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The End Time Messenger

‘… Let all have Faith. Turn to The Lord and obey His
Commands. Heed Repentance and Baptism that The Way of The Lord shall be among men.
His Kingdom shall fill the whole earth. The hands must be laid upon all that
THE GREATER LIGHT might come to them’

In this Issue
Ninety-Fourth Message
The Bible-A Book To Enjoy
Words Of Alma
Leonard H. Draves 55
Abraham. Isaac, Joseph
Michael Greenwell 57 ‘Now have we not Reason to Rejoice? Yea, I
Tithes and Oblations
Bishops 62 say unto you, there never was men that
Primary Department
Joy Ellen Draves 63
had so Great Reason to Rejoice as we,
Junior Department since the world began; yea and my Joy is
Thresa Ray 64
Young Adult Department Carried Away, even unto boasting in my
Matt & Ellen Thompson 66
Words of Alma 68
God; for He has All Power, All Wisdom,
Special Notices 68 and All Understanding; He Compre-
hendeth All Things, and He is a Merciful
Being, even unto Salvation, to those who
will Repent and Believe on His Name . .

The Church of Christ With The Elijah Message



Page 50 The Greater Light March, 2015

Articles of Faith and Practice

1. We believe in God The Eternal Father, who only is Su- ing up and extension of The Kingdom of God in all the world.
preme; Creator of the Universe; Ruler and Judge of all; Un- 15. We believe that Local Churches should govern their own
changeable and without Respect to persons. affairs and that General Church officials should not dominate or
2. We believe in Jesus Christ The Manifestation of God in the interfere therewith. On invitation such general officers may,
flesh, who lived, suffered and died for all mankind; whom we with propriety, give counsel and assistance. Local congregations
own as our Leader, Witness and Commander. are subject to The Articles of Faith and Practice and must be
3. We believe in The Holy Ghost, The Spirit of Truth, The governed thereby.
Comforter, which searcheth the deep things of God, brings to 16. We believe The Church of Christ comprehends The True
our minds things which are past, Reveals things to come, and is Brotherhood of man where each esteems his brother as himself
the medium by which we Receive Revelation of Jesus Christ. and wherein The Divine Command to ‘love your neighbor as
4. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and yourself’ is demonstrated by the prevalence of social equality.
not for Adam’s transgression, and that as a consequence of The 17. We believe that all men are Stewards under God and an-
Atonement of Christ “all little children are alive in Christ, and swerable to Him not only for the distribution of accumulated
also all they that are without The Law. For The Power of Re- wealth, but for the manner in which such wealth is secured. The
demption cometh on all they that have no law; wherefore, he primary purpose of Stewardship is not the increase of Church
that is not condemned, or he that is under no condemnation, revenue or the mere contribution of money by those who have to
cannot repent, and unto such, baptism availeth noth- those who have not, but to bring men to a realization of The
ing.” (Moroni 8:22) Common Fatherhood and the universal brotherhood of man in
5. We believe that through The Atonement of Christ all men all the affairs and expressions of life, and to maintain such so-
may be Saved by Obedience to The Laws and Ordinances of cial adjustments that each may enjoy The Bounty and Gifts of
The Gospel; viz. : Faith in God and in The Lord Jesus Christ; God, and be free to exercise his talents and ability to enrich the
Repentance and Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; life of all.
Laying on of Hands for: (a) Ordination, (b) Blessing of Chil- 18. We believe that men should labor for their own support and
dren, (c) Confirmation and The Gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts that of their dependents. Ministers of The Gospel are not ab-
8:17), (d) Healing of the sick. solved from this responsibility, but when Chosen or Appointed
6. We believe in the literal second coming and Millennial Reign by The Church to devote their entire time to Missionary Work,
of Jesus Christ; in The Resurrection of the Dead, and in Eternal their families are to be provided for out of General Church fund.
Judgment; that men will be rewarded or punished according to The Admonition of Christ that The Ministry should not provide
the good or evil they may have done. purse or scrip for their journey, but go Trusting in God and the
7. We believe in The Powers and Gifts of The Everlasting Gos- people, is applicable.
pel: viz: The Word of Wisdom; The Word of Knowledge; The 19. We believe that the temporal affairs of the General Church
Gift of Faith; The Gift of Healing; Working of Miracles; Proph- are to be administered by The General Bishopric under the su-
ecy; Discerning of Spirits; Divers kinds of Tongues; Interpreta- pervision and direction of the general conferences of The
tion of Tongues. Church. The temporal affairs of The Local Churches shall be
8. We believe The Fruits of The Spirit to be Love, Joy, Peace, Administered by local Bishops under the supervision and direc-
Long Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and tion of the local congregations.
Temperance. 20. We believe that marriage is Ordained of God, and that The
9. We believe that in The Bible is contained The Word of God; Law of God provides for but one companion in wedlock for
that The Record of the Nephites is an added Witness for Christ, either man or woman. In case of breach of this covenant the
and that these contain ‘The Fullness of The Gospel.’ innocent one may remarry.
10. We believe in the principle of Continuous Revelation; that 21. We are opposed to war. Men are not justified in taking up
The Canon of Scripture is not full, that God Inspires men in arms against their fellows except as a last resort in defense of
every age and among all people, and that He speaks when, their lives and to preserve their liberty.
where, and through whom he may choose. 22. We believe in The Literal gathering of Israel, and in The
11. We believe that where there are six or more regularly Bap- Restoration of The Ten Lost Tribes.
tized members, one of whom is an Elder, there The Church ex- 23. We believe a Temple will be Built in this generation, in In-
ists with Full Power of Church extension when acting in Harmo- dependence, Missouri, wherein Christ will Reveal Himself and
ny with The Law of God. Endow His Servants whom He Chooses with Power to Preach
12. We believe that a man must be Called of God by Revelation The Gospel in all the world to every kindred, tongue and people,
and Ordained by those having Authority, to enable him to that The Promise of God to Israel may be Fulfilled.
Preach The Gospel and Administer The Ordinances thereof. 24. We believe that a New Jerusalem shall be Built upon this
13. We believe in the same Church Organization as existed in land ‘unto The Remnant’ of The Seed of Joseph. (Ether 6:6-8;
the time of Christ and His apostles. The highest office in The III Nephi 10:17), which city be Built, beginning at The Temple
Church is that of an Apostle, of whom there are Twelve, who Lot.
constitute Special Witnesses for Jesus Christ. They have The 25. We believe The Ministry and Membership should abstain
Missionary Supervision and The General Watch care of all The from the use of tobacco, intoxicating liquors and narcotics and
Churches. should not affiliate with any society which administer Oaths or
14. The primary function of The General Church, of which each Covenants in conflict with The Law of God, or which interfere
Local Church is a component part, is Missionary and the build- with their duties as freemen and citizens.
