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Physiology (1st shifting) ▪ Afferent or sensory

division - If the impulse is

going back to the CNS
(towards); originates at
Neural Control Movement the posterior horn of the
spinal cord
- Nervous System
▪ Efferent or motor division
o Maintain homeostasis in the body –signal is going away from
o Main function: detect stimulus, the CNS ; produces the
interpret, and respond to maintain response
o Has anatomical (CNS & PNS) and Stimuli response dependent on the individual
functional division because of experiences /

Organization of Nervous System - 3rd classification/division of Nervous

system/PNS; Efferent division (response)
can be classified into:
o Autonomic Nervous System
▪ Involuntary nervous
system, happens at
subconscious level
▪ Conduct impulse from
CNS to the organs, glands,
smooth and cardiac
▪ Division of ANS:
• Parasympathetic
– rest, digest,
procreate; ex.
after eating
• Sympathetic –
- CNS: brain and spinal cord
fight or flight
- PNS: composed of neurons that are outside
(increase activity
brain and spinal cord
of body); ex.
- PNS is Classified in 3 ways: exercise
o Depending on the attachment: o Somatic Nervous System
nerves that originates or attached
▪ Voluntary
on the brain is called Cranial nerve
▪ Composed of nerves and
(12 pairs) & nerves that originates skeletal muscle
or attached at the level of the
spinal cord is called Spinal nerve Structure of Neuron
(31 pairs)
▪ Spinal nerve that goes in - Neuron is the smallest functional unit of
the periphery will form Nervous System; vital to transmit
plexuses (cervical, information
brachial, lumbar, and - Main 3 parts:
sacral plexus are major o Cell body – interpret if it will
plexuses) send/pass it to axon; decides if
o Based on the nerve propagation ipapasa or hindi yung stimulus
o 2 processes How neurons communicate?
▪ Dendrites – receives any
Electrical impulse or chemical impulse
type of stimulus or
information - Electrical Impulse
▪ Axon – transmit impulse o Neuron can create electrical
to the next organ, neuron impulse because of its property of
or back to CNS irritability(ability of a neuron to
Afferent division: dendrites is nearer to organ convert a stimulus to an electrical
Efferent division: dendrites is nearer to Central impulse)
Nervous System o Conductivity – ability to transmit
electrical signals it created; nerve
Axon Modification: as a conductor

- Presence of Schwann cells Transmission of impulse in a single neuron is through

o Produces lipoprotein called myelin an electrical impulse
sheath (covers part of axon)
▪ Acts as an insulator - Chemical Impulse or neurotransmission
▪ Initiates saltatory o Transmission of a certain
conduction of nerve information from one neuron to
impulses another neuron or an organ or a
o Spaces in between in each myelin gland
sheath is called nodes of Ranvier o Happens at the synapse

There is spaces so that the process will jump; impulse State of Neuron
is an electrical impulse and myelin sheath acts an
insulator. Impulse can’t pass through the myelin
- Electrical transmission of impulse within a
sheath so it will jump and find conductor (another
space) – this jumping process is called saltatory - A neuron can be only at resting, excited or
conduction recover

Saltatory conduction is faster than conventional 1. Resting Membrane Potential

- To have a property of excitability or
- Presence of collateral axon irritability the cell should be polarized
o Branch out of axon from the main (that’s why there’s resting potential of a
axon neuron – there’s a potential to be
o Dependent on the size or number stimulated)
of the organ that it will supply
An influx of positive ions in a negative space will
o The bigger or if it’s many, the
create electricity
bigger collateral axon

