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Bernard R. McCoy respondent used a digital device for non-class
University of Nebraska-Lincoln purposes 10.93 times during a typical school day
for activities including texting, social networking,
The author would like to acknowledge Uni- and emailing. Most respondents did so to fight
versity of Nebraska-Lincoln researcher Dr. John boredom, entertain themselves, and stay con-
Creswell and Graduate Research Assistant The- nected to the outside world. More than 80% of
resa R.F. McKinney in the Office of Qualitative the respondents indicated such behavior caused
& Mixed Methods Research at the University of them to pay less attention in the classroom and
Nebraska-Lincoln who advised and reviewed miss instruction. A majority of respondents favor
survey responses in this study. policies governing digital device distractions in
the classroom.
Digital devices such as smart phones, tab- INTRODUCTION
lets, and laptop computers are important college The past decade has seen steady growth in
classroom tools. They support student learning student use of digital devices (smart phones,
by providing access to information outside class- laptops, tablets, etc.). The devices allow users
room walls. However, when used for non-class wider access to information and people. As more
purposes, digital devices may interfere with students use digital devices, research shows their
classroom learning. A survey study asked college use is causing more classroom learning distrac-
students to describe their behavior and percep- tions.
tions regarding classroom use of digital devices Rainie (2012) found that smart phones are
for non-class purposes. The respondents included particularly popular with young adults: 66% of
777 students at six U.S. universities. The average students 18-29 own a smartphone. Experian
V OL. 4 - NUMBER 4, O CTO BER 2013 5
Marketing Services (2013) found 18-to-24-year- engaged in active text conversations, while the
olds used smart phones to send and receive an others were not. Froese’s team calculated a 27%
average of 3,853 text messages a month. A De- drop in student scores due to texting. Rubinkam
loitte survey (2013) found the 14-23 age group (2010) wrote about a Wilkes University survey
had the highest rate of laptop adoption in the that found 10% of students sent or received texts
United States at 84%, the second highest rate of during exams. Campbell (2006) found students
smartphone adoption at 70%, and the second and faculty generally reported negative attitudes
highest rate of tablet adoption at 43%. about mobile phones in college classrooms with
In classroom settings, digital devices used as ringing as a serious source of irritation and dis-
educational tools have also seen growth. Gray, traction for respondents.
Thomas & Lewis (2010) found Internet access Findings such as these may not be surprising
available for 93% of the computers found in given other research involving human behavior
classrooms. Smith, Rainie & Zickuhr (2011) found and the use of digital technology. Ophir, Nass,
nearly 100% of college graduate and undergradu- Wagner, Anthony & Posner (2009) noted society’s
ate students had Internet access. Ninety-two increasingly saturated media environment means
percent of undergraduates and 88% of graduate more people are consuming more than one con-
students connected to the Internet via wireless tent stream at the same time. Ophir told Thomas
cell phones, laptops or tablets. (2009) the human mind is not really built for pro-
There are drawbacks associated with digital cessing multiple streams of information. Foerde
devices used in the classroom as well. Richtel and Poldrack (2006) found people had a harder
(2012) reported a belief among teachers that time learning new things when their brains were
constant use of digital technology hampered their distracted by another activity. In classroom
student’s attention spans and ability to persevere settings, Wei, Wang and Klausner (2012) found
in the face of challenging tasks. A Common Sense texting during class partially affected a students’
Media (2012) survey of teachers found 71% of ability to self-regulate their attention to class-
teachers thought technology hurt student atten- room learning. In an earlier study, Wei and Wang
tion span “somewhat” or “a lot.” About 60% of (2010) noted college students’ ability to text and
surveyed teachers said it hindered students’ abil- perform other tasks simultaneously during class
ity to write and communicate face to face. Pur- might become a habit over time. Such habits may
cell, et al. (2012) found sharply diverging teacher be defined as automatic behaviors triggered by
views in a survey they conducted. Seventy-seven minimum consciousness.
