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Dear professor Cline,

All is well by me, may everything be well with you, your family, your house, everything may be

I'm very interested to know your taught on Biblical Egzodus. I have recently read the article which
discuss the identity of the pharaoh as well as the date of the Egzodus. I have also read the articles
which discuss the pharaoh Ramses II as the pharaoh of Egzodus, I refuse to believe that the Ramses
II is the pharaoh. 

We knew that Ramses II lived up to 92 years, that he reigned about 67 years and that he celebrated
some 14 festivals of his reign, and the main theory which put Ramses II as the pharaoh of the
Egzodus is the one regarding the Jews building the city of Pithom and Pi-Rameses.

This theory is not true, because the town of Pi-Rameses was built by Ramzes II and not by the Jews,
as some claim. Second, Ramzes II could not be the pharaoh of the Egzodus because, Egzodus occur
long before the battle of Jericho (1400. B.C), which means that Egzodus took place some 40 years
before the battle of Jericho.

We knew that Moses and the Jews, wander across the desert some 40 years before the battle of
Jericho, which took place around 1400. B.C, as it was proven by the archaeologist Bryant Wood,
while Kathleen Kenyon has put the date of the fall of Jericho around 1500. B.C.

As an archaeologist, I strongly believe that Egzodus happened much before the time of Ramses II,
as noted recently by the author Jonatas Cavani in his article 'The date of the Egzodus'. Cavani has
proposed the two dates of Egzodus, 15-th century which would place the Egzodus in the period of
reign of pharaoh Ahmose I all the way to the pharaoh Akhenaten; and the 13-th century which place
the Egzodus in the time of pharaoh Ramses II, and possibly his son Merneptah. 

I wanna hear your opinion on this subject, when do you think, Egzodus happened and which date is
the best possible date of the Egzodus?

Best regards,

Amar Tufo,
(BA) arcaheologist

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