A neuron is connected to another neuron through a - It’s the difference in the ionic charges in the
synapse extracellular and intracellular matrix (
positive and negative pole)
Synapse o Within the poles, there’s an
insulator in between so that
- Where two neurons connect
positive and negative charges
- Axon of presynaptic neuron connects with
won’t mix
dendrites of postsynaptic neuron
o bilipid cellular membrane -
- There is a space between the two called
prevents substances leaving from
synaptic cleft
intracellular matrix and prevents within the cellular
substances from extracellular membrane
enter the intracellular space) • Pumps 2
- extracellular space is electropositive while potassium ions
the intracellular space is electronegative inside in
exchange of
- -70Mv
pumping 3
imbalancement in the ratios of ions is sodium ions out
controlled/governed by concentration gradient & of the cell with
electrical gradient the use of energy
or ATP
- concentration gradient ▪ Second mechanism to
o Potassium and Sodium as primary maintain resting potential
ions to maintain concentration
gradient 2 factors that affects the magnitude of the resting
▪ There’s more potassium membrane potential: the permeability of the ions
inside within the cell and the amount of the substances
▪ There’s more sodium inside and outside of the cell, controlled by the Na-K
outside pump
▪ Both carries positive
- Electrical gradient
charge but there’s what
o Anchored in Law of attraction
we called fixed anion or
▪ Positive-positive = repels
negative ions (proteins,
▪ Negative–positive =
phosphate, etc.) that can’t
go out the cellular
o Helps in establishing resting
membrane potential
o At rest, entering and exiting of ions
▪ Intracellular
are controlled by Ion channels (2
(electronegative) attracts
positive ions but can’t
o Passive channels
enter directly because of
▪ Force within the cellular
the presence of cellular
membrane, doesn’t
require energy or another
substance to open One of the mechanism to prevent too much efflux of
▪ At rest, passive potassium potassium and influx of sodium is through the level
ions are always open of electricity inside the cell:
(potassium can freely exit
) unlike passive sodium Potassium can’t go out anymore if the intracellular
channel (only few are reaches -94Mv (extracellular matrix is already filled
opened) with positively charge ions) – can happen during the
▪ In ratio, more potassium recovery phase
exits than exiting sodium
Sodium can’t enter anymore if the intracellular
(because there’s more
reaches +61Mv (can happen during an action
potassium ion channel
than “”)
o Active channels
▪ Maintains negativity
inside intracellular matrix
through Na-K pump
2. Action Potential have suprathreshold (above -55Mv) to create
another action potential in a neuron
- Excited/Stimulated state of neuron
- From a dendrite (it will receive a stimulate o Chemical/ligand gated channels
and it will become an electrical impulse)
o the electrical impulse will pass Chemical Transmission of Information
through a cellular body
- Transferring action potential from Axon
o if the level of stimulation doesn’t
terminal (presynaptic neuron) and
reached a threshold, transmission
dendrites (of postsynaptic neuron)
will stop at the cellular body (it
o Synapse of the two has no direct
won’t reach the axon)
connection; there’s a space
o the threshold is -55Mv inside the
between them (synaptic cleft)
- if stimulus reached the threshold, it will be Steps:
directed to the axons (2 types active ion
channels) 1. When action potential reaches the axon
o voltage regulated ion channels terminal, voltage regulated calcium ion
channel will open
extracellular matrix becomes electropositive, 2. (influx of)Calcium ions will bind and tell the
voltage regulated ion channels along the axon will vesicles (inside is the neurotransmitter) to
open up due to so much positivity outside (sodium); move closer to the cellular membrane