percent of teachers they surveyed thought the In- Previous research indicates that non-class-
ternet and search engines had a “mostly positive” room use of digital devices by college students
impact on student research skills. However, 87% causes learning distractions in classrooms (Fro-
of the respondents believed digital technologies ese, 2012; Campbell, 2006; Wei, Wang & Klausner,
were creating “an easily distracted generation 2012; Wei & Wang, 2010). Building from prior
with short attention spans,” and 64% said digital research, the purpose of this survey study was to
technologies did “more to distract students than examine how college students use digital devices
to help them academically.” in classroom settings for non-classroom related
Students have also identified learning distrac- purposes. What impact does such behavior have
tions caused by digital technology. Froese (2012) on student learning? What are the perceived ad-
had students participate in a mock-classroom vantages and disadvantages of this behavior, and
where they watched a PowerPoint presentation what policies might effectively limit classroom
followed by a 10-question quiz. Half the students distractions caused by digital devices?
METHODS Respondents were recruited by classroom
In the fall semester of 2012, a sampling of 777 instructors via email and personal contact in the
students at six U.S. universities was asked 15 sur- fall of 2012. All respondents were given the op-
vey questions about their classroom use of digital tion to complete the survey or not. The survey
devices for non-class purposes. Respondents did not ask respondents to state their name or
included freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior, institution, but the researcher identified colleges
and graduate students who attended college in and universities respondents attended via Inter-
Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, North Carolina, and net Protocol (IP) routing addresses associated
Mississippi. Most respondents majored in mass with survey responses.
communications, but the survey also included Using as a data collection
students from marketing, business, education, tool, quantitative data results were compared
and agriculture majors. Instructor observations of statistically and by respondent gender, age, and
college students in classroom settings, a baseline year in school. The analysis also looked at the
survey of students, conversations with instruc- frequency of responses.
tors at other U.S. colleges, and a literature review
suggest student classroom uses of digital devices RESULTS
for non-class purposes causes learning distrac- The survey’s quantitative frequencies results
tions. This launched a research agenda focused are presented first, followed by a comparison
on studying student classroom uses of digital de- analysis.
vices for non-class purposes, and the effects such
behavior may have on classroom learning. QUANTITATIVE RESULTS
The survey addressed the frequency and Table 1 shows results for the fifteen question
intensity of non-class related digital distractions survey. Students were asked how often they used
in the classroom, advantages and disadvantages a digital device during classes for non-classroom
of using digital devices for non-class purposes, related activities on a typical school day. Of the
what instructors should do to address digital dis- responses, 34.9% chose “1 to 3 times” as a re-
tractions in the classroom, and if a need exists for sponse, followed by 26.8% who chose “4 to 10
formal policies to address digital distractions in times.” The remaining student responses includ-
the classroom. Nine of the survey’s 15 questions ed 15.7% who chose “11 to 30 times,” 14.8%who
presented respondents with a list of answers to chose “More than 30 times,” and 7.9 percent who
choose from in addition to an “other” open-an- chose “Never.”
swer response. Question 1 (PDF)
Some pre-determined responses were devel- When we asked students how they used
oped from a 2012 pilot survey of undergraduate digital devices during class for non-class pur-
mass communications majors (N=95) at a mid- poses, “Texting” was the top response at 85.9%.
western university. The pilot survey identified It was followed by “Checking the time,” at 79%,
frequent types of non-class related digital device “E-mail” at 67.9%, “Social Networking” at 66%,
use in classrooms. “Web surfing” at 38%, “Games” at 8 percent, and
Institutional Review Board approval was “Other” at 4.4 percent.
obtained before the survey’s administration. It Question 2 (PDF)
included a cover page statement informing stu- Students were asked to choose the three big-
dents that the survey’s completion and submis- gest advantages and three biggest disadvantages
sion constituted their consent to participate in the to using digital devices in class for non-classroom
study. purposes. The top response for biggest advan-
V OL. 4 - NUMBER 4, O CTO BER 2013 7
tage was “To stay connected” at 69.8%. It was digital distractions in the classroom. “Yes” was
followed by “Fight Boredom” at 55%, “Related chosen by 53.7% of the respondents, followed by
classwork” at 49.4%, “Entertainment” at 49.1%, “No” at 46.3%.
