Field Guide To Leached Capping Interpretation - GilmourP - 95

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A Field Guide to Leached Capping Interpretation

PAULGILMOUR Consulting mining geologist, Tucson, Arizona

ABSTRACT sion; (7) geophysical expression; and (8) regional or general

considerations such as the clustering observed in many districts.
The goal of leached outcrop or capping interpretation is Leached outcrop interpretation is applicable only where signifi-
estimation of the amount and type of copper minerals in cant chemical weathering has occurred. For the most part this
primary and/or secondary sulfides present below the zone of consideration excludes regions exposed to exceptionally rapid
weathering and oxidation. Among the methods developed by mechanical erosion such as results from recent glaciation. How-
major copper companies only that devised by the Exploration ever, this qualification should not be applied blindly. Deposits of
Services of Kennecott Copper Corporation is known to have primary and secondary copper sulfides and appropriate surface
been described in a publication. This approach can be divided expressions can co-exist in the same region, as for example the
into two phases: (1) megascopic and (2) geochemical. chafcocite blanket at Casino, Yukon, Canada (Godwin, 1976).
The object of the megascopic approach is semi-quantita- Anyone engaged in the search for porphyry copper deposits
tive estimation of the proportion of acid-forming sulfides should have at least a superficial knowledge of ttib methods and
(AFS) in unoxidized material and qualitative estimation of the capabilities of leached capping studies.
type and amount of copper sulfides present. Semi-quantitative During the peak of modern porphyry exploration in the
estimation af the AFS content is achieved through (1) direct 1960s and 1970s every major copper company exploiting por-
visual estimation of limonite-filled cavities, (2) the relative phyry deposits developed its own techniques of leached capping
proportions of goethite and jarosite in limonite, and (3) the interpretation. To the writer's knowledge, only that devised by
"grade" or "rank" of supergene alteration of outcrops. Quali- geologists with Kennecott's Bear Creek subsidiary has been
tative evaluation of copper sulfides is obtained through the described in public (Anderson, 1982; Nielsen, 1984). As nearly
identification of oxidized copper minerals in capping. Taken as one not closely familiar with the techniques used by every
together, these approaches can be used to classify leached cap- company can judge, the methods of Kennecott researchers
ping as one of five major types which in turn enables estimates appear to be most comprehensive and to best integrate the larg-
to be made of probable minimum and maximum copper est number of observations. The techniques of the Bear Creek
grades in primary and/or secondary sulfides. school of capping interpretation also throw useful light on
Geochemical refinement builds on the basic megascopic another aspect of porphyry geology, namely alteration. Appre-
approach. The analyzed copper content of chip samples of ciation of differences in techniques used to interpret leached
weathered outcrops and composition of limonite (specifically cappings derived from disseminated sulfides and other caprocks
proportions of goethite and hematite) are related to empiri- or gossans can be gained from two excellent reviews with color
cally derived graphs or histograms which allow the user to plates by Blain and Andrew (1977) and Andrew (1980).
derive semi-quantitative estimates of the amount of copper This discussion is predicated on some familiarity with the
in primary sulfides and/or secondary sulfide enrichment. work of Bear Creek researchers as described in the publications
Some of the implications of leached capping interpreta- by Anderson (1982) and Neilsen (1984) just cited. A confiden-
tion besides estimating type and tenor of mineralization in- tial Kennecott report by Wilson (1965) at one time widely circu-
clude distinguishing between cycles and ratios of enrichment lated among geologists engaged in porphyry exploration may
and analyzing the probable history of uplift and weathering. still be available from professional contacts.
The following nbtes refer to comparatively unreactive
INTRODUCTION rocks, mostly intrusive and extrusive igneous varieties. In highly
reactive rocks, such as calcareous sediments and metamor-
The majority of the first generation of porphyry copper phosed derivatives, leaching and secondary enrichment are
deposits exploited were profitable because of the presence of minimal to absent. Besides the variations in tenor normally
secondary (chalcocite) enrichment. This in turn implied the found in any mineral occurrence, grades present in outcrops of
existence of leached cappings. In these circumstances it was not skarn or tactile are as a general rule similar to those likely to be
surprising that exploration geologists studied such cappings in encountered at depth.
order to try to determine the nature and grade of underlying cop- After describing the theory and experience behind the
per sulfides. That effort gave rise to the science or ait of leached methods employed by Bear Creek geologists, Anderson (1982,
capping interpretation. It should be emphasized that interpreta- p. 290) began summarizing the objectives of capping studies by
tion of leached cappings is only one of several methods used in noting:
evaluating porphyry copper prospects. Others include study of Field estimates of the limonite and copper mineralogy
(1) history of past production; (2) land-forms or geomorphology; of a capping provide sufficient evidence for capping
(3) host rock lithology including "alteration;" (4) presence of min- classification and for estimates of the maximum and
eralized intrusive breccias; (5) development, intensity, and ori- minimum copper grades of the former sulfide zone
entation of structural and textural features such as fractures [what here is called the megascopic phase of interpre-
including stockwork quartz-veining; (6) geochemical expres- tation]. Semi-quantitative prediction of the primary


