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cobas® analyzers

Bar Code Specification Guide

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©2010 Roche

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cobas® analyzers Bar Code Guide i

Version 2
Revision History
Revised pages for this manual are provided by Roche Diagnostics when necessary. No part of this publication
may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission.

Publication Date Pages Affected

Reference No.
1579-00-0706 July 2006 entire document
Version 0
1579-01-0309 March 2009 updated to include cobas e 411 and cobas c 311 analyzers
Version 1
1579-02-1210 December 2010 updated to include cobas 8000 modular analyzer series
Version 2

ii cobas® analyzers Bar Code Guide

Version 2
Sample Bar Code Label Specification Guide

1 Specifications
1.1 Read system
• LED/CCD Type
• Bar code label attached to test tube is automatically read.
1.2 Bar code symbologies supported:
• NW-7 (Codabar)
• Code 39
• Interleaved 2 of 5
• Code 128.
1.3 Check digit
• Selectable ON/OFF for NW-7, Code 39 and Interleaved 2 of 5
• Fixed for code 128 (ON)
• Check digit should be used to prevent error in reading.
1.4 Number of ID characters
The maximum number of characters for each Symbology is based on a maximum 50 mm symbol
length excluding quiet zones (see Figure 1).
Code symbol Number of ID digits Check character format
NW7 (Codabar) Modulus 16
Modulus 11
w/o check digit 3 to 18 characters (w/special characters) Weight Modulus 11
w/o check digit 3 to 21 characters (no special characters) Modulus 10/2 Weight
with check digit 6 characters Modulus 10/2 Weight-A
Modulus 10/3 Weight
7 check DR
Code 39 Modulus 43
w/o check digit 3 to 15 characters
with check digit 3 to 14 characters
Interleaved 2 of 5 Modulus 10 alternate 1, 3 weight
w/o check digit 4 to 22 characters
with check digit 3 to 22 characters
Code 128 3 to 20 characters (Code set A/B) Modulus 103
Always with
check digit 4 to 22 characters (Code set C)

• Narrow element = 0.19 (7.5 mils)
• Wide to narrow ratio = 8.3 (2.6667)
• Intercharacter gap = 0.19 mm
• All calculations include the appropriate Start/Stop characters.

cobas® analyzers Bar Code Guide 1

Version 2
Sample Bar Code Label Specification Guide

1.4 Number of ID characters, continued

Notes: • For NW7 (Codabar):
• Allows the use of only 6 characters when check digit is used.
• Use of special characters results in a longer symbol.
• The check digit is assumed to be a special character width.
• For Code 128, the check digit must always be used.
• For Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF)
• The symbol always contains an even number of characters, including check digit.
• If the data + CD count is odd, the first character is 0 filled (e.g., 123456 + CD becomes
0123456 + CD)
• It is highly recommended to always use check digit for ITF.
• You must choose whether to use a check digit or not for each Symbology. Mixed use is not
• The cobas® analyzers are configurable to accommodate between 1 and 22 digits.
NW7 allows the use of 6 digits + 1 digit with check digit. In case of Interleaved 2 of 5, the number
of ID digits is fixed (at an even number of digits).
• For Code 128, the check digit must always be used.
• You must choose whether to use a check digit or not; mixed use is not available.
• The cobas® analyzers are configurable to accomodate between 1 and 22 digits.
• Height of test tube: 100 mm
• Bar code label size: bar code length must be no longer than is shown in Figure 1.
NW7 (Codabar) 0 to 9 (w/o check digit)
Code 39 0 to 9, and - / . + : $
Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) 0 to 9
Code 128 Alphanumeric characters, excluding non-data function characters
and code set selection characters.

1.5 Bar code label

a. Label size
• The label height can vary. However, the entire label must be placed within the scan range
as shown in Figure 1.
• The label width must be 16 mm minimum.
b. Symbol size
• The maximum symbol size is 50 mm. The symbol and minimum of 5 mm quiet zones at
each end of the symbol must be placed within the scan ranges as shown in Figure 1.
• The bar height must be 12 mm minimum.
c. Bar and space
Minimum bar (space) width > 0.19 mm
Ratio of narrow (space) to wide bar (space) 1:2.5 to 1:3

d. Reference and PCS value

Reference of space 75% or higher
PCS value 0.75 or more
2 cobas® analyzers Bar Code Guide
Version 2
Sample Bar Code Label Specification Guide

1.5 Bar code label, continued

e. Color
Bar black
Space white

f. Other
• Bars must not be blurred.
• Label surface must be free of contaminants.

Figure 1

1.6 Bar code read zone.

• Each bar code is read within the zone as shown in Figure 2, therefore, the bar code label must
be attached so it is within the bar code zone shown in Figure 2.
1.7 Sample container
• Sample containers must be nominal 75 mm or 100 mm height.

cobas® analyzers Bar Code Guide 3

Version 2
Sample Bar Code Label Specification Guide

2 Setting of routine samples

2.1 Location for attaching bar code label.
• The bar code label must be attached to each test tube in the bar code zone as shown in
Figure 2.
2.2 Test tube placement on the rack.
• Place the test tube in the rack so that the bar code label can be seen through the notch in the
rack. After placing the test tube in the rack, lightly push the top of the test tube to ensure the
tube is seated at the bottom of the rack.
2.3 Sample ID when using cup on tube
• To use cup on tube, place sample cup on top of test tube.
5 12

16 min
Symbol Placement Zone

5 mm
Symbol Range

Symbol Placement Zone

50 Max Barcode
Scan Range
Symbol Range
15 5

15 5

5 mm

100 mL 50 mL Tube Bar Code Label

Figure 2

4 cobas® analyzers Bar Code Guide

Version 2

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