sodium will influx the intracellular matrix = outside o Neurotransmitters are chemical
will become negative, inside will become positive up produced by the neuron
to the point of +61Mv (this is the action potential of o When vesicles binds with the
one segment of axon) cellular membrane, permeability of
neurotransmitter is better
There’s a need for recovery to maintain negative
3. Neurotransmitters will be released at the
intracellular matrix (Recovery Potential) synaptic cleft
- Na-K pump will pump 3 sodium and 2 4. Postsynaptic (cellular membrane) neuron
potassium in but it’s inadequate that’s why have ligand gated channels at the dendrites;
there’s hyper polarization (negativity is neurotransmitter will bind in the ligand
lower than resting potential, it can reach to gated channels and there will be 2 different
-94Mv) effect
- Chloride ions are going inside in the 5. Action potential is passed to the next
intracellular matrix during recovery period neuron (excite) or prevent (inhibit) the next
so that neurons can go back immediately to neuron to have action potential
resting potential o Excitatory – opens the ligand gated
channel and let ions go inside the
Refractory Period – the period where in the neuron dendrites
can’t be stimulated o Inhibit – it will open but pass
negatively charged ions or it will
2 types:
not open ligand gated channels
- Absolute - the whole depolarization phase
All or none principle “if you stimulate a motor unit,
and 1/3 of repolarization, neuron can’t be
all muscles fibers innervated by the motor unit
stimulated because you can’t open any
voltage ion channels for sodium anymore
(because all are opened already) In neuron…as long as the magnitude of the stimulus
reaches the threshold the motor neuron will have an
Relative Refractory period – 2/3 of repolarization, it
some instances, it can be stimulated as long as you
action potential; if the stimulation is below the o Monoamines: serotonin,
threshold there will be no response dopamine, epinephrine,
norepinephrine, histamine
Excitatory Mechanism of Neuron o Cholinergic neurotransmitter
- Depolarization of the postsynaptic Amino acids
- From the dendrites, the chemical - Glutamate(gas pedal)
transmissions will be converted back into an o Excitatory neurotransmitter
electrical impulse (this is called the o Most common neurotransmitter in
Excitatory Post-Synaptic Potentials or the the brain
EPSPs) o Once released in the brain, it will
o This is needed to stimulate the increase neuronal excitation
whole neuron. throughout the nervous system
o Depending on its magnitude if (neurons in the body are easy to
there will be action potential in excite, faster action potential)
theneuron - GABA
- 2 types: o Inhibitory neurotransmitter
o Temporal – frequency of o Decrease/inhibit excitation all
stimulation over time (of one throughout nervous system
presynaptic neuron) and it will add o Also common in the brain
up in the cellular body of Monoamines
postsynaptic neuron
▪ for fine motor - Controls attention, mood, and sleep
o Spatial – simultaneous stimulation - Dopamine acts as an inhibitory neuron or
by several presynaptic neurons excitatory neuron based where it is
(they add up) released
▪ For gross motor o If it’s released in muscular system,
inhibits any unnecessary
Inhibitory Mechanism movement
- Will cause Hyperpolarization of
o If it’s released in the bloodstream,
it stimulates the releases of growth
postsynaptic membrane
- Inhibitory Post-Synaptic Potential (IPSP)
o Happy hormone
- Increase resistance to depolarization
- Primary excitatory neurotransmitter during
- The more negative of the intracellular
matrix, the more stimulation needed to
o Epinephrine (adrenaline)
reach threshold
▪ if it’s released, increases
o What will happen next is neuron
heart rate and bp
will detect the ratio between EPSPs
o Norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
and the IPSPs
- Histamine
Neurotransmitter o For inflammatory response and
