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3-D Leadership Model

Professor Bill Reddin made the breakthrough to the next level of practical leadership
theories. He developed the first relatively simple method of measuring what he called
“situational demands” – i.e. the things that dictate how a manager must operate to
be most effective.
Reddin’s model was based on the two basic dimensions of leadership identified by the
Ohio State studies. He called them Task-orientation and Relationships-orientation.
However he introduced what he called a third dimension – Effectiveness.
Effectiveness was what resulted when one used the right style of leadership for the
particular situation.
Reddin identified four major leadership styles on the high effectiveness plane and
four corresponding styles on the low effectiveness plane, effectiveness being where
the leadership style matched the demands of the situation. So a manager who
demonstrated a high level of task-orientation and low relationships orientation where
it was the style that was required was called a Benevolent Autocrat while a manager
who applied that style of behavior where the situation did not call for it was labeled
an Autocrat.
The real theoretical breakthrough with Reddin’s 3-D model was the idea that one
could assess the situation and identify what behavior was most appropriate. His model
relates the level of managerial effectiveness to the most appropriate use of each of
these styles.

What it means?
Reddin’s four basic management styles result from the different levels of concern for
the people and the task. From these four basic styles, Reddin added a third dimension
as a means of measuring managerial effectiveness. Where the four styles are being
used in the most inappropriate way, this is the lowest level of effectiveness and those
occupying these quadrants are labeled as: Missionary, Compromiser, Deserter, and
Autocrat. Where the four styles are being used in the most appropriate way and thus
at the highest levels of effectiveness, Reddin labeled the roles as: Developer,
Executive, Bureaucrat, and Benevolent Autocrat.

How can this help me?

The appropriate use of the four basic management styles is the solution to managerial
effectiveness. There is no one right management style, as depending upon the
variable, any of the four basic styles can be successful if used appropriately.

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