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The End Time Messenger

‘… Let all have Faith. Turn to The Lord and obey His
Commands. Heed Repentance and Baptism that The Way of The Lord shall be among men.
His Kingdom shall fill the whole earth. The hands must be laid upon all that
THE GREATER LIGHT might come to them’

In this Issue Happy Mother’s & Father’s Day

Ninety-Second Message 92
2015 Assembly Notice 99
Assembly Tentative Schedule 100
Words Of My Patience 101
The 2015 General
My Journey and Testimony 104
Who Crucified Our Lord? 106 Assembly
Letter (Apostle Josh Sparks) 108 Of
Primary Department 110
God Always Keeps His Promises The Church Of Christ
Junior Department 111
Those That Never Med Death With The Elijah Message, The
Young Adult Department 112
Church Ministry On Radio 114 Assured Way of The Lord, Inc.
Missionary Report 114
Tuskegee/Auburn, Alabama
(Information on Page 99)
Testimonies OF The Past 115 The 2015 General Assembly
June 28 thru 30
1316 South Osage Street
Independence, Missouri 64055

The Church of Christ With The Elijah Message



Page 94 The Greater Light May/June, 2015

Articles of Faith and Practice

1. We believe in God The Eternal Father, who only is Su- ing up and extension of The Kingdom of God in all the world.
preme; Creator of the Universe; Ruler and Judge of all; Un- 15. We believe that Local Churches should govern their own
changeable and without Respect to persons. affairs and that General Church officials should not dominate or
2. We believe in Jesus Christ The Manifestation of God in the interfere therewith. On invitation such general officers may,
flesh, who lived, suffered and died for all mankind; whom we with propriety, give counsel and assistance. Local congregations
own as our Leader, Witness and Commander. are subject to The Articles of Faith and Practice and must be
3. We believe in The Holy Ghost, The Spirit of Truth, The governed thereby.
Comforter, which searcheth the deep things of God, brings to 16. We believe The Church of Christ comprehends The True
our minds things which are past, Reveals things to come, and is Brotherhood of man where each esteems his brother as himself
the medium by which we Receive Revelation of Jesus Christ. and wherein The Divine Command to ‘love your neighbor as
4. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and yourself’ is demonstrated by the prevalence of social equality.
not for Adam’s transgression, and that as a consequence of The 17. We believe that all men are Stewards under God and an-
Atonement of Christ “all little children are alive in Christ, and swerable to Him not only for the distribution of accumulated
also all they that are without The Law. For The Power of Re- wealth, but for the manner in which such wealth is secured. The
demption cometh on all they that have no law; wherefore, he primary purpose of Stewardship is not the increase of Church
that is not condemned, or he that is under no condemnation, revenue or the mere contribution of money by those who have to
cannot repent, and unto such, baptism availeth noth- those who have not, but to bring men to a realization of The
ing.” (Moroni 8:22) Common Fatherhood and the universal brotherhood of man in
5. We believe that through The Atonement of Christ all men all the affairs and expressions of life, and to maintain such so-
may be Saved by Obedience to The Laws and Ordinances of cial adjustments that each may enjoy The Bounty and Gifts of
The Gospel; viz. : Faith in God and in The Lord Jesus Christ; God, and be free to exercise his talents and ability to enrich the
Repentance and Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; life of all.
Laying on of Hands for: (a) Ordination, (b) Blessing of Chil- 18. We believe that men should labor for their own support and
dren, (c) Confirmation and The Gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts that of their dependents. Ministers of The Gospel are not ab-
8:17), (d) Healing of the sick. solved from this responsibility, but when Chosen or Appointed
6. We believe in the literal second coming and Millennial Reign by The Church to devote their entire time to Missionary Work,
of Jesus Christ; in The Resurrection of the Dead, and in Eternal their families are to be provided for out of General Church fund.
Judgment; that men will be rewarded or punished according to The Admonition of Christ that The Ministry should not provide
the good or evil they may have done. purse or scrip for their journey, but go Trusting in God and the
7. We believe in The Powers and Gifts of The Everlasting Gos- people, is applicable.
pel: viz: The Word of Wisdom; The Word of Knowledge; The 19. We believe that the temporal affairs of the General Church
Gift of Faith; The Gift of Healing; Working of Miracles; Proph- are to be administered by The General Bishopric under the su-
ecy; Discerning of Spirits; Divers kinds of Tongues; Interpreta- pervision and direction of the general conferences of The
tion of Tongues. Church. The temporal affairs of The Local Churches shall be
8. We believe The Fruits of The Spirit to be Love, Joy, Peace, Administered by local Bishops under the supervision and direc-
Long Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and tion of the local congregations.
Temperance. 20. We believe that marriage is Ordained of God, and that The
9. We believe that in The Bible is contained The Word of God; Law of God provides for but one companion in wedlock for
that The Record of the Nephites is an added Witness for Christ, either man or woman. In case of breach of this covenant the
and that these contain ‘The Fullness of The Gospel.’ innocent one may remarry.
10. We believe in the principle of Continuous Revelation; that 21. We are opposed to war. Men are not justified in taking up
The Canon of Scripture is not full, that God Inspires men in arms against their fellows except as a last resort in defense of
every age and among all people, and that He speaks when, their lives and to preserve their liberty.
where, and through whom he may choose. 22. We believe in The Literal gathering of Israel, and in The
11. We believe that where there are six or more regularly Bap- Restoration of The Ten Lost Tribes.
tized members, one of whom is an Elder, there The Church ex- 23. We believe a Temple will be Built in this generation, in In-
ists with Full Power of Church extension when acting in Harmo- dependence, Missouri, wherein Christ will Reveal Himself and
ny with The Law of God. Endow His Servants whom He Chooses with Power to Preach
12. We believe that a man must be Called of God by Revelation The Gospel in all the world to every kindred, tongue and people,
and Ordained by those having Authority, to enable him to that The Promise of God to Israel may be Fulfilled.
Preach The Gospel and Administer The Ordinances thereof. 24. We believe that a New Jerusalem shall be Built upon this
13. We believe in the same Church Organization as existed in land ‘unto The Remnant’ of The Seed of Joseph. (Ether 6:6-8;
the time of Christ and His apostles. The highest office in The III Nephi 10:17), which city be Built, beginning at The Temple
Church is that of an Apostle, of whom there are Twelve, who Lot.
constitute Special Witnesses for Jesus Christ. They have The 25. We believe The Ministry and Membership should abstain
Missionary Supervision and The General Watch care of all The from the use of tobacco, intoxicating liquors and narcotics and
Churches. should not affiliate with any society which administer Oaths or
14. The primary function of The General Church, of which each Covenants in conflict with The Law of God, or which interfere
Local Church is a component part, is Missionary and the build- with their duties as freemen and citizens.
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 95
(The Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe) The Restoration Of The Church Of Christ (A Brief History) $ 0.40
BUSINESS OFFICE: 4215 S. Hocker St, Indep. MO 64055 Reason Why $ 0.40
Phone: 816-836-1913 The Church Of Christ Established Anew in 1929 $ 0.40
The Coming Forth Of The Record Of The Nephites $ 0.40
OFFICIAL MONTHLY PUBLICATION Why The Record Of The Nephites $ 0.40
The Church Of Christ With the Elijah Message The Solution Of The Mormon Problem $ 0.40
The Assured Way Of The Lord , Inc. Changing Of Revelations (by Daniel MacGregor) $ 0.40
David Whitmer’s Address (reprint including Tract) $ 2.00
Is Jesus God? $ 2.00
EDITORIAL STAFF Book Of Commandments $ 5.00
EDITOR/BUSINESS MANAGER Footprints In The Sands Of Time $ 5.00
Leonard H. Draves, 7521 Overton Drive, Raytown,. MO 64138 Testimony of W.A.Draves (On CD) $ 5.00
Send all materials for Publication and Subscription to the Light At Evening Time $ 8.00
Editor/Business Manager
The Word Of The Lord (120 Messages) $ 8.00
The Record OF The Nephites (soft bound R.P.E.) $ 10.00
ASSISTANT EDITOR The Word Of The Lord (audio cassettes) $ 25.00
Donald Thompson, 17009 E. 4th Terr, S. Indep .MO 64056
Concordance to The Word Of The Lord (large print 8.5” x 11”) $ 30.00
PRIMARY DEPARTMENT Single Messages $1.00 per dozen
Joy Ellen Draves ,#283, 605 SW Highway 40, Blue Springs, MO 64014
$2.00 per dozen
JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Brief History of W.A . Draves What Must I Do To Be Saved
Thresa Ray, 1231 S. Spring St., Independence, MO 64055 And If Ye Receive It Prophecy Being Fulfilled
Brief Historical Background A Great Awakening
YOUNG ADULT DEPARTMENT Church of Christ, Her Apostasy & Restoration Authority
Matthew and Ellen Thompson, 4317 S. Union St., Indep., MO 64055 Sanctification Tithing

