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Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi

s. II a. Biologie vegetală, 2018, 64: 11-19 ISSN: 1223-6578, E-ISSN: 2247-2711



Irina IRIMIA1*, Ciprian MÂNZU1

Abstract: This study aims to present the current preservation condition of Ephedra distachya subsp.
distachya species inside of identified phytocoenoses from Moldavia. So far, there are known only 2
localities in Vaslui County, and that’s why this species is considered rare. It has been identified in plant
communities of Taraxaco serotinae - Bothriochloetum ischaemi and Astereto (oleifolius) - Ephedretum
distachyae associations. Risk factors that threaten population’s stability have been identified.
Keywords: Ephedra distachya subsp. distachya, Benești, Mitoc, red list, habitat, conservation status.


Ephedra distachya L. subsp. distachya (sea grape, jointfir) is a late-glacial

xerothermic relict, dioecious dwarf shrub of Ephedraceae family. It is a xerophilous,
thermophilic-subtermophilic, heliophilic, calciphilous species which grows on maritime
and continental dunes, on dry soils, chalks and marl soils (Sârbu et al., 2013). It is
spreading from the South of Europe to Northwest of France, Serbia, Southern of Slovakia,
the Central Ukraine, Northern and Eastern of Russia, up to The Polar Circle (Grințescu,
1952; Freitag and Maier-Stolte, 1996; Niketić, 2018).
In Romania, this species has a scattered spreading. It is frequently occurring in
Dobrudja (on Black Sea Coast and Danube Delta) and less frequently in Transylvania
(Râpa Roșie, Râpa Lancrămului, Drâmbar, Cheile Turzii, Suatu, Cheia, Boteni), Muntenia
(Săpoca, Valea Puțului), Banat (between Gura Văii and Dudașul Schelii, between Dudașul
Schelii and Valea Oglănic, Gura Oglănicului, Valea Oglănicului) and Moldavia (Tanacu,
Mitoc) (Pop, 1931; Grințescu, 1952; Borza, 1959a, 1959b; Ciocârlan, 1965; Roman, 1966;
Dihoru and Roman, 1969; Vițalariu, 1973; Roman, 1974; Horeanu and Vițalariu, 1992;
Matacă, 2005; Frink and Szabó, 2008).
The relatively small number of individuals in some areas and the scattered
distribution in Romania have led to the inclusion of this species in one of the sozological
categories of Romania's Red Lists. Thus, E. distachya subsp. distachya is considered to be a
rare (Dihoru and Dihoru, 1994; Oltean et al., 1994; Coldea et al., 2001; Sârbu and Chifu,
2003; Oprea, 2005; Sârbu et al., 2013) or vulnerable (Boșcaiu et al., 1994) species. This
species is included in the IUCN Red List in the category ”Least Concern” (Bell and
Bachman, 2011).
In some regions, this species is used as a medicinal plant both for human and
veterinary medicine and as well as in pharmaceutical industry (Grințescu, 1952; Pârvu,
2000; Bell and Bachman, 2011; Niketić, 2018).
The loss of habitat and area reduction due to anthropogenic impact pressure,
climate changes, genetic aging of populations and decreasing propagation potential, as well

“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Faculty of Biology, 20A Carol I Blvd., 700506, Iași, Romania
Corresponding author. E-mail address:
Irimia, I., Mânzu, C. 2018/ Analele Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Sect. II a. Biol. veget., 64: 11-19

as commercial harvesting for medicinal or ornamental purposes are factors that can
generate vulnerability or extinction risks of some plant species (Sârbu and Chifu, 2003),
including E. distachya.

