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Role of technology communication

 Introduction :
Communication technology is a necessity for human interaction. Computer technology
and telecommunication links via satellites are bringing about revolutionary changes in the field
of the communication. the barriers of space and time have totally collapsed . Earlier it took
days to communicate with someone through a letters but new technology ie STD and ISD
facilities have made communication an instantaneous process . the world appears to have
contracted or been squeezed into small room in which, given certain facilities , it is possible to
communicate with anyone in any part of the world . new information technology is quicker ,
safer and less prone to distortion or misrepresentation .

 There are different kinds of technology :

1) Fax :
Fax–on-demand Or FoD ia an automated FAX retrieval system by which an organization
can receive request for information and respond to those request automatically without even
touching the keyboard .

Organizations desiring of using this mode of communication should have access to satellite
links . An organization can create a variety of documents like its corporate profile , information
about the products , the latest catalogue etc . These document lie stored in the computer with
specific code numbers assigned to them . A customer can automatically access any of these
documents via satellite link , on using the code number of the document , he will get it
immediately faxed to him. Fod is a quick mode of communication needing a high degree of
sophistication and ethics .


 One of the key advantages of fax machines is that they provide an instant hard copy
of a document. This removes the chance that an email attachment can be deleted or an
online correspondence erased in the case of a hard drive failure or computer crash.

 Sometimes it is important to receive a document as quickly as possible. Fax

machines are a great option if it is a paper that cannot easily be sent through email.

Using a fax machine is much faster than sending an item through the U.S. Postal

 If you do not have a physical fax machine, you can turn your computer into a fax
machine by signing up for an Internet faxing company such as e fax. With e fax, you
receive software on your computer that allows you to use it as a fax machine.
 Fax machines are also important to companies that do business internationally. This is
because of legal provisions in some countries that define faxed signatures as officially
binding, while emailed signatures are not


 Fax machines take up space and also create an opportunity for mechanical failures
that may require costly repairs.

 Using a fax machine puts you at the mercy of the reliability of phone lines, or
Internet connections in the case of using e fax ..

 Fax machines need regular maintenance. This includes stocking the machines with
paper and also supplying toner, which is the powdered ink fax machines use to print.

2) E-mail :
E-mail popular name for electronic mail involves sending message via
telecommunication links . if two computer terminals , however distant from each
other ,are connected on network , it is possible to sand message from one to the
another .the message is typed on the computer screen at one end , and is conveyed to
the other end through electric impulses .the person operating the computer terminals at
the receiving end is alert by a signal that a message or mail , meant for him is in the
electronic mailbox. When he click on the inbox the mail is automatically flashed on the
screen . it has also been discovered that sending messages by email is quite cost-
efficient .

 It is the quickest means of transmitting messages . And it is significantly cheaper

rates for long distance communication
 E-mail does not thrust itself upon the receiver . A phone call when you are in the
midst of a serious discussion can disturb you . but E-mail does not disturb you .
you can check our mailbox and receive your message at your leisure .
 If a communication is to be sent to someone other side of the world , time zone
may differ but you can send a E-mail whenever you like and the person at the
other end can receive it the next morning when he comes to work .
 E-mail can be send to any number of people
 E-mail messages can be easily stored for future reference

 Viruses: These are computer programs having the potential to harm a computer
system. These programs copy themselves and further infect the computer. The
recipient needs to scan the mails, as viruses are transmitted through them and
have the potential to harm computer systems.

 Hacking: The act of breaking into computer security is termed as hacking. After
the e-mail is sent and before it is received by the desired recipient, it "bounces"
between servers located in different parts of the world. Hence, the e-mail can be
hacked by a professional hacker.
 Misinterpretation: One has to be careful while posting any kind of content through
an e-mail. If typed in a hurry, the matter could be misinterpreted.
 Lengthy mails: If the mail is too long and not properly presented the reader may
lose interest in reading it.
 Need to check the inbox regularly: In order to be updated, one has to check his
e-mail account regularly.

A videoconference or video conference (also known as a video teleconference) is a
set of interactive telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to
interact via two-way video and audio transmissions simultaneously . Conducting
a conference  between two or more participants at different sites by using computer networks  to
transmit audio and video data .video conferencing system works much like a video telephone.
Each participant has a video camera, microphone, and speakers mounted on his or her
computer. As the two participants speak to one another, their voices are carried over the
network and delivered to the other's speakers, and whatever images appear in front of the video
camera appear in a window on the other participant's monitor.