grade and chalcociie enrichment grade of the sulfide zone be estimated from (1) the original proportion of sulfides present,
below the capping require geochemical analyses for cop- (2) the composition of limonite, or (3) the grade or rank of
per in rock and detailed mapping of the limonite and cop- supergene alteration.
per mineralogy [geochemical phase of interpretation]. Direct visual estimation of the original sulfide content is
Anderson went on to explain that zones of differing limo- based on the volume percent of cavities occupied by limonite or
nite types and copper minerals should be mapped in detail and mixtures of common iron oxides believed to represent former
what features should be studied. The present paper is intended sulfide grains. Estimation is facilitated by the use of visual aids
as a practical manual or guide to supplement Anderson's advice such as "Comparison charts for the visual estimation of percent-
and to help field geologists achieve the goals he described. age composition" devised by Terry and Chilingar (1955) and re-
The objective of studies of weathered or leached outcrops printed by the American Geological Institute (AGI). A portion
over large low-grade disseminated and/or stockwork copper de- of one such chart is shown in figure 1.
posits is to learn as much as possible about the distribution, type,
and grade of copper-bearing minerals concealed beneath the
zone of weathering and oxidation. The classical approach to
leached capping interpretation as exemplified by the work of
pioneers such as Locke (1926) and Blanchard (1939 and 1968) COMPARISON CHART FOR 6
was largely based on the study of boxworks after copper and ESTIMATING PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION
associated minerals. By contrast, the Bear Creek school chiefly by Richard D. Terry and George V. Chillngar,
relies on investigations of "limonite]" oxidized copper minerals, Allen Hancock Foundation, Los Angeles
Reprinted from Jour. Sed. Pet., v. 25, no. 3,
and "supergene" alteration. p. 229-234, Sept. 1955
It is perhaps worth making a distinction between the prob-
lems confronting early and modern workers. The former were
dealing with chalcocite grades of around 2 to 3 percent or more
copper, such as those preserved in the downfaulted eastern seg-
ment of the former Miami orebody, Arizona: 6 million short tons
of 3.14 percent copper (Beard, 1992) which, if combined with
various proportions of primary sulfides, gave average grades in
the range of I to 2 percent copper (Parsons, 1933, table 3). In the
modem period, geologists work with chalcocite grades that typi-
cally fall below 1.5 or 1.25 percent copper and average grades
that generally lie under 1.0 percent copper. These lower grades
provide much less margin for error.
As the cited paragraph from Anderson reveals, the work of
the Bear Creek researchers can be viewed as comprising megas-
copic and geochemical phases. The first relies on megascopic
observations of outcrops and hand specimens and attempts to
make quantitative estimates of the proportion of acid-forming
sulfides such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, and bornite in fresh rock \% 7%
and qualitative estimates of the type and amount of primary and
secondary copper minerals present beneath the zone of oxida-
tion. Building upon megascopic techniques, the geochemical Figure 1. Portion of chart to assist visual estimation of voiume-percenL
approach employs geochemical analyses of chip samples and Bottom half covers range 2-10%; obverse, 15%-50%. After Terry and
x-ray analyses of limonite specimens to enable semi-quantitative Chiiingar (1955). Re-printed by American Geological Institute. Sheet may
be perforated for standard 3.75-in x 6.75-in, 6-hole, ring-back notebook or
estimates to be made of primary and/or secondary copper grades. similar.

Three special problems arise when attempting visual esti-
This phase aims to achieve limited qualitative results only. mation of sulfides in porphyry systems. First, porphyry copper
It connects a quantitative estimate of the volume per cent of pri- deposits commonly include disseminated and stockwork miner-
mary acid-forming sulfides (AFS) present below the zone of alization in proportions that differ both within and among de-
weathering and oxidation to a qualitative study of copper and posits. Since the charts printed by AGI were chiefly designed for
other minerals in outcrops. These are used to classify the cap- estimating the proportions of mixtures of discrete particles such
ping, and the various attributes are then combined to achieve the as mineral grains in sedimentary or igneous rocks, they are
desired result. better suited to studying disseminated mineralization than
stockworks. Where they encounter the latter, field geologists
Estimation of Volume Percent of Primary Acid-forming must refer to the other two methods of estimating volume per-
Sulfide (AFS) cent AFS. Second, the field geologist must attempt to distin-
guish between "indigenous" (formed in place) and "transported"
Volume percent of primary acid-forming sulfides (AFS) may limonite, a distinction which is not everywhere easy to make. If