March, 2015 The Greater Light Page 51
(The Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe) The Restoration Of The Church Of Christ (A Brief History) $ 0.40
BUSINESS OFFICE: 4215 S. Hocker St, Indep. MO 64055 Reason Why $ 0.40
Phone: 816-836-1913 The Church Of Christ Established Anew in 1929 $ 0.40
The Coming Forth Of The Record Of The Nephites $ 0.40
OFFICIAL MONTHLY PUBLICATION Why The Record Of The Nephites $ 0.40
The Church Of Christ With the Elijah Message The Solution Of The Mormon Problem $ 0.40
The Assured Way Of The Lord , Inc. Changing Of Revelations (by Daniel MacGregor) $ 0.40
David Whitmer’s Address (reprint including Tract) $ 2.00
Is Jesus God? $ 2.00
EDITORIAL STAFF Book Of Commandments $ 5.00
EDITOR/BUSINESS MANAGER Footprints In The Sands Of Time $ 5.00
Leonard H. Draves, 7521 Overton Drive, Raytown,. MO 64138 Testimony of W.A.Draves (On CD) $ 5.00
Send all materials for Publication and Subscription to the Light At Evening Time $ 8.00
Editor/Business Manager
The Word Of The Lord (120 Messages) $ 8.00
The Record OF The Nephites (soft bound R.P.E.) $ 10.00
ASSISTANT EDITOR The Word Of The Lord (audio cassettes) $ 25.00
Donald Thompson, 17009 E. 4th Terr, S. Indep .MO 64056
Concordance to The Word Of The Lord (large print 8.5” x 11”) $ 30.00
PRIMARY DEPARTMENT Single Messages $1.00 per dozen
Joy Ellen Draves ,#283, 605 SW Highway 40, Blue Springs, MO 64014
$2.00 per dozen
JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Brief History of W.A . Draves What Must I Do To Be Saved
Thresa Ray, 1231 S. Spring St., Independence, MO 64055 And If Ye Receive It Prophecy Being Fulfilled
Brief Historical Background A Great Awakening
YOUNG ADULT DEPARTMENT Church of Christ, Her Apostasy & Restoration Authority
Matthew and Ellen Thompson, 4317 S. Union St., Indep., MO 64055 Sanctification Tithing

All articles and letters must be submitted by the 5th of the

month preceding publication. WEBSITES
4215 South Hocker Street Independence, MO. 64055,
Leonard H. Draves: Representative for 12
Phone: 816-836-1913 Fax: 816-313-6232


Apostle Jairus Yates & Bishop Reece Johnson
THE GREATER LIGHT is posted on
this web-site monthly by The Church of
Matthew Thompson, 4317 S. Union St., Indep., MO 64055 Christ With The Elijah Message, The As-
Secretary-Treasurer of The Bishops: Reece Johnson
sured Way of The Lord, INC 4215 South
4215 South Hocker Street, Independence, MO. 64055 Hocker Street, Suite 110, Independence,
Phone: 816-836-1913 Fax: 816-313-6232
Chairman of The Bishops; Reece Johnson
If you do not have means to read The
1801 Cheyenne Ct. Greenwood MO 64034 Greater Light from a computer or make a
CHURCH GENERAL RECORDER’S OFFICE hard copy to read, then let The Headquarter
Leonard H. Draves, 4215 South Hocker Street, Independence, MO.
Office know and a hard copy will be made
Phone: 816-836-1913 Fax: 816-313-6232 and mailed to you.
BOARD OF PUBLICATION: The Twelve Message 53:3, ‘Give ear, Oh ye people
of the earth. Hear The Warning today. I
Jairus Yates Rt. 1, Box 60 D, Preston, MO 65732 speak The Words and Will of The Lord.
Let all have Faith. Turn to The Lord and
Leonard H. Draves 7521 Overton Drive, Raytown MO 64138 obey His Commands. Heed repentance
Phone/Fax: 816-313-6232
and baptism that The Way of The Lord
TRACT ORDERS shall be among men. His Kingdom shall
(By Availability) fill the whole earth. The hands must be
Address all orders to The Church Of Christ With The Elijah Message laid upon all that THE GREATER
The Assured Way Of The Lord , Inc.
4215 South Hocker Street, Independence, Mo 64055 LIGHT might come to them.’
Page 52 The Greater Light March, 2015
Message 53:10, ‘Yea, I have brought a WEST AFRICIAN DISCIPLES
Warning and few prepare for THE 1. Bama Wa Mobutu Gloire: Democratic Republic
GREATER LIGHT, but be thou Faith- Republic of Congo, Congo Brazzaville and at large, Afri-
can General Church Recorder
ful even all who hear, for The Lord’s Will 2. Leonard Uguti: Morocco, Algeria
shall be fulfilled in all things. All 3. Makikile Bakambo: Tchad, Central African Republic
have their work to do and the day comes 4. Theophile Molayi: Mali, Mauritania
5. Charles Libande Kintambo: Senegal, Gambia
when The Lord shall breathe upon The 6. Bolivar Bontenza Bidjimba: Angola, Namibia, Botswana
Chosen and they shall do His Work in 7. Robert Malobi Mupe: Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry
8. Jacques Gbadili: Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Gha-
Mighty Power for their love toward the na
brethren. All that offend and that do not 9. Molayi Jonathan: Burkinafaso, Niger
keep His Commandments shall not be 10. Moris Kasongo: Togo Benin
11. Caleb Ndakala: Nigeria, Cameroun
His in the Last Day. Moreover, it is 12. Samuel Kake Embek: Guinea Equatorial, Gabon, Sao-
Christ’s Words that shall judge all men.’ tome and Principe


1. Jeremie Kalonda
2. Jeremie Ndopayu Gerengbo
Every Elder’s Duty is Missionary where opportunity permits. 4. Germain Dedhau
5. Papy Kumi
APOSTLES 6. Henry P. Mulango
Leonard H. Draves, 7521Overton Dr, Raytown, MO 64138 7. Roger Bainda Mandi
Michael Greenwell, Route 1, Box 60-C.Preston, MO 65732
Richard Johnson, 301 South Oak St. Lamoni, IA 50140 EAST AFRICAN DISCIPLES
Donald Thompson, 17009 E. 4th Terr. S., Indep. MO 64056 TERRITORIAL ASSIGNMENTS
Jairus Cree Yates, Rt. 1, Box 60-D, Preston, MO 65732 1. Daniel Kapule Mulama: Tunisia, Libya
2. Marc Kinuthia Benson: Somalia, Ethiopia
3. Mukadi Ilunga Valery: Egypt, North & South Sudan
BISHOPS 4. Jeanluc Bosilelo: Uganda, Tanzania
Reece Johnson, 1801 Cheyenne Ct, Greenwood, MO 64034 5. Daniel Unichan: Malawi Mozambique
James Naslund, 2005 S. Lexington, Holden, MO 64040 6. Matthieu Ogeronoth: South Africa, Lesotho
Matthew Thompson, 4317 S. Union St., Indep.,MO 64055 7. Clavaire Uwaciroth: Madagascar, Comoros
8. Crispin Mbolihidie: Seychelle, Mauritious
9. Prince Bumba: Burundi, Swaziland
THE QUORUM OF TWELVE 10. Jacques Motoba: Eritrea, Djibouti
TERRITORIAL ASSIGNMENTS 11. Nathan Uronya Gigi: Zambia Zimbabwe
Leonard H. Draves- Montana, North and South Dakota,
Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New
Mexico, Oklahoma and At Large. (816-313-6232) EAST AFRICAN 7 VICE BISHOPS
Michael Greenwell- Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississip- 1. Donacien Uromirwoth
pi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, 2 Jonas Ngongo Wa Ngongo
Delaware, Maryland, and Bahamas and Mexico. (417-722- 3. Dieudonnee Matata
4578) 4. Elly Udongirwoth
Richard Johnson- Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, 5 Udear Abook Ujanga Jp
Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Central 6. Uyerpiyesu Isaac
Canada. (641-784-3451) 7. Gustave Muber
Donald Thompson- Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Califor-
nia, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii and Western and
Eastern Canada (816-257-1832) It is the agreement of The Quorum
Jairus Cree Yates- West Virginia, Virginia, North and of Twelve of This Church, that no Min-
South Carolina, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, New
Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York,. (417-722- ister is to Ordain any man into The Min-
9733) istry until said candidate has with all his
March, 2015 The Greater Light Page 53
heart and soul confessed he agrees with things (Matthew 17:11). The Angel first
everything written in The Articles of came in 1829, and Restored The Authority
Faith and Practice. Of The Son Of God, that The Church of
It is each Elder’s duty to Seek Guid- Christ might be Established as in The Days
ance from and to keep The Territorial of The Apostles.