All articles and letters must be submitted by the 5th of the

month preceding publication. WEBSITES
4215 South Hocker Street Independence, MO. 64055,
Leonard H. Draves: Representative for 12
Phone: 816-836-1913 Fax: 816-313-6232


Apostle Jairus Yates & Bishop Reece Johnson
THE GREATER LIGHT is posted on
this web-site monthly by The Church of
Matthew Thompson, 4317 S. Union St., Indep., MO 64055 Christ With The Elijah Message, The As-
Secretary-Treasurer of The Bishops: Reece Johnson
sured Way of The Lord, INC 4215 South
4215 South Hocker Street, Independence, MO. 64055 Hocker Street, Suite 110, Independence,
Phone: 816-836-1913 Fax: 816-313-6232
Chairman of The Bishops; Reece Johnson
If you do not have means to read The
1801 Cheyenne Ct. Greenwood MO 64034 Greater Light from a computer or make a
CHURCH GENERAL RECORDER’S OFFICE hard copy to read, then let The Headquarter
Leonard H. Draves, 4215 South Hocker Street, Independence, MO.
Office know and a hard copy will be made
Phone: 816-836-1913 Fax: 816-313-6232 and mailed to you.
BOARD OF PUBLICATION: The Twelve Message 53:3, ‘Give ear, Oh ye people
of the earth. Hear The Warning today. I
Jairus Yates Rt. 1, Box 60 D, Preston, MO 65732 speak The Words and Will of The Lord.
Let all have Faith. Turn to The Lord and
Leonard H. Draves 7521 Overton Drive, Raytown MO 64138 obey His Commands. Heed repentance
Phone/Fax: 816-313-6232
and baptism that The Way of The Lord
TRACT ORDERS shall be among men. His Kingdom shall
(By Availability) fill the whole earth. The hands must be
Address all orders to The Church Of Christ With The Elijah Message laid upon all that THE GREATER
The Assured Way Of The Lord , Inc.
4215 South Hocker Street, Independence, Mo 64055 LIGHT might come to them.’
Page 96 The Greater Light May/June, 2015
Message 53:10, ‘Yea, I have brought a WEST AFRICIAN DISCIPLES
Warning and few prepare for THE
1. Bama Wa Mobutu Gloire: Democratic Republic
GREATER LIGHT, but be thou Faith- Republic of Congo, Congo Brazzaville and at large, Afri-
ful even all who hear, for The Lord’s Will can General Church Recorder
2. Leonard Uguti: Morocco, Algeria
shall be fulfilled in all things. All 3. Makikile Bakambo: Tchad, Central African Republic
have their work to do and the day comes 4. Theophile Molayi: Mali, Mauritania
when The Lord shall breathe upon The 5. Charles Libande Kintambo: Senegal, Gambia
6. Bolivar Bontenza Bidjimba: Angola, Namibia, Botswana
Chosen and they shall do His Work in 7. Robert Malobi Mupe: Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry
Mighty Power for their love toward the 8. Jacques Gbadili: Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Gha-
brethren. All that offend and that do not 9. Molayi Jonathan: Burkinafaso, Niger
keep His Commandments shall not be 10. Moris Kasongo: Togo Benin
His in the Last Day. Moreover, it is 11. Caleb Ndakala: Nigeria, Cameroun
12. Samuel Kake Embek: Guinea Equatorial, Gabon, Sao-
Christ’s Words that shall judge all men.’ tome and Principe
Every Elder’s Duty is Missionary where opportunity permits.
1. Jeremie Kalonda
APOSTLES 2. Jeremie Ndopayu Gerengbo
Leonard H. Draves, 7521Overton Dr, Raytown, MO 64138 3. Jean Kamba Talaguma
Michael Greenwell, Route 1, Box 60-C.Preston, MO 65732 4. Germain Dedhau
Richard Johnson, 301 South Oak St. Lamoni, IA 50140 5. Papy Kumi
Josh Sparks: 3104 Geiger Street, Ashland, KY 41101 6. Henry P. Mulango
Donald Thompson, 17009 E. 4th Terr. S., Indep. MO 64056 7. Roger Bainda Mandi
Jairus Cree Yates, Rt. 1, Box 60-D, Preston, MO 65732
Reece Johnson, 1801 Cheyenne Ct, Greenwood, MO 64034 1. Daniel Kapule Mulama: Tunisia, Libya
James Naslund, 2005 S. Lexington, Holden, MO 64040 2. Marc Kinuthia Benson: Somalia, Ethiopia
Matthew Thompson, 4317 S. Union St., Indep., MO 3. Mukadi Ilunga Valery: Egypt, North & South Sudan
64055 4. Jeanluc Bosilelo: Uganda, Tanzania
THE QUORUM OF TWELVE 5. Daniel Unichan: Malawi Mozambique
TERRITORIAL ASSIGNMENTS 6. Matthieu Ogeronoth: South Africa, Lesotho
7. Clavaire Uwaciroth: Madagascar, Comoros
Leonard H. Draves- Montana, North and South Dakota, 8. Crispin Mbolihidie: Seychelle, Mauritious
Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New 9. Prince Bumba: Burundi, Swaziland
Mexico, Oklahoma and At Large. (816-313-6232) 10. Jacques Motoba: Eritrea, Djibouti
Michael Greenwell- Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississip- 11. Nathan Uronya Gigi: Zambia Zimbabwe
pi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and Bahamas and Mexico.
Richard Johnson- Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, 1. Donacien Uromirwoth
Illinois, Indiana, and Central Canada. (641-784-3451) 2 Jonas Ngongo Wa Ngongo
Josh, Sparks: Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, 3. Dieudonnee Matata
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Eastern Canada. (304 4. Elly Udongirwoth
-412-8290) 5 Udear Abook Ujanga Jp
Donald Thompson- Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Califor- 6. Uyerpiyesu Isaac
nia, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii and Western 7. Gustave Muber
Canada (816-257-1832)
Jairus Cree Yates- , North and South Carolina, Rhode Is- It is the agreement of The Quorum
land, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massa-
chusetts, New Jersey, New York,. (417-722-9733) of Twelve of This Church, that no Min-
ister is to Ordain any man into The Min-
Independence/Holt, MO Locals istry until said candidate has with all his
Chairlady: Tammy Thompson heart and soul confessed he agrees with
Vice Chairlady: Brenda Humpert
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 97
everything written in The Articles of Restoring all things (Matthew 17:11).
Faith and Practice. The Angel first came in 1829, and Re-
It is each Elder’s duty to Seek Guid- stored The Authority Of The Son Of God,
ance from and to keep The Territorial that THE CHURCH OF CHRIST might be
Apostle informed of his works in the re- Established as in The Days of The Apos-
gion he is laboring. tles.
Secretary For The Twelve In 1927, The Angel Messenger again ap-
Apostle Leonard H. Draves peared, and on numerous subsequent visits,
has brought to us The Word Of The Lord
set in Order, that a people might be Pre-
THE GREATER LIGHT, the official pared to be The Bride Of Christ. This is
publication of THE CHURCH OF CHRIST The Elijah Message so many have looked
WITH THE ELIJAH MESSAGE, The As- for, The Midnight Cry has been Proclaimed,
sured Way of The Lord, Inc., comes to YOU A Warning of Destruction, but to The Peo-
as an expression of the Hope we have in ple Of The Lord, a Message that Christ’s
Christ. soon Coming is near at hand. Fear God and
In its pages are found the thoughts and give Glory to His Name, for The Hour of
expression of a united people, whose only His Judgment has come. Awake thou that
aim is to promote The Cause of Christ by sleepest and Arise from the dead, and
spreading abroad to every nation, tongue Christ will give you Light.
and people, The True Gospel of Christ that We hope that whosoever reads these
through Obedience to His Laws we might pages might make it a matter of Prayer and
be found worthy of Eternal Life. Fasting in Humility before God, that they
In this publication, The Record of The may know for themselves, that God has
Nephites is quoted many times. This Book again Spoken and Revealed His Will from
was Revealed and Translated by The Gift Heaven. To this end, we Dedicate The
and Power of God: the year 1829 marked Greater Light.
the beginning of The Restoration of all THE BOARD OF PUBLICATION
things. It is a history of the people who THE QUORUM OF TWELVE

