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Select the most appropriate answer :


1-The structure which passes through the foramen ovale is :

a-Ophthalmic nerve

b-Mandibular nerve

c-Medial pterygoid muscle

d-Buccinator muscle


(B)Mandibular nerve with middle meningeal A pass through foramen spinosum

2-One of the following nerves is enter the internal auditory meatus :

a-Hypoglossal nerve b-Glossophryngeal nerve

c-Vagus nerve d-Vestibulochlear nerve


(D)vestibulochlear nerve and facial pass through Internal auditory meatus.

3-Foramina rotundum ,spinosum ,Ovale are located in :

a-Temporal bone

b-Frontal bone

c-Sphenoid bone

d-Occipital bone


C-Sphenoid bone has the greatest number of foramen.

4-Sphenopalatine foramen transmits all the following except one :

a-Sphenopalatine artery .

b-Nasopalatine nerve .

c-Superior nasal nerve .

d-Anterior ethmoidal nerve .


(D) Anterior ethmoidal nerve enter through anterior foramen.

5-One of the following nerve is not related to mandible bone :

a-Inferior alveolar nerve

b-Mylohyoid nerve

c-Lingual nerve

d-Facial nerve


(B) Facial nerve is not related to mandible.

6-All the following are Features of styloid process except :

a-Give attachment to stylohyoid ligament

b-Give attachment to stylohyoid muscle

c-Separate the internal from external carotid arteries

d-Posterior to mastoid process


(B)Styloid process anterior to mastoid process.

7-All the following are Features of Atlas cervical vertebra except :

a-Ring shape b- Has no body

c-Anterior arch is Longer than posterior one d-Has no spine


C-posterior arch is longer than anterior one.

8-Regarding cervical vertebrae except :

a-First cervical vertebra has no body

b-Second cervical vertebra has odontoid process

c-The foramen transversarium of C7 allows passage of vertebral artery

d-The body of the C1 are oval in shape .


C-The foramen transversarium of C7 allows passage of vertebral vein only.

9-The axis has all of the following except :

a-Odentoid process b-Articulated with the atlas

b-Has body d-has groove for vertebral artery


(D)atlas has groove for vertebral artery

10-The jugular foramen has all of the following except :

a-Accessory nerve b-Vagus nerve

c-Auditory nerve d-Glossopharyngeal nerve


(c) VIII CN in the internal auditory meatus .

11-Regarding TMJ, one is not correct :

a-Has capsule attached anteriorly to mandibular fossa.

b-Has two cavities .

c-Has Lateral temperomandibular ligament, Closest to the joint

d-Has the articular disc ,composed of fibrocartilage .


(A) TMJ capsule attached superiorly to mandibular fossa.


12 -The scalp has all of the following except :

a-Laceration wound of scalp might lead to severe bleeding

b-Has five layers

c-Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle is supply by temporal branch of facial


d-Sensory supply by trigeminal nerve only


(D) sensory supply by trigeminal nerve in front of auricle and cervical nerves
behind auricle.

13 -The scalp has all of the following except :

a-Laceration wound of scalp lead to diffuse bleeding

b-Has five arterial supplies

c-Frontal belly of occipito-frontalis muscle is supply by greater auricular nerve d-

Sensory supply by branches of ophthalamic nerve .


C-frontal belly of occipito-frontalis muscle is supply by temporal branch of facial

nerve .


14-Orbicularis oculi muscle is supplied by :

a- Supratrochlear nerve b-Supraorbital nerve

c-Infraorbital nerve d-Facial nerve


D-facial nerve supplies all muscles of mastication .

15-All of the following muscles has insertion in the mandible except :

a-Masseter muscle

b-Buccinator muscle

c-Temporalis muscle

d-Lateral pterygoid muscle


(B) Buccinator muscle inserted into orbicularis oris muscle.

16-All of the following are mastication muscles except :

a-Lateral pterygoid muscle

b-Temporalis muscle

c-Masseter muscle

d-Mylohyoid muscle


(D) mylohyoid muscle is not mastication muscle.

17-The motor nerve supply of the face is :

a-Glossopharyngeal nerve b-Hypoglossal nerve

c-Trigeminal nerve d-Facial nerve


(D) facial nerve supplies muscles of facial expression .

