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The word sycosis is derived from greek word Sykon which means a fig.
Definition : Sycosis is a veneral chronic miasm develop due to the
suppression of gonorrhea and is primarily manifested externally by the
cauliflower like excrescences on the genitals.
Sycosis is also known as figwart disease or the condylomatous disease.

Hahnemannian view of development of sycosis :

Primarily manifestation of sycosis
The veneral miasm of sycosis pervades internally the human organism and
on completiong of internal development manifest itself locally by the
excrescences on genitals

Development of Secondary Manifestation of Sycosis :

These excresences were treated by allopathic physicians always in
the most violent externalway by cauterizing, burning and cutting or by
ligatures after having deprived of the local symptoms continues to develop
internally and would appear in other and much worse ways, in secondary

Indication of Sycotic Miasms :

 Headache at vertex or frontal
 Headache < at night, lying down and
 > From motion
 Red Nose with prominent capillaries
 Sense of smell lost

 Arthritis of eyes
 Thick, copious , greenish or yellowish green discharge
 Mouth
 A putrid, musty or fishy taste

 Watery eruptions

 Heart pain better by gentle exercise
 Pain from shoulder to heart with rheumatic condition

 Crampy or colicky pains
 > From hard pressure
 < after eating, meats
 Liks hot or cold foods

 Colic , pains better hard pressure , bending double
 Appendicitis & Periotonitis
 Fluent ,Forceful diarrhea proceeded by colic
 Ovarian inflammation , uterine disorders
 Colic with menses
 Leucorrhoea thin, scanty , acrid producing burning of the parts
 Rheumatic Conditions
 The Expression of sycotic miasms are
Mental Symptoms
Adventure : No risk to self
Any adventure for a sycotic should never have any elements of risk. If any
risk is involved he will try his best to avoid it.
Anger : Expressive marking annoyance known : A sycotic person will
express his anger by shouting and making the annoyance , obvious
Anxiety :
Fear / Escapism :
A sycotic will try to escape from anxious situation
Creativeness : Constructive / generative :
A sycotic miasm is ambitious and wants more and more .
It has the ability to make good judgement
Decision : Selfish / play safe
Decisions of sycotic mind are selfish and self centered. Sycotics always
want to play safe. He has much love for his life. Any decisions involves
slightest risk will be decided against
Desires : For more and more than his needs
A sycotic mind is ambitious and wants more and mores. His desire are
always more than his need. His desire include both materialistic pleasures
as well as power
Direction : Fulfillment of wants :
 Direction of sycotic patient is guided by search for comfortable and
safe place or position. He is compelled to move in search for a better
and safer position.
Faith : Religious for favours / profanity :
 Sycotic people generally pray for favors from God. Their
interpretation of religious for themselves is different from time to
time to suit their needs.
Fear : Morked Fear :
 Fear is the keyword of sycosis, fear makes a sycotic avoid risk
Flight / Flight : Flight / Escapism :
 A sycotic avoids to take responsibility. He feigns to be brave but in
testing times he will never try to expose himself.
Happiness : Mirth / hilarity/ showoff
 A sycotic is always expressing his happiness in a noisy way ,hilarity ,
noisy , gaiety , jollity etc. He is party anima. A sycotic uses happy
occasions as opportunities for business.
Memory : Forgetfull/ sharp
 A sycotic mind has excessive thoughts. There can be sharpness of
memory in some pt. while on the other hand another pt. may be
Mental Activity : Mal active / mischievous :
Activity of mind in sycotic patient manifest as mischief that can be a
source of irritation or annoyance to others. It is a mischievous. As its
working is not straight forward as it is known as mal active .

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