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Tribhuvan University

Internet Service Provider Networking
Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd.
Under the supervision of
Yuba Raj Devkota
Department of Computer Science & Statistics
Amrit Campus

Submitted to:
Office of the Dean
Institute of Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University
Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Internship Report submitted in the fulfillment of the requirement for the
Bachelor's degree in Information Technology (BSc. CSIT) of the Tribhuvan
University (TU)

Submitted by
Roshan Singh (Roll No: 7102/072)
July 2020

I hereby recommend that this internship report prepared under my supervision by Roshan Singh
entitled Internship Report on ISP Networking is accepted as fulfilling in partial requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology. In my
best knowledge, this is an original work in Computer Science by him.

Date: - 7/10/2020

Mr. Yuba Raj Devkota


Amrit Campus

(Internship Report Supervisor)


The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the Department Of Computer
Science for acceptance, an internship report entitled “Internship Report on ISP Networking at
Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd.” submitted by Mr. Roshan SIngh in partial fulfillment for the degree
of Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology. This ensures that it is
satisfactory in the scope and quality of the required degree.


Mr. Yuba Raj Devkota


Amrit Campus

(Internship Report Supervisor)


Mr. Hikmat Rokaya


Amrit Campus

Tribhuvan University


External Examiner


Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to AMRIT
CAMPUS administration for providing me this opportunity to explore my interest and ideas in
the field of Computer Science through this Internship.

I would like to thank my supervisor of this internship program Mr. Yuba Raj Devkota for his
valuable support and the entire faculties of the Department of Computer Science and
Information Technology for their help and guidance in the completion of the report.

Likewise, I am gravely thankful to Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd. for providing the opportunity of
internship at this organization with full support and coordination. I would also like to express
my gratitude to Mr. Bibek Shrestha, my mentor for assisting and inspiring me to do the
internship on ISP Networking and entire members of the Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd. for
allowing me to complete my internship program and providing me their valuable time during
my internship period. Without their support and encouragement, it would have been difficult
to work on.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all my family, friends, and others who
helped me directly or indirectly during this internship period.


Roshan Singh

T.U. Exam Roll No: 7102/072


The main objective of this report is to recapitulate my internship job and to be familiar with
the practical aspect of the theoretical knowledge gained in a classroom. This report is part of
my internship project, required by Tribhuvan University in partial fulfillment for the
requirement of BSc CSIT (8th semester) program.

During the internship period, the author had the chance to learn about how different factors
came together to form a well-functioning Internet Service Provider. An ISP (Internet service
provider) is a company that provides individuals and other companies access to the Internet
and other related services such as Web site building and virtual hosting. An ISP has the
equipment and the telecommunication line access required to have a point-of-presence on the
Internet for the geographic area served. The larger ISPs have their own high-speed leased
lines so that they are less dependent on the telecommunication providers and can provide
better service to their customers.

Overall I found my internship program very satisfactory and helpful and gained practical
knowledge on how to help the people by making their life more convenient

Table of Contents
SUPERVISOR’S RECOMMENDATION.......................................................................................i
AMRIT CAMPUS CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL....................................................................ii
Table of Figures.............................................................................................................................vii
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background to the placement................................................................................................1
1.2 Structure and role of the company.........................................................................................1
1.3 Details of the specific department worked in........................................................................1
2.0 Review of Activities..................................................................................................................3
2.1 Configuration of Routers, Modem and ONU........................................................................3
2.2 Troubleshooting and Replacement of ClearTV, Router, Modem and ONU.........................4
2.3 Troubleshooting slow internet...............................................................................................4
2.4 Troubleshooting internet not working...................................................................................4
2.5 Communication skill..............................................................................................................5
2.6 Punctuality.............................................................................................................................5
2.7 Team work and Co-ordination...............................................................................................5
2.8 Worksheet..............................................................................................................................6
3.0 Academic Context.....................................................................................................................7
4.0 Abilities Evaluation...................................................................................................................8
4.1 Configuration of Routers, Modem and ONU........................................................................8
4.2 Troubleshooting and Replacement of ClearTV, Router, Modem and ONU.........................8
4.3 Troubleshooting slow internet...............................................................................................8
4.4 Troubleshooting internet not working...................................................................................8
4.5 Communication skill..............................................................................................................9
4.6 Punctuality.............................................................................................................................9
4.7 Team work and Co-ordination...............................................................................................9
5.0 Challenges..................................................................................................................................9
6.0 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................10