18-The neck of the mandible has one of the following false :

a-Pterygoid fossa which gives attachment to lateral pterygoid muscle

b-Pterygoid fossa which gives attachment to medial pterygoid muscle

c-It is intracapsular of temporal mandibular joint

d-at its level external carotid artery divided into superficial temporal and maxillary


) B) Pterygoid fossa which gives attachment to lateral pterygoid muscle.

19-All the following are branches from first part of maxillary artery except:

a- Inferior alveolar artery

b-Middle meningeal artery

c-Anterior tympanic artery

d-Infraorbital artery


(D) infraorbital artery is branch of third part.

20-Regarding medial pterygoid muscle ,all are true except :

a-Inserted to medial surface of angle of mandible .

b-Elevates the mandible.

c-Has Superficial head attached to lateral Ptergoid plate .

d-Takes origin from Tuberosity of maxilla.


(C) has superficial head attached to maxillary tuberosity.

21-Regarding Facial nerve ,one is not correct:

a-Has superior salivary nucleus.

b-Lesser petrosal nerve is one of its branches in the facial canal .

c-Has nucleus of tractus solitarius .

d-An upper motor neuron lesion, upper part of the face is normal.


(B)greater superficial petrosal nerve is one of its branches in middle ear.


22-Submandibular gland has all the following except :

a-Located in the digastrics triangle

b-Duct lies between sublingual gland and genioglossus

c-Whole gland lies deep to mylohyoid muscle

d-Receives secretomotor fiber from the submandibular ganglion


C-only deep part of the gland lies deep to mylohyoid muscle.

23-Regarding thyroid gland ,One of the following is correct :

a-Extended normally from oblique line of thyroid cartilage to 6 tracheal ring

b-Located deep to the strap muscles of the neck

c-Both recurrent Laryngeal nerves ,and external Laryngeal nerve ,are posterolateral

d-Both recurrent laryngeal nerves pass in front of the pretracheal fascia.


C- the recurrent Laryngeal nerves ,and external Laryngeal nerve ,are


24-Regarding submandibular duct , one is not correct :

a-Opens on the summit of a small sublingual papilla beside the base of frenulum of
the tongue

b-Lingual nerve loops under the duct

c-Emerges from lateral side of deep part

d-Common site of calculus formation


c-SM duct emerge from anterior side of deep part.

25-Regarding Parotid salivary gland ,all are true except :

a-Has a rounded apex that points inferiorly .

b-Has medial border separates the anteromedial .

c-Secretomotor fibers taking origin from the superior salivary nucleus .

d-The maxillary artery leaves through the anteromedial surface .


C- Secretomotor fibers taking origin from the inferior salivary nucleus

26-The enlarged thyroid gland tends to compress the following structure:


b-sympathetic chain

c-Carotid sheath

d-Phrenic nerve


(D) phrenic nerve is not related to thyroid gland.

27-The inferior thyroid vein is drainage into :

a-Internal jugular vein

b-External jugular vein

c-Anterior jugular vein

d-Brachiocephalic vein


(D) left brachiocephalic vein receive inferior thyroid vein.

28-Regarding to the parotid gland all of the following are true except :

a-Parotid gland supply by otic ganglion

b-Divided into superficial and deep parts by the branches of facial nerve .

c-Duct is opening in the vestibule opposite to the upper 2 nd molar tooth .

d-Contents retromandibular vein ,facial nerve and artery


D) Parotid gland contents are retromandibular vein ,facial nerve and ECA

29 -Submandibular gland has all of the following except :

a-Located on the mylohyoid and hyoglossal muscles .

b-Duct lies between sublingual gland and genioglossus .

c-Submandibular duct open close to the frenulum

d-Receives secretomotor fiber from otic ganglion


(D) submandibular gland receives secretomotor fiber from submandibular


30-The thyroid gland has one of the following is false :

a-Carotid sheath lies posterior to it .

b-Superior thyroid artery of both side anasthemosis above the isthmus of the gland

c-Para thyroid gland is related to posterior surface of the gland

d-Inferior thyroid vein drainage to right brachiocephalic vein


(D) Inferior thyroid vein drainage to left brachiocephalic vein.