Apostle informed of his works in the re- In 1927, The Angel Messenger again ap-
gion he is laboring. peared, and on numerous subsequent visits,
Secretary For The Twelve has brought to us The Word Of The Lord
Apostle Leonard H. Draves that The Church of Christ might be set in
Order, that a people might be Prepared to
FOREWORD be The Bride Of Christ. This is The Elijah
Message so many have looked for, The
THE GREATER LIGHT, the official Midnight Cry has been Proclaimed, A
publication of The Church of Christ With Warning of Destruction, but to The People
The Elijah Message, The Assured Way of Of The Lord, a Message that Christ’s soon
The Lord, Inc., comes to YOU as an ex- Coming is near at hand. Fear God and give
pression of the Hope we have in Christ. Glory to His Name, for The Hour of His
In its pages are found the thoughts and Judgment has come. Awake thou that sleep-
expression of a united people, whose only est and Arise from the dead, and Christ will
aim is to promote The Cause of Christ by give you Light.
spreading abroad to every nation, tongue We hope that whosoever reads these
and people, The True Gospel of Christ that pages might make it a matter of Prayer and
through Obedience to His Laws we might Fasting in Humility before God, that they
be found worthy of Eternal Life. may know for themselves, that God has
In this publication, The Record of The again Spoken and Revealed His Will from
Nephites is quoted many times. This Book Heaven. To this end, we Dedicate The
was Revealed and Translated by The Gift Greater Light.
and Power of God: the year 1829 marked THE BOARD OF PUBLICATION
the beginning of The Restoration of all THE QUORUM OF TWELVE

things. It is a history of the people who

once lived in the region around The Great
Lakes, some of whom are Ancestors of The NOTICES
American Indians. Though it contains a Please make all checks for Tithes and
Record of two other groups of people who Offerings, payable to THE CHURCH OF
once lived here, it is for the most part a CHRIST WITH THE ELIJAH MES-
Record of The People of Nephi. SAGE. Please notify any change of address
The Messages so often mentioned in this by the fifth of the month, if possible. We
publication are Messages from The Lord, would like to keep our records up to date.
brought to earth by His Chosen Servant, Your cooperation will be appreciated.
John The Baptist, who comes to earth in a Thank You!
Secretary-Treasurer of Bishops’
Glorified Body to finish The Work given Bishop Reece Johnson
to him of God; that of Restoring all
Page 54 The Greater Light March, 2015
The Gospel of The Kingdom to Awak-
THE MESSAGE OF en and Light The Way. All that Come
CHRIST TODAY This Way, Repenting of evil ways and
the traditions of the world must be
To All People Humble and be Baptized in Water in
The Authority I bring, for The Re-
NINETY-FOURTH MESSAGE mission of their sins through The
The Angel Messenger Atoning Blood of Christ Jesus.
of The Lord Appeared in 6. Let The Hands be Laid upon all
my room in my home, In- that His Spirit might Come in Holy
dependence, Missouri Unction to them in Greater Power, for
USA, June 11, 1975 at The Promise is that He will Send His
4:15 am. The room was
Spirit to all those that are Humble and
Filled with Light as has
been each time he Came Full of Love; Shaping their Lives by
before. He spoke as one The Assured Way.
having Authority, he was 7. Let The Work Continue in all parts.
Serious in his Words. I Preserve The Good and release the
wrote The Words as he evil and those planning iniquity.
Precisely gave them to me,
8. Behold, there is A Cry for Peace,
Speaking slowly, as I
wrote them down- but there is no Peace Save in The
repeating when necessary-to allow me to write Exactly Hearts of them that do The Lord’s
what he said. May The Lord Bless and Reveal to all Bidding; Hearing His Voice, Refrain-
this The Assured Way-The Bride of Christ. He was ing from all contentions that disturb
with me about 50 minutes. The Soul.
-W. A. Draves 9. Only The Pure in Heart and The
1. ‘Behold, Arise and Write The Words I Humble in Spirit shall be Able to
shall give you, A Message of Hope and Life to Stand and Labor in This Work.
all that follow through. My Message is one of 10. Blessed are all they that have
Love to those that Fully Receive it, who are Come and are Coming to This Work-
Humble and Peaceful in The Lord’s Way. they shall Bear The Brightness of
2. I bring The Authority to Prepare The Way Saints.
before The Lord’s soon Coming; before this 11. Be very Watchful unto Prayer that
generation all pass away. evil will not succeed as wolves in
3.Fear not, The Lord is Doing a Marvelous sheep clothing.
Work and a Wonder and the powers of evil 12. The Lord Accepts The Publishing
shall lose in the end. of The Messages in other languages.
4. Study The Words I bring. Teach and 13. Behold! The Book, ‘The Word Of
Study The Full Word of God and you shall The Lord’-let this Continue, Reaching
Know The Truth. Let all Follow The Instruc- all nations.
tions I bring and it will be Well. 13.There is much yet to be done, more
5. I Am still at The Helm, for I bring Light and Further Records will
March, 2015 The Greater Light Page 55
14. Come Forth-ere time Folds in and really a whole li-
The Brigh-tness of The Lord Comes. brary of books that
14. The Lord Accepts The Counseling of took over a thou-
The Quorums of Apostles and Bishops. sand years to write.
Let more be done in Love and Humility. The best and wisest
15. Hold Firm and High The Standard- records of man’s
Free from Confusion and Deliverance search for God are
will Come. in its pages- the no-
16. Much Good has Come from This As- blest poetry, the
sembly of The People of The Lord. I most thrilling sto-
have been with you. Swing Wide ries, nuggets of the
The Gate -go Forth, The Truth is Set world’s wisdom, the biographies of the
before you. world’s greatest characters.
17. As I Speak to you so Speak I to all. But it does look a little forbidding, does
18. There are some that have Rejected it not, with its somber black cover, its ar-
This Way and have not Conformed to chaic language, its thin pages and small
This Truth. Some will yet Come. Others print. Little wonder it is not opened often
will speak Lightly of This Work, destroy- enough.
ing themselves. What if that book should suddenly
19. My Mission was and is to Establish come to life? What would Amos have to
The Church of Christ. I bring The Au- say about the headlines of the newspaper
thority-The Priesthood of God by The lying near by? How would Jeremiah react
Touch of my hands to this day and time to the latest announcement over the radio?
it Stands Alive. More Power shall be Giv- What would Paul’s reaction be to the pro-
en as The Servants Prepare for it. gram the family watches over television?
