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There are various dynamics of conflict that includes five conflict management

approaches: Dictating- more for self, less for others; Compelling- less for self,
less for others, Averting- less for self, less for others, Accommodating- more for
self, more for others and Negotiating- neutral for self, neutral for others.
Negotiating conflict is dealing with others for own benefits. Multi dimensional
conflict shows: communication vs. work, feelings vs. understandability and
concession vs. gain. Conflict resolve determines win-win situation for both groups.
Emotions are considered as a new subject in research about groups and firms, but it
is very important as it is related to performance. The expressive segment of
feeling is the conduct reaction to or the declaration of the psychologically
evaluated or physiologically felt experience including the real articulation of
feeling as far as outrage, rage and different feelings. Most enthusiastic
articulations are thought to happen non-verbally through outward appearances, vocal
characteristics and body stances. There are ways of handling emotions, which are:
overcoming, defending, endorsing; and adapting feelings.

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