limonite occurs in cavities (especially after recognizable crystals In normal conversation and even in writing many porphyry
such as pyrite) or in veins and veinlets intimately associated geologists refer to "alteration" without differentiating between
with quartz and the like, it is probably indigenous. If, on the hypogene and supergene alteration, suggesting that virtually all
other hand, limonite occurs superficially in the form of coatings visible alteration is a product of the former. One of many ex-
on weathered surfaces and joints ("paint") as in stockworks, it amples which could be cited is presented by Silver Bell, Ari-
may well represent transported material. zona, where Richard and Courtright (1954, 1966) characterized
Third, weathered outcrops of rock containing a small pro- a zone of bleached and altered minerals visible on surface as the
portion of primary sulfides say, less than 1.5 to 2 percent by vol- "Outline of hydrothermal alteration and disseminated pyrite"
ume, exhibit very little limonite and appear "fresh" and hard (emphasis added). By contrast, Kennecott researchers held that
with respect to alteration. This is well illustrated by material much of the alteration visible on the surface is of supergene ori-
from the low-sulfide occurrence of North Silver Bell, Arizona gin and that visible mineralogical changes have been brought
(Graybeal, 1982). about by acids produced by oxidation of acid-forming sulfides.
Simple visual estimation of volume of sulfides is therefore According to this interpretation, the "alteration" whose outline
fraught with some difficulties. is indicated on geologic maps of Silver Bell is probably super-
The second approach to estimating AFS content devised by gene, a product of acids produced by oxidation of the "dissemi-
the Bear Creek school involves limonite composition. "Limo- nated pyrite" reported by the authors.
nite" is an inexact term which refers to mixtures of three com- Alteration assemblages visible over most weathered por-
mon iron oxides: hematite (Fe,O3), goethite (HFeCX), and phyry systems no doubt reflect a combination of origi nal lithology
jarosite (K Fe,[SOJ.2[OH]e). Bear Creek workers believed that and hypogene and supergene effects developed in proportions that
since the original content of acid-forming sulfides (AFS) fol- differ according to the interplay of a number of variables. Notable
lowing weathering determines pH, which in turn dictates the about the work of the Bear Creek school is the importance as-
relative proportions of goethite to jarosite formed, the relative signed to supergene processes and that studies of supergene alter-
proportions of these two iron oxides reflect the amount of AFS ation and limonite are reconciled. This feature of the work of the
in fresh rock and can be utilized as a basis for volume-percent Bear Creek group appeals to the writer, who believes that many
estimates. The rationale is that solutions of sufficiently low pH workers make too much of the distinction between sulfide copper
break down orthoclase and micas and supply the potassium mineralization and hypogene alteration and not enough of the dif-
present in jarosite. The numerical relationships among these ference between hypogene and supergene alteration. A superior
variables are illustrated in table 1. discussion of this problem may be found in Beane (1982).
Regarding estimates of volume-percent AFS, the nub of the
Bear Creek view of supergene alteration is that mineral assem-
blages ("grade" or "rank" of supergene alteration, in the same
Table 1. Relationship between limonite composition and original volume sense as grade of metamorphism or rank of coal) reflect pH
percent of acid-forming sulfides. (AFS)
which, like the composition of limonite, is a function of AFS
Composition of Limonite Volume percent content. If true, mapping supergene alteration may provide an
Proportion goethite : jarosite AFS independent indication of the amount and distribution of AFS
present in unweathered rock. Numerical relationships are sum-
1007c goethite results from oxidation of =£0.5
50:50 goeth: jarosite do ±2.5 marized in table 2, and some of the consequences of these rela-
100% jarosite do 2*5.0 tionships are graphically illustrated in figure 3.
Comparing tables 1 and 2, the reader will notice that the
ranges of acid-forming sulfide contents reflected by limonite
composition (0.5 to 5 volume percent) and supergene alteration
To assist the visual estimation of limonite composition, (1.5 to 10 volume percent) differ. In the range the two ap-
Bear Creek workers developed field aids alternatively known as proaches have in common (1.5 to 5.0 volume percent AFS) both
"limonite pencils" and "limonite triangles." The former were may be employed to derive independent estimates, but above
plastic tubes with partitions separating pulverized minerals and below these limits (less than 1.5 and from 5.0 to 10.0 vol-
mixed in differing but known proportions of goethite and ume percent) only one approach is available to enable field
jarosite. Limonite triangles are constructed like three-compo- geologists to estimate AFS contents. In such cases direct visual
nent diagrams with corners signifying 100 percent goethite, estimation of the volume of limonite-filled cavities, which is
jarosite, and hematite. Intermediate mixtures of these compo- valid throughout the range of values encountered, may be
nents are then represented in the usual manner. Some of these capable of providing an independent check. In some cases it
triangles were made using mixtures of actual minerals, whereas may be possible to estimate the volume-percent of AFS in fresh
others conveyed colors of pulverized minerals and mixtures of rock using all three of the approaches described.
minerals by means of color printing. The general layout of one Kennecott researchers believed that at sufficiently high
form of triangle is illustrated in figure 2. acidities iron oxides in cavities after sulfides could be removed
The third method of estimating volume percent AFS re- and silica mobilized. If some of this silica had been deposited in
quires consideration of supergene alteration. This subject raises cavities after former sulfides, two consequences might follow:
one of the aspects of the Bear Creek school of leached capping (1) the silica-filled cavities might resemble quartz phenocrysts,
interpretation which differs from others: the integration of stud- and (2) direct visual estimation of volume percent AFS would
ies of limonite and supergene alteration. be greatly complicated. If not forewarned, such effects of high


100% g 100% 9

2g: 1 h

1:1 9:

100% j 100% jar

Jarosits 2j: 1 h Haematite as re-

lief or live HmonUo
Nolesr 1. - Diagram designed to assist estimation of
vol-9o original acid-forming sulphides (py, cpy, bo,
etc.). 2. - Haem as live or relief limonite denotes former
presence cc and also may be used, in conjunction with
Mixtures with small pro- nomograph and geochem Cu, to estimate ft.ft Cu as cc.
Based on the Bear Clc. method leached capping
portions o! haematite in-
interpretation, cf., Wilson (1965) tuid Anderson (i982).
cluded to show potency of P. Gilmour. Ph: (602) 326-5450.
mineral as pigment.