31-The floor of the mouth is formed by :

a-Hypoglossal muscle b-Genioglossus muscle

d-Omohyoid muscle c-Mylohyoid muscle


C-Mylohyoid muscle is named diaphragmatic oris.

32-The following muscles are supplied by mandibular nerve except:

a-Temporalis muscle b-Masseter muscle

c-Anterior belly digastric muscle d-Posterior belly digastric muscle


d-Posterior belly digastric muscle is supply by facial nerve.

33-All the following structure are bounders of the posterior triangle of the neck
except :

a-posterior provided by trapezius muscle

b-The base formed medial third of the clavicle bone

c-Omohyoid muscle anterior

d-The floor by the scalene muscles


c-Omohyoid muscle anterior is content not bounders.

34-The following are direct branches of the E.C.A ,except :

a-Middle meningeal b-Superficial temporal

c-Superficial thyroid d-Lingual


(A) middle meningeal artery is branch of maxillary artery ( 1 st part ) .

35-The thyrohyoid muscle is supply by :

a-Descent hypoglossi nerve

b-Ansa cervicalis

c-Mylohyoid nerve

d-Facial nerve


(A) Descent hypoglossi nerve is supply thyrohyoid and geniohyoid.

36-All of the following structures passes through the carotid sheath except :

a-Internal carotid artery

b-External carotid artery

c-Vagus nerve

d-Internal jugular vein


(B) External carotid artery outside carotid sheath.

37-Regarding Sternocleidomastoid muscle ,all are true except :

a-Inserted to mastoid process , and Lateral half of superior nuchal line

b-Bilateral contraction tilts the head.

c-Deep relation includes accessory nerve .

d-Superficial relation includes great auricular nerve .


b-unilateral contraction tilts the head to the same side .

38-Regarding scalenus anterior muscle ,all are true except :

a-Posterior Relations second part of subclavian artery .

b-Anterior relation includes trunks of brachial plexus .

c-Medial relations ,include first part of subclavian ,and vertebral arteries .

d-Lateral relations ,dorsal scapular artery ,and trunks of brachial plexus .


b-Anterior relation includes subclavian vein ,IVC, transverse cervical artery

.and suprascapular artery.

39-Regarding Deep cervical fascia ,all are true except :

a-Investing layer surrounds the neck like a collar .

b-Prevertebral layer ,passes behind the pharynx and prevertebral muscles.

c-Pretracheal layer lies deep to the Infrahyoid strap muscles .

d-Carotid sheath contains accessory and hypoglossal nerves .


b-Prevertebral layer ,passes front of the pharynx and prevertebral muscles.

40-The scalenus anterior muscles has all of the following except:

a-Attached into scalene tubercle.

b-Divide the subclavian artery into three parts

c-Deep to the Sternomastoid muscle .

d-Form the floor of posterior triangle.


d-Form the floor of posterior triangle by scalenus medius .

41-One of the following structure lies deep to hyoglossal muscle :

a-Lingual nerve

b-Hypoglossal nerve

c-Lingual artery

d-Submandibular salivary gland


a-Lingual nerve (second part) lies deep to hyoglossal muscle

42 -One of the following muscles are not floor of the posterior triangle of the neck :-

a-scalenus anterior

b-Levator scapula

c-scalenus medius

d-Splenuis capitus


a-scalenus anterior is not usual floor of the posterior triangle of the neck.

43-All of the following nerves are branches of cervical nerve plexus except

a-Lesser Occipital nerve

b-Greater occipital nerve

c-Greater auricular nerve

d-Auriculotemporal nerve


(d) Auriculotemporal nerve is branch of mandibular nerve (V)

44- The posterior Digastric muscle is supply by :

a-Mylohyoid nerve b-Fascial nerve

c-Hypoglossal nerve d-Submental nerve


(B) posterior Digastric muscle is supply by Fascial nerve and anterior belly by
mylohyoid nerve,

45-The posterior triangle of the neck:

a-The floor are formed by scalenus medius ,Levator scapula and splenius capitus

b-The contents of triangles is lies between deep cervical and pre-vertebral fascia .

c-The base of triangle formed by mid third of clavicle

d-The middle and lower cord of brachial plexus above the subclavian artery ,


d-the triangle contain trunk not the cord of brachial plexus ,

46 -All of the following are true except :

a-Platysma muscle supplied by cervical branch of facial nerve

b-Right common carotid artery is branch of arch of aorta

c-Internal jugular vein pass through the jugular foramen

d-No valves in neck veins


b- Right common carotid artery is branch of brachiocephalic trunk.


