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Directorate of Higher Education

First Year LLB 3 Yrs Admissions 2016 Option Form

Receipt-cum-Acknowledgement of Option Form for CAP Round - IV for

Admission to First Year of LLB 3 Yrs for the Academic Year 2016-17

Application ID : L316104279 Version No : 1

Personal Details
Candidate's Name T ANMAYA RIT URA J GUPT A
Fat her's Name RIT URAJ GUPTA
Mo t her's Name MA DHU GUPT A
G ender Male
Dat e o f Birt h 28/ 09/ 1995
Candidat ure Type Maharashtra - Type A
Ho me Univers ity University o f Mumb ai
Cat ego ry Open
Cat ego ry fo r A dmis s io n Open
Pers o n with Dis ability Not App licable
Options Given By Candidate
Preference C hoice Preference C hoice Preference C hoice Preference C hoice
Number C ode Number C ode Number C ode Number C ode
1 24121001 6 24421016 11 24621005 16 24421008
2 24121002 7 24621001 12 24621007 17 24421009
3 24421013 8 24621002 13 24621008 18 24721010
4 24421014 9 24621003 14 24421001
5 24421015 10 24621004 15 24421007

I have read all the rules o f admis s io n and o n underst anding t hes e Rules , I have filled this Optio n Fo rm fo r
co ns iderat io n fo r CAP Ro und - IV fo r A dmis s io n t o Firs t Year o f LLB 3 Yrs fo r the A cademic Year 2016- 17. T he info rmat io n given by me
in t his Opt io n Fo rm is t rue to t he bes t o f my kno wledge & belief. If at lat er s tage, it is fo und that I have furnis hed wro ng info rmat io n
and/o r s ubmitt ed fals e cert ificate(s ), I am aware t hat my admis s io n s tands cancelled and fees paid by me will be fo rfeit ed. Furt her I will
be s ubject t o legal and/o r penal actio n as per t he pro vis io ns o f t he law.
Printed On : 07/ 10/2016 2:18:40 PM

Las t Mo dified On : 07/ 10/2016 2:17:55 PM

S ignature o f Candidat e
Las t Mo dified By : L316104279, (T ANMAYA RIT URAJ GUPT A )
The Opt io n Fo rm fo r CA P Ro und - IV fo r Admis s io n to Firs t Year o f LLB 3 Yrs fo r the A cademic Year 2016- 17 is
co nfirmed as per t he cho ices given above. We hereby ackno wledge t he co nfirmed Optio n Fo rm.
C o nfirmed On : 07/ 10/2016 2:18:31 PM Co mmis sio ner & Co mpet ent A ut ho rity
C o nfirmed B y : L316104279, CET Cell, Maharas htra St at e, Mumbai

1 of 1 07-10-2016 14:20

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