- Can be divided based on their chemical
structures: Acetylcholine
o Amino acids – has 2 major - Function can be excitatory or inhibitory NT
neurotransmitter: Glutamate
depending on what effector organ it will go:
o Excitatory if it will go to skeletal
muscle; without the release of
acetylcholine, there will be no when you practiced the skill, signaling will become
muscle contraction steady
o Inhibitory if it is released in the
▪ Golgi Type Receptors –
heart; inhibits cardiac muscle
mainly found in the
ligaments around the
joints; same function with
free nerve endings – gives
❖ Inhibitory Neurotransmitter (-) the positioning and
o Negative ion channels will enter movement happening in
post synaptic channel or ion the joint
channels for positive ions will be ▪ Pacinian Corpuscles –
closed –> action potential will not found outside the joint
happen next neuron/prevents the capsule (surrounds),
propagation of AP detects changes in
o GABA, Serotonin, Dopamine movement and pressure
❖ Excitatory Neurotransmitter (+) experienced by the joints;
o Positive ions will enter post tell the rate of limb
synaptic neuron to continue movement; abundant at
propagation of action potential the palm of the hands and
o Acetylcholine, Epinephrine, heels of the foot
Norepinephrine, Histamine,
o Muscle mechanoreceptors
Glutamate, Dopamine
- Gives the length and tension information to
Proprioceptors in Joint, Muscles, and the brain
o Muscle Spindle
▪ Sensitive to the rate of
- Body proprioception: body awareness; you muscles’ lengthening –
know the position of your body “Length detector”
- Proprioceptors /Sensory organs ▪ Intrafusal fiber – situated
o Tells your brain about limb position within the muscle, parallel
and rate of limb movement to the extrafusal muscle
o Found throughout the body fibers
- 2 types of proprioceptors: ▪ Has 2 parts: central and
o Joint proprioceptors peripheral parts
▪ Free nerve endings – ▪ Peripheral part – skeletal
found within joint capsule muscle; has
surrounding the joint characteristics of skeletal
itself; most abundant muscles (can be contract,
proprioceptor in the body; excite, and lengthen)
sensitive to pain, touch ,
Peripheral part is innervated by the Gamma Motor
and pressure (can be
neuron: if alpha motor neuron is stimulated (where
found also in dermis of
muscle spindle is located), gamma motor neuron is
the skin); most active at
automatically stimulated causing contraction of
the start of the movement
intrafusal muscle fiber
Brings a lot of signals to the brain at the start of the
Relationship of gamma and alpha is important for
movement. Eventually it will adapt, signal will be
the function off muscle spindle so that the
fewer, and it will become steady = if new skill is being
contraction of extrafusal and intrafusal is
performed, a lot of signals are sent to the brain but
▪ Central part is purely Polysynaptic Reflex arc
sensory (true muscle
- Presence of an interneuron between
spindle), detect if the
afferent and efferent neuron
peripheral part is
- Afferent neuron -> interneuron (can be
shortening or lengthening
more than one) -> efferent neuron
Central part has specialized afferent neuron and it
Simple Reflexes in the body
has 2 parts: primary sensory ending (tells rate of
stretch of muscle) and secondary sensory ending - Stretch reflex
(gives information to the static lengthening/length o The receptor organ is the muscle
of muscle) spindle (detects the rate of stretch)
o It will pass the info the afferent
o Golgi Tendon Organ
▪ Detects tension produced
▪ Will have direct synapse
by the muscle through the
with efferent neuron
lengthening of the
o Will tell the muscle to contract
tendon; usually located at
▪ Monosynaptic reflex arc if
you’re just looking the
muscle being stimulated
When muscle produced tension, it will pull the ▪ Polysynaptic reflex if you
tendon; if tendon is short = small tension, if tendon is included the antagonist
long = high tension that will contract