Figure 2. Representation of front and back of "limonite triangle" for visual minerals. Original examples loaned by J.W. Hammitt and L.T. Keating,
estimation of composition of limonite as modified by writer. Actual triangle Kennccott Corp. Companion card was made by writer summarizing relevant
was colored using powered pastel crayons matched to mixtures of pulverized information in accompanying text, specifically the two tables.

AFS content could present field geologists dependent solely on Conventional wisdom seems to hold that visible changes
megascopic inspection with a demanding problem. This factor in country rocks exposed over porphyry copper deposits re-
also might help to account for the intense leaching observed in flect chiefly hypogene alteration. Andesites exposed to the
some porphyry copper deposits such as La Escondida in north- southeast of Silver Bell, Arizona, are said to show evidence of
ern Chile (Lowell, 1991). propylitic alteration. The outcrops may well be propylitically
Since the relationships between AFS content and mineral- altered, but field geologists can be forgiven for suspecting that
ogy shown in table 2 and figure 3 are believed to be approxi- neither the chemical nor the mineralogical composition of the
mately linear, the development of sericite at Silver Bell implies andesites has changed much. The work of the Bear Creek school
an acid-forming sulfide content in fresh rock of some 5.5 to 6.0 suggests that visible Iithologies are largely products of super-
volume percent, a fairly high but not unreasonable figure. gene alteration. It is probable that in most cases weathered out-
It may be noted that widespread jarosite reflecting more crops reflect original lithology with successive overprints of
than 5.0 volume percent AFS should exist in association with a hypogene and supergene alteration in proportions that differ
grade or rank of supergene alteration which is approximately from place to place depending on the relative importance of
equivalent to sericite, pyrophyllite, and perhaps even silica alter- numerous variables.
ation. This accords with general experience: outcrops which Relatively stable hypogene alteration assemblages such as
exhibit abundant jarosite typically are white to light ocher. Ear- quartz-sericite-pyrite are not likely to be much influenced by su-
lier it was noted that at North Silver Bell where high-goethite li- pergene processes. On the other hand, both biotite-potash feld-
monites reveal a low sulfide content of around 1.5 to 2.0 volume spar and epidote-chlorite-carbonate (propylitic) alteration might
percent the rocks are fresh and hard and show little or no evi- exhibit apparently conflicting features where overprinted by su-
dence of supergene alteration. pergene alteration.

Table2. Relationship of supergene mineral assemblage and volume per- Indonesia (Van Nort and others, 1991) and Papua New Guinea,
cent of acid-forming sulfides (AFS) in fresh or unwealhered rock. failure to explore a jarosite capping after primary sulfides could
Supergene(?) Relative Acidity Volume percent AFS be an error. Although the highest volume percent sulfides typi-
Minerals Observed in Fresh Rock cally occur in pyritic haloes and jarositic cappings tend to occur
over pyrite, jarositic cappings do not invariably indicate pyrite
biotite low «1.5
chlorite variation
sericite approximately Bear Creek researchers recognized that copper sulfides,
kaolinite linear specifically chalcopyrite, can oxidize to black materials some of
pyrophyllite (silica) high S=10.0 which might be mistaken for oxides of common metals such as
iron and manganese. Every mining geologist has seen grains of
chalcopyrite partly oxidized to the mineraloid "copper pitch" or
"pitch limonite," the composition of which according to Ander-
When mapping alteration, geologists should try to compare son (1982 p. 293) is [H(Fe, Cu)02] (?), with or without small
phenomena of the same nature: hypogene with hypogene and proportions of familiar oxidized copper minerals such as mala-
supergene with supergene. Those mapping alteration should chite. Pitch limonite is characterized by a resinous luster, colors
either attempt to avoid comparing "apples and oranges" or else ranging from brown to black, and conchoidal fracture with red
acknowledge that mappable units may represent a combination internal reflections visible under a hand lens. It has-been estab-
of the two as where quartz-sericite-pyrite hypogene alteration lished empirically that copper pitch forms where the ratio of
may have been reinforced by quartz-pyrophyllite-kaolinite chalcopyrite to pyrite exceeds 9 to 1, which is one reason why
supergene alteration. Failure to differentiate the relationships pitch commonly occurs in visible grains of chalcopyrite.
may account for the apparently unintelligible alteration zones
Other nondescript black or brown oxidized copper minerals
seen in some publications on porphyry copper systems, but the
include neotocite and tenorite, also known as "melaconite" or "cop-
possibility that unexpected patterns really do exist should also
per wad." Like copper pitch, these may actually be mineraloids
be acknowledged.
or mixtures. Neotocite [(Cu, Mn, Fe) SiOJ is among the more
significant of these black copper mineraloids. The material is
Identification of Oxidized Copper Minerals vitreous to drab-black, soft, and exhibits a black to dark olive-
black greasy streak and luster. Typically neotocite crystallizes as
The second step in the megascopic stage of leached capping very distinctive black spots which contrast with the dendritic or
interpretation involves an attempt to identify copper minerals feathery habit of manganese oxides. Neotocite can contain up to
present beneath the zone of weathering and oxidation. Neglect- 21 percent copper and wetted with 10 percent dilute sulfuric
ing for the moment the case of sulfides exposed at surface (out- acid will deposit copper on metallic iron such as a common nail,
crops not weathered and leached), the logical first step involves the point of a geologic pick, or a knife blade (non-stainless). In
the recognition of minerals which have resulted directly from common with copper pitch or pitch limonite, neotocite is be-
the oxidation of primary copper-bearing sulfides. This is another lieved to result directly from oxidation of chalcopyrite.
area where the work of the Bear Creek school departs from con-
If outcrops exhibiting jarositic-goethitic limonite after a siz-
ventional wisdom. Most porphyry geologists indicate that they
able proportion of primary sulfides contain significant amounts
believe goethitic-jarositic outcrops result from the oxidation of
of copper oxides after chalcopyrite, the possibility exists that
pyrite. Not so, argue Bear Creek geologists: Such outcrops re-
primary grades are economic or only marginally sub-economic
flect the oxidation of primary acid-forming sulfides, and these
or an enrichment blanket which could reach economic tenor
can and in many cases do include chalcopyrite and potentially
may be present. As was shown at North Silver Bell, this can be
bornite (Anderson, 1982, figs. 12.2, 12.14). The importance of
so even where the total AFS content is quite low. It has already
this distinction can scarcely be exaggerated. If correct, it means
been estimated that the content of AFS at North Silver Bell is
that commercially significant primary sulfides and even
probably in the range of 1.5 to 2.0 volume percent, and an abun-
chalcocite blankets and not merely pyrite can underlie jarositic
dance of neotocite with minor malachite and azurite implies that
outcrops. The Berkeley Orebody at Butte, Montana (Anderson,
the bulk of the primary sulfides were chalcopyrite. These obser-
1982). parts of La Caridad, Sonora, Mexico (Saegart and others,
vations are in accord with the reported grade of reserves of 0.47
1974). and Toquepala, Pern (Anderson, 1982) provide ex-
percent copper (Beard, 1992, p. 65).
amples. The work of the Bear Creek school is more expansive
than others and better able to account for more observations Thus far the discussion has centered on primary sulfides
such as the presence of ore-grade secondary chalcocite or pri- which have been exposed, weathered, and oxidized so that any
mary sulfides beneath jarositic outcrops. copper present has been liberated to percolate downward and be
deposited on underlying primary sulfide grains, thereby giving
Since a chalcocite blanket beneath a jarositic surface ex- rise to a secondary chalcocite enrichment blanket (cf., Ander-
pression probably reflects only one cycle of oxidation, leaching, son, 1982, figs. 12.2 and 12.14). If such a system is further
and enrichment, it follows that such a blanket beneath jarosite is elevated, the primary jarositic leached capping may be removed
liable to reach economic grades only if one or both of the fol- by erosion, the secondary chalcocite blanket oxidized, and the
lowing conditions obtain: (1) the primary copper grade is high copper formerly held captive once again freed to move down-
or (2) the ratio of enrichment (relative heights of the columns of ward to form a new second-cycle chalcocite blanket. In such
leached to enriched material) is high. Given the 1.0 to 1.5 per- cases the highly distinctive capping results not from oxidation of
cent primary copper grades being encountered in such places as primary sulfides alone but also from oxidation of secondary