once lived in the region around The Great

Lakes, some of whom are Ancestors of The
American Indians. Though it contains a Please make all checks for Tithes and
Record of two other groups of people who Offerings, payable to THE CHURCH OF
once lived here, it is for the most part a CHRIST WITH THE ELIJAH MES-
Record of The People of Nephi. SAGE. Please notify any change of address
The Messages so often mentioned in this by the fifth of the month, if possible. We
publication are Messages from The would like to keep our records up to date.
Lord, brought to earth by His Cho- Your cooperation will be appreciated.
sen Servant, John The Baptist, who comes Thank You!
to earth in a Glorified Body to finish
Secretary-Treasurer of Bishops’
The Work given to him of God; that of Bishop Reece Johnson
Page 98 The Greater Light May/June, 2015
among you? I say unto you, yea, let it
THE MESSAGE OF do Greater Work. Qualify to be Lead-
ers of men. Do Good to all man-
CHRIST TODAY kind. Love always, hate and bitter-
To All People ness is not our Mission.
6. He that Loveth the brethren,
Ninety-Second Message Loveth God also. The Lord will up-
The Angel Messenger of The Lord came to me at 4:45 hold him and make him a Blessing.
a.m. July 4, 1973, in my home at Independence, Missouri, 7. Follow The Pattern. Let all that
and gave the following Message. The room was filled with come This Way be Baptized into One
Light. He spoke calmly and slowly, as I wrote the words he
gave. He left at five o’clock.
Spirit. Teach and Preach the same
W. A. Draves things in The Way I have given you
and it will be well.
1. ‘Behold, I come 8. The Church of Christ will never
to you at this time. again be destroyed but will move on
Arise and Write the Her Mission until Zion is established
words I shall give and the people redeemed from their
you. I am John The sins-and The Lord come. The King-
Baptist, a Resur- dom and The Dominion shall be for
rected Being. I am The Saints of The Most High3.
The Elias. My Mis- 9. A deception has gone out among
sion is one of Love the people and churches of mankind
and Peace. The pow- with doctrines of men with a cry to
ers of the adversary1 speak in tongues of unknown words.
cannot hinder my Such has no meaning but to harden
Work. the hearts of those that do so-making
2. I come from The Lord’s Presence. Look The Authority I bring of none effect
to The Lord, this is His Work. I bring a Mes- and will not be a part of
sage from His Voice and His Will. them, neither will they receive nor ob-
3. The Lord’s People have seen trials and tain it.
afflictions but let all Arise to a Closer Walk 10. There Is no Greater Authority
with The Lord. Come away from contentions or Gift, or Gifts given to man than
and bring Love and Obedience in you Lives. that which I bring of The Lord God,
Continue in Good Works. The Lord has after The Order of His Son.
Heard the Prayers that are of the Heart, and 11. Who is mankind to claim more
this Assembly. And I bring Peace and an an- than This? He that will not recognize
swer to the problems when it becometh a The Authority and Power I bring.
need. Faileth, and his works will not stand
4. There is none that have done right in the test in the end. Let this evil not be
all things. They have fallen short2. among you for it will not calm the
5. Where is that Great Love and The soul nor will it save you.
Spirit that Mellows the Heart, is it still 12. There will come a day when a
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 99
True Gift will be given. With Great Wis- Dear Readers of ‘The Greater Light’;
dom will it work a Work and convince, Greetings in The Name of The Lord
more-over convict, but as yet is not Jesus Christ. It is that time of the year
among you in Measures of Saving Grace. again that we start thinking and preparing
13. Turn away from those things to gather together in The House Of The
that divide and separate you one from Lord to meet and worship with our
another. The Lord Knoweth the hearts Brothers and Sisters from all parts of the
and wherein powers of man and decep- world.
tion lies. Except such repent and cleanse We invite and encourage everyone to
their minds of these things they have no attend The 2015 General Assembly of
part of This Work. The Church Of Christ With The Elijah
14. I have brought and bring a Mes- Message, The Assured Way Of The Lord,
sage for mankind-that he may heed and Inc., as we Study and Teach The Word Of
conform to it; that he might be a part of God in Truth.
The Lamb’s Bride when He comes to Come with a Prayer upon your heart
make up His Jewels. I speak to fulfill The that God will Rule and Overrule in all
Word of God, to bring all The Faithful in things. The Gospel of The Kingdom Of
Christendom together to One Fold4 , One God must go forth from This Center Place
Shepherd, One Spirit of God, One Bap- to all the Nations. We shall meet at 2:00
tism5 with Power for Remission of sins p.m. at The Community of Christ
and traditions of man that cannot save. Church, 1316 South Osage Street, Inde-
15. The Lord will Call many into This pendence, Missouri.
Way. The Independence, Missouri, Local
16. Be firm, fret not, hold The will be holding Services at The General
Peace and your reward will be sure. Church Headquarters at 10:00 a.m.
17. In time The Quorum of Twelve 4215 South Hocker Street, Suite 120,
Apostles will be filled. There are those in Independence, MO 64055. They invite
The Lord’s Preserve. Some will all to attend that we may Prepare for
fail, others will take their Calling when The General Assembly together.
The Lord speaks. Message 18:3, ‘The Cleansing time
18. Peace I leave with you and The has come. God by His Spirit, will touch
Church. Lift your Faith-The Way of The the honest in heart in all nations and
Lord is Sure. I will come again. Amen!’ will gather them together to prepare a
people that shall be His Church in very
1. 1 Peter 5:8 3. Daniel 7:22 deed. I shall go before The Lord, to pre-
2. Psalms 14:1-3 4. 1 Nephi 22:25 (RN)
pare The Way and prepare a people to
Romans 3:23 5. Ephesians 4:25
meet Christ. This is my work.’
Message 43:15, ‘This is the day that
2015 General Assembly ye who are Called must work with
NOTICE your might for The Pruning of The
June 28-30, 2015 Vineyard of The Lord for the last time.
Therefore turn away from the tradi-
Page 100 The Greater Light May/June, 2015
tions of men and things that cause con- 8340
Holiday Inn (4011 Blue Ridge & I-70) 353-5300
tention.’ Hyline Inn (15008 E 40 Highway) 373-0956

Attention Message 44:8

Pre-Assembly Meetings of the Twelve ‘Behold, there is a Cry for Peace, but
and Bishops will be held, Saturday, June there is no Peace save in the hearts of
27, 2015, at The General Church Headquar- them that do The Lord’s Bidding,
ter’ Office, 4215 South Hocker Street, those that heed His Voice. Nations are in
Suite 110, Independence, Missouri 64055 distress and kingdoms are crumbling.
at 5:00 p.m. Fear not, for The Lord shall proceed
Notice to do a Marvelous Work and the powers
of evil shall lose in the end. Study The
The Assembly Committee request any Full Word of God and you shall know
donations to help off set for The 2015 Gen- The TRUTH. Follow The Instructions I
eral Assembly. Please send any and all do- bring and it will be well with you. As I
nations to The Bishop’s Office, 4215 South say to you so say I to all.’
Hocker Street, Suite 110 Independence,
Missouri, 64055. Message 38:2
‘The Lord has Blessed His People,
Motel Listings those that are willing to hear Him, for
(All have 816 area code) the Words I bring are His Words, and
Grain Valley, Missouri (East of Indep.) they that Heareth The Words of The Lord
Koxy Inn (I-70 & Grain Valley Exit) 229-2323 and Obey, shall be His Church in Very
Scottish Inn (I-70 and 24 Highway) 224-3420
Blue Springs, Missouri (East of Indep.)
AmericanInnI-70&WoodChapelRd) 228-1080
Interstate Inn (I-70 & Wood Chapel Rd). 228-6311
2015 General Assembly
Ramada Inn (I-70 & 7Highway)
Mote 6 (I-70 &7 Highway)
Schedule (Tentative)
Motel 8 (I-70 & N. 7 Highway)
Howard Johnson Express (I-70 & 7 Highway)
Hampton Inn (I-70 & 7 Highway)
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Independence, Missouri 2:00 p.m. Opening Service
American Inn (I-70 & Noland Rd.) 373-8300 Opening Remarks:
Green Crest Motel (15014 E .40 Highway 373-7500
Shoney’s Inn (70 & Noland Rd 254-0100
Apostle Richard Johnson
Super 8 Mote l(I-70 & Noland Rd.) 833-1833 Speaking: Apostle Leonard Draves
Others In area
3:30 p.m. Sacrament And Prayer
Best Western (635 Murry) 525-1400
Blue Bird Inn (8920 40 Highway) 252-5488 and Testimony Service
Budget Inn (9900 E. 40 Highway) 737-1922 Apostle Donald Thompson
Comfort Inn (607 SE Oldham Pkwy 524-8181
Econo Lodge (8500 E. 350 Highway) 353-3000
Bishop Matthew Thompson
Fairfield Inn (2211303 NE Windsor Dr.) 524-7572
Frontier Motel (12015 E. 350 Highway) 356- 7:00 p.m. Preaching Service
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 101