Reflex Movement Reciprocal Inhibition

Knee jerk – quadriceps contract; hamstring
- Specific response to a stimulus without antagonist. For proper contraction of quadriceps,
volition and doesn’t require the control of hamstring relaxes. There’s a presence of inhibitory
the brain/direction of the brain interneuron that is connected to afferent neuron and
- For protection from harm will synapse with the efferent neuron of the
- Can be inhibited, desensitized, or amplified antagonist (this mechanism is called Reciprocal
based on the requirement of the activity Inhibition; if agonist is stimulated, the antagonist
- Is still part of somatic nervous system will be inhibited/relaxed;)
(motor neuron + muscle fiber)
Stretch + reciprocal inhibition reflex = they will
Anatomy of Reflex Action become complex reflex

- Must have receptor organ - Tendon Stretch Reflex

o Contains afferent neuron that o Receptor organ is the GTO (detects
sends the stimulus in the the muscle tension through the
CNS/spinal cord length of tendon)
- Effector receptor organ
Ex. bicep curl (heavy weight)
o Efferent neuron
- Happens within the Gray Matter of the - When carrying the heavy dumbbell, GTO
Spinal cord; has 2 types: will send information will send information
to the spinal cord via afferent neuron then
Monosynaptic reflex arc
there will be inhibitory interneuron between
- direct synapse between the afferent neuron afferent and efferent. Inhibitory interneuron
and efferent neuron will tell efferent neuron that there’s a need
- goes straight to the effector organ or at the to relax to prevent injury. Eventually muscle
will relax (polysynaptic reflex arc because ▪ In between the number of
there’s a presence of interneuron) muscle fibers per motor
- Autogenic inhibition – if a muscle neuron
experiencing tension, it will relax ▪ Eye – 23:1
▪ Big muscles for
Reciprocal inhibition is amplified through repetitive
locomotion – 2,000:1
motion (you should practice it) because if the skill is
new, coactivation will happen (inhibitory neuron is Neuromuscular Junction
not happening)
- Connection between a muscle and a motor
Recurrent inhibition – efferent will arise at the neuron
anterior part, it will go to the muscle; feedback- - Also known as motor end plate
inhibitory mechanism o But in anatomy they are different
- Neuromuscular junction is the space
- Collateral axon, will go back to ventral horn
between the axon terminal of a neuron and
of spinal cord, then it will attach to a
the sarcoplasmic membrane while the
inhibitory interneuron called Renshaw cells
motor end plate is the membrane of the
(sensitive to the stimulation of the alpha
muscle where it will be excite by the axon
o Too much stimulation from the Motor Unit Recruitment
muscle, Renshaw cells will tell
alpha motor neuron to relax - Anchored in 3 principles
o Renshaw cells is more on - All or none law
controlling the motor neuron o The muscles are either stimulated
or not; If motor neuron is
Inhibit and lower the sensitivity of recurrent and stimulated, 1000 muscle fibers will
tendon stretch reflex during strength training contract
because they inhibit you to carry in maximal power o The strength of the response of a
Muscle Chemoreceptors muscle fiber doesn’t dependent on
the strength of the stimulus
- Sensitive to the changes happening to the ▪ Action potential is an
muscles specifically to the concentration of electrical message; it
hydrogen, potassium, and carbon dioxide won’t influence muscle
o If they are increased, acidity of the contraction
environment will increase and if - Gradation of force principle
the environment is acidic, o The force of a muscle contraction
processes will slow down is dependent on 2 factors
- Monitors the metabolic rate of the muscle ▪ Frequency of motor unit is
activity discharged (how many
o The response of this stimulus will times am I stimulating the
be anchored to the muscle over time) –
cardiorespiratory system temporal summation of
excitatory mechanism;
Somatic Motor Function & Motor Neurons
More on fine motor for
- 1 motor neuron and its accompanying control
muscle fiber is called motor unit ▪ Number of motor units
o Motor unit is dependent to recruited (more on gross
innervation ratio motor)
▪ Fine motor: 1:1 - Size principle
o At the initiation of the movement, o Everything is elevated
the smaller motor unit will be - Parasympathetic
recruited first. If the smaller units o Rest and digest
aren’t enough, bigger motor unit o Every blood flow is in the visceral
will come to produce force organs
▪ Slow twitch muscle fiber is o For relaxation
always first recruited o Achieved through the
(because it has small neurotransmitters excreted by the
motor unit) nerves of the sympathetic and
o After the movement, fast twitch parasympathetic
will rest first before the slow
Preganglionic – same neurotransmitter, they will
twitch muscle
differ at postganglionic fiber
Autonomic Nervous System
Parasympathetic - acetylcholine to acetylcholine
- Organs and glands (inhibitory in organs)
- Vitals in maintaining homeostasis within the Sympathetic - acetylcholine to norepinephrine
body (excitatory in organs and glands)
- Greatly affected by emotions
- Adaption happens at the parasympathetic
- Sympathetic vs parasympathetic

Anatomical Difference

- Sympathetic
o Located at the between spinal
nerves T1 and L3
- Parasympathetic
o You have fibers as high as brain
o And fibers in sacrum (s1-s3)

There’s also difference in length preganglionic axon

and postganglionic axon

- Sympathetic
o Cell bodies rises near the spinal
column; located anteriorly and
laterally to the spinal column
o Will form sympathetic ganglionic
▪ Short first axon, long
second axon
- Parasympathetic
o Long first axon, short second axon