/ y 7 ' Bass o/ Oxidation
/ (irregular/gradationt)



Leached capping - "limonites " (± oxidised Cu Pyropti

minerals) SI Pyrophyllite - silica

Gradarional contact - mixed 'oxide " - sulphide zone

Chalcocite enrichment zone for secondary Kao Kaoliniie
sulphide blanket)
Contacts with the following gradational and
Ser Sericite
("Barren") core zone - ± 0.2% Cu; < 2% (vol)

Ore zone - 0.4 - 0.8% Cu: ±1.5% (vol) py Chi Chlorite

Marginal zone - 0.3 - 0.4% Cu; 1.5% (vo!) py

BIOT Biottte • K-fe!dspar ("potassic")
Pyrite zone - ±0.1% Cu; 10.0% (vol) py K-SPAR

Outer pyrite zone - negligable Cu. Volume

%age py grades from ±4.0 to < 1.0: Quartz- sericite ("phyllic" & "argillic" )
significant only for effect on supergene
alteration zoning.

10 Country rocks - negligable Cu; negligable py Epidote-chiorite-carbonate ("propylitic")

Supergene iiltemtimi typically extends helow supervene sulficle mineriilisittinn

Figure 3. Cross section through hypothetical porphyry copper deposit percent hypogene acid-forming sulfides (AFS) summarized in table 2,
showing hypogene and supergene mineralization and alteration and modified after Anderson, 1969.
graphically displaying numerical relationship between latter and volume





Figure 4. Classification of leached capping, based on megascopic examina- estimation of composition and approximate upper and tower limits of
tion of outcrops and hand specimens. Combining visual estimate of AFS grade of primary and/or secondary copper sulfides. Reproduced from
content and copper minerals in capping may permit general qualitative Anderson (1982,fig.12.8).

