Iván Prats - 28: Marketing and Sales Warrior

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Iván Prats - 28 


Marketing and Sales Warrior 

Can Alvart 
Carretera a Cala Llonga, Jesus (SPAIN) 
(34) 622 083 959 

After over 12 years of making money selling all 
kinds of stuff, from real estate to life insurance, cars, info-products, 
e-commerce, services, etc, I’ve acquired a natural tendency towards sales 
environments. As the online ecosystem kept growing marketing online 
became a #2 priority in my list so I began to learn everything I could about it. 

EXPERIENCE (12 years as self-employed / entrepreneur) 

Just Clean Ibiza, Ibiza (Spain)​ ​- Administrative 
My first job in my 16s was in my uncle’s cleaning company, then, I 
realized that I was not made for a regular job. 

SK Gaming, Cologne (Germany)​ - Head coach 

My passion for e-sports (gaming) brought me first into the coaching 
world. From 17 to my early 20s I coached some top-level e-sports teams 
in the world, the first one was SK Gaming, a legendary team. 

Gambit Gaming, St. Petersburg (Russia)​ - Head coach 

Later I was offered a job in a Russian team and I accepted. We won the 
national championship and qualified for the international stage. 

Baskonia, Vitoria (Spain)​ - E-sports Analyst, Marketing & Sales 

I still was in my early 20s when I was offered a position as the 
marketing and sales director of the e-sports department in a very well 
known Spanish basketball team. I got a taste of sales and marketing 
here and I loved it. 

Freelance, Ibiza (Spain)​ - Amazon FBA (​ First failed business attempt) 

I was hungry for starting my own business so in my mid-20s I did by 
purchasing 2000 or so units of some random product in china and 
white-labeling it to sell in the German market. It failed terribly, lost all 
my money and had to start all over. 

Freelance, Ibiza (Spain)​ - Professional Poker Player ​(Spin’n’go) 

The Amazon FBA failure made me go on the defensive, so I found 
something different to do, poker online. I earned my money for the next 
2 years playing poker online successfully. I figured out that it was not a 
scalable thing and I had to play + study about 12 hours a day (non-stop) 
so I saved some money and moved on. 

Blue Square, Ibiza (Spain)​ - Real Estate Agent ​(Commission only) 

I wanted some action so I joined a real state agency that just opened in 
Ibiza and was recruiting agents. For one year I was the #1 at the 
acquisition of new properties (portfolio). I acquired more property than 
the other 10 agents that were in that office combined. 
Unfortunately, the company was generating NO LEADS whatsoever, I 
couldn’t sell any property, luckily they also paid for each property that I 
was bringing in so I made some cash that year. 

Entrepreneur, Ibiza (Spain)​ - Real Estate Broker (​ Startup) 

I decided to create my own agency called “Purple Lizard Realty” and I 
tried to sell property through storytelling, here’s an idea of the type of 
promotional videos I was making: 
In the end, I was not able to sell that property and had to close doors 
as I ran out of money AGAIN. Back to the beginning. 

Freelance, Ibiza (Spain)​ - Sales and Marketing ​(Service - Retainers) 

I was in my mid-late 20s after I was demolished by that failed startup so 
I decided to monetize my best skills, in this case, sales, and marketing. 
I did that for up until today. 

IES Sant Antoni de Portmany, San Antonio ​- Bachelor’s degree 

IES Sa Colomina, Ibiza ​- IT (2 years) 

Consulting.com ​- Marketing course 

Mastermind.com ​- Marketing course 


- Think and grow rich (Napoleon Hill) 

- This is marketing (Seth Godin) 
- Psycho-cybernetics (Maxwell Maltz) 

- Mindset (Carol Dweck) 

- Rich dad poor dad (Robert Kyosaki) 

- How to win friends and influence people (Dale Carnegie) 

- Secrets of the millionaire mind (Harv T. Ecker) 

- Blue ocean strategy (Kim & Mauborgne) 

- Sell like crazy (Sabri Suby) 

- Ogilvy on advertising (David Ogilvy) 

- Breakthrough advertising (Eugene Schwartz) 

- Among many others... 

- Over 10,000€ in profits in 1 month. 
I made this amount not long ago when I was selling both 
marketing retainers and leads to businesses. I had a very good 
month where I was closing everybody and I made a total of 10K. 
- Over 1,000€ in profits in 1 day. 
I made this amount when I created an info-product for gamers 
during my mid-late 20s era. I promoted the course in one of my 
groups organically and sold 1K worth of courses in one day. 
- Grown a Facebook Group organically to over 1,000 prospects. 
I did it by posting valuable content in other Facebook groups 
within that niche and to the people that liked/commented on the 
post I reached out and offered them to join and invite friends. 
It grew from 0 to 1K in about 2 months, organically. 
- Sent 40.000 cold emails with an open rate of 38%. 
I​ used SendGrid to cold email thousands of potential prospects 
and got very good open rates. Tried different approaches every 
250 emails or so. 

- Been the head coach of two of the most legendary teams in 
e-sports history, SK Gaming and Gambit Gaming. 
I got a chance in those teams because I was very passionate 
about it, prepared mind-blowing analysis, spreadsheets, and 
ideas to improve the team and they reached out and hired me 
on the spot. 
- Been a marketing director in a very well known top European 
basketball team, Baskonia. 
They offered me a position after playing against them proving 
my strategic ability as a head coach and analyst. 
- Pitched investors and financed a startup idea with nearly 
100,000€ in capital (Purple Lizard Realty). 
The way I did this was being relentless. I reached out to 
everybody that I could get my hands on, Facebook, LinkedIn, 
Forums, In-person, my friends’ parents and rich uncles… 
I pitched my idea passionately to hundreds of potential investors 
and made it happen. 
- #1 of an entire real estate office with 10 other experienced 
agents in there, having no prior experience in real estate 
Over a period of about 12 months, I alone acquired about 150 
properties. The other 10 agents combined acquired about 100. 
I did this by knocking hundreds of doors, giving a lot of business 
cards, making thousands of cold calls, and putting in the time 
and effort. 

- English: Fluent spoken and written 
- Spanish: Native speaker 
- Catalan: Native speaker 

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