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Muneer Al Busaidi

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of

Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!

11 Powerful
Hypnotic Power
Words of
Persuasion, Why
they work & How to
use them!

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!

Phrases you can easily use TODAY to in uence others!

Conversational hypnosis is based on the simple power of words.

Hypnotists have no crazy powers above and beyond other people, they
just have their words, tone of voice and an understanding of how our brain
puts together and reasons with words.

So when you use words e ectively to connect ideas, you create a certain

NLP is largely based on this, many times sales is based on this (even
though they dont realise it!) and obviously being hypnotic/ hypnosis is also
based on this.

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!
In actual fact – a lot of what I am going to share with you today was
discovered based on the work of a man who was considered one of the
greatest therapists of all time  Milton Erikson. His work was formalized in
NLP under what is called the Milton Model.

What you will nd is that the words & phrases themselves are completely
normal- phrases that you will hear used in every day conversation. This
fact alone  makes this technique so extremely powerful (imagine if I said
you had to use the word SHAZAM in an everyday conversation!) – that
would make this guide pretty useless!

It is not just the words themselves that are hypnotic – it is how they are

Lets look at the words themselves and you will see what I mean!

1. [Power word] The word “Because”:

Have you ever heard someone justify something that you considered
nonsensical or even silly – for example “I know the person doesnt like me
because last time they passed me they didnt say hi!”, or “I know I am a bad
painter because my third grade teacher said Im not artistic?”. (By the way –
we all do this to some extent in di erent areas of our lives! So you may
have used/ be using these phrases yourself!)

In NLP this is what is known as a “complex equivelance” – our brain likes to

justify things by having a reason for it!

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!
It is because of this desire for the brain to justify things – that we often
make unnecessary associations in our lives. Some good – some bad and
some that make no real di erence whatsoever. We all do it!

So it is when we use the word “because” as a hypnotic power phrase (that

is able to satisfy the brain’s natural search for a reason) and we do this for a
small request – that we are able to get some pretty awesome results.

Here is an excellent example of what I mean:

In the book “In uence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini

there is an excellent study that he talks about performed by Ellen Langer
at Harvard.

In the study Langer asked to push in line at the

library to photocopy some papers – he used
three di erent phrases on a number of people in
order to record how they would react.

In the rst instance he said:

“Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the xerox


In this case 60% of the time people let him through.

In the second instance – he said:

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!
“Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the xerox machine, because I’m in a

In this case where he gave a valid(ish) reason 94% of the time people let
him through!

However what is even more impressive is the last case in which he said

“Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the xerox machine, because I have
to make copies?”

Notice that there is not even a real reason!!! This line got him a 93%
success rate.

Note that this works because when you satisfy the brains search for a
reason on a small request – it allows things to go through.

Here are some other examples you can create:

“Because you are reading this article, you may be interested in learning
more about persuasion and in uence and because you are interested in
that, this guide will be useful for you”

In a software sales situation:

“Because most people do not enjoy creating all these tasks manually, they
 buy our program  to help them automate the process”

2. [Power word] The phrase “which means”:

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!
This is a great phrase since this is both an example of a complex
equivalence that we spoke about previously – our brain likes to make
associations as well as what is called a cause and e ect – another concept
used in NLP.


 “You are reading this tutorial and you have made it to the second phrase
which means you are enjoying the content so far!”

“The fact that you have taken the time out to read this information means
that you are interested in how to persuade others.”

“You are reading this which means you enjoy the process of learning”

Notice that in the rst two examples – I have used more of a cause e ect
example and in the third example I have used more of a “because” type of

3 – 7. …LY words:
 Unlimited (Ok I cheated and threw that one into this pack!)

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!
These words are very powerful because when you use these words in a
sentence, your mind presupposes the sentence to be true. This creates a
picture in your mind that helps to break down resistance and move the
concepts to your subconscious mind.