 Reach anyone you need to reach immediately, no matter what time of day it
may be for anyone involved. Time differences between states and countries
can be overlooked without anyone traveling long distances for the

 While a phone call may suffice for two people who need to have a short
conversation, web-based conferencing allows large rooms of people at
different locations to interact with one another effectively.

 Video conferencing is much more cheaper than a phone call in abroad in

which we can see and hear perfectly .

 It is easy to use

 Educational institutions, mainly long distance education programs and

instructional courses, have reaped enormous benefits of video conferencing.
Professionals and students are able to access lectures, study material, group
discussions, and even an one-to-one talk with the instructor. Video conferencing
has taken education into far flung corners of the world. 


 The foremost disadvantages of video conferencing are the technical difficulties

associated with smooth transmissions that could result from software, hardware or
network failure

 There are some human ways of communicating that do not translate very
well over a distance, such as eye contact. When you sit in the same room
with someone and listen to a speech or presentation you will make eye
contact and they will judge who is paying attention by looking around the
room. Much of this contact is not easily delivered through a webcam.

The internet may be defined as a global collection of people computers
linked together by telephone lines, radio links or satellite links . it has been
introduced in india quite recently but being extremely versatile and fast its
popularity is increasing day by day . Through internet we can get lots of
information . For internet we just need computer and net connection with that
we can connect with anyone in the world .


 Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other
part ofthe world through internet
 Information is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering. The Internet is a virtual
treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is
available on the Internet. The search engines like Google, yahoo is at your service on
the Internet. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that you
are looking for.
 Entertainment is another popular raison that is why many people prefer to surf the
Internet. In fact, media of internet has become quite successful in trapping multifaceted
entertainment factor. Downloading games, visiting chat rooms or just surfing the Web
are some of the uses people have discovered. There are numerous games that may be
downloaded from the Internet for free .. Music, hobbies, news and more can be found
and shared on the Internet.
 Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, shopping, job
seeking, purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, guidance services on array of topics
and every aspect of life, and hotel reservations. Often these services are not available
off-line and can cost you more.


  Personal Information:  If you use the Internet, your personal information

such as your name, address, etc. can be accessed by other people. If you
use a credit card to shop online, then your credit card information can also
be ‘stolen’ which could be akin to giving someone a blank check.
 Pornography: This is a very serious issue concerning the Internet,
especially when it comes to young children. There are thousands of
pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found and can be a
detriment to letting children use the Internet.
 Spamming: This refers to sending unsolicited e-mails in bulk, which serve
no purpose and unnecessarily clog up the entire system.

5) website
A Web site is a related collection of World Wide Web (WWW) files that includes a beginning file
called a home page. A company or an individual tells you how to get to their Web site by giving
you the address of their home page. From the home page, you can get to all the other pages on
their sit

 The information is available to be accessed by anyone, anywhere, anytime.
 The information within a site can be quickly accessed.  There is no need to
sift through several pages.
 The site may provide links to other sites on the same topic
 The site can be updated to always provide the latest information.
 The site creator/author doesn’t need to be present when someone is
retrieving information.
 You can look at more than one page or source at the one time by having
numerous windows.
 Information is easy to gather and print selectively.
 You can peruse the information at leisure taking as much time as needed.

 It may be difficult for researchers to locate, especially if there are many
similar sites.
 The information on the site may not be reliable.
 Information may be interpreted incorrectly or used inappropriately.
 A connection to the web is needed to access the information, which will be
impossible if a computer and connection is not available.
 It may be difficult to reach your target audience.
 The site may go down or the computer may crash.
 Site may be difficult to use if experience with the internet is limited.
6) public address system
A public address system (PA system) is an electronic
amplification system with a mixer, amplifier and loudspeakers, used to reinforce a sound
source, e.g., a person giving a speech, a DJ playing prerecorded music, and distributing
the sound throughout a venue or building. A simple PA system consists of a
microphone, an amplifier and one or more loud speakers.

 it is direct ,simple ,time saving and last expensive form of communication.
 Because of the message is conveyed instantaneously, it helps in avoiding
delays, red tape and other formalities.
 It is easy to operate , and it is time saving


 There is no formal record of communication so that any misunderstood

message cannot be referred back to what was actually said.

