QUIZ I - 11 SEPT 2020 ONLINE - Phy Met - NITK-odd Sem

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Name (Roll No.

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Physical Metallurgy – Odd Sem 2020; ONINE QUIZ I
Friday, September 11 Sept, 2020; Time: 1500 hrs
1) Make sure that you READ THE QUESTIONS CAREFULLY; 2) There may be multiple answers to
a question 3) Each question carries ½ mark 4) Total marks-10; Time: 30 mins

1. Microsegregation can be reduced by
a) Tempering b) Hot rolling c) Homogenization d) Recovery e) None of the above
2. The molecules in a solid move in a
a) Random manner b) Haphazard motion c) Pendulum motion d) Do not move e) Circular motion
3. Body centred cubic space lattice is found in
a) zinc, magnesium, cobalt, cadmium, antimony and bismuth b) gamma-iron, aluminium, copper, lead, silver and nickel c)
alpha-iron, tungsten, chromium and molybdenum d) none of the above
4. The property of a material which enables it to retain the deformation permanently, is called
a) brittleness b) ductility c) malleability d) plasticity
5. The lack of oppositely charged ions in the structure and the lack of sufficient valence electrons to form a true covalent bond
necessitate the sharing of valence electrons by more than two atoms in a __ _________________bond.
6. For extensive solid solubility the following are true
a) The metal of lower valence tends to dissolve more of a metal of higher valence b) The metal of higher valence tends to
dissolve more of a metal of lower valence c) The metals have the same crystal structure and differ in atomic radii by 25% d)
The metals differ in atomic radii by 9% and have rhombohedral crystal structure e) none of the above
7. TiC, Mg2Pb and Cu3Al are the examples of
a) electron, interstitial and intermediate compounds, respectively b) intermetallic, interstitial and electron compounds,
respectively c) interstitial, intermetallic and substitutional compound, respectively 4) interstitial, intermetallic and electron
compound, respectively 5) none of the above
8. A solid solution
a) has metallic properties and is composed of two or more chemical species, having at least one metal b) consists of two types
of atoms combined in one type of crystal structure in the solid state c) has a structure that is distinctly visible physically when
seen under a microscope d) all of the above e) none of the above
9. During crystallization, the difference in potential energy between the liquid and solid state is known as the
10. We call it as _ _____________________________when we see “Tin Sweat” in a bronze ingot.
11. Closed packed hexagonal space lattice is found in
a) zinc, magnesium, cobalt, cadmium, antimony and bismuth b) gamma-iron, aluminium, copper, lead, silver and nickel c)
alpha-iron, tungsten, chromium and molybdenum d) none of the above
12. A unit cell
a) contains the smallest number of atoms which when taken together have all the properties of the crystals of the particular
metal b) has the same orientation and their similar faces are parallel c) may be defined as the smallest parallelepiped which
could be transposed in three coordinate directions to build up the space lattice d) all of the above e) b & c
13. Crystal structure of a material is, generally, examined by
a) naked eye b) optical microscope c) metallurgical microscope d) X-ray techniques e) Atomic force microscope f) none of the
14. The structure(s) which has/have the highest packing of atoms
a) hexagonal close packed lattice b) body central cubic lattice c) Face centered cubic lattice d) simple cubic lattice
e) none of the above
15. The boundary line between ‘liquid+solid’ and ‘solid’ regions is a part of ______ ______________.
16. In solidification, for nucleation and growth the free energy change required is
a) negative b) positive (c) zero (d) depends on the condition e) a) & c)
17. During homogeneous nucleation, critical size of a particle ______________ with increase in under-cooling.
a) increases b) decreases c) doesn’t change d) not related
18. The dendrites grow outwards until contact is made with neighbouring growths. This contact surface is called
19. The phenomenon by which the dendritic crystal arms break off and move to other parts of the melt to grow into new
crystals under the influence of supercooling is termed as _____ ___________________________.
20. Cooling under non equilibrium condition during solidification results in
a) uniform composition in the growing crystal b) compositional gradients in the growing crystal c) compositional gradient
disappears after attaining the critical size d) none of the above e) depends on the condition

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