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Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.

(c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\vcpkg-master>vcpkg intsall openssl-windows:x64-windows

invalid command: intsall
vcpkg search [pat] Search for packages available to be built
vcpkg install <pkg>... Install a package
vcpkg remove <pkg>... Uninstall a package
vcpkg remove --outdated Uninstall all out-of-date packages
vcpkg list List installed packages
vcpkg update Display list of packages for updating
vcpkg upgrade Rebuild all outdated packages
vcpkg x-history <pkg> (Experimental) Shows the history of CONTROL
versions of a package
vcpkg hash <file> [alg] Hash a file by specific algorithm, default SHA512
vcpkg help topics Display the list of help topics
vcpkg help <topic> Display help for a specific topic

vcpkg integrate install Make installed packages available user-wide.

Requires admin
privileges on first use
vcpkg integrate remove Remove user-wide integration
vcpkg integrate project Generate a referencing nuget package for
individual VS project use
vcpkg integrate powershell Enable PowerShell tab-completion

vcpkg export <pkg>... [opt]... Exports a package

vcpkg edit <pkg> Open up a port for editing (uses %EDITOR%,
default 'code')
vcpkg import <pkg> Import a pre-built library
vcpkg create <pkg> <url> [archivename]
Create a new package
vcpkg owns <pat> Search for files in installed packages
vcpkg depend-info <pkg>... Display a list of dependencies for packages
vcpkg env Creates a clean shell environment for development
or compiling
vcpkg version Display version information
vcpkg contact Display contact information to send feedback

--triplet <t> Specify the target architecture triplet. See
'vcpkg help triplet'
--overlay-ports=<path> Specify directories to be used when searching for
--overlay-triplets=<path> Specify directories containing triplets files
--binarysource=<path> Add sources for binary caching. See 'vcpkg help
--downloads-root=<path> Specify the downloads root directory
(default: %VCPKG_DOWNLOADS%)
--vcpkg-root <path> Specify the vcpkg root directory
(default: %VCPKG_ROOT%)
--x-buildtrees-root=<path> (Experimental) Specify the buildtrees root
--x-install-root=<path> (Experimental) Specify the install root directory
--x-packages-root=<path> (Experimental) Specify the packages root
--x-scripts-root=<path> (Experimental) Specify the scripts root directory

@response_file Specify a response file to provide additional


For more help (including examples) see the accompanying and docs folder.

C:\vcpkg-master>vcpkg install openssl-windows:x64-windows

Computing installation plan...
The following packages will be built and installed:
Detecting compiler hash for triplet x64-windows...
Starting package 1/1: openssl-windows:x64-windows
Building package openssl-windows[core]:x64-windows...
Could not locate cached archive:
-- Using cached C:/vcpkg-master/downloads/openssl-1.1.1g.tar.gz
-- Cleaning sources at C:/vcpkg-master/buildtrees/openssl-windows/src/openssl-1-
bb2a9a5801.clean. Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source C:/vcpkg-master/downloads/openssl-1.1.1g.tar.gz
-- Using source at C:/vcpkg-master/buildtrees/openssl-windows/src/openssl-1-
-- Copying openssl release source files...
-- Copying openssl release source files... done
-- Configure x64-windows-rel
-- Configure x64-windows-rel done
-- Build x64-windows-rel
-- Build x64-windows-rel done
-- Copying openssl debug source files...
-- Copying openssl debug source files... done
-- Configure x64-windows-dbg
-- Configure x64-windows-dbg done
-- Build x64-windows-dbg
-- Build x64-windows-dbg done
-- Installing: C:/vcpkg-master/packages/openssl-windows_x64-windows/share/openssl-
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Stored binary cache:
Building package openssl-windows[core]:x64-windows... done
Installing package openssl-windows[core]:x64-windows...
Installing package openssl-windows[core]:x64-windows... done
Elapsed time for package openssl-windows:x64-windows: 10.34 h

Total elapsed time: 10.35 h

The package openssl is compatible with built-in CMake targets:

find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE OpenSSL::SSL OpenSSL::Crypto)

'G1+uYFeRTrrUsO5PPBLalZ3zMXfwh08ntZEsNRNkuy3PgM55tD9EFd88EwfecfVCUaOvfuXmIkdErV' is
not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

'G1+uYFeRTrrUsO5PPBLalZ3zMXfwh08ntZEsNRNkuy3PgM55tD9EFd88EwfecfVCUaOvfuXmIkdErV' is
not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


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