 If the verbal message is passed on along the hierarchical chain of

command then some distortions can occur during the process. The more
people the message must pass through, the greater the potential

 Lengthy and distant communication cannot be effectively conveyed


 The receiver may receive the message in his own perception and thus
misunderstand the intent of the message.

 Spontaneous responses may not be carefully thought about.

 More or less or a different meaning might be conveyed by manner of

speaking, tone of voice and facial expressions.
7) Cell phone

An electronic telecommunications device, often referred to as a cellular phone or cell

phone. Mobile phones connect to a wireless communications network through radio
wave or satellite transmissions. Most mobile phones provide voice communications,
Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Message Service (MMS),  and newer
phones may also provide Internet services such as Web browsing and a
days cell phone is a common communication device . everyone in the world has a cell
phone , and it is necessary to carry .


 Parents can be a little less worried about their kids by being in constant touch
with them.
 Nothing more than a cell phone comes to great help in emergency
 If you’re a net-savvy, you can have Internet handy all the time and anywhere the
signal of your cell phone provider can reach.
 Nowadays, cell phones are not just phone calls; they’re about messaging,
vidoe, songs, games, alarm clock, notes, calendar, reminder, etc. So one equipment,
lots’ of uses!
 Companies find it yet another medium to advertise their products; so another
medium to reach the consumers.
 Trendy and stylish cell phones can be used as a bait to receive attention. It can
be part of fashion and styling.
 The more you talk, the more you know how to talk and the better
your communication skills become. This is applicable if you’re a sensible person
and keep note of your interacting habits over the phone. It can be a communication


 Some people (especially teens) get so much addicted to cell phones for talking,

video, messaging, games, etc that they forget the real purpose of the phone and waste
large part of their time in unnecessary interaction over their cell phones.
 There have been cases of cell phone blasts, due to the excessive heating up of
it’s battery. This can be a fatal issue; although rare.
 the surface of a cell phone has millions of bacteria and virus on it and that can
be a strong reason of immediate skin problem on face or can result into other internal
infections wherein the microbes creep inside the body through mouth or other openings.
 The battery parts and other electonic parts of a cell phone can be environmental
hazard if not disposed off properly through approved means.
 Now a days students are addicted too much to their cell phones and does not
concentrate in their carrier
An intercom (intercommunication device), talkback or door phone is a stand-alone
electronic communications system intended for limited or private dialogue. Intercoms
can be portable but are generally mounted permanently in buildings and vehicles.
Intercoms can incorporate connections to walkie talkies, telephones, cell phones and to
other intercom systems over phone or data lines and switch electronic or electro-
mechanical devices such as signal lights and door latches

 The home intercom system provides functions ranging from convenience to
security. Conversations can be held between individuals in different parts of the
home and in the case of injury or emergency.
 Not only at home intercoms used for communication, but they can be used
for entertainment as well. suggests one form of entertainment
provided by a home intercom system is the ability to play the same radio station
in rooms throughout your home.
 A house or office does not have to have expensive wiring done to use an
intercom system. The online intercom website emphasizes for those wishing to
save money, wireless intercom systems can be used. These systems can also
be transported when moving from one home to another.
 It is easy to use .and the message can be send without any delay

 When using an intercom system, anyone in the room of the sender or
recipient of the message can hear the conversation. Communication might
have to be repeated if static or poor sound quality exists in the intercom.
 It is expensive
 Any one can hear to the private message
 Your voice is not heard clearly by the receiver.
 Your conversation can be easily recorded

Dictaphone was an American company, a producer of dictation machines—sound
recording devices most commonly used to record speech for later playback or to be
typed into print. The name "Dictaphone" is a trademark, but in some places it has also
become a common way to refer to all such devices, and is used as a generalized

 Compact in size
 low maintenance because the y have few moving parts
 providing high quality recording in a variety of formats
 recording can be compressed
 time saving
 there is lack of  Personal contact between the executive and the typist which
may discourage personal interest of the employee in his work
  To clarify doubtful points or indistinctly with the executive concerned in
delay in transcription work is not there
 Lastly, failure of electricity or breakdown of the machine itself may hamper
dictation and transcription work.

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