“In case of emergency” at 41% and “Other” at When asked if digital devices should be
5.2 percent. The biggest disadvantage to using a banned from classrooms, 91.2% of the respon-
digital device in class for non-classroom purposes dents said “No,” and 8.8 percent said “Yes.”
was “Don’t pay attention” at 89.8%. It was fol- Question 8 (PDF)
lowed by “Miss instruction” at 80.4%, “Distract Question 9 (PDF)
others” at 39.4%, “Get called out by instructor” at Question 10 (PDF)
32.1%, “Lose grade points” at 26.6%, and “Other” When asked what an instructor should do if a
at 1.7 percent. student causes a disruption by using a digital de-
Question 3 (PDF) vice for non-class purposes, 71.8% chose “Speak
Question 4 (PDF) to student.” Other responses were “Ask student
We asked students to identify how much of to leave class” at 16.6%, and “Confiscate or turn-
a distraction was caused by other student’s use off device” at 11.7%.
of digital devices during class for non-classroom Question 11A (PDF)
activities. “A little distraction” was the leading We asked students which policy they would
choice at 52.2%. It was followed by “No distrac- favor most for students caught using digital
tion” at 33%, “More than a little distraction” at devices in the classroom for non-class purposes.
10.1%, “Big distraction” at 3.1 percent, and “Very “Warning on first offense followed by penalties
big distraction” at 1.6 percent. “was the leading response at 65.3%. It was fol-
Question 5 (PDF) lowed by “No warnings or penalty” at 31.2% and
When asked to choose how much of a distrac- “Penalty each time it happens” at 3.5 percent.
tion was caused by their own use of digital devic- Question 12 (PDF)
es during class for non-classroom activities, the The last three questions were demographic in
top response was “A little distraction” at 45.7%. nature. Females accounted for 63.2%, and males,
It was followed by “No distraction” at 37.5%, 36.8% of survey respondents. Among the respon-
“More than a little distraction” at 12.1%, “Big dis- dents, 34.3% said they were 18-years-old, 26.3%
traction” at 3 percent, and “Very big distraction” said they were 19-years-old, 16.7% were 20-year-
at 1.7 percent. olds, 15.9% were 21-year-olds, and 6.8 percent of
Question 6A (PDF) the respondents were 22-year-olds. College fresh-
Question 7 asked respondents to choose the men accounted for 39.9% of the students, fol-
types of distractions caused by the use of digital lowed by sophomores at 24.8%, juniors at 15.6%,
devices during class for non-class activities. “Vi- seniors at 17.4%, graduate students at 3.3 percent
sual activity” was chosen by 67.6% of the respon- and 3.3 percent for “other.”
dents, followed by “Audio activity” at 37.1%, Question 13 (PDF)
“It’s not a distraction” at 16.3% and “Other at 1.5 Question 14 (PDF)
percent. Question 15 (PDF)
Question 7 (PDF)
Students were asked if their instructors have COMPARISON ANALYSIS RESULTS
a policy regarding the use of digital devices in Table 2 shows a comparison analysis of select-
their classrooms. “Yes” was chosen by 70% of the ed questions. Question 1 comparison analysis in-
respondents, followed by “No” at 30%. dicates undergraduates (N=741) were more likely
When asked if there should be a policy on to use digital devices than graduates (N=25) dur-
ing daily classes for non-class activities (92.53% Comparison analysis on Question 11 (female
vs. 72%). N=453, male N=255) indicate females were more
Table 2 Question 1 (PDF) likely than males (73.73% vs. 60.02%) to favor an
instructor speaking to a student causing a class
When overall frequency response rates were disruption by using a digital device, and less
averaged ((1+3)/2=2, (4+10)/2=7, (11-30)/2=20.5, likely than males (14.13% vs. 20.39%) to favor an
35) and added for each school year, undergradu- instructor asking a student to leave class if they
ates used a digital device an average of 11.16 cause a disruption by using a digital device.
times each day in classes for non-class related Table 2 Question 11 (PDF)
activities compared to an average of 3.90 times
each class day for graduate students. Combined, DISCUSSION
undergraduate and graduate students used a When college students multi-task with digi-
digital device an average of 10.93 times each class tal devices in classrooms, research indicates it
day for non-class activities.  When overall Ques- may hamper their ability to pay attention. This
tion 2 comparison analysis behavior, research suggests,
indicates females (N=459) has become more habitual,
were more likely than males automatic, and distracting.