20. Because of Faith, many Souls shall Or, most important of all, what would the
be brought to This Way of Salvation, to Gracious Master of Galilee think of the
find Eternity with God and Dwell in words, spoken and unspoken, by the mem-
Peace. bers of the family?
21. I leave Peace with you and all that What if The Bible were more than re-
read these Words. I will Come again as spected? or read? Would it make a differ-
The Lord Directs. Amen.’ ence in your home if the Bible became as
much a part of family life as the morning
From The Editor cup of coffee, or Saturday baseball game,
or the evening newscast? What if it were as
The Bible-A Book To Be truly enjoyed? It would change things,
wouldn’t it? In a new way the Bible would
Enjoyed become ‘A Lamp unto our feet and a
Leonard H. Draves
Missouri Light unto our paths.’
The power in its pages would be re-
That Bible on your living room table is leased with an upsurge of vitality for the
the most important Book in the house. It is common place daily requirements that
Page 56 The Greater Light March, 2015
makes us what we are. For it is in the ordi- radically, probably imperceptibly different-
nary air of everyday life that character is from what they were yesterday.
nurtured and grown. Families have a way of growing up. Just
In this modern, secular world of ours, a little every day-enough so that John’s
the Bible cannot release its Inspiration pants are an inch higher on his ankles
to our lives till we find outlets for making this morning than they were two months
use of its power. The walls of your house ago, and Susan’s winter coat is suddenly
may be fully wired for electricity. Lamps too short for next winter. So the Bible story
may be plugged into the sockets. But the book that charmed the seven year old a
room in which you are standing will remain year ago may become “old stuff” to the
in darkness until you switch on the electric eight year old.
current and release its power into the room. These are methods some families have
Just so, until we find methods of using the used successfully under some circum-
inspiration of the Bible at the point of our stances. They are offered in the hope that
need its Spiritual Power will remain unu- they will stimulate you to discover new and
tilized on the living room table and Spiritu- better ways of giving the Book of books a
al darkness. Furthermore, until the Bible is new reality in your home-that its truths may
truly enjoyed it cannot bless our homes become flesh in your daily life.
with its Gracious Spirit. However, if this Article is to Ac-
Until we expose ourselves as frequently complish its purpose in your home, you
to its Truths as we so to the latest flash in cannot come to it with empty hands. First,
the daily newspaper, can we wonder that you must bring a desire for the message
the present- with its confusion of standards of The Bible. That Bible on the table will
and its mixed morals- seems real, and the not open its cover and shout out truths at
truths of the Bible distant and unattainable? you as you dust the room or read the even-
Till its use, too, becomes a daily habit in ing paper. No matter how much you may
our homes, the eyes with which we look need its guidance, no matter what a mess
upon our world will remain Spiritually out- you make of your family life without its re-
of-focus- grossly nearsighted. We shall lack sources, it will not intrude upon the privacy
the depth of perspective which gives great- of your home until you welcome it. You
er reality to life. must open its pages and you must be ready
The purpose of this Article is to suggest to receive it.
a few ways in which some families have ‘If with all your heart you truly seek
found power, inspiration-yes, delight and Me, ye shall surely ever find Me, thus
joy- in its pages. saith The Lord,’
Some of these methods may help it to ‘It is the one who asks who receives;
come alive in your home. Do not expect the one who searches who finds; and the
them all to work. Or do not expect one one who knocks to whom the door
method to work all the time. Family life is opens,’ Jesus told His followers two thou-
not static. It is a growing, progressive expe- sand years ago. His Words are as true now
rience, and the needs and requirements of as they were then.
the family today will be different-maybe The second thing you must bring is time.
March, 2015 The Greater Light Page 57
You cannot even collect stamps or grow There are many resources available to
roses without spending time on your inter- the adult who would grow in his under-
est. True, some wise words from the Book standing of The Bible. Seek them out. But
of books may stare at you from the trolley remember: none of these tools can be sub-
car cards among the patent drug and liquor stituted for The Book itself. There the treas-
ads as you ride to work, but they are there ure lies. It is not on the map that points the
only to wet your appetite. In that Book are way.
awaiting facets of enjoyment far beyond Finally, bring with you your imagina-
your imagining-if you will give it time to tion. For imagination is that Gift of God
speak. And if you will go exploring in its that helps us use the wisdom and failures of
pages you will find Spiritual Treasures hid- the past, and the visions of the future for
den there waiting for your family alone to the daily requirements of the present.
discover. For you bring to it your own indi- With imagination , Amos shouts not on-
vidual requirements and particular con- ly to the Bethel populace of long ago, but
cerns. The tune of a phase, a singing word, to the politicians in our houses of govern-
a majestic truth will shout across the ages ment and the lawyers in our courtroom:
to you for today’s particular need, and per- Amos 5:21,24, ‘I hate, I despise your
haps to you, alone. feasts, And I will take no delight in
The need for time is twofold. You will your solemn assemblies. . .
need to set aside time for The Spir- Let justice roll down as waters, And
itual nurture of your children-hours for righteousness as an ever-flowing stream’.
family activities that will make The Bible Paul writes his words of Faith and Cour-
come alive to them in their own level age, not only to the bickering, confused lit-
of understanding and interest. tle churches of the first century, but to your
Because we cannot guide growing per- home and your church.
sons unless we, too, are growing, our great- Desire, time, imagination: these are the
er need is for time to explore the riches of tools that you must bring if you would go
the Bible to fill our Spiritual poverty as exploring for the riches of The Bible and
adults. A fifth grade literature teacher carry them home with you.
whose own reading has never progressed There is much to say about The Bible
beyond the books she assigns to her ten and it’s Truths and how one can find The
year old pupils to read would hardly inspire Joys that lies within. I will speak more of
your child with a love of great literature. A this another time. May God Bless you all
mother whose own cooking skills are lim- and your families as you learn more on
ited to the baking powder biscuit and boiled how to use The Bible as a daily tool in your
potato level would hardly train her daugh- life. God Bless you all.
ter to be a good cook. But some parents
seem to think they can stop growing in From The Apostles
their knowledge and appreciation of the
great Spiritual treasure of the ages at the Abraham, Isaac, Joseph
junior high level, and still meet the require- ‘A Past Missionary Report’
ments of their growing children. Apostle Mike Greenwell
Page 58 The Greater Light March, 2015
the two brothers came together again when
Message 25:2, ‘Some will not Believe this Nation was born. I can talk more about
until destruction will come, and they will this sometime later, however.
suffer there from. Remember, you will be I would like to talk about what we
hated by Friends and Loved Ones, but have been doing since January, as I have
for This Cause were you born, for The been in The Field. We have put out around
Work that is to be done is so Great that 45 hundred flyers of The Church, working
man cannot comprehend it, for The Glo- in Sedalia, Missouri. We have had five re-
ry of God shall yet be Seen, and His quests for Message Books.
Power Manifested.’ I went to Chicago to visit The Church
God is gathering Israel. There is some- there. I stayed with the Holden’s from Sat-
thing so wonderful about that-Abraham, urday to Thursday. I helped move a lady.
Isaac, Joseph. Brother Bill rented a 20 foot Moving truck-
Jacob gave The Birthright to Ephraim I drove. That night we went to a dinner that
and The Blessing to Judah. The Blessing a lady fixed for Exie’s birthday.
was that Jesus Christ would be Born There was food everywhere, but only
through his Birth Line. three plates were set. I asked the lady to sit
Genesis 48:15, ‘And he Blessed Jo- and eat with us, she said ‘no’, this is for
seph, and Said, God, before whom my Exie and her friends for her birthday. All I
fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, want is to serve you.