Functional Difference

- Sympathetic
o Fight or flight response
Muscle Physiology
Type of Human Muscles Rate of Fast Moderate Very slow
Characteristics Skeletal Cardiac Smooth Duration of As brief as Short (..- Very long;
Action 100ms; 300m); may be
Location Attached to Heart Part of blood prolonged summation sustained
bones vessel tetanus and tetanus indefinitely
structure; not possible
many internal
hollow organs Gross Structure of the Skeletal Muscle
; Can be found
in the lings of - Tendon
the body; o Located at musculoskeletal
internal organs junction; connects bone and
Function Movement Pumps blood Constricts muscles
blood vessels; ▪ Epimysium – connective
moves tissue that covers the
contents of whole muscle
internal organs
- Fascicle
Anatomic Large Quadrangular Small, spindle-
o Group of muscle fibers
description cylindrical, cells shaped cells
▪ Perimysium – covers the
multinucleated with long axis
(because a lot of oriented in the fascicle
processes are same direction - Muscle fibers
happening in o Synonyms to muscle cell
this muscle) ▪ In one muscle cell, you
cells arranged can see multiple
in parallel
Striated Yes Yes No
o Within is the myofibrils
(presence of
▪ Endomysium – covers the
dark and light
spots) muscle fibers/cells
Initiation of By neuron Spontaneous Spontaneous - One myofibrils contains a number of
action potential only; muscle (paced by the sarcomeres
can’t contract pacemaker o Smallest unit of muscle contraction
without neural cells) is sarcomere
signal ▪ Where actin and myosin
Duration of Short (1-2ms); Long (- Very long, slow can be sin
electrical activity faster 200ms) (-300ms) - Sarcolemma is the cell membrane of the
Energy source Anaerobic, Aerobic Aerobic muscle which separates it from the
aerobic neuromuscular junction and the nerve (and
Energy efficiency Low; because Moderate; High ; same other structure
(how good the it has two because it is with cardiac - Sarcoplasm
flow of energy metabolism involuntary – o In other terms, the cytosol
consumption???) used on how
o ATP-PCR system and Glycolytic
to contract
system (anaerobic metabolism)
Fatigue resistance Low to high; it Low Very low ▪ Aerobic metabolism
(tolerate to stress) varies – happens at the
Rate of Fast Moderate Very slow mitochondria
shortening (continuous) o The fluid space
- Transverse tubules ii. Acetylcholine (from presynaptic
o Action potential passes through membrane) goes to the synaptic cleft (or
here and then those signals will neuromuscular junction) and binds with
allow the release of calcium ions receptors found in the sarcolemma
from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (postsynaptic membrane)
(SR) iii. (depolarization will happen) Inward
- Terminal Cisternae movement of sodium ions, sends a wave of
o Enlarged SR depolarization through the transverse
- Nucleus tubules or T-tubules

Neuromuscular Junction Contraction (Calcium pathway)

- Acetylcholine stored at the synaptic vesicles i. (dumman action potential sa T-tubules)

o Once the neuron received the Depolarization of T-tubules result in a
signal, vesicles will release release of Calcium ions from the
acetylcholine Sarcoplasmic Reticulum into the
▪ Presynaptic membrane -> Cytosol/Sarcoplasm
synaptic ii. Calcium ion binds to troponin (calcium
cleft/neuromuscular binding site) which shifts the position of the
junction ->postsynaptic tropomyosin(attachment site of myosin
cleft head) that exposes myosin binding sites
iii. Myosin heads attaches to the binding site in
Microstructure of the Skeletal Muscle actin
Myofibril contains a number of sarcomere. Within a Sliding Filament theory part
sarcomere you have organs
Contraction (Cross Bridge Cycling)
- Thick filament/Myosin
o Dark color i. ATP attaches to the myosin head which
- Thin filament/Actin releases actin (atp causes detachment to
o Light color the actin)
- I band ii. ATP will be breakdown into ADP + P +
o Light portion which doesn’t energy
contain the myosin; pure actin o this will charge the myosin head in
- A band preparation for power stroke
o Contains myosin and actin iii. P is released -> power stroke occurs
- H zone (contraction itself)
o Myosin is present but no cross iv. ADP is released and the cycle ends with the
bridge formation with the actin myosin head attached to the next binding
- M line site
o Line at the middle
- Z line
o Middle of 2 actin (where 2 actin i. Motor neuron ceases to fire. Acetylcholine
merged) is no longer released (in neuromuscular
junction)-> (cell membrane)muscle is
Muscular Excitation and Contraction
Excitation ii. (action potential will not pass through t-tubules
causing..)Calcium ions is pumped back to SR
i. When the neuron receives a signal, iii. Without Ca ions, troponin moves back, the
Synaptic Vesicles release the stored tropomyosin to cover the binding sites
this mechanism occurs when the muscle seizes - Eccentric
to contract: o Muscle lengthening
o Myosin and actin splits, but there
a. no signal from the neuron
is still contraction
b. no longer production of ATP
Length-Tension Relationship
Sliding filaments happens if there is a presence of

Neuromuscular Fatigability

- fatigability: inability of motor unit to

o source(mechanism of fatigability)
can be from motor neuron or
muscle fiber itself
i. Exercise-induced alterations of the CNS
neurotransmitters (motor neuron)
ii. Reduced glycogen content in active muscle
fiber during prolonged (muscle fiber) Active – contractile portion or segment of the
iii. Lack of O2 and increased muscle and blood muscles (sarcomere, muscle fibers. Etc.)
lactate (muscle fiber)
Passive – covering of the muscle (connective
iv. Fatigue at the neuromuscular junction
tissues); doesn’t have contractile element
which does not allow the travel of the
action potential (motor neuron) Active’s force decreases over time because at some
point actin and myosin bridges won’t overlap (when
Types of Muscular Contraction it’s lengthen too much) = no contraction means no

There’s an ideal length-tension relationship which

can produce the largest force which is also
equivalent to isometric contraction (in between 0.6-

The further you stretch it, after decrease in force of

active, doon lang siya mag iistretch(passive) =
muscle strain (yung blue na nag spike sa bandang

Force-Velocity Curve of a Muscle

Phasic – relating to a phases or phases (down phase,
up phase, etc.)