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Flow Chart of L1-Support Department............................................................................2
Figure 2: Worksheet 1.....................................................................................................................6
Figure 3: Worksheet 2.....................................................................................................................7
Figure 4: Worksheet 3.....................................................................................................................7

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background to the placement
Subisu cablenet Pvt. Ltd. is a privately owned Nepalese organization in the fields of
trading, cable TV and cable internet. It was established in 1999 and gives net via HFC network
along with TV channels.

Firstly, subisu cable net was started with the name Doshan Traders by the owner Dal
Bahadur Shrestha. Doshan traders was envolved in the promotion of Chinese goods in Nepal. In
1998 Doshan Traders was renamed as SUBISU and started representing foreign countries for
business opportunities in all sectors of Nepal. Subisu CableNet Pvt.Ltd was started in 2000 with
the Cable TV service provider in Kathmandu. In 2004 company launched the cable internet

1.2 Structure and role of the company

Subisu Cablenet Pvt. Ltd. uses Optical Fiber cable to deliver its cable ineternet solution.
According to MIS report published by Nepal Telecommunication Authority in April 2019,
Subisu FTTH internet occupy 7% of FTTH market having 33,401 subscribers becoming Fourth
in fiber internet services.

The role of this company is to provide Cable internet and Cable TV. Cable TV, Cable Modem
and Subisu Wi-Fi is provide through HFC network terminating at the customer ends with
Coaxial cable or wireless modem. It provides different kinds of TV channels including
informatics and entertainment like, Star Plus, Zee Café, NTV, Kantipur and so on, which helps
people to be updated with latest technology as well as news around the world.

1.3 Details of the specific department worked in

As an Intern I was placed in L1 support Department which was responsible for the field
support for internet issue through devices and ClearTV from the Setup Box. L1 support
Department was also responsible for phone support for troubleshooting the different kind of
problems to the client end. I served the company as an L1 field support for a month and as an IP
support for another month. Below I’ve attached the Flow Chart of L1 Department where I was

Figure 1: Flow Chart of L1-Support Department

2.0 Review of Activities
2.1 Configuration of Routers, Modem and ONU
As, I was appointed in L1-support Department first month of the internship went doing the field
support. I used to visit the client ends for configuration of routers, modem which is used in cable
net and ONU which is used for fiber connection. During the field support I’ve configured many
devices by going to the client’s end. The evidence of configuration of different devices are
presented in appendices section. For the configuration of router, I used to access the device by its
default IP. For the configuration of ASUS router, the default gateway is and for the
TP-Link router the default IP or gateway is the same By accessing the device ASUS
router, I used to go to Quick Setup section for the SSID and wireless password configuration.
For the configuring the Motorola Modem the default IP is and for the Nokia ONU
the default gateway is There are different steps for the different devices. For
Nokia ONU the steps for configuration are;

1. Login by the username AdminGPON and password ALC#FGU

2. For SSID and Wireless Password configuration;

1. Network

2. Wireless (2.4 Ghz)

3. For VLAN ID configuration

1. Network

2. WAN

4. For DNS

1. Network

2. LAN

3. Primary DNS

4. Secondary DNS

2.2 Troubleshooting and Replacement of ClearTV, Router, Modem and ONU
Replacement work was a bit easier in comparison to troubleshooting. After replacing the
ClearTv I used to co-ordinate with my Baluwatar BO, Area Head for registering the Setup Box
serial number and smart card serial number, after registration of serial numbers only the setup of
used to function. Below in the appendix section evidence of ClearTV replacement is presented.
After replacing the Modem and ONU a basic configuration has to be done.

While troubleshooting the ClearTV 4,5 issues has to be verified, the issue might be with the
adapter, steup box itself, smart card not reading issue, smart card issue, and Setup Box
deactivation issue, and the issue is also used to be with the Cable. While troubleshooting the
Modem, Router, and ONU, the issue needs to with the MAC address not registering, Adapter,
frequently disconnection issue which is of Modem and ONU itself, reset and re-configure of the
devices, internet not working in particular devices only and so on.