Introduction by Apostle & Jairus Yales

Richard Johnson Bishop Reece Johnson
Speaking: Apostle Jairus Yates
2:00 p.m. Preaching Service
Monday, June 29, 2015 Introduction by
Apostle Richard Johnson
10:30 Priesthood Meeting Speaker: Elder Richard Sega
Church Ordinances
Apostles Leonard H. Draves 3:00 p.m. Preaching Service
& Jairus Yates Introduction by
Bishop Reece Johnson Apostle Leonard Draves
Speaker: Apostle Donald Thompson
1:00 p.m. Ordinances Study
Apostles Leonard Draves 4:00 p.m. Prayer & Testimony
& Jairus Yates Apostle Richard Johnson
Bishop Reece Johnson Apostle Joshua Sparks

2:00 p.m. Preaching Service 7:00 p.m. Preaching Service

Introduction by Apostle Introduction by
Leonard Draves Apostle Richard Johnson
Speaking: Apostle Michael Greenwell Speaking: Bishop Reece Johnson

3:00 p.m. Prayer And Testimony 8:00 p.m. Closing of The Assembly
Apostle Michael Greenwell Sacrament
Apostle Jairus Yates Apostles Leonard Draves
& Donald Thompson
7:00 p.m. Preaching Service Bishop Reece Johnson
Introduction by
Apostle Leonard Draves From The Editor
Apostle Leonard H. Draves
Preaching: Apostle Joshua Sparks Missouri

