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Lack of access in healthcare

Despite advances in medicine and public health, glaring inequalities in access to

health care and health outcomes within and between countries persist and have even
widened in some countries, including the Philippines. A major contributor is the
mismanagement of human resources for health, including doctors, nurses, and
community health-care workers. 60% of Filipinos die without seeing a doctor, and the
Philippines has a shortage of trained doctors. Furthermore, doctors in the Philippines
are distributed unevenly and emigration is high. Poor medical education partly causes
the mismatch between competencies of health professionals and the health needs of
the population. Such mismatch leads to mismanagement of human resources for health
and reduces access to the health-care system. We aimed to gain insights from current
medical students about the present situation and future direction of medical education in
the Philippines. (Guinto R, 2012)

Adults without health insurance are far more likely to go without health care that
they believe they need than are adults with health insurance of any kind.Children
without health insurance may be compromised in ways that will diminish their health and
productivity throughout their lives. (Lurie et al., 1984, 1986; Berk and Schur, 1998;
Burstin et al., 1998; Baker et al., 2000; Kasper et al., 2000; Schoen and DesRoches,

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