Isometric contraction – one(iso) + length(metric), no

change in length but there’s change in tone/tension

Isotonic contraction – one + tone(tonic), no change

in tone but there’s change in length

- Concentric
o Muscle shortening
o Myosin pulls the actin
- Eccentric: as the force increases the velocity
- Concentric: as the force increases,, the
velocity is inversely proportion

Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types

- 3 eneryg system
o ATP-PCR: for fast. Quick, and
o Glycolytic System or anaerobic
lactate: produces lactate, faster
than oxidative
o Oxidative Energy System

Property Type I Slow- Type IIA Type IIB Fast-

twitch SO Intermediate twitch FG
Muscle Fiber Small (doesn’t Intermediate Large (larger
Diameter require large power output)
power output;
needs prolonged
power output)
Color Red (dark), Red (it depends White (pale),
(aerobically on your it is more
trained – more training inclined with
vascularized; program or the enzymes
there’s steady
sport) within the
supply of O2)
Myoglobin content High High Low
(connected with the
Mitochondria Numerous Numerous Few
Oxidative enzymes High (aerobic) Intermediate Low
Glycolytic enzymes Low Intermediate High
(produces faster,
explosive, bigger, and
more forces)
Glycogen content (of Low intermediate High
Myosin ATPase Low High High (more
Activity (found in myosin
myosin head = if high, ATPase =
more cross-bridge faster
formation) contraction)
Major source of ATP Oxidative Oxidative Glycolysis (or
phosphorylatio phosphorylatio ATP-PCR
n (oxygen) n (or glycolytic)
Speed of contraction Slow Intermediate Fast

Rate of fatigue Slow Intermediate Fast

Respiratory System o For respiratory
o Passageway connecting the nasal
Pulmonary Structure and the mouth cavity to the larynx
- Larynx
- Subdivided to 2 classification: Structural and
o Voice box
Functional organization
o Part of the respiratory system that
Structural Organization (Upper and lower modulates or controls our voices
respiratory tract) ▪ (high or low pitch)
▪ Epiglottis covers it when
- Upper tract we are eating
o Parts that resides within the neck - Trachea
and head (nose, mouth, larynx, o Cartilaginous so that it won’t
pharynx) collapse
- Lower tract - Bronchi (left and right)
o Trachea, bronchus, bronchiole, to o Main passageway going to the left
the alveoli (air sac) and right lung
o Resides within the thorax o Left lung has two lobes (superior
and inferior)
Functional Organization (Conduction zone and
o Right lung has three lobes
Respiratory zone)
(superior, middle, and inferior)
- Conduction zone - Bronchioles
o Main purpose is to deliver air o Smaller tubules
within and going out (passage o Then it will become respiratory
way) bronchioles
o To neutralize temperature and - Alveoli
provide moisture for inhalation
The main point where the two zones divide is in the
It’s easier to run at morning because it’s colder. start of respiratory zone (respiratory bronchioles)
Colder air = more moist = easier inhalation
Conduction zone: Nasal cavity -> (terminal)
- Respiratory zone bronchioles
o Where diffusion happens
Respiratory zone: respiratory bronchioles -> alveoli
▪ Transfer of molecules
from high concentration
to lower concentration 3 Cavities
Respiratory Structure - Visceral pleura
o Covers the lung
- Nasal Cavity/Nasal passage
o Epithelia covering of the lungs
o Nose is the inlet of air but the
- Pleural cavity
mouth can also be
o The fluid in between
▪ Mouth is usually used for
▪ Serves as a medium so
heavy or high intensity
that one pleura can slide
exercise (trying to max
over the other
out or in an all-out run)
- Parietal pleura
• Because it can
o Covers the thoracic wall
more air Visceral and parietal pleura are serous membrane
- Pharynx which means they secret mucus or serosa; in
o For digestion
between the two is the pleural cavity; these 3 pleura Boyle’s law in Inhalation and expiration
is important for air pressure
Ex. Environment (outside the lungs): Atmospheric
Breathing Mechanics pressure = 760 mmHg (at the sea level)