Tuesday, June 30, 2015 Words of My Patience

Brother James W. Savage:1950
10:30 a.m. Priesthood Meeting (Submitted by Sister Ellen Draves)
Church Ordinances
The year is rapidly go-
Apostles Leonard Draves ing by and today is the
& Jairus Yates first of March, the third
Bishop Reece Johnson month of the year of 1950.
1:00 p.m. Ordinances Study We have been seeing rob-
Apostles Leonard Draves ins and other birds and if
Page 102 The Greater Light May/June, 2015
that is any criterion to go by spring is near- Since 1927 the Lord has sent his Mes-
ly here and soon we will see one of the senger at intervals, in times of need-
types of Christ – the resurrection of life and sometimes in answer to prayer. How few
hope. heed and obey. No wonder the Lord uses
This year should be very interesting and the following words as recorded in Mes-
eventful time. To millions of people, it is a sage 66:24 and they are truly applicable to-
“year of jubilee.” In our humble opinion it day—more than ever. “Thus saith the
marks one of the “End of seven years” peri- Lord, heed ye the words of my Patience
ods as spoken of in the 45th Message. It al- and I will deliver tee fro the hour of temp-
so marks 120 years since 1830 when the tation which shall come upon all the world
Church of Christ was set up in New York to try mankind. Behold, I come quickly.
State. This being the first setting of God’s Hold fast in faith and that which I have giv-
hand to recover his chosen people, in the en thee that no man take it from thee. I the
latter days. Lord and I give my word that it ay bring
I met an old friend on the street the oth- life. My words shall judge you in the last
er day. We got to talking about the Gospel day. I am the Christ, Your Lord and Savior.
and the times. He said that years ago, Dan- I am the God of the living. Those that
iel MacGregor, (late Apostle 1927) told drink of the water of life I give, shall never
them to watch the years 1929 and 1950. Of thirst, saith the Lord,”
course, we know now , that 1929 marked Truly the Messages are the “Words of my
the renewal of The Church of Christ under Patience.” Message 64:9 “…I speak not
the touch of the angel’s hands and all had my (John’s) words but the words and will
to be baptized in conformity with the of the Christ who has sent me…”
Twelfth Message. This was the beginning Most of our readers understand that the
of the “Second Time” that God would set Messenger appears to Brother Draves in
his hand to recover his people; the last light and power and dictates the words that
time. Lord wishes to be delivered as a Message
What then on 1950? Perhaps it we be a to the church and all people. He writes this
year of decision. Maybe, even more as the down word for word. If Brother Draves
Messenger, John the Baptist, continues to doesn’t get the phrase or sentence right, it
direct the people and prepare them to be the is repeated until it is right. Of course, the
Bride of Christ. As it was in the days of Messenger has talked to the Brother as one
Noah, who shall be permitted to enter the man to another. This not sent out as a mes-
ark of safety; stood in holy places as the in- sage.
dignation passes over? When this Angel was making his first
In 1930, the Messenger (19:11) said, appearances to Brother Draves, he deliv-
“For one hundred years the Lord waited ered a severe rebuke in the 33rd Message
and yet they have not heeded his words, because Brother Draves had withheld a par-
this people that profess his name: but the agraph of the 32nd Message and didn’t in-
Lord will establish his church in its full- clude it in the printed Message. An error
ness and will do the work amongst the na- crept in, in the 57th Message. In the very
tions, by the work will be done in haste.” next Message. (58:10) “…Also publish the
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 103
fifty-seventh message with the rest for I won’t we too boring.
have spoken it but see that it is correct..” First we consider it a privilege to be
Very similar thing happen when the Mes- born and raised in a home that was of the
senger came to Brother Fetting. Message Restoration Faith. The Book of Mormon or
24:16 “..Send out no more of the twenty- Record of the Nephites we now call it, was
third message until the correction has been always in evidence as far back as we can
made, for all things must be delivered as I recollect, along with Bible. Our home was
gave them to you…” All through the mes- always the stopping pace of all the mission-
sages, the Lord has been very zealous to aries that came through, and many a time
keep the Message pure “…for this is the we remember the administrations of the el-
assured way to speak to mankind.” Mes- ders in times of sickness and blessings were
sage 62:17. received too.
In spite of the weaknesses of man, the Next one of importance, we were privi-
messenger spoke to the Brother thus: “… leged to hear form Brother Fetting own
The Lord has seen favor in you in that you lips, the first time in public, the story of the
deny not my coming..” Message 66:15. Angel’s visitations and Message 1 and 2
How about the rest of us if we reject the read and remember the holy hush and the
message? Well, we find statements like great amount of God’s Spirit that came into
this one found in Message 60:11 “Let those the room and one could heard a pin drop.
that reject the message I bring be released This was the Spring Conference of the
fro there trust and responsibility, for they Church on the Temple lot, 1927. The we
deny my coming, and the Lord rejects the. became personally aquainted with him and
Therefore let them have no part in this received testimonies of the truthfulness of
work, for their hearts are not true and not in the message—Some coming in times of
the Lord’s will. All those that oppose and weakness; when men sought to destroy our
fight against this work, except they repent, faith.
there end will be sad. They cannot over- Passing over valuable, though some
throw the Lord’s work.” painful, experiences we value, the meeting
We are enlisted in the army of the Lord in 1929 of a young brother, Wilhelm A.
and a great war is going on. A controversy Draves and his mother and brothers and sis-
between Christ and Satan is on. Obedi- ter. They came to Colorado Springs Colo-
ence to the Commander’s orders is neces- rado to be confirmed member of The
sary or defeat my stare us in the face. Church of Christ. I heard Apostle Barton
Well, the writer is trying to carry on and prophecy over Brother Wilhelm’s head that
labor in the place pointed out in the mes- his work would be peculiar, even amongst
sages. The farther along we go the more his brethren.
we realize that man in his own strength can Later, after some further contacts Broth-
do nothing. However we have felt that the er Draves and I found ourselves in Nucla,
good Lord has given us certain valuable ex- Colorado and we became very close friends
periences and privileges that has helped and bosom pals. Naturally, we were told
considerable especially through times first of his experience of the Angel com-
of trial. I will mention a few and I hope it ing to him, October 4, 1937—and believed.
Page 104 The Greater Light May/June, 2015
We knew him and knew of previous spiritu- Apostle Josh Sparks.
al experiences. Kentucky
After that, we witnessed the unreasona- Apostle Josh Sparks
ble persecution that followed and the oppo- was born on February
sition of men that should have been his 21st 1979 at Kings
helpers and friends. Because of this, we Daughters medical Cen-
witnessed his reluctance to shoulder the re- ter in Ashland Kentucky to two Apostolic
sponsibility of standing by the Messages Holy Ghost filled parents. Born premature-
delivered to him and also his strengthening ly and crippled in his right leg and very
in the time of need so that the Church of sick Bro. Sparks Dad and Mom believed
Christ accepted the “new” Messages as be- God and Bro. Sparks leg was healed at 8
ing Divine. From then until now have seen days old at the paramount arts center where
the downfall of those who seek to harm the late Evangelist R.A West was preaching
him and destroy the Messages. Some of and laid hands on Brother. Sparks and God
this was the result of envy. healed him.
For myself, we asked for noting, but did Although reared up as a child under the
receive testimonies various kinds, including ministry of R.A West and although attend-
feeling the Power of the Messenger’s pres- ing the United Pentecostal Church where
ence, and beholding the light twice that sur- he was raised as a youngster Bro. Sparks
rounded the Messenger’s appearance (35th walk with God began on January 23rd 1991
and 43rd Message). We consider as our by the side of His daddy's bed where he
greatest testimony in that as we read and knelt down and cried out to God in Repent-
study Messages we can see how they har- ance.
monize with other Scriptures. That they are In July of 1991 Bro. Sparks was called
not written in the phraseology of either to preach in a vision where the Lord ap-
Fetting or Draves and that the prophecies peared to him and called him as a 13 year
contained in them and also in the Bible are old teenager to preach the revelation of Je-
being fulfilled. Every one can have this sus Christ and Salvation in and through the
privilege on reading and studying for them- name of Jesus (Acts 4:12).
selves, and see how the prophecies of the Although Apostolic in Faith, Bro.
Scriptures must be fulfilled in the coming Sparks parents were no longer attending
of the Elias and see how his present words church and Bro. Sparks ministry began in
harmonize with the Gospel Statements of the Church of God (Cleveland Tennessee)
the past. in Cattletsburg Ky. After preaching several
Exerts from a letter written by James times to the youth group Bro. Sparks ap-
Savage, March 1950. proached the pastor to ask if he could min-
ister to the congregation and the pastor
From The Apostles would’nt let him because and this is a
quote’ I can t let you because your Jesus
My Journey And Only".
This was the greatest thing spoken to
Testimony. Bro. Sparks because he left and ran to the
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 105
local United Pentecostal Church in Ashland ostolic Pentecostal Church. In 2000 Bro.
where the late Rev. George O. Cumpton Sparks was licensed with the ALJC and
was Pastor. This proved to be the Lord di- Pastored the Apostolic Church of Jesus
recting Bro. Sparks because Bro. Cumpton Christ in Ashland Kentucky before entering
mentored Bro.Sparks and helped him to de- Evangelism again and has been Evangeliz-
velop his calling in God. Bro. Sparks at- ing ever since
tended there for 7 years In 2005 Breaking the Silence Interna-
As a young teenager Bro. Sparks while tional Evangelistic Ministries Inc was orga-
living at home, was visited by missionaries nized and became a non profit organization
from the Church of Jesus Christ of latter in the state of Kentucky with ministers and
day saints. While never believing their doc- friends all over the world.
trine, Bro. Sparks was intrigued by the In 2002 Bro. Sparks came in contact
Book of Mormon(Record of the Nephites) with a Church that was Oneness in it's view
and when told of the promise found in The of the Godhead, and believed in the True
Record, he did in fact pray and ask God if New Birth Experience, but this group had
the Record was true and the Lord revealed received Revelation from God, in our time
too him that it was true. This completely through prophets just like those of old. This
changed Bro. Sparks life forever. For years revelation (The Word of the Lord Brought
he tried to get away from the testimony he to mankind by an Angel) was brought to
had received but the words of Moroni these Prophets by the very Angel men-
spoke too him, (Moroni 10:3-5) 3 Behold, I tioned in (Revelation 14:6), Bro. Sparks
would exhort you that when ye shall read had a vision and while he was seated in the
these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye local community Park in this vision, an An-
should read them, that ye would remember gel from Heaven appeared before him and
how merciful the Lord hath been unto the Bro. Sparks couldn't understand why every-
children of men, from the creation of Adam one else didn't see this Angel. The Angel
even down until the time that ye shall re- unrolled a scroll and on it was written the
ceive these things, and ponder it in your Word of the Lord. Even after this testimony
hearts. of the truthfulness of the coming messen-
4 And when ye shall receive these ger, Bro. Sparks continued writing, preach-
things, I would exhort you that ye would ing and Evangelizing.
ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Finally after Bro. Sparks wife Melissa
Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye too had received a testimony that the
shall ask with a sincere heart, with real in- Church of Christ with the Elijah Message.
tent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest The Assured Way of the Lord was in fact
the truth of it unto you, by the power of the continuation or the restoration of the
the Holy Ghost. Church Jesus established in 33AD, Bro
5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost Sparks along with His Wife and oldest Son
ye may know the truth of all things. were Baptized April 17th 2015 by Apostle
Even after this testimony, Bro. Sparks Leonard Draves in Independence Missouri,
continued on in what he had been taught to Confirmed members of the Church and re-
be true. He continued preaching in the Ap- ceived the gift of the Holy Ghost by the
Page 106 The Greater Light May/June, 2015