The God which Fed me all my life long Brother Bill invited her to Church. She
unto this day.’ said, ‘once in awhile, but not every Sunday.
Nephi’s decedents came from Manassa- I have things to get straightened out before
the largest nation. Ephraim, the largest I give my all to The Lord.’ She gave her all
Tribe in Israel, took all the people and dis- for us and that’s how she wants to give her-
persed them throughout The Empire so self to The Lord. That night was really a
they couldn’t Raise up against them. Ephra- Blessing to me.
im Migrated into Europe. I needed to leave early Friday morning,
Message 48:19-20, ‘The Lord will but Brother Bill and I talked a little that
Turn and Bless His Little Ones, The Col- morning. The time was getting away, but
ored and The Indians, for many shall when I put my hand out to shake his hand
come Forth and be made White even as and say good-bye, I saw a single tear in
The Whiteness of Saints, for they shall be Brother’s Bill eyes. That tear showed me
made Pure, as The Lord has Promised to his zeal for The Work.
make Clean a people, and all must be To Alabama, Brother Darrel Bellamy
made Clean and Pure and Holy in His went with me. There are two locals there.
Sight. Give it Time and Love, they will be one.
The earth will tremble and men’s We were happy to see The Church Doctrine
hearts will fear because of the many being Taught just as it is here: Faith, Re-
changes that will take place. The Saints pentance, Baptism. Went thirty miles away
shall be Tried and made Pure.’ to Sister Moore’s house-all the same as is
I believe Ephraim was England. Ephra- here.
im came over here with The Holy Bible and
March, 2015 The Greater Light Page 59
I went to Brother Terry Laws house in Lord, I will put My Laws into their
Kansas to help put together African Mes- Hearts and in their Minds will I write
sage Books. The Laws work hard for The them;
Lord, and The Lord will really Bless that. And their sins and iniquities will
Everywhere I go, I see The Church I remember no more.
Alive and Moving Forward. I went to Now where remission of these is, there
Omaha, Nebraska. This Sister, Debra Bo- is no more offering for sin.
gan, I knew some thirty years ago. I found Having therefore, brethren, Boldness
a telephone number, and found her. She had to enter into The Holiest by The Blood of
an operation that caused her to lose Jesus.
some memory and lost connection with The By a New and Living Way, which he
Church. But through the years, she had The hath Consecrated for us, through the
Three Books. Her Books were worn out. veil, that is to say, his flesh;
The Lord gave me Discernment that she is And having an high priest over The
one of us. House of God;’
We had talked some time of the events What I am reading here, tells me that
of The Church in 1994. I played her a Testi- there will be a time that our enemies will be
mony of mine and her granddaughter heard a footstool unto us. That our sins are re-
The Testimony on her cell phone in another moved and an Offering has been made for
part of the house. That was God! us through Jesus Christ. Our Soul’s cleans-
I plan to travel east then out west, for ing will Cause us to Walk in Newness with
about a month each trip. Please Pray con- Jesus. What a Blessing this is.
cerning those trips. Verse 20, ‘By a New and Living Way,
In Sedalia, I passed out Messages from which He hath Consecrated for us,
door to door. I plan to have Services there through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
without signing a lease. I hope to have a And having an high priest over The
radio spot as well. House of God;
I didn’t know what to tell you about Let us draw near with a True Heart in
Door to Door Ministry. You will have to do Full Assurance of Faith, having our
it sometime. It is a Blessing! So that is Hearts sprinkled from an evil con-
what I have been doing. I Hope you have science, and our bodies Washed with
been Blessed in knowing my travels. Pure Water.
I would like to read Hebrew 10:12- Let us hold fast The Profession of our
39, ‘But this man, after he had offered Faith without wavering:(for he is Faith-
one Sacrifice for sins forever, sat down ful that Promised;)
on The Right Hand of God; And let us consider one another to
From henceforth expecting till his en- Provoke unto Love and to Good Works;
emies be made his footstool. Not forsaking the assembling of our-
For by one offering he hath Perfected selves together, as the manner of some is;
forever them that are Sanctified. but exhorting one another: and so much
This is The Covenant that I will make more, as ye see the day approaching.
with them after those days, Saith The For if we sin willfully after that we
Page 60 The Greater Light March, 2015
have Received The Knowledge of The Now The Just shall Live by Faith, but
Truth, there remaineth no more Sacrifice if any man draw back, my Soul shall
for sins. have no pleasure in him,
But certain fearful looking for But we are not of them who draw
a judgment and fiery indignation, which back unto perdition; but of them that
shall devour the adversaries. Believe to The Saving of The Soul.’
He that despised Moses’ Law died We must be Washed of our sins so that
without Mercy under two or three Wit- we can find Power in Faith and Joy in
nesses: Faith. This is what This Assembly is all
Of how much sorer punishment, sup- about. We must not provoke one another,
pose ye shall he be thought worthy, who and we should consider one another in
hath trodden under foot The Son Of Love.
God, and hath counted The Blood of The We cannot make fun of one another.
Covenant, wherewith he was Sanctified, True Joy in The Lord is Given by The Holy
an unholy thing, and hath done despite Ghost. You must have Confidence in The
unto The Spirit of Grace? Lord and not cast Him off.
For we know him that hath said, I want the same Blessings in The Lord
Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will rec- as when I was young, but now, I have to
ompense, Saith The Lord. And again, take The Word out. Our patience are being
The Lord shall Judge his people. tried.
It is a fearful thing to fall into The We must Work all we can to Save Souls
Hands of The Living God. through Faith. We must Live by Faith and
But call to remembrance the former keep Moving Forward. We cannot be the
days, in which, after ye were illuminated, same as yesterday! How do you know if you
ye endured a great fight of afflictions: have Faith? The Lord Said to Read He-
Partly, whilst ye were made a gazing brew, Chapter Eleven and to Read it Often.
stock both by reproaches and afflictions; In my life now, The Lord told me to take
and partly, whilst ye became companions This Word out. All I have to do is to give
of them that were so used. the people a Message. I can not make them
For ye had compassion of me in my Believe or Convince them, The Message is
bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of True. I Depend on The Lord to Reveal The
your goods, knowing in yourselves that Truthfulness of The Word.
ye have in Heaven a Better and Endur- Message 34:3, ‘Hearken, Hearken:
ing Substance. this is a Day of Haste! Will My Servants
Cast not away therefore your con- do My Bidding? Lo I have waited, yet
fidence, which hath great recompence of many are slow to Heed, while many there
reward. be that have a Desire to put on The
For ye have need of patience, that, af- Whole Armor Of Christ, Saith The Mas-
ter ye have done The Will of God, ye ter of men. Take to them The Message,
might Receive The Promise. for Christ’s Coming is Near. Preach and
For yet a little while, and he that shall Teach The Written Words and My Spirit
come will come, and will not tarry. will be with you as in the days of yore,
March, 2015 The Greater Light Page 61
for My Gospel must be taken to all na- Message 105:9, ‘Let The Word be
tions, for a Mighty Shaking will Come, Taught in its Completeness, that The Joy
then An Awakening, and many that Hear of mankind might be Full under The
will Obey.’ Plan of Redemption. Indeed men are
Some Servants that are Called are not that they might have Joy, and in as much
taking The Word out. Those people didn’t as they have Faith in The Plan of God,
get The Blessing. The Lord didn’t say for they shall find Deliverance.’