chalcocite. Primary mineral grains typically are not completely tion. Anderson (1982, p. 281) explained that the relationship
replaced in such circumstances. between limonite and residual copper in leached outcrops and
Portions of weathered porphyry copper occurrences com- actual grades derived by this means were determined empiri-
monly exhibit examples of so-called "relief or "live" limonite, cally from the study of 4,500 drill core and surface samples col-
widely recognized as an oxidation product of chalcocite in the lected from 85 different porphyry copper occurrences.
presence of acid-forming primary sulfides. This combination Bear Creek workers pursued the goal of using studies of
occurs where chalcocite coats or only partially replaces pyrite leached cappings to make semi-quantitative estimates of the cop-
and/or chalcopyrite. The expressions "relief and "live" limonite per content of both primary and secondary copper mineralization.
refer to a soft, very fine grained, powdery ("pulverulent") vari- Goethite in capping limonite was related to copper in rocks in
ety of hematite. Typically, relief limonite has a shiny, glistening order to determine the copper content of primary mineralization.
luster. It generally is so soft and light that some can be removed Similarly, hematite in capping and copper in rocks were combined
with a puff of breath. The characteristic color has been described to estimate the amount of enrichment (enriched grade minus pri-
as brick red or seal brown but may be more accurately described mary grade) expressed as thickness in feet times percent copper. In
as dark crimson. Although a little too brown (insufficiently red), both instances the relationships linking the relevant factors can be
the color in U.S. Federal Standard 595B (1989) identified as conveyed either by means of graphs (Anderson, 1982, figs. 12.12
10049 is close. Crimson, No. 540, and Dark Crimson, No. 452, and 12.13) or nomograms (nomographs). Examples of the latter
in British Standard 381C (1964) are extremely good matches. are reproduced as figures 5 and 6.
Relief limonite is invariably accompanied by other forms of
hematite, and in most cases all gradations from convincing relief
limonite through problematical examples to normal hematite are
present. It is obvious from many publications on porphyry cop- PRIMARY GRADE PREDICTION NOMOGRAPH
per deposits and conversations with porphyry geologists that the
significance of relief limonite is universally recognized. Goethite in Primary Grade Cu in rock
limonite "h ppm % ppm
The presence of relief limonite generally implies fairly 150 -j
thorough leaching over more than one cycle so that the chances 100

of finding associated oxidized copper minerals in outcrops nor- 00 200- 002

mally are fairly small. Nevertheless, brochantite (antlerite) is ao • 200-

commonly developed especially where protected from solution 300-

and removal by rainwater in cliff overhangs, crevices, prospect Z50 •
drifts, and other old mine workings. 60
500- 300-
The immediate objective of the steps described to this point 600-
is to permit the leached outcrops or the capping studied to be so 700- 350
classified according to the scheme shown in figure 4. Achieve- 900- 400-

ment of this step permits the field geologist to estimate the 40

1000 -
450 •

approximate maximum and minimum copper grades of the 500-

former sulfide zone. Combinations of leached capping and their
implications were discussed by Anderson (1982, see especially •30
2000- 600-

figs. 12.9 and 12.10). It should by now be clear why the megas- 2500 700-
copic approach to capping interpretation was said to be capable 3000-
of providing estimates which are semi-quantitative as regards 3500
4000- 900-
AFS and only qualitative for copper content.
• so 6000' OS IOOO-

Discovery of capping with hematite (including relief limo- 10.000- i.oo 1500

nite) or jarosite (with copper pitch, neotocite, or tenorite) com-

bined with a record of nearby small-scale mining normally is
sufficient to justify ground acquisition and detailed exploration. 20O0
Given % goettiite and ppm Cu in rock, lay straighi-
However, early adoption of these kinds of measures may be pre- • 10
edge between points; centre line indicates primary
cluded in some instances by extraneous factors such as difficult grade in ppm (%)
or time-consuming negotiations over mineral rights, exorbitant
initial lease and option payments, or difficult access. In such GEOLOGIC RESEARCH DIVISION, KENNECOTT COPPER CORP.
Initials 1 legible
cases management may request more quantitative information
before undertaking large financial commitments.
Use of the geochemical method of leached capping inter-
pretation may be warranted in such instances. This approach dif- Figure 5. Nomogram for primary grade prediction, cf, "prediction chart...
original grade of primary mineralization" presented by Anderson (1982,
fers from the megascopic phase by combining with inspection fig. 12.12). Instructions accompanying the Jatter diagram should be con-
of outcrops and hand specimens both geochemical analyses of sulted. This figure is designed to be enlarged and perforated for a standard
chip samples and x-ray analyses to quantify limonite composi- 3.75 x 6.75.6-hole ring-back notebook.

containing manganese and iron oxide minerals. Jarositic

cappings are known to overlie both enriched and pri-
ENRICHED GRADE PREDICTION NOMOGRAM mary ore but are commonly considered to represent
deposits of barren pyritic mineralization. This knowl-
He ma lite in
iimonite %
edge provides the unique opportunity to reevaluate
many outcrop areas for porphyry copper targets.
Cu in chalcocite
zone Fl.%
enriched • primary grade
These "outcrop areas" could include both new prospects
o .so x thickness (ft) and extensions or repetitions of orebodies being mined.
Reference has been made at two or three points to Silver Bell
Cu in leached and North Silver Bell. It might be useful to summar-
capping ppm
-400 ize these observations as an example of how the principles

