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Shiksha Mandal’s

Department of Advanced Management Studies,

G.S.College of Commerce, Wardha

MBA Semester III (2020-2021)

Notes for Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing (Week 1)

Marketing Specialization II

Prepared by
Ms. Kiran D. Nagare
Assistant Professor

Meaning of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the process of integrating platforms and customers’ experience
through a digital channel. Digital marketing offers the prospect of increasing and improving the
interactions and relationships with current and prospective customers through, for instance,
social networking sites, instant messaging systems and mobile applications (apps).
Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the
internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and
other websites to connect with current and prospective customers.
At this stage (Covid 19 ), digital marketing is vital for your business and brand awareness.
It seems like every other brand has a website. And if they don't, they at least have a social media
presence or digital ad strategy. Digital content and marketing is so common that consumers now
expect and rely on it as a way to learn about brands.  Long story short, to be competitive as a
business owner, you'll need to embrace some aspects of digital marketing. Because digital
marketing has so many options and strategies associated with it, you can get creative and
experiment with a variety of marketing tactics on a budget. With digital marketing, you can also
use tools like analytics dashboards to monitor the success and ROI of your campaigns more than
you could with a traditional promotional content -- such as a billboard or print ad.

Definitions of Digital Marketing -

“ Digital Marketing is a form of direct marketing which links consumers with sellers
electronically using interactive technologies like emails, websites, online forums and
newsgroups, interactive television, mobile communication etc.”- Kotler & Armstrong
“Digital marketing is defined by the use of numerous digital tactics and channels to connect with
customers where they spend much of their time: online.”

Key Takeaways

 Digital marketing is the use of the Internet to reach consumers.

 Digital Marketing is a broad field; including attracting customers via email,
content marketing, search platforms, social media and more.

Significance of Digital Marketing

The massive penetration of digital technology is pushing communications to an advanced
level, resulting in the creation of virtuous data systems to transform the way we make, sell and
buy. The Internet fast emerged from a modest research network to a robust commercial
infrastructure with an exponentially growing number of user base. Consequently, novel business
functionalities such as E-Commerce and Digital Marketing are redefining the way businesses
reach and interact with customers.
The emergence of mobile technology and the growing accessibility and affordability of
Internet-based devices such as tablet-PCs and smart phones with huge storage capacities, fast
computing capabilities and data transmission speeds is further pushing the popularity of this
Impact on businesses
Digital Marketing allows businesses to reinvent their marketing strategies to better
connect with target customers and to stay relevant in the customer’s perspective. In the process,
businesses leverage the technology-enabled tools such as emails, blogs and social media to
expand the reach of their offerings.
It is penetrating deeper into the worldwide market, driven largely by innovations such as
Internet of Things (IOT), extensive data integration and Big Data technologies. Businesses now
realize the importance of customer behavior information and usage data to draft new marketing
strategies. Furthermore, this has reinvented the advertising approaches to providing more
focused and accurate messages to customers.
It provides considerable cost benefits to businesses in terms of affordability. Unlike the
conventional marketing media such as a print or television, using digital media such as social
media or an email can convey the message to a greater number of audiences at just a fraction of
the cost. Another significant advantage of it is the ease of tracking and monitoring results
through customer response patterns.
Six Reasons of why digital marketing is important especially in this Pandemic Time

1) You reach people where they spend their time.

2) Your competitors are already doing it

3) You can compete with larger corporations

4) You can target your ideal audience

5) You can monitor your campaigns and optimize them for better results

6) You get an impressive return on your investment (ROI)

Thoughts for Students

What’s in there for me???
Aspiring students and marketing professional now have rewarding career opportunities

with huge pay packages within this arena. Graduate and postgraduate students can

choose from a broad array of course options to improve their skills. However, one

should first understand what specific role would best suit them to gain competitive

Additional Reference Books for Digital Marketing & Social Media Marketing Subject -
 Digital Marketing: Cases from India  by Rajendra Nargundkar and Romi Sainy, Notion
Press, Inc
 Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital
Generation by Damian Ryan, Kogan Page Publisher
 Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital by Philip Kotler, Publisher Wiley
 Digital Marketing by Seema Gupta, McGraw Hill Education
 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing by Punit Singh Bhatia,  Pearson
 The Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating Strategic, Targeted, and
Measurable Online Campaigns by Ian Dodson, Wiley Publisher

Online References-


Additional Readings-


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