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Ryton, Crookhill, Stella, Crawcrook, Greenside, Clara Vale

Autumn 2010

Let common Schools to

get 20mph

sense prevail
SAFETY around local
schools is set to improve
following a decision to

on new school
bring in 20mph zones.
All schools in Gateshead are to
have the zones introduced over the
coming years.
The Focus teams in Crawcrook
& Greenside and in Ryton,
Residents’ survey shows people want school to remain at current Ryton site Crookhill and Stella have
welcomed the decision.
PRESSURE is “We have been asking for
mounting on Twenty’s Plenty advisory notices
Gateshead Council to outside our schools for several
back down on years,” said Councillor Derek
proposals to close Anderson.
down the existing “We look forward to the zones
coming to Crookhill Primary and
Ryton Comprehensive St Mary & St Thomas at Stella.”
School site and move it In Crawcrook the zone for
to a new location next Emmaville will be extended along
to the Ryton/ Main Street.
Crawcrook By-pass.
Surveys of residents Advisory Signs
carried out since last year,
which included one by local The zone for St Agnes
Liberal Democrats, showed School on its new site in
overwhelming support for Kepier Chare is causing
keeping the school at its z Sally Danys and Councillors Noel
current site. zThorpe School occupied the current concer n for local
and Ione Rippeth are calling for site of Ryton School from the 1880s. residents.
The late Ryton School to remain at its present
L a b o u r Let’s keep the school at its current Your Lib Dem Focus Team has
site. location as well!
Government suggested that, due to the winding
agreed to the move from the existing Ryton to be retained and for the sense prevails and the nature of the estate’s roads,
funding to site have met with a hostile school to be refurbished.” “Twenty’s Plenty” advisory
Council opts to improve the
build a new response from local residents. notices without the expense of a
school just Sally Danys, who also existing site.
“We asked residents what helped co-ordinate the full set of road signs and the
before the “Liberal Democrat
they thought of the plans to survey, said, “The final statutory accompanying road
zCllr Derek G e n e r a l build in the greenbelt on
Councillors are pressing for
humps would be just as effective.
decision has not been made
Anderson Election! Woodside Lane next to the By-
Extended zone
by the Council on whether to
Gateshead Council is Pass,” said Cllr Derek build a new school next to the Ministers have put
closing Hookergate School Anderson. By-Pass or refurbish the school building projects on
and pupils are being “The vast majority of existing school on the same hold whilst a review takes Your local Councillors in
transferred to Ryton. responses were very clear - site. place to decide which can Greenside are requesting
But Labour’s proposals to people want the existing site “We hope that common go ahead. that the zone for

Schools’ cash saved from squeeze

Greenside Primary be
extended .
They want it to cover the junctions
SPENDING on schools is needed to get the deficit cannot continue. Even so, the “We are arguing strongly
under control - last year the of Rockwood Hill Road and the
being protected by the Coalition agreed that schools for some of this money to be
Labour Gover nment Lead Rd, the junction at the Lead
Coalition government will be protected from cuts. invested in refurbishing
borrowed £157 billion - a Road and Spen Road, the entrance
despite big cuts being Ryton on the existing site,”
quarter of the cash they And there will also be £16 to the road leading off to Charlie,
said ”Councillor Noel
made elsewhere to spent. billion to invest in school Frank & Nelson Streets, and the
Rippeth, Leader of the Lib
balance the budget. Everyone knows that buildings over the next 4 Dem Woodside Lane/ Lead Road
Opposition on
Cuts to public spending are borrowing at that level years. junction.
Gateshead Council.

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