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Karin Richter Fine Art


Fall 2020

Fall has always been an artist’s best friend – all those glorious colours
waiting to be painted! Hopefully the season will be a little pick-me-upper
and provide some inspiration to all of us.

Life still remains uncertain but fall will no doubt bring new opportunities,
things to do and places to go. For artists, that usually means openings of
new shows. To kick off the season, the Alberta Society of Artists moved
into an incredible new space and gallery at the Crossroads Market in
Calgary, presenting a wonderful show with great variety of work. “Big Leap”
is available for in-person viewing until October 31.
Another exciting exhibition is set to open at the Leighton Art Centre
Saturday, Sept. 12 along with a paint-out at their property so visitors can
admire not only the plein air art on the walls in the gallery but have the
opportunity to observe painters creating their work outside in this beautiful

My contribution to this plein air show was actually done in my yard!

Backyard Sanctuary, Pastel, 14”x18”

Everyone is eager to get out and enjoy each other’s company at the
various art events in town so have a look and connect with old friends!

As art classes were cancelled back in March, many artists have been
looking forward to getting back to learning in a group setting. Nothing
replaces being together to create. My classes at Parkdale and Strathcona
resume September 14. However, as numbers have been restricted, some
of my regular students may be disappointed. There may also be some
people, who for whatever reason, may not be comfortable with in-person
instruction. I can therefore offer some lessons via email as I did back in
March, a file outlining the theme of the class and the methods to tackle it in
the privacy of your home. It is one way to keep in touch during this time.

The Alberta Society of Artists also has put on 2 artist talks. The first one is
by Brent Laycock RCA, ASA, called “The Artist’s Brain in Gear” on
Saturday, Sept. 12 at the ASA Gallery, Crossroads Art Centre, 1:00 to

On October 17, 1:00 to 3:00pm, I will finally be doing my lecture which was
delayed way back in March entitled “An Artist’s Journey to the Frozen
These events are free but tickets need to be reserved on the ASA website
to observe attendance regulations at the gallery.

These times call for new ideas or the implementation of ideas whose time
has come. My colleague and friend Doris Charest has created a new
website called intended to promote artwork by Alberta
artists. I am happy to be part of it and invite you to check it out.

As the year is winding down, we hope the new year will bring the return to
travel. My painting holidays to the Amalfi Coast, April 20-30, 2021 and
Newfoundland, June 10-20, 2021 are still on the books! It is possible that
there are a few spaces opening up so email me for availability.

In closing, I like to share some fantastic art I came across recently. Theo
Jansen is a Dutch artist who specializes in sculptures – large mechanisms
out of PVC that are able to move on their own, called Strandbeest (beach
creatures!). Have a look and be amazed:
Keep in touch! Stay safe and enjoy fall! Karin,, @karinrichterfineart
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