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Old English Literature & Middle English Literature

1. Who is the Venerable Bede? Why is he regarded as The Father of English

History? What is his literary contribution?
Bede was a monk who was known as a scholar and an author. He wrote on every area of
knowledge including, nature, astronomy and poetry. He is best known for his two major
histories. As a result, Bede is called “The Father of the English History”. He talked a lot of
different races in England. Bede’s book is seen as the first attempt by a historian to describe
nationhood in England. His work “The History of the Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow” is an
important account of the early church history. He also wrote a famous book entitled “The
Ecclesiastical History of the English People” which considered the first great history written.
Bede not only wrote books but also translated many works. He was the first person who
attempted to translate the Bible from Latin into English.

2. Look for the Modern version of Cædmon's Hymn. How did the poet describe his
“Creator”? What is poem all about?
Now we ought to praise the Guardian of the heavenly kingdom,
The might of the Creator and his conception,
The work of the glorious Father, as he of each of the wonders,
Eternal Lord, established the beginning.
He first created for the sons of men 
Heaven as a roof, holy Creator;
Then the middle-earth, the Guardian of mankind,
The eternal Lord, afterwards made
The earth for men, the Lord almighty.

The poet describes his creator in seven ways; Guardian of Heaven, Creator, Glorious Father,
Eternal Lord, Holy Creator, Guardian of Mankind, and Lord Almighty. This simple, 9-line hymn
is all about the God’s creation, in which I think we all should be thankful. With all the blessings
that God has given us.
3. What is the Canterbury Tales about? Who is Geoffrey Chaucer? What was his
intention when he wrote Canterbury Tales?
Geoffrey Chaucer is an English poet and author. He is widely considered as the “Greatest
English Poet” of the Middle Ages. He is best known for “The Canterbury Tales”. This book is
considered Chaucer’s masterpiece work. It is a series of short stories that involves different
aspects of a man’s life. Values and morals were reflected in each story which tells us that rights
must be given fairly to people.

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