Present Continuous Grammar Explanation

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I am studying I am not studying.

You are not studying.

You are studying
He isn´t studying.
He´s studying
She is not studying.
She is studying
It is not studying.

It is studying We are not studying.

We are studying You aren´t studying.

They aren´t studying.

You are studying

They are studying


Yes, I am. / No, I am not.
Am I studying ?
Yes, you are. / No, You aren´t.
Are you studying ?
Yes, he is. / No he isn´t.
Is he studying? Yes, she is. / No she isn´t.

Is she studying? Yes, it is. / No it isn´t

Yes, We are/ No, We aren´t.

Is it studying?
Yes, You are. / No, You aren´t.
Are we studying?
Yes, They are/ No, they aren´t.
Are you studying?

Are they studying?

1 Add –ing to the base verb
2. If the base verb ends in consonant + stressed vowel + consonant, double
the last letter:
Drop………dropping Begin………. Beginning

3. If the base verb ends in vowel + consonant + e, omit the e:

Dance………………… dancing

4. If the base verb ends in ie, change the ie to y:

Die…………….. dying

5. If the verb finishes in –l or –r, double the last consonant



USE: Don´t use present

continuous with stative
1. For action happening just in
this moment.
verbs (describe states,
not actions):
Ex: I am driving my car.

EXPRESIONS: 1. Verbs of opinion:

Now Know, think, agree, guess,
Just now
2. Verbs of emotions or feelings:
2. To talk about the future, if Like, love, dislike, prefer,
we add a future word! When want, hate, enjoy.
we have planned to do 3. Verbs of sense:
something before we speak.
touch, taste, see, hear, feel.
EXPRESIONS: 4. Verbs of possession:
Next summer, next Christmas, have, belong, own.
tomorrow,…. 5. Others verbs:
Be, cost, weigh, need.
Ex: I am driving my car tomorrow.

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