us to take our time, He said ‘Hasten’. Right now, this is The Best Way to show
Verse 6, ‘Hasten, ye sons of Levi, Has- The Lord I Believe and that is by taking
ten to your Calling. Remember your An- This Word out to the world. Through my
cient Choosing, Calling and Promise of Obedience, I can show The Lord ‘I Be-
your Lord, Let not My Work suffer be- lieve’. It is The Evidence of my Faith.
cause of unbelief, but Arise and go Forth You have to do something in your life to
in The Strength of The Lord, for Love is show The Lord you Believe! Abraham Be-
your Work. Go in Faith. Bear ye The lieved by taking his son up the hill. The
Fruits of My Spirit that there may be Book of Hebrew Recognized God would
Order in My House. Let The Church of Raise his son from the dead to Fulfill His
Christ take Her Place with The Gospel of Promises to Abraham, but God stopped
Love to Govern the feet of the weary and Abraham. Abraham showed his Faith.
the wanderer.’ Message 104:14, ‘Thus Saith The
What is Belief? I have to answer that Lord; ‘I am The Lord that stayed the
myself. If I didn’t take The Message out, it hand the feet of The Weary and The
would be like saying The Messages are not Wanderer.’
TRUE! What is Belief? I have to answer that
Message 104:30, ‘There are many, myself. If I didn’t take The Message out, it
many that will help in The Building of would be like saying The Messages are not
The Temple of The Lord, if it were not TRUE!
for the unbelief, doubt, bitterness and Message 104:30, ‘There are many,
selfishness, among those that claim to many that will help in The Building of
Love The Lord.’ The Temple of The Lord, if it were not
The Lord could of Said ‘many’ only for the unbelief, doubt, bitterness and
once, but He didn’t. He Said it twice. Many selfishness, among those that Claim to
people in the world today that could Work Love The Lord.’
on The Temple, but they first have to have The Lord could of said ‘many’ only
The Word to know about This Work. I am once, but He didn’t. He said it twice. Many
not telling you what you have to do, but people in the world today that could Work
God is telling me what to do. I was told so on The Temple, but they first have to have
in The Message Book. If we were doing The Word to Know about This Work. I am
this, what happened in 1994 would not of not telling you what you have to do, but
happened because The Church would have God is telling me what to do. I was told so
been Filled with people that wanted to in The Message Book. If we were doing
Serve The Lord. this, what happened in 1994 would not of
Page 62 The Greater Light March, 2015

happened because The Church would have Message 105:9, ‘Let The Word be
been Filled with people that wanted to Taught in its Completeness, that The Joy
Serve The Lord. of mankind might be Full under The
Message 105:9, ‘Let The Word be Plan of Redemption. Indeed men are
Taught in its Completeness, that the Joy that they might have Joy, and in as much
of mankind might be Full under The as they have Faith in The Plan of God,
Plan of Redemption. Indeed men are they shall find Deliverance.’
that they might have Joy, and in as much Right now, this is The Best Way to show
as they have Faith in The Plan of God, The Lord I Believe and that is by taking
they shall find Deliverance.’ This Word out to the world. Through my
Right now, this is the Best Way to show Obedience, I can show The Lord ‘I Be-
your Lord, Let not My Work suffer be- lieve’. It is The Evidence of my Faith.
cause of unbelief, but Arise and go Forth You have to do something in your life to
in The Strength of The Lord, for Love is show The Lord you Believe! Abraham Be-
your Work. Go in Faith. Bear ye The lieved by taking his son up the hill. The
Fruits of My Spirit that there may be Book of Hebrew Recognized God would
Order in My House. Let The Church of Raise his son from the dead to Fulfill His
Christ take Her Place with The Gospel of Promises to Abraham, but God stopped
Love to Govern the feet of the weary and Abraham. Abraham showed his Faith.
the wanderer.’ Message 104:14, ‘Thus Saith The
What is Belief? I have to answer that Lord; ‘I am The Lord that stayed the
myself. If I didn’t take The Message out, it hand the feet of The Weary and The
would be like saying The Messages are not Wanderer.’
Message 104:30, ‘There are many, From The Bishops
Submitted by Editor
many that will help in The Building of
The Temple of The Lord, if it were not Tithes and Oblations
for the unbelief, doubt, bitterness and
selfishness, among those that claim to Message 12:5, ‘. . . Let the men who
Love The Lord.’ have been Placed in Charge and Appoint
The Lord could of Said ‘many’ only -ed to Look after and Receive The Tithes,
once, but He didn’t. He Said it twice. Many Offerings and Oblations, be Mindful of
people in the world today that could Work their Work, that the moneys so Received
on The Temple, but they first have to have are spent Wisely. Let them give an Ac-
The Word to know about This Work. I am counting to The Church, that Things may
not telling you what you have to do, but be Done in Justice to all, always being
God is telling me what to do. I was told so Mindful that they are Ambassadors for
in The Message Book. If we were doing Christ and The Church, and that they
this, what happened in 1994 would not of will be without Excuse to God, for every-
happened because The Church would have one must be Faithful to their Trust for
been Filled with people that wanted to this is The Lord’s Work, and so Shall it be
Serve The Lord. Required of him in the last day.’
March, 2015 The Greater Light Page 63
Joseph Smith failed in The Eyes of The ble.
Lord. He changed The Name of The Record We are a Blessed People of The Lord
of The Nephites to The Book of Mormon, and His Chosen Ones. We cannot let The
as well as teaching a falsehood on The Lord down in any of His Commandments!
Godhead. Joseph’s group rejected The God- Let us not fail in paying our Tithes and Ob-
head as taught in The Record of The Ne- lations to The Lord. For all we have The
phites. Lord has given unto us. We must be
III Nephi 26:9-10, ‘And when FAITHFUL to His Words and Command-
they have Received this, which is expedi- ments, for it shall Bring us all Salvation in
ent that they should have first, to try The Lord.
their Faith, and if it shall so be that they There is much to do! We must get The
shall Believe these things, then The Word out, Print materials that Teaches The
Greater Things be made Manifest unto Plan and Decrees of The Lord, Build The
them. Lord’s House so that all may Come and
And if it so be that they will not Be- Learn of The Lord’s Dealings and Gospel
lieve these Things, then shall The Great- Plan. May we all Endure to The End,
er Things be withheld from them, unto through Obedience and Actions to The
their condemnation.’ Word. Amen! (Read Exodus 30: 14).
Message 84: 36, ‘The ideals in man’s
Heart will fade away. The Great Truth Primary Department
and The Church in Her Garments must Editor: Joy Ellen Draves
Shine and Stand Forth. This is Light and Missouri
Truth that Jesus is The Christ The Eter- God loves us and Protects
nal God.’ us from the scary things in
Message 111:4-5, ‘Thus Saith The Lord, life! He Says we are Pre-
‘Where is The House Built unto Me? You cious to Him and because
Live in your Sealed Houses- with of that, He will Protect us
Sealed set Minds-Established in your just like He Always has
own man made and evil doctrines. Even with His People.
establish-ing false teaching of how The Just look at Isaiah
God of Heaven, Creator of The Universe, 43:1-5, ‘But now thus
is to Speak to mankind. Ignoring The Saith The LORD that Created thee, O
Plan of God, having a Form of Godliness Jacob, and He that Formed thee, O Isra-
but Denying The Power thereof. There- el, Fear not: for I have Redeemed thee, I
fore your failure is in not Hearing The have Called thee by thy name; thou art
Truth as it Comes, making The Word of Mine.