2.3 Troubleshooting slow internet

For this learning outcome I’ve work in the field as field supporter and as well as inside the
office as a IP supporter. Slow internet speed was the most frequent complaints that I used to
troubleshoot in the field as well as inside the office as IP support. Most of the cases used to
solved by doing the reset and reconfigure of the devices. In other cases, I used to solve this issue
by Adding DNS in the device; Primary DNS and secondary DNS And I
also used to turn off the power saving mode by accessing the device for troubleshooting this
issue while I was appointed in the field.

And while I was working inside the office as IP supporter I used to troubleshoot this issue, by
providing Fix IP for the client, giving them phone support for the adding the DNS and resetting
the device and reconfiguring it. The evidence of the software that I used to provide the fix IP and
my remarks to the complaints after solving it are also presented in the appendix section below.

2.4 Troubleshooting internet not working

Troubleshooting internet not working issue was the hardest thing in my internship of 2months
time period. Lots of issue need to be look after to troubleshoot the internet not working issue.
Some them are mentioned in below points.

1. Because of the MAC not registering issue and it is register in the AMS software.

2. Because of the signal problem it is verified by doing ping to the client’s end device, by using
Mobaxterm software.

3. In some cases client’s Device used to get reset itself and need to give support for re-
configuring it and for adding VLAN ID of particular area in the ONU.

4. Internet not working from secondary router and it might be because of the issue in LAN cable
and it need to be verified.

5. Because of the device rebooting frequently, and it might be because of the issue in device of
the adapter. Need to verified through phone while working inside the office and by visiting the
client’s end while working as a field supporter.

2.5 Communication skill

For the job which I was appointed in the field or inside the office, Communication skill
was the most important because in many cases client’s used to be so fired of due to not solving
the issue for many days. And a good communicator was required for them to make calm down
and convince them reason behind the issue. And a good technical skill was also required for
solving their issue.

In of my field visit the client was so frustrated because of the slow internet issue going from
more than a month. After visiting his location, I apologize in behalf of the company and
convince him by telling the reason behind the issue. And I solved his issue by doing reset and
reconfiguring the device and adding DNS.

2.6 Punctuality
Punctuality was also one of the important factor for the job which I was appointed for. As I need
to login in the office exact 10am and need to carry the tools and device for the field support. And
in many cases the client asked for the urgent technician and I need to reached their location as
soon as possible for the support and troubleshooting.

2.7 Team work and Co-ordination

Team work co-ordination need to be done for many if the cases because without registering the
device MAC address, Serial numbers the device does not comes under the function. So, for the
registering the mac and serial number I need to co-ordinate with my Area Head. And after

replacing the devices under payment I need to co-ordinate with him for the entry of receipt
number. In many cases while I used to be in the field I could not solve the issue because of the
absence of devices and tools, in this cases I used to co-ordinate with my other colleague for this
tools and devices.

2.8 Worksheet
Below I’ve attached the working sheet provided to me by the company. It is the record of the
work that I’ve completed in my work period/Internship.

Figure 2: Worksheet 1

Figure 3: Worksheet 2

Figure 4: Worksheet 3

3.0 Academic Context

As I am the student of Networking and Cyber Security, my course and Modules that are being
taught in the college had helped me a lot in this internship. I was familiar with the working
procedure of the router, modem and other networking devices. It had helped a lot in the router
and modem configuration work. I know how the internet operate in the end devices and It was
easier for me understanding all the guidance given by my mentor and supervisor for the work.
Because of my Security background it was easier for me configuring the routers with strong
wireless password and choosing the best encryption method for the configuration. The technical
term like, DHCP, DNS, Default gateway, Server, configuration, was not a knew thing for me and
it helped me a lot for the work and to understand the working environment of the company.

