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Digestion and the Role of Microbes Look at the different teeth in Figure ee A. In Figure B colour all those that You will learn about look like Tooth 1 in yellow, Tooth 2 © Teeth 1a i nan * Types of teal in orange and Tooth 3 in pink. a ede _ # The digestive system icrobes Figure A Figure 8 Teeth are an important part of our body and we should take proper care of them. Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner TEETH Teeth are present inside our mouth and they help in biting and chewing the food. Sets of Teeth Human beings have two sets of teeth: temporary and permanent set. By the time a child is two-and-a-half years old, the first set of twenty teeth appears. This set of teeth ima child is called temporary teeth. They are also called milk teeth. When the child is about six years old, milk teeth start falling out one by one. Slowly, new ones, which are bigger in size, take their place. This set of new teeth is called permanent teeth. There are usually 32 teeth in a permanent set. TYPES OF TEETH GD Teeth are mainly needed to bite and chew the food. According to their function, teeth are of four types. Incisors There are ao) 5 four ing EC) They, are, used for cutting and biting food, Cc) \ LJ XK |; Dis Canines There are four, canihes i in, oe twoin each j jaw. We have one: canine on both sides ofthe incisors. Canines are s sharp and are used for tearing food. In flesh- -eating animals, canines are bigger and sharper so that tearing flesh is easier. Number of teeth Number of teeth i ba! ‘nes 4 (2in each jaw) lial { Incisors Canines ction They are 0 They are used for used for tearing food cutting and biting food. Number of teeth Molars 12 (Gineach jaw) Function |), They are used for grinding food. Number of teeth 8 (4 in each jaw) fay fanstion | They are used for Types of teeth crushing food. ‘—— Premolars Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner Premolars There are eight premolars in all, four in each jaw. These are broad teeth, next to the canines. Premolars help to crush food and chew it. Molars There are twelve molars in all. They are bigger and flatter than the premolars, with a broader upper surface to chew and grind the food well. Out of the twelve molars, eight grow first, two on each side of the premolars. Four more molars grow later. Plant-eating animals have well-developed premolars and molars, because they need to chew and grind their food a lot. Enamel Parts of a Tooth &» Dentine A tooth has a crown and a root. The crown is the part we see, ” Gums whereas the root is the partinside the gums. Gums hold thé \ teeth in their places. | Pulp The white part on the outside of a tooth is called the enamel. It is the hardest substance in the E human body. Below . the enamel lies the \ ciel hard dentine. Inside Parts of a tooth the dentine lies the pulp. It is very soft a and full of herwas) and The pulp forms the central part of the tooth. Nerve Blood vessel ( Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner vate oo Let’s Remember @ cy Label the different types of teeth and then write the correct words from the word box against each. CARE OF TEETH Proper care of teeth is very important. When we eat, tiny bits of food get stuck in spaces between our teeth. We need to clean them out; otherwise germs can grow there and form a sticky yellow layer called plague. Proper brushing with a toothbrush, .foothpaste-and mn, J water can prevent plaque format UNIVERSITY Ways to Protect your Teeth 6 Brush your teeth at least twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed. + Use up and down motion to brush teeth. + Brush the top teeth downwards and the bottom teeth upwards. + Brush out the back of the teeth. + Brush the flat surface of the premolars and molars. + Use tongue cleaner to clean the tongue. Rinse your mouth well after meals. Eat food that is healthy for teeth and gums, e.g. milk, eggs, curd, and green vegetables. Avoid eating too many sweets, sugary snacks, or soft drinks. + Visit the dentist regularly for check-ups. Calcium is very important for strong teeth. Milk and milk products such as curd and cheese are rich sources of calcium. Eating fruits and salads help in keeping our teeth healthy. | Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM &» The food that we eat is broken down into simpler forms. These simpler forms of food give energy that can be used by our body. The process by which food is broken down into a simpler form so that it can be easily taken in or absorbed by the body is called digestion. There are various organs that work together and help in digestion. These organs together form the digestive system. Process of Digestion The picture below explains the process of digestion. 5. Liver It produces juices that play an important role in the digestion of food. 1.Mouth The process of digestion starts in the mouth. Here, food is broken down by biting and chewing. This chewed food mixes with a called saliva, which helps in digest 2.Food pipe (oesophagus) Food passes from the mouth though ths thin long tube called the food pipe and reaches the stomach.._ G Large intestine } [ies cannot be digested, absorbs water from it, and . Sforms wastes called faeces. 