47-The nasal septum formed of all the following except :

a-Perpendicular Plate of ethmoid


c-Nasal crest of sphenoid bone

d-Nasal crest of maxilla


c-Nasal crest of sphenoid bone not related to nasal septum .

48-Which one is not a part of arterial anastomosis in kiesselbach's area:

a-Posterior ethmoidal.

b-Septal branch of facial.

c-Septal branch of Sphenopalatine

d-Septal branch of Lingual


a-Posterior ethmoidal is not a part of kiesselbach's area .

49-Regarding Maxillary air sinus ,all are true except :

a-Located within the body of maxilla

b-Roof is floor of the orbit

c-At birth it is only slit like space

d-Has good drainage ,in comparison to other air sinuses.


d- Maxillary air sinus drain against gravity (not good drainage).

50 -Nasal cavity has all of the following except :

a-Lateral wall has three conchea

b-Medial wall called nasal septum

c-Blood supply by maxillary artery

d-Nasal cavity consists of two region


(D) Nasal cavity consists of three region (olfactor ,respiration ,and, Stratified
,Squamous ,epithelium )


51-The motor nerve supply of the tongue is :

a-Hypoglossal nerve b-Glossopharyngeal nerve

c-Trigeminal nerve d-Vagus nerve


a-all muscles of the tongue are supplies by hypoglossal nerve except palatoglossus ,

52-Following structures lies superficial to hyoglossal muscle except :

a-Lingual nerve

b-Hypoglossal nerve

c-Lingual artery

d-Submandibular salivary gland


C- Lingual artery pass behind deep to hyoglossal muscle

53-Regarding palatine tonsils ,one is not correct :

a-Located between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches.

b-covered by stratified squamous epithelium .

c-main blood supply is from ascending palatine artery .

d-mucous membrane over supplied by tonsillar branch of glossopharyngeal nerve .


c-main blood supply is from tonsillar branch of facial artery .

54 -The tongue has all of the following except :

a-Internsic and externsic muscle

b-Posterior 1/3 supply by glossopharyngeal nerve.

c-Hypoglossal nerve supply all of muscles

d-Sensory supply of anterior 2/3 by mandibular nerve


c-Hypoglossal nerve supply all of muscles except palatoglossus .

55-The motor nerve supply of the soft palate is :

a-Hypoglossal nerve

b-Pharyngeal plexus

c-Trigeminal nerve

d-Facial nerve


b-Pharyngeal plexus supplies all palatine except tensor veli palatin.

56-Select the most appropriate answer :

a-Cricothyroid tightens the vocal folds

b-Thyroarytenoid tightens the vocal folds.

c-Posterior cricoarytenoid abduct the vocal folds

d-Transverse arytenoid closes the rima glottidis .


b-Thyroarytenoid relaxes the vocal folds.

57-The most sever scenario is to :

a-Damage to the external Laryngeal nerve.

b-Unilateral complete damage to recurrent Laryngeal nerve .

c-Bilateral partial damage to recurrent Laryngeal nerve .

d-Bilateral complete damage to recurrent Laryngeal nerve .


c-Bilateral parioal damage to recurrent Laryngeal nerve cause suffocation .


58-Regarding arytenoid cartilage ,one is not correct :

a-Located at the back of the larynx

b-Apex articulates with corniculate cartilage

c-Base articulates with Lamina of the cricoid cartilage

d-Has a vocal process that project Laterally


d-Has a vocal process that project medially.


59-All the following are features of the auricle except :


b-Scaphoid fossa

c-Intertragic fossa

d-Triangular fossa


c-Intertragic fossa is not a part of the auricle (Intertragic notch)

60-All the following are features of the tympanic cavity except :


b-Prominence of facial canal

c-Prominence of anterior semicircular canal

d-Round window


c-there is no anterior semicircular canal (posterior ,lateral ,superior)

61-Regarding tensor tympani muscle ,one is not correct :

a-Attached to head of malleus .

b-Action is to reduce force of vibration of tympanic membrane .

c-Lies above pharyngotympanic tube .

d-Supplied by mandibular nerve .