- Has two mechanism (the bulk flow and Inside the Visceral pleura is called intrapulmonary
diffusion) pressure

Bulk flow Inside the pleural cavity is called intrapleural

- Observable exchange in gas
- Because of higher pressure at the At rest: Atmospheric pressure is equal to
atmospheric level and the lower pressure intrapulmonary pressure but the intrapleural is
within the lungs that causes us to inhale usually less than 4 or 5 compared to intrapulmonary
o Boyle’s law pressure

Diffusion - Intrapulmonary = 760mmHg

- Intrapleural pressure = 756mmHg
- Particles in higher concentration goes to
lower concentration Inspiration

Inspiration - Diaphragm contracts

- Lung Volume increases, pressure decreases
- Major muscle for inspiration is the
o Intrapulmonary pressure becomes
o When it contracts it pulls down
o Imbalance outside and inside, air
creating larger lung volume
molecules goes in to balance out
- Active inspiration (in exercise), external
- Air pressure increases again when the air
intercostal, scalenes, sternocleidomastoid,
molecules goes inside (air pressure will
and pec minor are used for raising the ribs
become 760mmHg again within the lungs)
and expands the thoracic wall
o Sternocleidomastoid elevates Lung increases, pressure decreases
sternum air molecules goes in
o Scalenes fix or elebate ribs 1-2 pressure increases
o External intercostals elevate ribs 2-
o Pec minor elevates ribs 3-5 - Diaphragm relaxes
o Volumes goes down, pressure
increases (760mmHg equilibrium in
- Passive process (pressure and volume only inhaling will increase to 763mmHg
matters resulting to imbalance of
- For forceful/active expiration: rectus intrapulmonary and atmospheric
abdominis, external oblique, and internal pressure)
intercostals are used - It will attempt to balance (homeostasis)
o Rectus abdominis (inserts at 5th to out; air molecules goes out
7th ribs) and external o 763mmHg will become 760mmHg
oblique(originates at the lower 8 again
ribs) will push up the diaphragm
Diaphragm relaxes
volume decreases pressure increases
o Internal intercostals will depress
air molecules goes out
ribs 1-11 out
pressure decreases
If in you’re in a higher altitude; atmospheric pressure Lung Volume and Capacities
will become higher

- Tight feeling when breathing (forceful

inspiration) because the body tries to
- Pressure is higher;
o In order to increase pressure in our
body (to balance out) volume has
to increase first so that air will go
▪ Climatize


- Lung is efficient for diffusion because of:

Respiratory Volume
o It has very large Surface area
▪ Especially when it Tidal Volume
expands (when it expands
doon nagkakaroon ng - Volume at rest (normal breathing)
transaction in the alveoli o Around 500ml to regular adult
and the capillaries) male
• Exchange of O2 Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
and CO2
▪ CO2 is more dominant - Volume that you can inspire forcefully
when we exhale o Around 3000ml
o Size of particles should be small
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)
o Amount of particles in relation to
intrapulmonary pressure and - Volume that you can expire forcefully
intrapleural pressure o Around 1,200 ml
▪ So that diffusion to occur
▪ Intrapulmonary goes (high Residual Volume
concentration) to - Amount of air remaining in the lungs after
intrapleural (low maximum expiration
concentration) to - Amount of air that can never be voluntarily
capillaries exhaled
o Thickness of the wall - Around 1,300 ml
▪ Serous lining, pleura
cavity, and parietal pleura Respiratory Capacities
separates oxygen to
capillaries Vital Capacity (VC) = TV + IRV + ERV
▪ Which makes gas to liquid - Amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled
relatively easy following a maximum inspiration

Inspiratory Capacity(IC) = TV + IRV

- Max amount of air that can be inhaled

following a normal expiration
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) = ERV + RV

- amount of air remaining in the lungs

following a normal expiration

Total Lung Capacity = VC + RV

- maximum amount of air in the lungs at the

end of maximum inspiration

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