laying on of hands by Apostle Leonard any man to take. Even in the natural or-
Draves, Apostle Mike Greenwell and Apos- der, laws cannot be broken without disas-
tle Richard Johnson. trous consequences.
Apostle Leonard Draves, being led by Gravitation will help a man if he builds
the Holy Ghost, Ordained Bro. Sparks as the side of his house straight and plumb.
An Apostle, and the quorum of the 12 Disobedience to natural law brings punish-
Apostles all lifted up their voice in agree- ment: astronomy reveals that now and then
ment, and Bro. Sparks was Ordained by certain stars get out of their orbits; as a pen-
Prophecy and the laying on of hands as an alty for that de-ordination, they burn them-
Apostle in the Lord's Church. selves out in space.
It is a law of nature that the higher shall
control the lower object in God’s Hierar-
From The Bishops chy. In the biological order, death is the
Who Crucified Our Lord? domination of a lower order over a higher
Bishop James Naslund order. For death ensues when the vital forc-
Missouri es no longer can integrate, in the interests
Why did they hate Him? of the whole being, those physical and
Because all during His chemical processes which go on continu-
Life, He had been tearing ously in the cells of the organism. Life has
the masks of false goodness been defined as the sum of the forces which
from nice people. Exposing resist death, which prevent this revolution
the evil of men and women of the amoeba. Gradually, as we grow old,
who lived in Accordance the process of life wears away the sub-
with the conventional standards of His stance of the cells and diminishes the pow-
Time. Finally a time came when the ac- er of our various vital functions. Our chem-
cused could no longer tolerate His Re- ical processes become more and more inde-
proaches of what they were. pendence of the controlling vital forces;
Our Lord was Crucified by the nice peo- and their rebellion makes it increasingly
ple who held that Religion was alright in its difficult for the organism to harmonize
place, so long as its place was not here, their activities in the interest of the whole
where it might demand of them a change of man. At that precise point, where there is
heart. a balance of forces in favor of the purely
The Cross of Calvary stands at the cross chemical processes as against the vital
-roads of three prosperous civilizations as controlling powers, death ensues; the
eloquent Testimony to the uncomfortable chemical processed, having achieved full
Truth that the successful people, the social independence, have been able to disrupt the
leaders, the people who are labeled nice are integrity of the organism. Such is the histo-
the ones most capable of Crucifying The ry of all terrestrial beings.
Divine Truth and The Eternal Love. In human life the hierarchy extends
The gravest error of the nice people higher-there is a Super Structure above
in all ages is the denial of sin. Yet this is the Physical, and the same great law
always a hopelessly illogical stand for applies here, too. For man is so made that
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 107
when all is in order, the moral order holds would be truer to call it a friction, a
supremacy over the instinctive and the ‘rubbing the wrong way’. Guilt over un-ad-
physical. At that moment when the carnal mitted sins accounts for many of modern
gains mastery over The Spiritual in a man- man’s psychological ills. Yet it would
when the ego over-comes the social im- be unsound to say that the moral factor is
pulses, when the material dominates the always behind mental disorders; for it is
ethical-a domination of a lower order over not.
a higher order has occurred. Again, this re- The condition of despair induced by un-
sults in death-the death called sin. ‘For the repented sin often reaches a point where
wages of sin is death’ (Romans 6:23). there is a positive fanaticism against Reli-
Man cannot with impunity break the gion and Morality. He who has fallen away
laws of his own nature; the punishment from The Spiritual Order will hate it, be-
which invariably follows such attempts at cause Religion is the reminder of his guilt.
rebellion may be most apparent in the psy- Husbands who are unfaithful will beat their
chological order. For example, it is clear wives who are Faithful. Wives who are un-
that every self-centered person is a frustrat- faithful will accuse their husbands of infi-
ed person. Why must this be? It is because delity. Such Souls finally reach a point
frustration results when a natural longing where, like Nietzsche, they want to in-
encounters an insurmountable obstacle. crease evil until all distinction between
Every natural longing, to find satisfaction Right and wrong is blotted out; then they
needs to be turned toward an object; until can sin with impunity and say with
that occurs, it remains a longing-an inclina- Nietzche, ‘Evil, be thou my good.’ Expedi-
tion for a certain sort of performance. But ency can now replace Morality, cruelty be-
actualization of the longing can come only comes Justice, lust be-comes Love, sin
through something which is itself actual; multiplies itself in such a Soul until it be-
the longing, as such, being a mere potency, comes a permanent residence of satan,
cannot procure its own satisfaction. What cursed by Christ as one of the whited sepul-
does procure it is the object toward which chers of this world.
the potency is ordained. As long as the per- Such is the history of a nice person who
son remains concerned exclusively with believes he never sins.
himself, instead of giving himself to the ob- The nice people do not come to God,
jective world of tasks and duties, such actu- because they think they are Good through
alization cannot take place and frustra- their own merits or bad through inher-
tion ensues. By violating the law of his na- ited instincts. If they do Good, they believe
ture man thus brings upon himself frustra- they are to receive the credit for it, if they
tion and discontent. do evil, they deny that it is their own fault.
Every man and woman alive experienc- They are Good through their own good
es a sense of guilt when he or she breaks a heartedness, they say; but they are bad be-
natural law. ‘Every guilty person is his own cause they are misfortunate, either in their
hang-man’, also fearful, for economic life or through an inheritance of
‘Conscience Both make cowards of u s evil genes from their grandparents. The
all.’ Instead of callings in a fiction, it nice people rarely come to God; they
Page 108 The Greater Light May/June, 2015
take their Moral tone from the society in Libraries under the label, my myths
which they live. Like The Pharisee in the and Fables’? Why does everyone now turn
front of The Temple, they believe them- to the Pope for their God? Why are
selves to be very respectable citizens. churches uniting?
Very harmful effects can follow ac- People have become settled with what
cepting the philosophy which denies per- they have and need no God. How many today
sonal guilt or sin and thereby makes every- would have Crucified Christ?
one nice. By denying sin, the nice people Jesus was betrayed in the house of His
make a cure impossible. Sin is most seri- Friends, and His worse enemies were that of
ous, and the tragedy is deepened by the de- His own country. He further states that if
nial that we are sinners. If the blind deny they hate you, they hate Me first. This whole
that they are blind, how shall they ever thing boils down to a mere handful of people
see? The really unfor-givable sin is the de- who have become hated by humanity for
nial of sin, because, by its nature, there is Righteousness sake. Further more anyone
now nothing to be forgiven. By refusing to professing Jesus Christ is also appointed to
admit to personal guilt, the nice people are affliction even extra affliction the closer it
gets to the last day.
made into scandal-mongers, gossips, tale-
‘The wages of sin is death’ and at the last
bearers, and super-critics; for they must
day, those on His Left Hand may seem re-
project their real if unrecognized guilt to lieved a little because at least they will all be
others. This, again, gives them a new illu- together in that wrong place. But I assure
sion of Goodness: the increase of faultfind- you that Eternal Space has ample room to
ing is in direct ratio and proportion to the separate all those un-saved far from one an-
denial of sin. The nasty people do not like other. There is NO CONSOLATION in outer
to gossip about the failings of others, be- darkness!
cause they are only too conscious of their Footnote: The German Philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche:
own failings. 1844-1900, believed in: “The Power to Will”- man’s ambi-
tion to reach the highest possible position in life; “God is
I could not believe that people close to Dead” in which he claims that the Christian God is no long-
me would be among those that Crucify er a viable source of any absolute moral principles; and the
distinction between “Master and Slave Morality”- Master
The Lord, but some does fit the morality weighs actions upon good or bad consequences
‘description’ of the nice people. We think unlike slave morality which weighs actions upon good or bad
that only those ‘labeled’ evil and most intentions.

