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Unit 6 - Prepositions

6.1. - Prepositions of time

Preposition Usage Example

on Days of the week I will go shopping on Saturday

Months / Seasons In November, I’m moving to California.

Time of day I always need coffee in the morning.

Year I was very happy in 2012.

After a certain point of time (when?) My train leaves in five hours

For night I can never sleep at night.

at For weekend I’m moving house at the weekend.

A certain point of time (when?) Lessons begin at eight o’clock.

since From a certain point of time (past until now) I’ve been living in Spain since 2002.

for Over a certain period of time (past until now) I’ve been living in Valencia for 5 years.

ago A certain time in the past I moved to Valencia 5 years ago.

before Earlier than a certain point of time All bills printed before 1998 were rejected.

to Telling the time The gates close at ten to nine.

past Telling the time The plane takes off at ten past ten.

Marking the beginning and end of a period

to/until of time
I go to school from Monday to/until Friday

In the sense of how long something is going

until to last
He is on holiday until Tuesday.

In the sense of at the latest I will be back by 4 o’clock.

Up to a certain time By 8 o’clock, I had finished my dinner.

Unit 6 - Prepositions

6.2. - Prepositions of place (position and direction)

Preposition Usage Example

Room, building, street, town, country I was in London last month.

Book, paper, etc. My favourite character in the book died
Car, taxi I left my wallet in the car.
Picture, world. He is the most handsome person in the world.

Meaning next to, by an object Wait for me at the door.

For table You shouldn’t be rude when you’re at the table.
at For events
They had so much fun at the concert.
Place where you do something typical
(school, work,etc.) There are lots of people I don’t like at work.

Attached The picture on the wall is amazing.

For a place with a River London lies on the Thames.

Being on the surface I left your homework on the table.

on For a certain side (right, left) On the left you can see the Big Ben.

For a floor in a house The kitchen is on the first floor.

There were no free seats on the bus for me!
For public transport
I saw you on the television yesterday.
For television, radio

by, next to, Left or right of somebody or something Jane is standing by/next to/beside the car.

On the ground, lower than (or covered by)

under something else
The bag is under the table.

Lower than something else but above

below ground
The fish are below the surface.

Covered by something else Put a jacket over your shirt.

Meaning more than He is over 16 years of age.

Getting to the other side (also across) You need to walk over the bridge.

Overcoming an obstacle You must climb over the wall to win the prize!

Higher than something else, but not directly There is a path above the lake that will take you to
above over it the castle.

Unit 6 - Prepositions

Preposition Usage Example

Getting to the other side (also over) You need to walk across the bridge.
Getting to the other side Swim across the lake.

Something with limits on top, bottom and You have to drive through a tunnel to get to
through the sides Valencia.

Movement to a person or building Go to the cinema and I’ll meet you there.

Movement to a place or country He’s moving to London next year.

For bed If you don’t go to bed, you won’t be able to get up


into Enter a room / a building Go into the kitchen and get the salt for me, please.

Movement in the direction of something

towards (but not directly to it)
Go 5 steps towards the house and wait there.

Jump onto the table and you’ll get expelled from

onto Movement to the top of something

from In the sense of where from The flower from the garden is very pretty.

6.3. - Other important prepositions

Preposition Usage Example

from Who gave it I got a present from Jane on my birthday

Who/what does it belong to A page of the book I lent you is ripped.

What does it show In case you don’t know, it’s a picture of a palace.

by Who made it Tom Sawyer is a book by Mark Twain.

Walking or riding on horseback I love going everywhere in Valencia on foot.

Entering a public transport vehicle Get on the bus if you want to make it on time.

in Entering a car / taxi Get in the car! We’re about to leave!

off Entering a car / taxi Get in the car! We’re about to leave!

Unit 6 - Prepositions

Preposition Usage Example

out of Leaving a car / taxi This is it, you can get out of the taxi now.

Rise or fall of something Prices this month have risen by 10%.

by Travelling (other than walking or I love going by train, there are always amazing views.

at For age She learnt English at 45.

about For topics, meaning what about They were talking about me when I walked in.


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