PRICE Control sheet-EOPD Pharmacy

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Ziquala Primary Hospital Medicines Price Control Sheet: EOPD Pharmacy

Retail Retail/selling Price

Description (Drug name, dosage form,
S.N Base code Unit Remark
strength and brand) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Catg-79-1 Cat gut chromic 2/0 circle cround Pcs 22.86  
2 Catg-71-1 Cat gut chromic 4/0 circle cround pcs 19.20  
3 Catg-71-1 Cat gut chromic 4/0 circle cround pcs 23.65  
4 Penb-37-1 Penicillin G, Byzantine 2.4MIU vial 12.00  
5 Acyc-10-1 Acyclovir 200mg tablet tab 1.20  
6 Acyc-50-1 Acyclovir 5% topical cream tube 50.40  
Alma-10- Al(HO)3 + MG trisilcate (120mg + tab
7 1 250mg) tablet-(chewable) 0.13  
8 Allo-10-1 Allopurinole 100mg tablet tab 1.25  
9 Amit-11-1 Amitriptyline 25mg tablet tab 2.55  
Amox-01- Amoxicillin 250mg capsule cap
10 1 0.70  
Amox-02- Amoxicillin 500mg capsule Cap
11 1 1.00  
12 Arte-30-1
Artisunate 60mg injection vial 5.00  
Arthemeter + lumefanthrine (20mg+ tab
13 120mg) – tablet(6x4) 2.15 Free
14 Atro-30-1 Atropine sulphate 1mg/ml injection amp 3.30  
15 Ceft-31-1 Ceftazidime 1gm injection vial 21.95  
16 Ceft-32-1 Ceftriaxone 1gm injection Vial 19.00  
17 Ceti-11-1 Cetirizine 10mg tablet tab 0.98  
18 Quic-11-1 Chloroquine phosphate 250mg tablet tab 2.50 Free
19 Cipr-11-1 Ciprofloxacillin 500mg tablet tab 0.15  
20 Clar-11-1 Clarithromycin 500mg tablet tab 3.70  
21 Clin-10-1 Clindamycin 150mg capsule cap 4.30  
22 Dexa-50-1 Dexamethasone 0.25%- topical cream tube 63.00  
23 Dexa-30-1 Dexamethasone 4mg/ml injection amp 31.00  
24  Dext-22-1 Dextromethorphan 15mg/5ml syrup 125ml 44.00  
Dnsa-31-1 Dextrose 5% in normal saline with 1000ml
25  giving set 33.55  
Dw5p-31- Dextrose 5% in water 1000ml infusion bag
26 1 33.30  
27 Diaz-30-1 Diazepam 5mg/2ml injection amp 4.45  
28 Dicp-11-1 Diclofenac potassium 50mg Tab 0.60  
29 Dics-30-1 Diclofenac sodium 75mg/3ml injection Amp 1.50  
Diph-20-1 Diphenhydramine hydrochloride bottle
30 12.5mg/5ml Elixir 44.00  
Doxy-01- Doxycycline 100mg capsule Cap
31 1 0.50  
32 Enal-11-1 Enalapril 5mg tablet tab 0.60  
33 Iron-10-1 Ferrous gluconate 300mg tab tab 0.65  
34  Catf-83-1 Folley catheter three way size 16 pcs 16.00  
35 Frus-10-1
Frusemide 40mg tablet tab 0.41  
36  Gent-30-1
Gentamycin 10mg/ml injection amp 2.91  
37 Glib-10-1
Glibenclamide 5mg tablet tab 2.40  
Hydralazine hydrochloride 20mg/1ml vial
38 amp inje 12.25  
39 Thia-11-1 Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg tablet tab 0.32  
40 Cort-50-1 Hydrocortosone 1% topical cream 15gm 111.00  
Hyos-32-1 Hyoscine hydrobromide 20mg/2ml amp amp
41 injection 7.25  
42 Ivca-74-1 Intra voneous cannula size 22G pcs 5.60  
Liad-31-1 Lidocaine HCL + adrenaline 2% 20ml
43 injection 24.00  
44 Lora-10-1 Lorantidine 10mg tablet tab 0.98  
Mebe-10- Mebendazole 100mg tablet tab
45 1 0.20  
46 Meto-11-1 Metoclorpramide 10mg tablet tab 0.25  
47 Pram-30-1 Metoclorpramide 5mg/ml injection amp 6.95  
48 Metr-10-1 Metronidazole 125mg/5ml suspension 100ml 14.00  
49 Metr-01-1 Metronidazole 250mg capsule 500 0.70  
Morp-14- Morphine sulphate 30mg tablet tab
50 1 5.20  
 51 Muvi-11-1 Multivitamin with minerals tab tab 1.65  
 52 Norf-10-1 Norfloxacillin 400mg tablet tab 1.20  
53 Para-20-1 Paracetamole 120mg/5ml syrup 60ml 35.00  
54 Para-60-1 Paracetamole 125mg suppository supp 2.10  
55 Para-60-1 Paracetamole 125mg suppository supp 2.10  
56  Para-11-1 Paracetamole 500mg tablet tab 0.80  
57 Penb-36-1 Pencillin G, Benzantine 1.2MIU vial 10.00  
58 Toin-10-1 Phenytoin 50mg tablet tab 1.25  
59 Plpa-71-1 Plaster of paris(P.O.P) 10cmx3m roll 13.50  
60 Pota-12-1 Potassium chloride 600mg tablet tab 0.60  
61 Praz-10-1 Praziquantel 600mg tablet tab 4.45  
62 Prim-10-1 Primaquine phosphate 7.5mg tablet tab 4.45  
63 Prom-10-1 Prometazine HCL 25mg tablet tab 0.20  
64 Quin-10-1 Quinine sulfate 300mg tablet tab 1.00  
65 Spir-10-1 Spiranolactone 25mg tablet tab 1.45  
Sutr-20-1 Sulfametoxazole + Trimetoprim bottle
66 240mg/5ml suspension 23.50  
67 Blad-79-1 Surgical blade size 22 Pcs 1.60  
68 Syri-78-1 Syringe (Disposable ) 5ml with needle pcs 2.00  
69 Syri-78-1 Syringe (Disposable) 5ml with needle pcs 1.20  
70 Tram-31-1 Tramadole HCL 100mg/2ml injection amp 19.50  
71 Teta-30-1 Ttetanus antioxide 1500IU amp 81.15  
72 Vanc-30-1 Vancomycine 500mg injection vial 60.30  
73 Vitb-30-1 Vitamin B complex injection tab 1.20  
74 Vitb-30-2 Vitamin B complex injection amp 1.95  
75 Vitk-30-1 Vitamin k1 10mg/ml injection amp 6.70  
76 Wate-30-1 Water for injection 5ml-injection vial 0.95  
77 Wate-31-1 Water for injection 10ml-injection vial 1.20  
78 Zinc-11-1 Zinc sulfate 20mg tablet tab 2.00 Free

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