wicked would Crucify The Lord, that is-

murderers and bank robbers, etc. Wrong! Letter
The Good next door neighbors are also the My Dearest Brothers,
culprit. Whether we want to accept it or Grace and Peace be
not, self righteous people of Good report multiplied upon each of
Crucify The Lord. you, and your families. I
Why do people today ignore God? Why Pray for each of you eve-
do they not want Him? Why do they teach ryday, and your wife's and
evolution now in the schools? Why do they your children and extended
seem so desperate to prove The Bible a families. I am so Grateful to be part of The
myth? Why have they put Biblical Stories in Lord's Work. I just wanted to share a brief
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 109
thought with you to en-courage you in this tures, this Stone shall be-come The
Great Work we are Engaged in, knowing Great, and The Last, and the only sure
that The Lord is Working with us, Directing Foundation, upon which The Jews can
His Church, Standing at The Helm of His build
Church. Jesus Declared Emphatically in And now, my Beloved, how is it possi-
(Matthew 16:18) ble that these, after having Rejected The
‘ And I say also unto thee, That thou Sure Foundation, can ever Build upon it,
art Peter, and upon this Rock I will build that it may become The Head of their Cor-
My Church; and the Gates of hell shall ner?
not prevail against it’. Daniel, The Prophet, said he saw a
Today The Church of Christ With The Stone hewed out of a mountain and it Filled
Elijah Message, The Assured Way of The the whole earth.
Lord is still Built upon Jesus Christ. (1 Co- (Daniel 2:34:35) , ‘Thou sawest till
rinthians 3:10-11) that a Stone was cut out without hands,
‘ According to The Grace of God which smote the image upon his feet that
which is given unto me, as a wise master were of iron and clay, and brake them to
builder, I have laid The Foundation, and pieces.
another buildeth thereon,. But let every Then was the iron, the clay, the brass,
man take Heed how he buildeth there- the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces
upon.. together, and became like the chaff of the
For other foundation can no man lay summer threshing floors; and the wind
than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. carried them away, that no place was
That Foundation Consists of Jesus being found for them: and the Stone that smote
The Cornerstone, the very Founda-tional the image became a great mountain, and
Stone of The Foundation The Church is filled the whole earth.’
Built on, along with The Apostles and The Church, though small in Respect to
Prophets’. (Ephesians 2:20-21). The Church of the devil, this small Stone
We are part of this Strong Foundation, will grow and grow until it overtakes the
and though we might have experienced tri- kingdoms of this world. John declared in
als and tribulations, and Church Splits and (Revelation 11:15), ‘ And The Seventh
this one going here and that one going there, Angel sounded; and there were Great
we nonetheless are The Foundational Voices in Heaven, saying, The king-
Stones that Jesus is Building His Last doms of this world are become The
Days Church upon.. Kingdoms of Our Lord, and of His
(Jacob 4:15-17), ‘And now I, Jacob, am Christ; and He shall Reign for ever and
led on by The Spirit unto Prophesying; ever.’.
for I Perceive by The Workings of The So Brethren be Encouraged in The
Spirit which is in me, that by Lord.. Our Work will Stand when all of the
the stumbling of the Jews they will re- kingdoms of this world have fallen. We are
ject The Stone upon which they might doing The Works of Jesus Christ in the
build and have safe foundation. earth. I Love each of you. May Jesus Bless
But Behold, According to The Scrip- you and keep you is my Prayers.
Page 110 The Greater Light May/June, 2015
Your Brother and Fellow Servant, God makes Promises. One particular
Brother Joshua Sparks. Promise is The Promise that God made to a
man named Noah. I'm sure that you know
the story of how God sent a great flood to
Primary Department destroy the earth because the people had be-
Editor: Sister Joy Ellen Draves
Missouri come so wicked and evil. God Destroyed
everything He had Created except for two of
God Always Keeps every kind of bird and animal and Noah and
His Promises his family. He spared them because Noah
was a Good and Righteous man who Walked
I'm sure that everyone with God.
has seen a wedding ring. It After the flood waters went down and
is a very simple ring. In Noah's family and all the animals could
most cases it has no dia- leave The Ark, God made a Promise to No-
monds or any other pre- ah. He Promised Noah that He would never
cious stones. It is just a again destroy the whole earth with a flood.
plain, simple band of gold, Then He did something to remind Noah of
but it is very special because it is a remind- that Promise. He placed A Rainbow in the
er of a Promise that is made when a couple sky and He said to Noah, (Genesis 9:9-13),
gets married. On the day that they are mar- ‘Behold, I Establish My Covenant with
ried, a husband and wife make a Promise you, and with your seed after you;
that they will Love and stand Faithfully be- And with every Living Creature that
side one another ‘for better, for worse, for is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and
richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, of every beast of the earth with you;
for as long as they live.’ Each of them from all that go out of The Ark, to eve-
wears a wedding band as a reminder of that ry beast of the earth.
Promise that they made. The ring also tells And I will Establish My Cove-
everyone who sees it about The Promise nant with you; neither shall all flesh be
that the couple made. cut off any more by the waters of a flood;
We all make Promises, don't we? You neither shall there any more be a flood to
might Promise your mother that you will destroy the earth.
clean your room and do your chores before And God Said, ‘This is The Token of
you go out to play. Or you may Promise to The Covenant which I make between Me
keep a secret told to you by your best and you and every Living Creature that is
friend. You may Promise to return some- and you and every Living Creature that is
thing that you borrowed from a neighbor. with you, for Perpetual Generations:
Has anyone ever broken a Promise they I do set My Bow in the cloud, and it
made to you? How did that make you feel? shall be for A Token of a Covenant between
What did you say? You were probably very Me and the earth’.
disappointed and said something like, ‘But God Said that every time He saw The
you Promised!’ Sometimes we aren't very Rainbow, He would remember The Promise
good at keeping our Promises. that He made.
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 111
God has kept that Promise, hasn't He? God.
God Keeps all of His Promises. The next Elijah, The Prophet, was also so Good
time you see a Rainbow, remember The and Faithful that God took him directly to
Promise God made to Noah, and remember Heaven.
that just as He has kept that Promise, He 2 Kings 2:11 says, ‘And it came to
keeps all of His Promises. pass, as they still went on, and talked,
that, Behold, there Appeared a Chariot
Junior Department of fire, and horses of fire, and parted
Editor: Sister Thresa Ray them both asunder; and Elijah went up
Missouri by a whirlwind into Heaven’. Read more
about this is verses 1-15.
Those That Never Met There is one more person mentioned in
Death The Bible that was Translated – John The
Beloved. Jesus was speaking to His Disci-
Who is the oldest man ple, Peter in John 21:20-23.
who ever lived but died “Then Peter, turning about, seeth The
before his father? Disciple whom Jesus Loved following;
The answer is Methu- which also leaned on his breast at sup-
selah. Methuselah lived per, and said, Lord which is he that be-
962 years and died before trayeth thee?’
his father Enoch, because Then Peter seeing him saith to Jesus,
Enoch never met death. Lord, and what ‘shall’ this man
Enoch was a very do?’ (Meaning , What about this man?)
Righteous and Faithful Jesus saith unto him, ‘If I will that he
man and God took him in order that he tarry till I come, what is that to Thee?’
should not see death. Read Genesis 5:18- Then went this saying abroad among
27. the brethren, that Disciple should not
Enoch went directly to Heaven without die; yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall
dying. He had Victory over death. not die; but ‘If I will that he tarry till I
Hebrew 11:5 & 6 says, ‘By Faith Come, what is ‘that’ to thee?’
Enoch was translated that he should So you see, it was John The Beloved’s
not see Death; and was not found, be- Desire to tarry or remain on this earth till
cause God had Translated him: for be- Christ Returns
fore his translation he had this Testimo- Yet, it is not perfectly clear hear that
ny, that he Pleased God. John did not die. However, through the fol-
But without Faith it is impossibleto lowing Scriptures in The Record of The
please Him: for he that cometh to God Nephites we know that he never met death.
must Believe that He is, and that He is a There are three more Disciples on this
Rewarder of them that diligently Seek land, (America) that never met death.
Him.’ After Jesus’ Resurrection, He Came to
So you see, Enoch was Translated, never what is now America and visited The Faith-
experiencing death, because He Pleased ful here. Jesus asked these Disciples, one
Page 112 The Greater Light May/June, 2015
by one, what they Desired of Him. All but
three said they Desired that after they had
Young Adult Department
Editors: Matthew & Ellen Thompson
Lived unto the age of man, that their Minis- Missouri
try that The Lord called them to do, would
come to an end, that they might speedily Dear Young Adults;
go unto Jesus, in His Kingdom. Read Je- We wanted to talk
sus Reply and the Request of the other today on the import-
three Disciples in 3 Nephi 28:1-40. ance of being Pre-
So you see, this is proof that John The pared for when The
Beloved never met death either. Lord Comes again.
My father, Bro. William A. Draves, was You cannot turn on
visited several times by one of The the television with-out
Nephites that never met death. The Ne- hearing of something
phite helped him in time of need. disastrous happen-ing,
One of Brother Draves experiences whether it is flash floods, hurricanes, torna-
with The Nephite is printed in the book, dos, killings, or war.
‘Footprints in the Sands of Time’” In Mormon 8:26-32 it reads; ‘And no
Brother Draves described The Nephite one need say they shall not come for they
as a real person. He did not look unusual surely shall, for The Lord hath Spoken it
but very normal. Just as this Disciple for out of the earth they come by The
