Final Reviewer

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-Creation = to make something out of nothing = God can do anything without planning

-Creation Narratives

= absolute origin of universe and of life

= is the foundation of God’s plan and of our life

= has 2 parts/division:

o 1st Creation Narratives:

=God creates out of His sheer loving desire to share His divine goodness with us
- God created the world with His love
=All God’s creation is good and has a purpose; Humans has unique destiny to share the
goodness and love with God
- Humans has 100% love, goodness and wisdom of God
=God teaches us the value of rest and allot time of work and play
- Balance our life
=We are God’s creation in His image and likeness
- Dignity, equal dignity
o 2nd Creation Narratives
=God is personal and intimate God
- Connection with God
=There is interconnection among the thing created by God
- All God’s creation are all connected
=God created humans as social and free beings. We are meant to live harmoniously with
- Freedom = accordance goodness and right decision
- He gives us freedom to use and follow our knowledge
=God created men and women equal
- Gender equality
- Respect comes from respect


= The beginning

= 6 days of creation and day of rest

= 1st book

=Moses is the author = with the guidance of HS


- Exnihilo = nothing comes from nothing/out of nothing to something
- Dark, no shape
- Genesis 1:3 = “Let there be Light”; and there was light.
- God divided the light from the darkness = day time and night time

2nd DAY

- God created the sky and water

- God divided the water below from the water above to make the sky and sea
- “Let there be water under the heaven be gathered together in one place; and let
the dry land appear.” And it happened.
- Preparation of earth for the human beings
- God make vegetation, trees and fruit seeds
- “Let the earth produce grass and plants, and fruit seeds” and it happened; and God
saw that it was good.
- Genesis 1: 16 = “God made the great 2 lights; the greater light to rule the day, and
the lesser light to rule the night; He also made the stars”
- Greater light = Sun
- Lesser Light = Moon
o 5 DAY
- God made the sea creatures and flying creatures
- Genesis 1: 20-23 = These creatures received the 1 st command of God: “Be fruitful
and multiply, fill the waters and the sea, and let fowl to multiply on earth”
- Genesis 1: 24 – 30 = “God created all the animals and insects. God saw it was good;
and God created Adam and Eve”
- Adam and Eve received the 2nd command of God: “Be fruitful and multiply and
replenish the earth and subdue it; and have a dominion over the fish of the sea and
the fowl of the air and of every moving thing on earth”
- Rest day and final day
- God rested and saw all His creation are good


-Person = physical body, with feelings and emotions

-Christian Moral life

o =Center is Jesus Christ

o =Morality
o =Practices of Piety
o =considered others feelings
- Human person

o = controlling the feelings and emotions

o = with Christian moral life, and loved for others
o =the reason and faith, positive way
o =conscious and awareness, embodied spirits, historical, and unique

- Dignity of the Human Person

o =value the person in what a person is not in what a person has

- Person in Christ

o =Will of God – Jesus taught us

o =Lessen to hurt others
o =Center of our life-in right way


o 5 keys:
o Persons are open and relational by nature
- Build a communication to others
- We benefit each other
o Persons are conscious beings
- Aware and conscious
- Self-awareness for our knowing and free will
o Persons are embodied spirits
- Our body is sacred
- Gift of God
- Unity between body and soul
- 1 Cor 6: 19-20 = St. Paul said that our body is the temple of HS
o Persons are historical realities
- Lessons of the past
- We become more full
o Persons are unique, but fundamentally equal
- We are equal, don’t degrade


o Authentic Freedom
- not doing or saying the right, but to do and say good
- 1 obstacle = SIN – evil and mistake
o Authentic Human Freedom
- doing the good and share it to others; or benefit for yourself and others
- 2 obstacles:
=Freedom From/INTERIOR THREATS – within us; tau nagpasimuno,
=Freedom For/EXTERIOR THREATS – arise from environmental; influence ng iba

-Freedom of the Children of God

o Attain the good or highest good - we need to act as Jesus because all Jesus did is good
o Attain goal of Personal Freedom - freedom of slavery, corruption=Rom 8:21