Materials and methods

During 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018 vegetation seasons, we made field-trips to
identify investigated species, to make floral samplings and to register the conservation
status of this species.
In order to identify plant communities where E. distachya subsp. distachya is
developed, we used the methodology of the Central-European phytosociological school, we
made vegetation relevés (Cristea et al., 2004). For taxa identification and plant associations
description, we have considered the most recent scientific studies (Chifu et al., 2006; Sanda
et al., 2008; Sârbu et al., 2013; Chifu and Irimia, 2014). Synonyms of taxa were made
according to the Euro+Med Database, Tutin et al. (1964-1980) and Sârbu et al. (2013).
The collected material is deposited in the Herbarium of Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iași [I] (acronym according to Thiers, 2018): I 182386, I 182387.

Results and discussions

According to botanical literature, in Moldavia, E. distachya subsp. distachya were

found in Vaslui County only. Thus, due to field-trips in 2014, this species was identified in
two localities (Beneşti and Mitoc), as scientific literature already mentioned: Mitoc (Vaslui
County), hill with SW exposure, pasture, GPS: 46°40ʹ59,7ʺN, 27°51ʹ09,9ʺE, 19.04.2014,
leg. I. Irimia [I 182386]; Benești (Vaslui County), Țopu Hill, alt. 205 m, slope with SW
exposure, GPS: 46°23ʹ25ʺN, 27°46ʹ56,9ʺE, 11.06.2014, leg. I. Irimia, C. Mânzu & V.
Chinan [I 182387].

1. Benești village, Tanacu commune (Fig. 1)

In 1972, Viţalariu identified the first locality in Moldavia with E. distachya subsp.
distachya male plants, on western slope of Ţopu Hill situated at 2 km east of Tanacu village
(Vițalariu, 1973).
As Viţalariu (1973) mentioned, this species is growing on severely rugged relief
which is influenced by continuous erosion and landslides. In order to reduce soil erosion
and landslides, this land was stabilized both by planting species like Elaeagnus
angustifolia, Hippophaë rhamnoides and by seedlings development after Crataegus
monogyna and Rosa canina fruit disseminations.
Since 1973, the Coasta Rupturile Tanacu has been declared botanical reservation
(Decizia 220/1973 Comitetului Executiv al Consiliului Popular Judeţean Vaslui; Decizia
129/2004 a Consiliului Judeţean Vaslui - Formular standard Natura 2000). It occupies 6 ha
area (Anexa I a Legii 5/2000, poziția 2776). Since 2007, it has been declared Community
Important Site in Natura 2000 Network (OM MMDD 1964/2007) for two priority habitat
types: 62C0* Ponto-Sarmatic steppes and 40C0* Ponto-Sarmatic deciduous thickets. The
total area of ROSCI0041 is 328 ha (Mănoiu and Brânzan, 2013).

Irimia, I., Mânzu, C. 2018/ Analele Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Sect. II a. Biol. veget., 64: 11-19

E. distachya subsp. distachya was found on a relatively small surface (about 100
m2) on Ţopu Hill, closer to Beneşti village than Tanacu village. It grows on a coast with W-
SW aspect, at 202-206 m altitude. This species was identified in Taraxaco serotinae-
Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Burduja et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999 plant
association which belongs to the Natura 2000 habitat type: 62C0* Ponto-Sarmatic steppes
(Table 1, A1-A2).

Table 1. Plant communities with Ephedra distachya L. subsp. distachya:

A. Taraxaco serotinae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Burduja et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999
B. Astero oleifolii-Ephedretum distachyae Horeanu et Vițalariu 1992

Relevé no. 1 2 3 4 5
Altitude (m, a.s.l.) 206 202 151 152 153
Exposure SV V SV SV -
Slope (º) 20 20 15 15 -
Surface (m2) 50 50 50 50 25
Cover of the shrub layer (%) 1 2 - - -
General cover of vegetation (%) 75 95 80 90 75
Number of species 34 28 39 28 30

