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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Industrial Engineering

2nd Term/ 2nd Semester

Time: 5:30-6:30 PM

Submitted to:
Engr. Mark Ryan Estrera
Submitted by:
Jonel O. Polot
July 2020
As a keen observer in a modern era of human technological
advancement, I learned that bulk component materials such as steel is
one many metal that has an essential usage for the one of many
applications when it comes to industrialization of many commercial and
residential establishments, government infrastructures, automotive and
transportation, aeronautics, electrical and electronic appliances, power
generation plants, complex machineries, food industries, many various
engineering projects from every fields and other scientific breakthroughs
that need the presence of touch of the wonder metal.

Without it, I think many of many built man-made structures would

be as fragile and weak due to the incompetence for not including steels.
In addition, steel is the main material used in delivering renewable energy
like solar, hydro and wind power that is roughly 1,000 times stronger
than iron in its purest form, and can it is also recyclable without losing its
material strength. Typically, steel industries has an estimated $900 billion
turnover making it the second industry in the world after the oil and gas.
In these facts, steel has been given an important acknowledgement by
the global economic expert due to its versatility and endless possible
applications awaiting to be discovered by the ingenious human minds.

I learned that steel is one of many metal that can be meld or mixed
up in order to produce types of steel that is generally strong, tough and
resistance to rust and corrosion with many metallic element such as iron;
which is the bulk of all steels, carbon, manganese, nickel, copper,
molybdenum, boron, chromium, niobium, titanium and vanadium. Such
material that is designed to increase the rigidity of the built structures
and prolonged the effect for over several years.

Taking notes from the subject course had gave me the idea about
the various structures, machines and appliances made of steel and how
they made, functions and their purposes for improving the industrial
productivity over man power, meaning less man made effort, time
efficient and does not rely on manual functionality that need human
workforce to achieve optimal production.

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