This internship had taught me many thing regarding professional skills and it has prepared me
for the working environment in my further carrier. My interpersonal and communication skill
has boost, due to work that I was appointed for. As I have deal with the different kinds of client.
Now I know how to handle the worst situation and bring the worst situation into good and in my

My technical knowledge has increased after completion of my internship, many things which
were the matter of confusion while starting the internship has been clear after working for the 2

4.0 Abilities Evaluation

4.1 Configuration of Routers, Modem and ONU
Learning outcome 1: configuration of routers, modem and ONU which was the first set goal after
starting the internship has been achieved. During my intership period I have to configure the
routers of different company, and Modem and the ONU which SUBISU used. I have configured
the routers like, ASUS, TP-LINK, Prolink, Digicom and so on. And the Modem of Motorola
company and Nokia company ONU. Now after completing this internship I am capable of
configuring the any kind of routers, modem and ONU. I have understood the working procedure
of the ISP companies.

4.2 Troubleshooting and Replacement of ClearTV, Router, Modem and ONU

The replacement of ClearTv, router, Modem and ONU has been done within the internship
period. And troubleshooting of this kind of devices has been done by visiting the clients end. The
goal which was set for this learning outcome in the beginning of this internship has been
achieved. While achieving this goal I have developed many technical skills for troubleshooting
the devices, and there will be no problem in working in related field in the future.

4.3 Troubleshooting slow internet

The working procedure of the internet and ISP companies has been understood while doing the
troubleshooting of slow internet speed. The reason behind slow issue has been understood and
the habit of using software for troubleshooting has been developed. There will be no any
problem in the future working in the same issue, as working procedure and reasons for the slow
browsing has been understood.
4.4 Troubleshooting internet not working
The AMS software which used for all the Nokia ONU has been learned successfully, and it can
be applied in the future for troubleshooting internet not working issue. As in today’s date other
ISP like Worldlink are using the same ONU for the fiber connection. And the software like
Mobaxterm which was used for troubleshooting the cable net modems and checking signals, has
developed the knowledge in using command line. In future there will be no problem in working
with other ISP for using the same kind of software and commands for troubleshooting the
internet not working in the client’s end.

4.5 Communication skill

It is most common factor requires in any job. Communication skill has been developed by
visiting the client’s end. In some cases, more than technical a communication skill was required
while I was doing the field support. Because some of the clients were so frustrated and rude
because they were not happy with the company’s service. So, I need to convince them for the
reason and need to do my work. This has helped me a lot for my further carrier.

4.6 Punctuality
The practice of going office in time, managing time for other personal work, completing the
given task in time, visiting the client’s location within mentioned time, has been done. The habit
of punctual ness and time management has been developed due to the internship.

4.7 Team work and Co-ordination

As I had to update my Area Head after completing each task, and I had to co-ordinate with him
for the receipt number entry, mac registering and serial number registering. In some cases, I had
to take help from my other colleagues due to the lack of experience, tools and techniques for
troubleshooting. And in other cases I had to help them for the same problem. So, co-ordinating
with other members of the company and working as team while working individually also, had
developed the habit of team work and co-ordination.

5.0 Challenges
Many challenges were faced because it was the first working experience in this particular area. I
was totally blank in the first day of my internship. Because of my interpersonal skill and friendly
nature, I started becoming closer to the other staffs and with my supervisor. The challenge like
need to visit within the given time to the client end and so on, has been accomplished. The main
challenge while working on the field support was to find the client location and some of the
client were senior citizen, the way they tell their location was annoying and was out of my
understanding. For this challenge I used to the gps service as mobile data of 2gb per month was
provided to me by the company.

Another challenge for me was to convince the client for range issue, as company has uses the
router and modem attached in same device. And the device range would not be as sufficient as
using the extended router. It was very hard to convince the client for buying the secondary
router. Due to my communication skill and politeness client would listen my advice and follow

6.0 Conclusion
After lots of ups and down the internship has completed and it has taught me many things
including the technical knowledge and other soft skills. It was hard as I had attained my regular
classes and reach the office within the 10am. But it was managed anyhow, because of the
understanding module teacher.

After completing this 2 months of internship now I am capable of configuring all kinds of
routers, modem and ONU. This internship has built my confidence in interacting with the people
no matter of the situation. I can confidently handle the situation and now I can fit in the any kind
of working environment.


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