Association’s characteristics
Galatella villosa - - 2 + 2
Taraxacum serotinum - + + + -
Jurineo arachnoideae-Euphorbinenion nicaeensis
Achillea nobilis subsp. neilreichii - - + + -
Astragalus dasyanthus - - + - -
Centaurea stereophylla - + + - -
Centaurea stoebe subsp. australis - + - - -
Eryngium campestre + + + - -
Euphorbia nicaeensis subsp. glareosa + - + + +
Hyacinthella leucophaea + - + - +
Iris pumila subsp. pumila + - + + -
Jurinea mollis subsp. mollis + - - - +
Psephellus marschallianus + - - - -
Salvia aethiopis - - - - +
Salvia austriaca + - + - -
Thymus pulegioides subsp. pannonicus 1 + + + -
Veronica orchidea - - + + -
Festucenion et Festucion valesiacae
Achillea setacea + + - - -
Agropyron cristatum subsp. pectinatum - - - - 1
Ajuga chamaepytis subsp. chia - - + 1 +
Artemisia austriaca - + + + +
Asperula cynanchica - - - + -
Astragalus excapus subsp. pubiflorus + - + - -
Astragalus onobrychis - + + - +
Bothriochloa ischaemum 3 4 2 3 +
Ephedra distachya subsp. distachya 1 1 2 2 3
Koeleria macrantha subsp. macrantha + - 1 - -
Linum austriacum subsp. austriacum - - + + +
Marrubium peregrinum - - - + +
Medicago falcata + - + - -
Medicago minima 1 + + - -
Nonea pulla + - - + -

Irimia, I., Mânzu, C. 2018/ Analele Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Sect. II a. Biol. veget., 64: 11-19

Salvia pratensis subsp. pratensis - - - + -

Sanguisorba minor subsp. minor + + + - -
Scabiosa ochroleuca - + - - -
Stachys recta subsp. recta + + - - +
Stipa capillata - - + - +
Teucrium capitatum + - + + -
Teucrium chamaedrys subsp. chamaedrys 1 1 - - -
Thesium arvense - + - - -
Stipion lessingianae
Salvia nutans - - + + -
Pimpinello-Thymion zygioides
Astragalus glaucus + + - - -
Festucetalia valesiacae
Calamagrostis epigejos subsp. epigejos - + - - -
Campanula sibirica + - - - -
Euphorbia cyparissias - - + - -
Festuca valesiaca subsp. valesiaca 2 2 3 2 1
Hypericum perforatum subsp. perforatum - - + - +
Phlomis tuberosa - + - + +
Potentilla cinerea subsp. cinerea + + + - +
Salvia nemorosa subsp. nemorosa + - - - +
Sideritis montana subsp. montana + - 1 2 +
Verbascum phoeniceum - - - + +
Veronica austriaca subsp. austriaca + - - - -
Agrimonia eupatoria subsp. eupatoria + + - - -
Artemisia campestris subsp. campestris - - + 1 +
Clinopodium acinos + - + - -
Linum catharticum subsp. catharticum - - + 2 -
Noccaea perfoliata - - - - +
Onobrychis viciifolia + + + + -
Plantago media subsp. media + - - - -
Xeranthemum annuum - + - - -
Molinio-Arrhenatheretea s.l.
Bromus commutatus - - + - -
Taraxacum officinale + - + - -
Rhamno-Prunetea s.l.
Crataegus monogyna - + - - -
Hippophaë rhamnoides subsp. rhamnoides + - - - -
Rosa canina - + - - -
Artemisietea s.l.
Berteroa incana - - + + +
Carduus nutans subsp. nutans - - - + -
Cerinthe minor subsp. minor + - - - -
Lappula squarrosa - + - - -
Nepeta nuda subsp. nuda - - - 1 +
Tragopogon dubius - - + - +
Stellarietea s.l.
Lathyrus tuberosus - - - - +
Setaria viridis - - - - +
Variae syntaxa
Asparagus officinalis subsp. officinalis - - - - +
Elaeagnus angustifolia - + - - -
Phragmites australis subsp. australis - + - - -
Place and data of the relevés:
1. Beneşti-Ţopu Hill, 11.06.2014; 2. Benești-Țopu Hill, 27.10.2018; 3. Mitoc, 15.06.2014; 4. Mitoc,
29.07.2018; 5. Mitoc, 15.06.2014.