(N=257) (20.36% vs. 17.13%) This study of college students
to use digital devices for further defined the dynamic
non-class related social net- relationship between digital
working. Males were more device use that promotes,
likely than females (13.31% and digital device use that
vs. 9.9%) to use digital devic- distracts from classroom
es for non-class related web learning. It found most stu-
surfing and (3.24% vs. 1.74%) dents favor policies that may
playing games. better define and limit learn-
Comparison analysis on ing distractions caused by
Question 5 between females digital devices in classrooms.
(N=482) and males (N=279) Distractions of this nature
indicate females were more were previously identified
likely than males (69.7% vs. by Froese (2012), Campbell
62.4%) to list some level of (2006), and Wei, Wang and
distraction caused by an- Klausner (2012). This study
other student’s use of digital attempted to further quantify
devices during class for non- the frequency with which
class activities. students used digital devices for non-class activi-
Table 2 Question 5 (PDF) ties while in the classroom. This study’s results
expanded on previous findings by identifying
Comparison analysis on Question 6 (female non-classroom purposes a large majority of col-
N=485, male N=278) indicate females were more lege student respondents use digital devices for
likely than males (64.9% vs. 57.94%) to list some during class. These activities included texting
level of distraction caused by their use of digital (85.9%), emailing (67.8%), and social network-
devices during class for non-class activities. ing (66%). Respondents said three leading ad-
Table 2 Question 6 (PDF) vantages for engaging in the non-class related
V OL. 4 - NUMBER 4, O CTO BER 2013 9
behavior was to stay connected (69.8%), to fight tion, mostly (52.2%), a “small distraction.”
boredom (55%), and for entertainment (49.1%). A majority (53.7%) of respondents (N=769)
Respondents said such behavior during class favor policies limiting classroom distractions
caused them to not pay attention (89.8%) and caused by digital devices. This suggests students
miss instruction (80.4%). When asked what kinds may be receptive to better clarity on appropri-
of classroom distractions are caused when digital ate and inappropriate classroom uses of digital
devices are used for non-class activities, the most devices while largely opposing (91.2%) classroom
common reply (67.6%) was visual distractions, bans on digital devices.
followed by audio distractions (37.1%). Only These results are supplemented by research
16.7% of the respondents indicated the use of by Rainie (2012), Deloitte (2013), and Experian
digital devices for non-class activities was “not a Marketing Services (2013), that indicate 18-to-24-
distraction.” year-olds are among the most frequent digital de-
On the frequency of digital device distractions vice users. These trends, research indicates, will
in the classroom: A comparison analysis indicates likely continue to grow and should qualify for
graduate students are much less likely to use future research, especially qualitative research,
digital devices for non-class purposes than un- to better identify motives and perceptions driv-
dergraduates (3.38 vs. 7.81 times a day). A limita- ing respondent behavior. Other research might
tion of this result is the small sample of graduate measure and compare the frequency, type, time
student respondents. length, and impact of classroom digital distrac-
This survey noted that when the respondent tions before and after policies designed to limit
used a digital device for non-classroom activities, classroom learning distractions are implement-
62.5% said such behavior caused some form of ed. Future research might also compare larger
classroom distraction, mostly (45.7%), a “small samples of graduate students with undergradu-
distraction.” When another student’s use of a dig- ate students to see why classroom distractions
ital device was involved, 67% of the respondents caused by digital device use may become less
said it caused some form of classroom distrac- frequent as students grow older.
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