1100- -600
described can be applied. The Silver Bell porphyry (as distinct
from skarns) is a comparatively small, fairly conventional deposit
1200 500
400 (Richard and Courtright, 1954 and 1966; Graybeal, 1982). The
-aso bulk of ore mined in the Oxide and El Tiro pits occurred in sec-
ondary chalcocite blankets overlain by mature secondary leached
cappings exhibiting abundant relief or live limonite after chal-
cocite. By contrast, the surface expression of North Silver Bell is
-iso marked by a paucity of Iimonite, most of which has a high goet-
-125 hite to jarosite ratio. Supergene alteration is minimal, supporting
the diagnosis of low sulfide content indicated by limonite. These
-00 observations suggest that beneath the zone of weathering AFS
o -BO comprise only about 1.5 to 2.0 percent by volume. Oxidized cop-
per minerals are neotocite and copper pitch (known to be oxida-
tion products of chalcopyrite) with sparse malachite and azurite.
One-and-a-half to 2.0 volume percent sulfides (mostly chalcopy-
rite) suggests a primary copper content on the order of 0.5 percent.
o The low sulfide content means relatively low acidity whereby mo-
bilized copper is precipitated without much concentration as hy-
Given Va hematite and ppm Cu in capping, iay straight-
edge between points; centre line gives value of enrich- droxides, oxides, carbonates, sulfates, and silicates. Another way
ment (ie, total grade - primary) of chalcocite zone to express the same observations is to note that North Silver Bell
expressed in ft x % Cu
is overlain by leached capping with combined characteristics of
GEOLOGIC RESEARCH DIVISION, KENNECOTT COPPER CORPORATION goethite and pitch limonite-neotocite (see fig. 4). The estimated
Initials June 1967 grade of reserves at North Silver Bell is 0.47 percent copper
(Beard, 1992). Preparations reportedly are being made by the
owners (ASARCO Inc.) to exploit the deposit using heap leaching
Figure 6. Nomogram for prediction of copper enrichment grade, cf, and solvent ex traction-electro winning (SX/EW), which implies
"chalcocite-enrichment prediction chart" in Anderson (1982, fig. 12.13). that copper minerals must be leachable in dilute acid (copper
Instructions accompanying the latter should be consulted. The diagram is oxides or secondary sulfides).
designed to be enlarged and perforated in the same manner asfigure5.
Among the notable features of Graybeal's (1982) paper on
the El Tiro and Silver Bell North area is a discussion of ratios
Since estimation of the goethite and hematite contents of and rates of enrichment. When attempting to interpret the sig-
Iimonite is basic to this approach, Iimonite triangles are indispens- nificance of cappings it is important to distinguish between the
able. As indicated above, Anderson (1982, p. 293) also recom- two. Ratio of enrichment refers to the ratio of primary to en-
mended supplementing visual estimation of limonite composition riched grades and other things being equal, refers to the relative
by means of x-ray analyses of representative samples. heights of the column of primary sulfides which was leached
and supplied copper to groundwater and the column which re-
DISCUSSION ceived copper and was enriched. Cycles of enrichment refers to
the number of times host rocks have been elevated, exposed to
Wilson (1965) succinctly stated two of the most impor- weathering and oxidation, leached, and enriched. Cycles and ra-
tant implications of the Bear Creek school of leached capping tios are not unrelated: The more often a given block of ground
interpretation: containing hypogene mineralization has been elevated, leached,
and enriched, the greater the ratio of enrichment is likely to be.
In applying capping appraisal techniques, the ge- But the relationship is not one-to-one. In theory at least, a single
ologist should be particularly aware of the less obvious uplift of considerable magnitude could give rise to 'a jarosite
potential of jarositic and neotocite cappings. Neotocite capping after primary sulfides and a chalcocite blanket which
cappings containing over 1.0% copper without visible reflects an enrichment ratio that exceeds one.
green oxides are easily mistaken for unaltered rocks It may be possible to infer from leached cappings the tec-