Irimia, I., Mânzu, C. 2018/ Analele Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Sect. II a. Biol. veget., 64: 11-19

This land in used as pasture for sheep, goats and cattle, but because of landslides
and difficult accessibility, this area where investigated species grows is impracticable for
grazing, which gives it some stability in its development and perpetuation. That's why we
believe that conservation status of species in this station is favourable.

2. Mitoc village, Banca commune (Fig. 2)

In 1992, Horeanu and Viţalariu identified a new locality for E. distachya subsp.
distachya on a hill nearby Mitoc village, a slope with a south-western aspect, where
growing only male plants.
The population of E. distachya is developed on a small area (about 200 m2). The
species was identified in two plant associations: Taraxaco serotinae-Bothriochloetum
ischaemi (Burduja et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999, an association belonging to the
Natura 2000 habitat type: 62C0* Ponto-Sarmatic steppes (Table 1, A3-A4) and Astereto
(oleifolius) - Ephedretum distachyae Horeanu et Vițalariu 1992 (Table 1, B5).
The phytocoenoses of Taraxaco serotinae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi are used as
communal pasture, where young shoots are grazed by cows and horses.
Conservation status of E. distachya subsp. distachya species in the phytocoenoses
dominated by Bothriochloa ischaemum may be considered as stable and favourable, but we
cannot say the same about the phytocoenoses from Astereto (oleifolius) - Ephedretum
distachyae association.
Horeanu and Viţalariu (1992) described a new association for science, Astereto
(oleifolius) - Ephedretum distachyae, on an area of 700 m2. Today, area occupied by this
association is about 100 m2. It is in a real danger of extinction due to the fact that it is
situated on the edge of nearby agricultural crops, as well as excavations or landslides,
which created vegetation gaps, being replaced by ruderal and segetal species. Since 1992,
Horeanu and Viţalariu mentioned the necessity to protect those 10-15 hectares, both for its
bio-historical and phyto-geographical significance of E. distachya species and for rarity and
specificity of some phytocoenoses. We continue to support this mention.


Through this study we reconfirm the presence of Ephedra distachya L. subsp.

distachya species in those two mentioned localities from Eastern Romania (Beneşti and
Mitoc - Vaslui County).
The size of the areas where Ephedra distachya species develops, the relatively
small populations and their decreasing trend, mainly through anthropogenic pressure
exerted nearby these areas (lands used as communal pasture and proximity of agricultural
crops), the absence of any management measures, are reasons to concern about the
persistence of this species. Also, the presence of only male plants make propagation of this
species to be realised by vegetative pathway only, which may be a real threat for these
populations from Eastern Romania.
The species conservation status in these two localities may be considered as
favourable for Beneşti village and unfavourable for Mitoc village. That’s why we consider
the protection of the habitat situated near by Mitoc village to be imperious.

Irimia, I., Mânzu, C. 2018/ Analele Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Sect. II a. Biol. veget., 64: 11-19


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Irimia, I., Mânzu, C. 2018/ Analele Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Sect. II a. Biol. veget., 64: 11-19




Figure 1. A, B. General view of Țopu Hill (Benești); C. Ephedra distachya subsp. distachya; D, E, F.
Phytocoenoses of Taraxaco serotinae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Burduja et al. 1956) Sârbu, Coldea
et Chifu 1999 association

Irimia, I., Mânzu, C. 2018/ Analele Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Sect. II a. Biol. veget., 64: 11-19




Figure 2. A. General view of the hill near the Mitoc village; B. Ephedra distachya subsp. distachya;
C, F. Phytocoenoses of Astereto (oleifolii) - Ephedretum distachyae Horeanu & Vițalariu 1992
association; D. Agricultural crops near by the plant communities with Ephedra distachya subsp.
distachya ; E. Phytocoenosis of Taraxaco serotinae-Bothriochloetum ischaemi (Burduja et al. 1956)
Sârbu, Coldea et Chifu 1999 association


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