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Instructor’s Group Presentation Rubric Group:_____________________________

Your instructor will use this rubric to evaluate each group’s presentation. Familiarize yourself with this rubric so
you understand what your group is being graded on. The Group Presentation Rubric will be combined with the
average from the Class Evaluation Rubric and the Teammate Participation Rubric to determine your final grade
for the project.

Trait Score Points

0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20
Did the Presentation had
presentation moments where
contained little to no Presentation had a Presentation had an
have valuable valuable material
valuable material. good amount of exceptional amount
material? was presented but as
Subject knowledge is material. of valuable material.
a whole content was
not evident. Information is clear, Subject knowledge
lacking. Some
Information is appropriate and is evident
information is
confusing, incorrect correct. throughout.
confusing, incorrect
or flawed.
or flawed.

Did everyone The teammates The teammates The teammates
contribute to the The teammates never sometimes worked worked from others’ always worked from
presentation? worked from others’ from others’ ideas. ideas most of the others’ ideas.
Did everyone ideas. It seems as However it seems as time. And it seems It was evident that
seem well though only a few though certain like every did some all of the group
versed in the people worked on people did not do as work, but some members
material? the presentation. much work as people are carrying contributed equally
others. the presentation. to the presentation.

Was the The presentation
The presentation
presentation Lacked organization The presentation
There were minimal had organizing ideas
well organized and had little was well organized,
signs of organization but could have been
and easy to evidence of well prepared and
or preparation. much stronger with
follow? preparation or logical easy to follow.
better preparation.

Did the Presenters were
presenters speak Presenters Presenters were not occasionally Presenters were all
clearly? Was it demonstrated little consistent with the confident with their very confident in
obvious the evidence of planning level of preparedness presentation delivery and they
material had prior to presentation. but had some strong however the did an excellent job
been rehearsed? Presenters mumbled/ moments. Presenters presentation was not of engaging the
Were slides free spoke quietly. voice was low and as engaging as it class.
of errors? Presenters read from audience had could have been. Preparation is very
notes and/or made no difficulty hearing Presenters voice evident. Presenters
eye contact. Slides presentation. Slides was clear and used clear voices.
had four or more had three or more audible. Slides had Slides were free of
spelling/grammar spelling/ less than two spelling/
errors. grammatical errors. spelling/ grammatical errors.
grammatical errors.
Did presenters
Some pictures and Adequate visuals
fully utilized
Very weak visual diagrams presented however not as Visually attractive.
technology to
component. No but appeared poorly dynamic as it could Included colorful
create a visually
audience interaction planned. Little to no have been. Minimal pictures, diagrams
stimulating and
occurred. audience interaction audience and uses space well.
occurred. interaction.

Instructor Total
(100 points possible)

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