3, Stomach Itis a sac-like organ where food is broken down further. 4, Small intestine Food from the stomach passes into the small intestine. Here, all the useful nutrients are absorbed by the blood and taken to all parts of the body. 7.Anus Faeces are removed from the body through the anus. The digestive system Healthy Eating Habits Healthy eating habits are also important for good health. Some healthy eating habits are given below. + Chew the food well and do not swallow it whole. « Eat fruits and vegetables every day. This will provide your body with minerals and vitamins as well as dietary fibre. + Always wash your hands before and after meals. + Rinse your mouth well after meals. + Always try to eat a balanced diet. + Always eat clean, fresh, and well-cooked food. ( Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner ‘Aim: To observe the effect of digestion Things needed: A slice of bread Method: 1. Take a slice of bread. 2. Take small bites of the bread, and keep chewing it slowly. Observation: The bread piece tastes sweet. Conclusion: Bread contains carbohydrates which are broken down into sugar. Sugar is the simpler form of carbohydrates. Thus, food is broken down by chewing which is the first step of digestion. MICROBES Microbes are very small living things that cennot be seen with the naked eye. They can be seen only with the help of an instrument called a microscope. Microbes are of four main types: virus, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. Microbes can be useftil or harmful thuinian beings. )) | 2 ) Virus Bacterium Fungi Protozoa Different types of microbes Certain uses of microbes are given below. + Some microbes are used in making bread and bun. + Some microbes change milk into curd. + Some microbes help in the digestion of food. + Some microbes help in the process of rotting of dead plants and animals. Harmful microbes are called germs. They can cause diseases. Some of the diseases caused by microbes are given below. + Viruses cause diseases such as common cold, influenza, and polio. + Bacteria cause diseases such as typhoid, tuberculosis, and cholera. + Fungi cause diseases such as ringworm and athlete's foot. + Protozoa cause diseases such as food poisoning, dysentery, and malaria. Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner Let’s Remember e eS A. Match the following. Column A Column B 4. Mouth a. Removes faeces 2. Stomach b. Saliva 3. Food pipe c. Absorption of useful substances 4, Small Intestines d. Sac like organ 5. Anus @, Tube like organ B. WriteT for the True and F for the False statements. 4, We should brush our teeth once a day. We should always wash our hands before and after meals. Microbes are small enough to be seen with the naked eye. All microbes cause diseases. Tuberculosis is caused by a fungi akon Key Words Incisors Teeth thatheip in cuting and btingthe food.are called incisors. Canines Teeth tyatareused {for tedring/the food fre called éanines.) ) Premolars Teeth that help in crushing and chewing the foodt-are'called | premolars Molars Teeth thathelpin cl % i Crown The upper part of the tooth that we see is called the crown. Root The part of the tooth inside the gums is called the root. Plaque A sticky yellow layer of germs that forms on the teeth is called plaque. Digestion The process by which food is broken down into a simpler form so that it can be easily absorbed by the body is called digestion. Microbes Small living things that can be seen only with the help of a microscope are called microbes. Summary Human beings have two sets of teeth: the temporary set and the permanent set. There are four types of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. A tooth has two parts: the crown and the root. The main parts of the digestive system are mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, and anus. Virus, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa are the four main types of microbes. ‘Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner Exercises LET’S UNDERSTAND BS &> |. Objective type questions A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. 1, There are (20/32) teeth in a permanent set of teeth. 2. In flesh eating animals, (incisors/canines) are bigger and sharper for tearing flesh. 3. The (pulp/dentine) forms the central part of the tooth. 4, The (food pipe/liver) produces juices that help in digestion of food. 5. (Bacteria/Virus) cause diseases like common cold and influenza. B. Write T for the True and F for the False statements. 1, The crown holds the teeth in their place. . We should keep our teeth clean, ¢ 5 J . The oesoph4gus holds food that ¥anndt beige ed ad absotbs water from it. Jaen oe Rae ey Re Poy yawn ed eye. RSTTY PRESS ct IVE RS f e virus and bacteria can cause diseases. C. Choose the correct option. 