-Exercise of Responsible Freedom

o To know the moral good with the help and teachings of the Gospel
o Gospel/God/Will of God is the new life, light for total vocation and peace of mind for being a
fully human person


o Latin:
- CON= with
- SCIENTIA= knowledge
o It is an action and decision with knowledge
o It is a kind of inner voice/tinig ng budhi that guides us to moral life
o It the most core and sanctuary with the help of God and with God
o Proximate norm of personal morality
o Ultimate proximate norm of Discerning good and evil
- Correct Conscience = know what is good or bad
- Erroneous Conscience = bad making good; ginagawang mali ang tama
- Moral Conscience = on the law, basis of divine law; 10 commandments
- Christian Conscience= center is Jesus Christ, want to identify ourselves as the son of
o 2 types of Formative Factors:
- Heart Factors= we know and understand it then apply it in our life
- Mind Factors= we only know it, deep understanding in the church teachings
o 3 dimension/aspects of Moral act:
- Nature = actions or yung ginawa
- Intentions = includes the agents
- Circumstances=result of the actions hat can affect the moral action

-The story of the covent: THE 10 PLAGUES OF EGYPTIANS

- Plagues = calamities send to Egyptians for divine punishment=deadly sins

- Pharaoh Ramses/Ramesses = great king of Egyptian but selfish
- Nefertiri=wife of pharaoh
- Moses= the rod becomes a snake
=talked to pharaoh to liberate;
=INSTRUMENT of God for liberation of the Israelites
1. Blood in the NiIe River
=Exodus 7: 14-25
2. Frogs
=Exodus 8: 1-8;15
3. Lice and gnats
=Exodus 8: 16-19
4. Flies
=Exodus 8: 20-32
5. Death of Livestock
=Exodus 9: 1-7
6. Boils
=Exodus 9: 8-12
7. Hail
=Exodus 9: 13-35
8. Locusts
=Exodus 10: 1-20
9. Darkness
=Exodus 10: 21 – 29
10. Death of Firstborn
=Exodus 12: 29-36


 Hebrew = Pesach
 Aramaic = Pescha

-3,000 Jews always celeb Passover


o Kill the 1yr old lamb

o Put the blood on doorpost
o Eat un leaved bread, bitter herbs and roasted lamb

-New Passover in Jews = Jesus Last Supper

o Jesus = Paschal Lamb

-Christian Passover = Eucharistic Celeb – part in Consecration

-TEN COMMANDMENTS = not punishment limitation, but guidelines

o DECALOGUE = 10 scripts
o Moses = Mt. Sinai
o Divided into 2 parts:
-Call for the reverence and respect for God = 1-3
-Respect for our fellow human beings= 4-10


1) I am your Lord, your God, you shall not have other gods beside Me.
2) You shall not take the name of your Lord your God in vain
3) Remember to keep the holy sabbath day
4) Honor you father and mother
5) You shall not kill
6) You shall not commit adultery
7) You shall not steal
8) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
9) You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife
10) You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods


- Covent = agreement
- OT agreement with God:
= Noah
- Patriarchs – father of the tribe or human race:
=Abraham – father of faith, father of nations = wife = Sarah
=Isaac = wife = Rebekah
=Jacob = wives = Rachel and Leah, incest, cousins
- Judges – ruler of tribal (before kings):
=Moses= wife = Zepporah- he led the people to the promise land
- Kings – ruler of monarchy over ancient kingdom:
=King David = wife = Bathsheba = wife of Uriah = murdered by David – anointed by Samuel
=King Solomon =Hebrew word – shalom/shelomoh = peace or prosperity = Son of David
- Prophets – called by God to speak His Word for the people
=Ezekiel – describe the promises of Yahweh
=Jeremiah – coming of the new covenant
=Isaiah – the plan of Lord

CONVERSION = turn back to God

=prophetic word comes a surprise

=word of passion

=brings new hope for hopeless

=word of the Lord, breaking the expectations

- Grace of conversion =promises of forgiveness

3 Covenant sa O.T.:

Noahic Covenant: Gen 9:1-17

Abrahamic Covenant: Gen 12-17

Mosaic Covenant: Exo 19-24

2 Covenant sa N.T.:

Davidic Covenant: 2

Sam. 6-7 & Jer. 33: 17-21

New Covenant:

Hebrews 8:8, 9:15, 12:24,

1 Cor. 11:25,

2 Cor. 3:6,

Lk. 17-20

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