tonic history of a given area, especially whether it was continu- praisal, in Titley, S.R., ed., Advances in geology of the porphyry
ous or sporadic. Anderson (J982, Fig. 12.15) shows a photo- copper deposits, Southwestern North America: Tucson. University
graph of the pit-wall atToquepala, Peru. From surface down the of Arizona Press, p. 275-295.
succession reads: jarositic capping after primary sulfides, hema- Anderson, J.A., 1969, Diagrams prepared for presentation at Society of Eco-
nomic Geology Penrose Conference on porphyry copper deposits,
titic capping after chalcocite, jarositic capping after primary sul-
held Tucson, Arizona, Spring, 1969, unpublished.
fides, chalcocite blanket, and primary sulfides. The presence of
Andrew, R.L., 1980, Supergene alteration and gossan textures of base-metal
a jarositic capping after primary sulfides between hematitic cap- ores in southern Africa: Minerals Science Engineering, v. 12.
ping and a chalcocite blanket implies fairly abrupt, periodic p. 193-215.
elevation which in turn suggests the secondary blanket being Beard, R.D., 1992, The primary copper industry of Arizona in 1990: Arizona De-
mined is a product of at least two cycles of leaching and enrich- partment of Mines and Mineral Resources Special ReponNo. 17.70 p.
ment. For further discussion of this subject the reader is referred Beane, R.E., 1982, Hydrothermal alteration in silicate rocks, in Titley, S.R., ed..
to Graybeal (1982) and Anderson (1982, specifically figs. 12.2 Advances in geology of the porphyry copper deposits. Southwestern
and 12.14 through 12.17). North America: Tucson, University of Arizona Press, p. 117-137.
The reader may question the wisdom of reviving a technol- Blain, C.F., and Andrew, R.L., 1977, Sulfide weathering and the evaluation of
gossans in mineral exploration: Minerals Science Engineering, v. 9,
ogy that is at least 30 years old, especially in this time of hand- p. 115-150.
held analytical instruments. Five responses come to mind. First, Bianchard, Roland, 1939, interpretation of leached outcrops: Chemical, Metal-
it always seems unfortunate when a useful ait or skill is lost. lurgical, and Mining Society of South Africa Journal, v. 30, n. 11,
Second, in science as in other disciplines it can be informative to p. 344-372.
know what went before when trying to plan ahead. Third, it is Bianchard, Roland, 1968, Interpretation of leached outcrops: Nevada Bureau of
one thing to use field instruments to measure the copper content Mines Bulletin 66, 196 p.
of exposures and quite another to employ such equipment to British Standards 381C, 1964, Colours for specific purposes: London. British
predict the existence and estimate the tenor of primary and sec- Standards Institution, !0p. and 10 color plates.
ondary sulfides underlying leached outcrops; the combination of Federal Standard 595B 1968, 1989, etc., Colors used in government procure-
capping interpretation and direct measurement in the field of ment: Washington, D.C., General Services Administration, loose-
copper content and limonite composition could prove powerful. leaf form (no fixed number of pages).
Fourth, study of leached cappings logically complements the Graybeal, F.T., 1982, Geology of the El Tiro area, in Titley, S.R., ed.. Advances
in geology of the porphyry copper deposits, Southwestern North
increasingly widespread use in porphyry exploration of color
America: Tucson, University of Arizona Press, p. 487-505.
air-photos and other forms of imaging spectroscopy derived Godwin, C.I., 1976, Casino, in Sutherland Brown, A., ed.. Porphyry deposits of
from instruments carried in satellites (Settle and others, 1984) the Canadian Cordillera: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metal-
and fixed-wing aircraft (Swayze and others, 1993). Fifth is the lurgy Special Volume 15, p. 344-354.
very important point made by Wilson (1965) at the outset of this Locke, Augustus, 1926, Leached outcrops as guides to copper ore: Baltimore,
discussion regarding reevaluation of outcrop areas for porphyry Williams and Wiikins Co., 166 p.
copper targets. Lowell, J.D., 1991, The discovery of the La Escondida orebody. in Hutchinson,
The fact that these notes focus on the methods of the R.W., and Grauch, R.I., eds., Historical perspectives of genetic con-
cepts and case histories of famous discoveries: Economic Geology
Kennecott school is not intended to diminish the value of other re- Monograph 8, p. 300-313.
search. To the best of the writer's knowledge, the results of investi- Nielsen, R.L., 1984, Evolution of porphyry copper ore deposit models: Mining
gations conducted by other major copper companies has not been Engineering, v. 36, p. 1637-1643,
directly placed in the public sphere. The writer hopes that omission Parsons, A.B., 1933, The porphyry coppers: New York, American Institute of
will be repaired before the technology is irretrievably lost. Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 581 p. '
Richard, K.E., and Courtright, J.H., 1954, Structure and mineralization at
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Silver Bell, Ariz.: Mining Engineering, v. 6, p. 1095-1099.
Richard, K.E., and Courtright, J.H., 1966, Structure and mineralization at
Thcwriter would like to express his indebtedness to James A. Silver Bell, Arizona, in Titley, S.R., and Hicks, C.L., eds., Geology
Anderson, who in 1968 and 1969 demonstrated Kennecott meth- of the porphyry copper deposits. Southwestern North America:
Tucson, University of Arizona Press, p. 157-163.
ods in the field in Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico; provided numer-
Saegart, W.E., Sell, J.D., and Kilpatrick, B.E., 1974, Geology and copper min-
ous examples of field aids employed (including those reproduced eralization of La Caridad porphyry copper deposit, Sonora, Mexico:
in figs. 5 and 6); and reviewed the manuscript of this paper; to Economic Geology, v. 69, p. 1060-1077.
J.W. Hammitt and L.T. Keating of Kennecott Corporation who Settle, Mark, Abrams, M.J., Conel, J.E., Goetz, Alexander, F.H., and Lang,
generously supplied different colored versions of "limonite tri- H.R., 1984, Sensor assessment report, in Paley, H.N., ed.. The joint
angles;" to two anonymous reviewers for their intelligent and con- NASA/Geosat test case project final report, pan 2, v. I: Tulsa,
structive reading of the manuscript which benefited greatly from American Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 2-1 to 6-95-
their suggestions, and finally to the editors for uniformly sympa- Swayze, Greg, Clark, Roger, and Gallagher, Andrea, 1993, Imaging spectros-
thetic support and criticism. Besides serial commas, inserted at the copy sheds new light on mineral studies: U.S. Geological Survey
request of the last-named, the writer is of course solely respon- Mineral Resources Newsletter, v. 4, n. 3, p. 1 -2.
sible for all errors of fact or interpretation. Terry, R.D., and Chilingar, G.V., 1955, Summary of "Concerning some addi-
tional aids in studying sedimentary formations" by M. S. Shvetsov:
Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 25, p. 229-234.
REFERENCES Van Nort, S.D., Atwood, G.W., Collinson, T.B., and Potter, D.R., 1991, Geoi-
,., ogy and mineralization of the Grasberg copper-gold deposit, Irian
Anderson, J.A., 1982, Characteristics of leached capping and techniques of ap- Jaya, Indonesia: Mining Engineering, v. 43, p. 300-303.

Wilson, J.C., 1965, Use of alteration, capping appraisal, and rock geochemistry
in exploration: Kennecott Copper Corporation, Exploration Ser-
vices, Geologic Research Division, Salt Lake City, Utah, unpub-'

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