The Lord of none effect.’ For I Am The LORD thy God, The
We Cannot fail The Lord! We Know The Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave
Truth as God has Given IT to us through Egypt for thy Ransom, Ethiopia and Se-
The Three Measures of Meal, The Three ba for thee. not be burned; neither shall
Gospel Books, The Word of The Lord, The the flame kindle upon thee.
Record Of The Nephites and The Holy Bi-
Page 64 The Greater Light March, 2015
Since thou was Precious in My Sight, parable spake He not unto them:
thou hast been Honorable, and I have That I might be fulfilled which was
Loved thee: therefore will I give men for spoken by the prophets, saying, ‘I will
thee, and people for thy life. open my mouth in parables: I will utter
Fear not: for I am with thee: I will things which have been kept secret from
Bring thy Seed from the east, and gather the foundation of the world’.
thee from the west;’ Also in Luke 13:20,21, ‘And again He
See? God Tells us He will Protect us. He (Jesus) said, where unto shall I liken the
even Says that He will Be by our Side Kingdom of God?
when we have to go through scary things. It is like leaven, which a woman took
So next time you are scared, remember that and hid in three measures (bushels) of
you are not alone; God is With you. And he meal, until the whole was leavened’.
will protect you. Leaven is like yeast or baking powder
put in dough or batter to make it
Junior Department lighter – or to make it raise to be ready to
Editor: Thresa Ray cook. The woman put leaven in three bas-
Missouri kets of meal (or coarsely ground grain) un-
Dear Youth, til it was all leavened or raised.
3.What are the ‘Three Measures of Meal’
What Are The Three needed to have the fullness of the gospel?
Measures Of Meal (1) The Holy Bible
(2) The Record of The Nephites
1. When your mother (3) The Word of The Lord
makes you a meal, she Brought to Mankind By An
probably tries to give you Angel
food from all the food John the Baptist tells us in Message
groups so you receive all 81:24, ‘Heed my Message for this is my
the vitamins and nutrients mission. The Doctrine is given, and is
you need to have a set forth in the Bible, The Record of the
healthy body. Through- Nephites and The Word of The Lord, the
out the day you need words I bring’.
dairy products protein, Message 106:17, ‘I bring the Authori-
vegetables, fruits and ty, the Everlasting Gospel. Heed it and
grain. If you only ate from one food group the Words of Life and Truth as taught in
you would be missing important vitamins the Bible and the Record of The Nephites
your body needs. with my Words’..
2. The Holy Bible speaks of the Three Message 102:11,18,52, ‘Knowledge
Measures of Meal: Matthew 13:33-35 The cometh from study of the Books and
Parable of the Leaven. ‘And another para- Grace from much Prayer, Salvation by
ble spake He (Jesus) unto them; obedience, Deliverance by endurance . . .
All these things spake Jesus unto the Prove all things by the Words of
multitude in parables and without a Truth in ‘The Bible’, Record of the Ne-
March, 2015 The Greater Light Page 65
phites’, and ‘The Word of The but you men have been chosen to repre-
Lord’. All this is established for man- sent Christ and His Church as He estab-
kind, the guidelines of Hope and Deliver- lished it when He was here’.
ance. Man’s idealisms shall come to Message 115:17, ‘There are many that
naught . . . have long represented Christ. Take to
I speak that all Christendom may them the words I bring. Lead them into
flow together and abide by ‘The Bible’ this Way with all its gifts and blessings,
revealing great truths; the coming forth representing Chris and His
of ‘The Record of The Nephites,’ the Church. This Holy Priesthood is the
Book, and ‘the Word of the Lord:’ Be- pure love of Christ’.
hold the books that will lead all man- Message 102:10, ‘If mankind seeketh
kind to Eternal Hope and Salvation, De- to be of Service to God, let him come this
liverance in the Lord’. Way. Suffer it to be so –receive this Au-
Message 86:60, ‘In The Bible and Rec- thority and the Lord will multiply their
ord of The Nephites contains the Teach- good works’.
ings and Pattern of The Fullness of The 5. Those that represent Christ, and do not
Gospel in its Plain and Precious accept Christ’s True Church that was set up
Parts. But my Words and Authority by an angel, His forerunner, John the Bap-
gives The Right to Set The Church in or- tist, will loose the work they have. God
der–The Church of Christ with The Holy wants everyone to accept His Three
Priesthood Authority and Power to Act Measures of Meal which is the Fullness of
in Establishing The Kingdom of God on the Gospel –All Three Books: The Holy Bi-
earth and bringing in The Zion of The ble, The Record of The Nephites, and The
Lord. The Kingdom and Dominion shall Word of the Lord Brought to Mankind by
be for The Saints of The Most High’. An Angel’.
Also see: Articles of Faith and Practice Message 88:23, ‘Without me and The
#9 and Message 1:1, ‘Together --- with all Words of The Lord I bring, they build their
Three Books we have ‘The Fullness of house upon the sand where the storms of
The Gospel’; God’s Complete Plan. life and the doctrines of men will sweep
4. The Scriptures tell us that many people them away and their works come to
Represent Christ, but we are to Represent naught’.
Christ and His Church. Message 85:20,’Some that represent
Message 81:22, ‘Many are to Repre- Christ, have talents and will hear this
sent Christ, but you men are to Repre- Cause and receive it and many fold will
sent Christ and His Church’. be their reward. Others will turn a deaf
Message 5:2, ‘Again in 1926, (speaking ear and what they have they will lose and
to Brother Otto Fetting) you and your their work will spoil and waste away’.
brethren were set apart as members of Message 86:6-,9, ‘Many represent
The Twelve to Represent Christ and His Christ and have faith to do many mira-
Church, with the same Authority as The cles. This is good. If they hear the final
Apostles of old. Many are representing call—this the Midnight Cry and obey it,
Christ but not Christ and His Church, their works will stand the test.
Page 66 The Greater Light March, 2015
If they speak against this Work be- every-day. He wants us to Pray to Him
lieving not that I come, they have not Continually and Sustain a Strong Relation-
God—and will not be of the Bride, the ship with Him. First, we need to ask our-
Lamb’s Church in the end. selves what is Prayer and what does it
He that believeth not these Words mean?
nor cometh not to obedience, hath not In the Webster Dictionary Prayer is de-
God. fined as the following: 1.) An address (as
God’s Plan will not change to suit a petition) to God in word or thought. 2.)
them that believe not, they must con- An earnest request or wish.
form to His Will’. 2 Nephi 32:8-9 says, ‘And now, my
Message 88:24, ‘All that hear and Beloved Brethren, I perceive that ye pon-
obey my words shall come to under- der still in your Hearts; and it grieveth
standing’. me that I must speak concerning this
Message 88:31, ‘Some that have been thing, For if ye would Hearken unto The
Touched by The Spirit, that have felt its Spirit which Teacheth a man to Pray, ye
Quaking Power, shaking their very be- would know that ye must Pray: for the
ings, let them Come through The Door evil spirit teacheth not a man to Pray,
to a Higher Plane, and Hands be Laid but teacheth him that he must not Pray.
upon them for Greater Gifts and Obedi- But Behold, I say unto you, that ye must
ent Will of God. Suffer it to be so to Ful- Pray always, and not faint; that ye must
fill The Way of Authority and Holy not perform anything unto The Lord,
Priesthood and The Work of The Church save in the first place ye shall Pray unto
of Christ with The Elijah Message. For The Father in The Name of Christ, that
this is my Command and Mission to Es- He will Consecrate thy Performance un-
tablish God’s Church and Zion–with Au- to thee, that thy performance may be for
thority to bring about The Restoration the welfare of thy Soul.’
and Restitution of All Things’. The Lord wants us to Pray always to
May God Bless you as you Study ‘The Him but satan does not. Message 94:11
Holy Bible’, ‘The Record of The Nephites’ says, ‘Be very watchful unto Prayer
and ‘The Word of the Lord, Brought to that evil will not succeed as wolves in
Mankind by An Angel’-The ‘Three sheep’s clothing.’
