Qurantine and Law

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Quarantine and the law

Courts have the power to review movement curbs during disease outbreaks, but have upheld them in public interest
imperative need in the arena of possibility of its spreading at an on quarantine, expressly made it
public health. alarming rate, made the forcible clear (Rule 9) that the people
isolation rational and reasonable. whose right is affected by an order
‘Trentino’ to quarantine In India, the Epidemic Diseases of quarantine by a public health
The first law on medical isolation Act, 1897, a law of colonial vintage, authority have the right to seek
was passed by the Great Council in empowers the state to take special judicial review including the right
L.S. Sathiyamurthy
1377, when the plague was rapidly measures, including inspection of to habeas corpus. Previously, it

ruining European countries. De- passengers, segregation of people was in 1900, in response to an out-

t was about 196 years ago (1824) tention for medical reasons was and other special steps for the bet- break of bubonic plague, that an
that the U.S. Supreme Court, in justified and disobedience made a ter prevention of the spread of order of quarantine imposed on a
an en banc sitting led by Chief punishable offence. The law pre- dangerous diseases. It was amend- Chinese citizen was struck down
Justice John Marshall, affirmed the scribed isolation for 30 days, ed in 1956 to confer powers upon by the Federal Court in the U.S. be-
powers of the state to enact qua- called a ‘trentino’. Subsequently, the Central government to pre- cause it was racially motivated and
rantine laws and impose health many countries adopted similar scribe regulations or impose res- ill-suited to stop the outbreak.
regulations. The world has since laws to protect the people. When trictions in the whole or any parts Therefore, courts have exercised
faced many health emergencies the duration of isolation was en- (Amendment) Act, 1957 (GPH). of India to control and prevent the their jurisdiction and powers to re-
caused by dangerous diseases. hanced to 40 days, the name also The Bombay High Court (1990) felt outbreak of hazardous diseases. view and reverse quarantine
This virus crisis is also not new. changed to ‘quarantine’ by adopt- that solitary detention was a se- Quarantine is not an alien concept orders.
Quarantine is considered the ol- ing the Latin quadraginta, which rious infringement of basic human or strange action and it has been The Supreme Court suo motu
dest mechanism to reduce the ra- referred to a 40-day detention rights guaranteed to the indivi- invoked several times during the took cognisance of fears over the
pid spread of bacterial infections placed on ships. dual, but held that under unusual bizarre situations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic affecting over-
and viral onslaughts. It has been In common parlance, ‘quaran- situations and exceptional exigen- cholera, smallpox, plague and oth- crowded prisons in India, on
legally sanctioned by all jurisdic- tine’ and ‘isolation’ are used inter- cies, such isolated detentions are er diseases in India. March 16. The difficulties in ob-
tions in the world for the mainte- changeably, but they convey two justifiable for the cause of public serving social distancing among
nance of public health and to con- different meanings and are two health. Such isolation, undoubted- Judicial review prison inmates, where the occu-
trol the transmission of diseases. different mechanisms in public ly, has several serious consequenc- The Director of World Health Or- pancy rate is at 117.6%, were high-
Since ancient times, societies have health practice. Quarantine is im- es. It is an invasion upon the liber- ganization (WHO) on March 30 de- lighted and directions issued to
practised isolation, and imposed a posed to separate and restrict the ty of a person. It can affect a termined that the outbreak of CO- prevent the spread of COVID-19 in
ban on travel or transport and re- movement of persons, who may person very adversely in many VID-19 constitutes a public health prisons in India.
sorted to maritime quarantine of have been exposed to infectious matters, including economic con- emergency of international con- The setting up of isolation cells
persons. disease, but not yet known to be dition. cern and issued interim guidance within prisons across Kerala, and
These measures were often for- ill. But, isolation is a complete sep- But in matters involving a threat for quarantines of individuals. The the decision of the Tihar Jail auth-
cibly enforced to prevent or re- aration from others of a person to the health of the community, in- guidance permitted the restriction orities to screen new inmates and
duce the wider spread of disease known or reasonably believed to dividual rights have to be balanced of activities by separation of per- put them in different wards for
and to safeguard the health of citi- be infected with communicable with public interest. In fact, indivi- sons who are not ill, but who may three days are appreciated as rea-
zens not yet exposed to such dis- diseases. dual liberty and public health are have been exposed to an infec- sonable preventive measures.
eases. In the list of diseases that The current COVID-19 crisis, not opposed to each other but are tious disease within the legal fra- Further, notices were issued to all
may require quarantine, issued by with its closure of shops, academic well in accord. The reason as- mework of the International States to deal with the present
the Centers for Disease Control institutions and postponement of signed by the High Court to Health Regulations (2005). It also health crisis in prisons and juve-
and Prevention, the Severe Acute public examinations, has put the uphold the quarantine was that distinguished quarantine from iso- nile observation homes.
Respiratory Syndrome that can go people in a de facto quarantine. even if there was a conflict bet- lation, which is the separation of ill Quarantine rooms may have
on to become pandemic has been Nonetheless, the question wheth- ween the right of an individual and or infected persons from others, strong closed doors or may be wa-
recently added to the existing ones er a public authority or state can public interest, the former must so as to prevent this spread of in- ter and air tight compartments,
— cholera, diphtheria, infectious promulgate an order for quaran- yield to the latter. fection or contamination. As per but the rays of justice from the
tuberculosis, plague, smallpox, tine is a legal issue. In 2014, Kaci Hickox, a nurse the WHO guidelines, possible qua- courtrooms have the powers to in-
yellow fever and viral hemorrhag- When an employee of the World and health worker who voluntarily rantine settings are: hotels or dor- trude in them. Of course, under
ic fever. It shows that quarantine is Wildlife Federation was diagnosed rendered service to Ebola patients mitories and well-ventilated single the sun every object is subject to
a medically accepted mode to re- with Human Immunodeficiency and returned to New Jersey, was rooms or homes, where a distance judicial review and quarantine or-
duce community transmission. Virus (HIV) in 1990, he was termi- quarantined in the U.S.. It was op- of at least one metre can be main- ders are not exempted from it.
However, a constructive alterna- nated from service and detained posed by her peers serving in pu- tained from other members.
tive method of treating patients ex- for 64 days in quarantine-like iso- blic health. But the dreadful con- The Centers for Disease Control The author is the District Judge, serving in
posed to infectious diseases is the lation under Goa Public Health sequences of the disease, and the and Prevention, U.S., in its order the special court for CBI cases in Chennai

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