(A) tensor tympani is attached to handle of malleus.

62-Anastomotic arcades of the auricle formed of all the following except :

a-Perforating branches of posterior auricular artery .

b-Anterior auricular artery

c-Branches from superficial temporal artery

d-Terminal branches of facial artery.


d- Terminal branches of facial artery is not supply auricle.


63-which one of the following is a terminal branch of Ophthalmic artery :

a-Central retinal


c-Dorsal nasal

d-Posterior ethmoidal


C-dorsal nasal and supratrochlear are two terminal branches of ophthalmic


64 -Regarding walls of the orbit ,one is not correct :

a-Inferior mainly by zygomatic bone

b-Lateral wall by zygomatic bone

c-Orbital plate of ethmoidal on medial wall

d-Superior mainly by frontal bone


a-orbit Inferior wall mainly by maxilla

65-Regarding Lacrimal gland one of the following is not correct :

a-Orbital part lies in the Lacrimal fossa

b-Secretomotor fibers from inferior salivary nucleus

c-Nasolacrimal duct 2 cm long slopes downwards. Forward

d-Palpebral fibers of Orbicularis oculi inserted into the walls of the Sac


c-Nasolacrimal duct 2 cm long slopes downwards backward.

66-All the following are coats of the eye except:






d-Retina (sclera and cornea are fibrous coat ,while choroid and iris and ciliary
are vascular coat.

67-All the following are features of oculomotor nerve paralysis except :

a-Mydriasis .

b-Ptosis of upper eyelid .

c-Tilting the head toward opposite shoulder .

d-Eye is looking down and out .


c-Tilting the head toward opposite shoulder occur in abducent nerve palsy .

68-Regarding to the extraoccular muscles all of the following are true except :

a-Lateral rectus supplied by oculomotor nerve

b-Superior rectus supplied by oculomotor nerve

c-Inferior oblique supplied by oculomotor nerve

d-Inferior rectus supplied by oculomotor nerve


a-Lateral rectus supplied by abducent nerve

69-Regarding action of extraocular muscles ,one is not correct :

a-Superior oblique, abduction .elevation and Lateral rotation .

b-Superior rectus .adduction ,elevation ,medial rotation

c-Inferior Oblique .abduction ,Lateral rotation .

d-Medial rectus. adduction


a-Superior oblique, adduction .elevation and medial rotation .

70- One of the following nerve lies close to the last molar tooth

a-inferior alveolar nerve b-Mylohyoid nerve

c-Lingual nerve d- Facial nerve


C-lingual nerve lies medial to lower last molar tooth.

71- Regarding to infratemporal fossa ,all of the following are true except

a-Below the infratemporal crest

b-Contains medial and Lateral pterygoid muscles

c-contains trigeminal ganglion

d-Maxillary artery


C-infratemporal fossa contain otic ganglion,


72-One of the following structure is content of the cavernous sinus :

a-Internal carotid artery

b-Mandibular nerve

c-Trochlear nerve

d-Ophthalmic nerve


a-internal carotid artery and abducent nerve lies inside the cavernous sinus.

35-All the following are true except one :

a-posterior third of the tongue, general and taste sensations are via the
glossopharyngeal nerve

b-Glossopharyngeal nerve is one of the content of carotid sheath.

c-Hard palate ,supplied by Lesser palatine artery .

d-Pharynx connects the nasal and oral cavity with the Larynx and esophagus


c- Hard palate ,supplied by greater palatine artery and nerve with nasopalatine nerve .

74 -Regarding pterygopalatine fossa ,all are true except one :

a-Contains otic ganglia .

b-It is a space behind and below the apex of the orbital cavity .

c-Contains maxillary nerve .

d-Contain maxillary artery .


a- Contains otic ganglia lies in ifrartemporal fossa.

75-Regarding innervation ,all the following are true except one :

a-Parotid salivary gland through otic ganglion .

b-Sublingual salivary gland ,through sublingual ganglion.

c-Lacrimal gland ,through Pterygopalatine ganglion

d-Submandibular salivary gland ,through submandibular ganglion.


b-Sublingual salivary gland ,through submandibular ganglion.