1. Which of these teeth are 12in number in a permanent set, and help in grinding food? a. Incisors b. Canines c. Premolacs d. Molars 2. Which of these are used for cutting and biting food? a. Incisors b. Canines . Premolars d. Molars 3. Which part of a tooth contains nerves and blood vessels? a. Crown b. Dentine < Pulp d. Gums 4, Which of these holds the teeth in place? a. Canine b. Gums c. Tongue d. Nerves 5, Where are faeces formed? a. Anus b. Large intestines ¢. Small intestines _d. Stomach 6. Where does digestion begin? a. Mouth b. Stomach c. Small intestines _d. Large intestines Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner 7. What do microbes do? a. Change milk into curd b. Help in making bread c. Help in the process of rotting of dead plants and animals. All of these 8. Which of these diseases is caused by bacteria? a. Typhoid and influenza b. Influenza and common cold c. Typhoid and cholera d. Malaria and food poisoning Il, Very short answer type questions A. Give one word for the following. 1, The set of teeth ina child |. The hardest substance in the human body . Ayellow sticky layer that germs form on teeth .. The organ that helps to remove faeces from the body . An instrument that we use to see microbes . What are the different types of te . Describe the fer fatooth. \C E @) RD . Write any five ways in Whichwe cén Brotect ovtteétht |. Whatis digestion? Nafne any five arts of theldigastive™spatan S . What are microbes? Give any three uses of microbes. _ Name any four microbes and two diseases each of them causes. ween Answer the following questions. 1 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. wae LET'S RECALL &P Recall and complete the concept map given below. ‘Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner LET'S OBSERVE 1. Label the digestive system. 2. (i) Which set of teeth is shown here? = (Temporary/Permanent) fy wri Za Ww ts) (ii) Write the correct iiumber ofthe following teeth found in this set: Incisors: A UNIVERSITY PR, Canines: Premolars: Molars: LET’S CONNECT We can create timelines with years and key activities in those years. Make a timeline on the history of dengue, using the text below: The first mention of dengue fever isin a Chinese book from the 4in dynasty which was in power from 265-420 CE. ia modern times, the spread of the fever is traced to Africa between the 15! and the 19" centuries. The earliest dengue epidemic (outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly) is reported from 1779-1780 which spread across Asia, Africa, and North America. By 1907, it was confirmed that dengue fever was caused by a virus, which was spread through Aedes mosquito bites. Dengue spread on a very large scale during the Second World War. In 1953, a very severe dengue epidemic took place in the Philippines. Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner LET’S APPLY 1. The doctor told Mariam that eating too many candies may harm her teeth. Do you think that the doctor is right? Why? (Hint: Candies contain sugar which can help germs to multiply) Maya forgot a bow! of mik overnight on the windowsill. Next day, the milk had changed to curd. Why do you think this happened? (Hint: Milk contains microbes) LET'S ANALYSE AND EVALUATE 1 Ithurts quite a bit when a dentist presses your gums with a pointy tool. It does not hurt so much when she presses your teeth. What do you think is the reason for the difference? Not brushing teeth at bedtime can lead to tooth decay. Justify your answer with a reason. SS fe LET'S CREATE & ~OYY FORTD 1 In groups of five make cardboard cut-outs of the different organs of the digestive system. Punch holes in each ofthe organs and then string them together using wool to connect these organs in the right order: Use this model'to'speak about changes that different foods that you ate today would have undergone. fog wo We have read that plant-eating animals have well-developed premolars and molars. In groups of five use your imagination to make a drawing/model of the complete set of teeth a herbivore would have, Compare your model against drawings of actual herbivore teeth in science books in the library or on the Internet. i035] fo ( Digestion and the Role of Microbes Scanned with CamScanner Seema loves to eat pizzas and toffees. Her mother always gets worried about her health because Seema does not like eating fruits and vegetables. Today her mother decided to make her a salad so that she eats food that is rich in various nutrients. Her friend Harsimrat is also visiting her today and they are going to have a party. in nutrient in each foodstuff in.cutriens ingach fonds Sis int Out of these, name the foodstuffs that would help in (i) Formation of strong teeth: (ii) Exercising the gums: BY) units: Food ) Scanned with CamScanner Teocher facilitation required* 2 Activity Skills fearnt Seen) Aim: To understand how some foods can be preserved by removing water Observation: CPEIFE MUS Ae esd eo ered ticle) (thin-large ones) (thick-small ones)| (boiled ones) After half an hour Reason for this observation? Condition after a week (guess) Condition after a Cc | UX PTLD IK ID week (actual) (\, J MH nee e olpeer pe eee SP UNTVERSITY PRESS Reason for this, observation? 1. What were some of the problems you faced while doing this experiment? 2. How did you overcome these problems? 3. Which chips woud dry up faster-the thin-Jarge ones or thick-small ones? Why? 4, Now discuss and in groups of five come up with steps to preserve potato chips so that they can be stored easily and fried later. “For the Teacher: Please refer to the corresponding eachers manuel for complete detai's on conducing his activi. Unit 1: Food Scanned with CamScanner

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