Grammar: Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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Short tests Unit 4

Test 1

1 Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adjectives in brackets.
1 Comedies are _______ (entertaining) than documentaries.
2 He’s _______ (funny) than Tom Hanks.
3 She’s a _______ (good) director than the man who won.
4 Maths is _______ (boring) than History.
5 He’s _______ (popular) than his brother.

2 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box.
healthy fast long untidy interesting
1 It’s the _______ film I’ve ever seen. It was five hours!
2 His new car is the _______ in town. It goes over 150 km an hour.
3 The fruit salad is the _______ dessert on the menu.
4 My parents’ room is the _______ in the house!
5 That’s the _______ article he’s written.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives.
1 It’s a very _______ film. I had bad dreams for months.
2 It’s a very _______ film. I laughed a lot.
3 It’s a _______ film. There’s lot of blood!
4 It’s a very _______ film. Everyone cried.
5 It’s a very _______ film. I was on the edge of my seat!

Total: ___ /15

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions Pre-Intermediate tests 1

Short tests Unit 4
Test 2

1 Complete the sentences with, enough or too and the words in brackets.
1 The new James Bond is _______ (good) the last actor.
2 This film’s _______ (scary) for me. I’m leaving.
3 Have you had _______ (food)? I don’t want you to be hungry.
4 It’s _______ (hot) in here. Can you turn the heating down?
5 She looks very young but she’s _______ (old) my mum!
6 The water isn’t _______ (warm) to go swimming. You’ll freeze!
7 The new comedy series isn’t _______ (popular) the first one.
8 I’d like a new DVD recorder but it’s _______ (expensive).
9 Did you spend _______ (time) on this homework?
10 I’m not _______ (good at English) Maria.

Everyday English
2 Put the words into the correct order to make a sentence.
1 three book like to I’d tickets
2 to showing the we’re 5.30 p.m. going
3 £22 be that’ll
4 that repeat please you could?
5 change your here’s

Total: ___ /15

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Solutions Pre-Intermediate tests 2

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