder
 a sphere.

User Manual PPS Steps

If you have a choice, take the following into account:

 On the one hand, a luminaire-specific 3D model is more realistic to look at than a
generic one. (This difference is not important for your calculations: for both types of
3D models they will be equally precise.)
 On the other hand, luminaire-specific 3D models take up much more space than
their generic replacements, and a large number of them may slow down your

Note: For both the generic and luminaire-specific 3D models, the format is specific for
the calling program. PPS automatically chooses the correct format.

The luminaire-specific 3D models are not stored within the database itself, but (via a
reference) in folders on your file system. For each of the recognized Lighting Design
Programs there's a separate folder with 3D models in the program-specific format.

Program Format Folder

Autodesk VIZ MAX ModelMax

Dialux M3D/M4D ModelM3D

Relux GEO3D ModelRelux

Note: Because Calculux doesn't recognize luminaire-specific 3D models, there's no

folder for Calculux.
Note: Although the 3D models are stored on the Windows file system, you need PPS
to get them into your Lighting Design Program.

b. Export file-input luminare data to calling program

Use the bottom part of the 'Import from File' tab for to export the luminaire data to
your calling Lighting Design Program (if you started PPS from that program and if
you want to add the luminaire data to the set of project luminaires).

Use to

Reference Name view or modify the Reference Name of the luminaire data.

Click to

Compose (re)compose the Reference Name of the luminaire data,

based on the present values of Housing, Number of Lamps,
Lamp Name, Lamp Colour, Ballast and Distributor.

Add add the luminaire data to the set of project luminaires in the
calling Lighting Design Program. PPS will automatically
choose the appropriate photometric format: the specific
format that can be handled by that program.
Note: This button is only available if there is a calling program
(not if you started PPS direct, as stand-alone).

User Manual PPS Steps

2.4.2 Export to file

Use the Export to File tab to export luminaire data from PPS to file (in any of a
number of recognized photometric formats).
In its upper part this tab shows you the Reference Name, picture and Polar diagram
of the luminaire data you are about to export to file.

In the lower part of this tab you can specify how and where to save the file.
Use to

Output File specify the photometric format.


Rotate CPlanes rotate the CPlanes orientation (the orientation of the light
intensity table is rotated) 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees.
Note: When you modify the Rotate CPlanes value, you will
directly see the effect of this reflected in the polar diagram.
Note: Different Lighting Design Programs may require a
different orientation of CPlanes.

Output File Name specify the file name.

Note: By default the file name is the same as the reference

Extension specify the extension of the file name.

Note: By default the extension is the standard one
corresponding with the output file format.

Output Directory specify the output directory of the file.

Click to

About view the version numbers of PPS and calling program (if

Save save the file.

Close close PPS. If you started PPS from within a Lighting Design
Program, you will return to that program.

User Manual PPS Concepts

3 Concepts
3.1 Philips Luminaire Database
The Philips Luminaire Database contains the (photometric, graphic and descriptive)
data of individual luminaires. Each luminaire in the database is represented by the
same set of clearly defined data according to the Philips Luminaire (data)Model.
Together, these data for an individual luminaire define what's called the individual
'Philips Photometric Product'.
For several (but not all) of these products, there’s also a reference to a luminaire-
specific 3D model, stored on the Windows file system.
To access the photometric products in the database and their corresponding 3D
models (if present), you need PPS.

3.2 Photometric formats

PPS recognizes the following photometric formats and corresponding file extensions:
 Phillum (.phl)
 IES (.ies)
 EULUMDAT (.ldt)
 TM14 (.tm14, .cib).
That is, when you import luminaire data from file into PPS, PPS recognizes any of
these formats, regardless their extension. When you export luminaire data from PPS
to file, you can choose any of these formats and PPS will by default suggest the
appropriate file extension.
And when you export luminaire data to your lighting design program, PPS
automatically chooses the particular photometric format recognized by that particular

3.3 Recognized Lighting Design Programs

PPS recognizes the following Lighting Design Programs:
 Autodesk® VIZ (2006-2008 and later)
 Calculux (version 6.7 and higher)
 Dialux (version 4.0 and higher)
 Relux (2006 and later).

3.4 Reference Name

When you export luminaire data from PPS to a lighting design program, the
Reference Name will be used as the unique identifier of those data within the current
project of that lighting design program.

The Reference Name is the concatenation of the following luminaire data (insofar
 Housing
 Number of Lamps
 Lamp Name
 Lamp Colour

User Manual PPS Concepts

 Ballast
 Optics.

Note: When you try to export luminaire data with the same Reference Name as one
already existing in the present project of the lighting design program, the 'new'
luminaire data will not be exported! So, if you want to replace some luminaire data in
your lighting design program by new ones with the same Reference Name, you must
first remove the 'old' data and only then export the 'new' data.

User Manual PPS Glossary

4 Glossary
Luminaire Data - Photometric, graphic and descriptive data of an individual
Philips Luminaire Model - The data model for photometric products in the Philips
Luminaire Database.
Philips Photometric Product - Each luminaire in the Philips Luminaire Database is
represented by the same set of clearly defined data. Together, these data for an
individual luminaire define what's called the individual 'Philips Photometric


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