76-One is not correct :

a-Nasal vestibule is a small dilated space just behind the naris .

b-The nasal cavity has 4 air channels .

c-Inferior constrictor takes origin from Lesser and greater horn of hyoid bone .

d-Floor Oropharynx is formed by posterior one third of the tongue.


c-Inferior constrictor takes origin from thyroid and cricoid cartilage.

77-All are true except one :

a-Maxillary sinus is commonly getting infected

b-Inferior Salivary nucleus is,secretomotor to otic ganglion .

c-Cricoid cartilage has a fact for articulation with an inferior horn of thyroid cartilage

d-Submandibular salivary gland should be preserved in operation for neck cancer


d-in cancer should remove all gland with lymph node.

78-One of the following is not correct :

a-Hypoglossal nucleus in lower medulla.

b-C1 fibers within the hypoglossal nerve leave it as the nerve to the thyrohyoid .

c-Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus are important clinically .

d-Accessory nerve has two motor nuclei.


a-Hypoglossal nucleus in upper medulla.

79-The vertebral artery has all of the following except :

a-anterior inferior cerebellar

b-posterior inferior cerebellar


d-posterior spinal


a-anterior inferior cerebellar is branch of basilar artery

80-Internal carotid artery has all of the following branches except :

a-anterior cerebral artery

b-posterior communicating artery

c-posterior choroidal artery

d-Ophthalamic artery


c-anterior choroid artery not posterior is branch of ICA.

81-The geniohyoid muscle is supply by :

a-Descent hypoglossi nerve

b- Ansa cervicalis

c-Mylohyoid nerve

d-Facial nerve


a-Descent hypoglossi nerve (C1) supply geniohyoid and thyrohoid.

82-All of the following are true except :

a-platysmus muscle supplied by mandibular branch of facial

b-left common carotid artery is branch of arch of aorta.

c-Internal jugular vein is continuation of sigmoid sinus.

d-No deep fascia in the face mainly


a-platysmus muscle supplied by cervical branch of facial

83-All of the following are true except :

a-Auditory tube opens into nasopharynx

b-Lacrimal duct open in the inferior nasal meatus.

c-Palatine tonsil located within tonsillar fossa

d-All muscles of pharynx are supplied by pharyngeal plexus


d-All muscles of pharynx are supplied by pharyngeal plexus except stylopharngeus

84-the occipital artery is branch of :

a-External carotid artery

b-Maxillary artery

c-Internal carotid artery

d-Subclavian artery


a-Occipital artery and posterior auricular artery are branch from back of ECA.

85-The mandibular nerve supply one of the following muscle:

a-Uvulae muscle

b-Tensor palate

c-Palatoglossus muscle

d-Palatopharyngeal muscle


b-Tensor palate supply by nerve to medial pterygoid (mandibular trunk)

86-Regarding to the parotid gland all of the following are true except :

a-Parotid gland supply by otic ganglion

b-Divided into superficial and deep parts by the branches of facial nerve

c-Duct is opening in the vestibule opposite to the upper 2 nd molar tooth

d-Content retromandibular vein ,Facial nerve ,and artery .


d-content of parotid gland ECA ,facial nerve ,and retromandibular vein.

87-The supraorbital artery is branch of :

a-Ophthalmic artery b-External carotid artery

c-Maxillary artery d-Internal carotid artery


a-Ophthalmic artery give supraorbital and supratrochlear.

88-Posterior belly of digastric has all the following except :

a-Origen from 2nd pharyngeal arch b - Supply by Facial nerve

c-Anterior to internal jugular vein d-Anterior to sternomastoid muscle


C-posterior belly is superficial to internal jugular vein.

89-Reagarding lymphatic drainage of head and neck all these are true except :

a-Waldyres ring drains mainly to the upper deep cervical lymph nodes

b-Posterior auricular lymph nodes drains the external auditory meatus

c-most of the tongue drains to the submental lymph nodes

d-Nasopharynx drains to retropharyngeal lymph nodes


c-most of the tongue drains to the submandibular lymph nodes


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