helped Bro. Draves, the others that have not Hand of The Lord and none can stay
met death, may be helping someone. it,
I want to go back to John The Beloved. and it shall come in a day when it shall
There was an article printed in our Church be said that Miracles are done away and
Paper in the past titled, ‘A Stranger at The it shall come even as if one should speak
United Nations’. It was about a man un- from the dead.
known to any member of The United Na- And it shall come in a day when The
tions Committee, that mysteriously ap- Blood of Saints shall Cry unto The Lord
peared and disappeared before The United because of secret combinations and
Nations Committee at Lake Success in works of darkness.
1950. This stranger spoke before The Yea, it shall come in a day when The
Committee and quoted over 35 Bible Vers- Power of God shall be denied
es in answer to The Committee’s Ques- and churches become defiled and be lift-
tions. It has been thought that this stranger ed up in the pride of their hearts, yea
might have been John The Beloved. even in a day when leaders of churches
Remember this verse: Hebrews 13:2, and teachers shall rise in the pride of
‘Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, their hearts, even to the envying of them
for thereby some have entertained Angels who belong to their churches;
unawares.’ Yea, it shall come in a day when there
May God Bless each of you and may we shall be heard of fires and tempests and
Strive to be Faithful and Pleasing to God. vapors of smoke in foreign lands;
And there shall also be heard of wars,
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 113
rumors of wars and earthquakes in di- Satan knows his time is getting shorter
vers places. to the day when he will have no power
Yea, it shall come in a day when there over The Children of God. So he is trying
shall be great pollutions upon the face of his hardest now to obtain as many Souls as
the earth, there shall be murders and he can.
robbings and lying and deceiving and 1 Nephi 22:26, ‘And because of The
whoredoms, and all manners of abomin- Righteousness of His People, satan hath
ations when there shall be many who no power wherefore, he cannot be loosed
say, ‘Do this, or do that and it mattereth for the space of many years, for he hath
not for The Lord will Uphold such at the no power over the hearts of the people,
last day. But wo unto such for they are at for they dwell in Righteousness, and The
the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of Holy One of Israel Reigneth.’
iniquity. 11 Nephi 30:18, ‘Wherefore, all things
Yea, it shall come in a day when there which have been Revealed unto The
shall be churches built up that shall say, Children of Men, shall at that day be Re-
‘Come unto me, and for your money you vealed, and satan shall have power over
shall be forgiven of your sins.’ the hearts of the children of men no
These verses were prediction of what more, for a long time.’
were to happen during the end times before These verses tell us that there will be a
Christ is to Come again. These things are day when satan will have no power over
happening NOW! Time is Short! There are God’s Children. The day when The
many more things to come-worse Lord Comes again is when satan will be
things before The Lord Comes again and bound,for the space of a thousand years.
we all have to be Prepared. If we are not We have to Prepare ourselves for The
Strong in The Lord, if our Faith is not Lord’s Coming but also for The Return of
Strong in The Lord, we won’t be Able to John The Baptist. The Lord Tells us that
Prevail against the power of satan when John is ‘The Forerunner’, so he has to re-
worse things happen. We cannot allow sa- turn before The Lord does.
tan to have power to tempt us. The Lord Malachi 3:1-2, ‘Behold, I will send My
has Promised us that He will Stand us in Messenger and he shall Prepare The
Holy Places when trials and tragedy sur- Way before Me and The Lord whom ye
rounds us. In order to have This Promise Seek shall Suddenly Come to His Tem-
from The Lord, we have to do our Part and ple even The Messenger of The Covenant
be Faithful Servants unto Him. We have to whom ye Delight in, Behold he shall
continue to have our Faith in The Lord come Saith The Lord of Hosts.
grow on a daily basis. We have to Study But who may Abide the day of his
His Words, Pray daily for Strength, and coming? And who shall stand when he
have a Continued Relationship with our Fa- appeareth for he is like a refiner’s fire
ther in Heaven, Jesus Christ. and like fuller’s soap?.’
Message 100:4, ‘Satan is at hand in Message 19:8-9, The Temple will be
the minds of many everywhere to bring Built by a People whose hearts are Pure.
havoc and trouble.’ God will not Accept any unclean thing,
Page 114 The Greater Light May/June, 2015
nor the work from men that will not fol- will begin our online radio broadcast on
low The Instructions given by His blogtalk radio for evening Services.. I am
Servant that He has Sent. broadcasting tonight but it will be available
But Prepare ye a People for The Lord. for listening to online anytime after it has
Prepare a Place for there is no place aired live. It will be 30 minutes long and it
among the wicked for God’s People to has the capability of reaching the whole
Abide.’ world.
We need to Prepare ourselves NOW for Here is that link
The Return of John The Baptist, and also
The Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. thechurchofchristassured-
Let us do all we can to Prepare our- way/2015/05/18/05172015-divine-authority
selves for The Lord in Keeping our Rela- -from-god.
tionship with Him Strong, as well as our I Pray this finds each of you Blessed and
Faith. Well. May The Lord Continue to Bless
Remember to be Good Examples of each of you everyday as we Work together
Christ. You may never know who is watch- to see that Rock hewn out of the mountain,
ing your example. Zion The Kingdom of Jesus Christ Fill the
Message 99:9, ‘Be very Careful what whole earth.
you Say, how you Speak, and where you Your fellow Servant,
Are, so is My Message to all.’ Brother Josh Sparks.
In closing, we wanted to let you all
know our Thoughts and Prayers are for all The staff of ‘The Greater Light’ would
of you like to dedicate This Issue of our Paper to
our Dear Sister J.J. Simmons of Alabama.
We send our Love, Cares and Prayers to
Notices you. May God Bless!
The Editor
The Church Ministry
The Church has a CD available of ‘The
On Radio Testimony of William A. Draves’ spoken by
Beginning this month, we will begin himself, for $5.00. Please contact The Gen-
broadcasting online Services from 11 AM eral Headquarters Office.
to 1 PM (Est) for all who do not have a lo-
cal or who Desire to attend our online
This we will do 2 times a week, on Sun- Missionary Report
day Mornings and on Wednesday Evenings Apostles Michael Greenwell & Leonard Draves
for Scripture Study. Here is the link to our
upcoming Service, on Sunday https:// On Friday, May 22, 2015, Brother Apostles Michael Greenwell and Leonard
Beta/Default.aspx?code=122-898-401 we Draves both traveled to Tuskegee, Ala-
Pray it will be a Great Blessing to all who bama to visit our dear Sisters and Brothers
are able to Worship Jesus with us. Also we of that Local. Once arrived we held Church
May/June, 2015 The Greater Light Page 115
Services with eight in attendance. The Spir-
it of The Lord was felt by all. After study-
Testimonies of The Past
ing the 72nd Message, we Administered to Richard Johnson, Iowa: I remember the
all those in attendance: JJ Simmons, Debo- story of the two men walking from Jerusa-
ra Jointer, Gladys Moore, Shirley Green, lem after Learning that Christ Arose from
Mort Armstrong, Farris Moore. We then The Dead. They met a Man on the road
Served The Sacrament, with a few Testimo- who continued walking with them. During
nies given. After Service we all enjoyed a the walk The Man asked them, ‘What’s new
wonderful meal from Sister JJ. in Jerusalem?’ They proceeded to tell The
On Sunday, May 23, 2015 Brother Man what had happen to Christ. The Man
Apostles Michael Greenwell and Leonard asked the men, ‘Did not you know these
Draves traveled to Auburn, Alabama for things were to happen?’ When the men
Services at Sister Gladys Moore’s home. reached their home they asked The Stranger
Once there, we studied the 29 Mes- to come eat with them. It was not until they
sage, Again The Spirit of The Lord met asked The Stranger to Pray over the food
with us and we had much Joy being togeth- did they Realized this was Christ Himself.
er. We Blessed the Land they owned that Their eyes were Opened to The Lord and
God would watch over the land and pro- they Knew Him. It is a Good Story! We
tected it from the dangers of the world, and should see The Lord more Clearly today.
all that come on the land would feel the See that He is our Savior! I am Lifted up
Spirit of God within them. from The Peace of The Lord.
We then traveled back to Tuskegee, Ala- Donald Thompson, Missouri: Hello to
bama to Sister JJ Simmons home for an af- everyone. I want to Stand and Praise The
ternoon Service. After our Message study Lord. I am Glad to be here. Glad for all
more Administration were given to Brother of us. It is Good to see the young men
Eric Kidd, and Sister Alice. We also that has come to visit. We all should
Blessed Eric’s daughter, Eriyana LaShay have a Testimony of The Lord. He Loves
Kidd. us. I Thank Him. The Lord seen Fit to Call
Again after Services we enjoyed another me to The Ministry so I want to make Him
wonderful Meal by Sister JJ. Pleased with me. Never thought I would be
Brother Mike Greenwell talked to able to Stand up in front of people to even
Brother LaVonne Moore on the phone but say this. The Lord has made this happen. I
we were unable to visit with him at this have seen some Miracles since I took up
time. Due to his work he was unable to at- my Calling. He is a True and Loving God
tend Services. and He will do what He Says. I Glorify
It was a long journey but one of many Him. We need a Closer Walk with God. I
Great Blessings. We wish to thank all our am Thankful for all of you. Always give
members of Alabama for such an Enjoyable God The Praise and Glory. That is why we
and Blessed visit. The Love of God’s Gos- have Life! He is The Rock, The Foundation
pel and The Church is Greatly Grounded we Built our Life on! If you have not yet
in Alabama where The Lord Dwells with Experienced anything with God it is now.
all. Our Prayers and Love goes to all there. the time to Stand Up and Praise The Lord
and get to Know Him.
Page 116 The Greater Light May/June, 2015

The Church of Christ

With The Elijah Message
4215 South Hocker Street, Suite 110,
Independence, MO 64055

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