Measures of Meal’. Satan is very clever and deceiving un-
Love in Christ. to The Children of The Lord. This Mes-
sage verse Warns us about him and tells us
Young Adult Department to be Careful.
Editors: Matthew & Ellen Thompson 3 Nephi 18:15 says, ’Verily, Verily, I
Missouri say unto you, Ye must Watch and Pray
Dear Young Adults, always, lest ye be tempted by the devil,
Today I wanted to talk on the im- and ye are led away captive by him.’
portance of Prayer and how we must Pray Message 88:36 says, ‘Satan knows his
to The Lord. Prayer is our Communication time is short and he will work to destroy
with our Lord. We should Pray to Him all that he can. He will work to hinder
March, 2015 The Greater Light Page 67
and deceive and lay stumbling blocks for He Lord Tells us to ‘Meet in your As-
mankind to fall over. He will puff up in sembly and Cry Mightily unto Me. If
pride and he will discourage in hope, and your Prayer is of The Heart, I Will Hear
hinder The Faith of many if you do not you. I will not Accept the vain babblings
Watch and Pray. Have Faith in The and sputterings of the lips of man whose
Words of The Prophets and The Lord Prayer is not Sincere . . .’
and what I Bring and he will not have Message 51:3 says, ‘The Lord God
power over you.’ Hears The Prayers of those that Seek
This Message is so Powerful because Him. He has Heard The Prayers of His
The Lord Promises us that if we are Watch- Servants and The Plea of His People.’
ful and Pray then we will be Protected Message 80:12 says, ‘Meet in The As-
against satan. He will NOT have any pow- sembly, let your Prayers be Solemn and
er over us. We need to have The Strength from The Heart.’
of Prayer like The Prophets of old. We had Message 82:23 says, ‘He Hears The
many that showed us Great Examples of Prayers of The Faithful and Humble. He
Prayer and what it is to Pray from The will yet Hear and Answer to The Joy of
Heart. We had Nephi, Alma, Mosiah, Enos, The Righteous.’
Jacob and many more others to follow in The Lord does Hear and Answer our
their example. Prayers when they are Sincere and from
1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 says, ‘Pray The Heart. When we Pray in vain to God
without Ceasing. In every thing give then He has told us that He does not Hear
Thanks; for this is The Will of God in our Prayers. When we Pray we need to re-
Christ Jesus Concerning you.’ member these Message verses and Apply
Luke 21:36 says, ‘Watch ye therefore, them in our daily Prayers.
and Pray always, that ye may be Ac- The Lord also tells us to Pray often. In
counted Worthy to escape all these Message 23:2 says, ‘Therefore, let your
things that shall Come to Pass, and Hearts be Filled with Love. Pray Often
Stand before The Son of man,’ that your Humility may be Seen and Felt
Message 39:16 says, ‘Be Careful what by all men, and Fit yourselves for The
you Say, how you Speak, and where Great Work that is before you, that
you Are. You will see evil and deception. God may Use you to His Glory and Help
While The Good is at work the pow- bring others to The Light.’
ers from beneath will be there also, but When we Pray not only are we Pleasing
Watch and Pray, for the time Comes The Lord but we are also setting an Exam-
when they shall not hurt nor destroy in ple for others to follow.
all The Lord's Holy Mount. Righteous- The Lord tells us that we need to Pray
ness and Justice shall Rule.’ over everything in our Lives. This is ex-
When we Pray we need to Pray from pressed in Alma 34:19-27 which reads,
The Heart. The Lord Hears our Prayers ‘Yea, Humble yourselves, and Continue
when we Pray from The Heart. He tells us in Prayer unto Him; Cry unto Him when
that He will not Listen to Prayers that are ye are in your fields; yea over all your
not Honest in Heart. flocks; Cry unto Him in your houses,
Page 68 The Greater Light March, 2015
Yea, over all your household, both morn-
ing , mid-day, and evening; Yea, Cry un-
Word Of Alma
to Him against the power of your ene- ‘Who could have supposed that
mies; Yea, Cry unto Him against the dev- our God would have been so Merci-
il, which is an enemy to all Righteous-
ness. Cry unto Him over the crops of
ful as to have Snatched us from our
your fields, that they may Increase. But awful, sinful, and polluted state?
this is not all, ye must Pour out your Yea, he that Repenteth and Exer-
Souls in your closets, and your secret ciseth Faith, and Bringeth forth
places, and in your wilderness. Yea, and Good Works, and Prayeth Continu-
when you do not Cry unto The Lord, let ally without Ceasing: unto such it is
your Hearts be Full, Drawn out in Pray- given to Know The Mysteries of
er unto Him Continually for your Wel-
fare, and also for The Welfare of those
God; yea, unto such it shall be given
which are around you.’ to Reveal Things which never have
3 Nephi 18:20, ‘And whatsoever ye been Revealed; yea, and it shall be
shall Ask The Father in My Name, which given unto such to bring thousands
is Tight, Believing that ye shall Receive of Souls to Repentance, even as it
and Behold it shall be Given unto you.’ hath been given unto us to bring
The Lord is telling us that if we have Gaith these our brethren to Repentance.’
when we Pray then He will Answer our
Prayers. He will Bless us with the things Special Notices
that is in our Hearts and our Righteous De-
sires. I know that The Lord Answers Pray- The staff of ‘The Greater Light’ would
ers because He has Answered many of like to dedicate This Issue of our Paper to
mine. our Dear Sister Dianna Draves of Mis-
souri. We send you our Love, Cares,
In Closing, I would like to end with Mo- and Prayers
roni 7: 48, ‘Wherefore, my Beloved .
Brethren Pray unto The Father with all The Church has a CD available of ‘The
The Energy of Heart, that ye may be Testimony of William A. Draves’ spoken by
Filled with This Love, which He has Be- himself, for $5.00. Please contact The Gen-
stowed upon all who are True Followers eral Headquarter Office:4215 South Hock-
of His Son Jesus Christ, that ye may Be- er, Suite 110, Independence, MO
come The Sons of God, that when He 64055Phone:816- 836-1913 Fax: 816-
shall Appear, we shall be like Him; for 313-6232.
we shall see Him as He is, that we may
have this Hope, that we may be Purified,
even as He is Pure. Amen.’ God Bless America,
God Bless and remember to Pray for
one another! And our Military!

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