These words are not only very powerful in sales but also in teaching and

“Have you discovered how easily you can learn these processes and

“As you read these examples, imagine the unlimited power these language
patterns will give you in your day to day life”

“Sooner or later you will comfortably use this language in your everyday

Oh… Did i mention that these are extremely powerful when you combine

You may notice that by reading these words when they are used in
examples, you can easily start to learn them because you see how
they are used naturally in everyday conversation. The more
examples you read, the more you automatically start learning them
because the words are going into your subconscious mind which
means that they will start appearing more  and more in your everyday
language as you continue practicing.

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!

Some pro tips:

  sing these in questions is very powerful – especially “yes” answer questions.
 Nodding your head while asking a “yes” answer question – also helps bring out
the “Yes”.
Example – “Dont you nd that after reading some examples, you
automatically  start to realize  ways to use these naturally in everyday

8. The Phrase “The more you (x), the more you (y):
This phrase right here is one of my favourites and is actually very exible –
you may have even noticed that I have peppered some of this phrase in
previous examples!

“The more you look through this document, the more aware of these
examples you will become”

“The more you learn these new techniques, the more excited you become
about becoming more persuasive”

“The more we discuss the features of this product the more you
understand the bene ts to the point where you can see this product as an
integral part of your business.”

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!
Here is what is very exciting – you can interchange the word more with a
couple of other words – such as:

“The sooner you learn this, the quicker you can apply these in your
everyday life”

“The sooner we can complete the project, the sooner you can enjoy the
bene ts of the work we have done for you”

“The more you nd examples on how you can use this in your everyday
life, the more useful you nd this information”

Here is a cheeky one from me “The more useful you nd this information,
the more you want to leave me a one line testimonial letting me know how
this has helped you!”

Here is also another popular example from hypnotherapy that follows the
same principles but changes the words again:

“The deeper you go, the better you feel” (…and you can continue) “and the
better you feel, the deeper you go”

Such a beautiful loop!

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!
Which brings me to the next thing – all these can be loops!

Lets look at one of our earlier examples:

“The more techniques you learn, the more excited about learning
persuasion you become” (and now lets loop this back) “and the more
excited you become about learning persuasion, the more techniques you
will learn”.

Not the best sentence – but you get the drift!

And nally the triple more:

“The more you learn, the more you grow, the more you grow the more
opportunities you will have”

9-11. Awareness words:

These words are powerful because they presuppose something to be true
and because of this – starts to create the feelings that you are talking

For example to relax a person you could say:

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!
“As you read this sentence you may become aware of a growing feeling of
relaxation and calm”

By the way – I also use the word “may” in that sentence as a language

“As you slowly become aware of these language patterns going into your
subconscious, notice how you may start to use them moving forward in
your day to day life.”

“Before you realize the true potential of this guide, you maynotice
the care put into this article to help younaturally andautomatically
achieve your goals which meansthe more
you practice these examplesthe better you will get at persuasion
and the better you get,the more success
you will be able to experience in achieving your goals in the future, nowbecause
you have read through this whole guide – these words would have
automatically gone to your subconscious
which means you can becomeaware of theunlimited
opportunities to use themnaturally
in your everyday conversation and you may nd thatthe more you
create and practice your own examplesthe more
they will naturally occur in your day to day conversations.”

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!

I have designed this guide to be extremely quick to use and implement in
your everyday lives – it is an excellent taster and can de nitely get you up
and started getting better results in your communication with others.

If you have read this guide through to the end I congratulate you for taking
action and hope you like this guide!

And if  you like this  you will  Love My video Course on how to hypnotically
get a person to say "Yes". The techniques I share with you here are useful
when used to get an outcome - and the biggest outcome that you can
achieve is getting someone to say "Yes" to whatever you ask them.
Now before you   Visit the Link   let me share with you some of the
awesome content you will learn once you get the course.

After you click on the link you will learn:

  nderstand the power of creating mind patterns

 Watch a live demonstration of a mind pattern where I get someone to do
something they didnt realise they would do
 Discover secrets of the tag questions
 Understand advanced tonality yes sets
 Learn how to create building blocks of yes sets for a major "Yes"

11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use
11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of
Persuasion, Why they work & How to
use them!


11 Powerful Hypnotic Power Words of Persuasion, Why they work & How to use

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