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GEORGE EASTMAN invented the film and built a company that would be known as

The development of the STEAM ENGINE gave rise to the STEAM-POWERED
THOMAS EDISON and his assistant, WILLIAM DICKSON, turned the use of the
CYLINDER PRESS which dramatically lowered the cost of newspapers.
photographic film (now in a strip) into a material that can be moved in front of a
o Transformed the newspaper into a truly MASS MEDIUM
lens at a constant speed to result into several photographs, each one different from
In the Philippines, the RISE OF THE NEWSPAPER came about in the FIRST DECADES
the other one because of a slight change in the movement of the subject.
o When the strip was developed and viewed by the naked eye, it gave the
o In DECEMBER 1, 1846, LA ESPERANZA, the first daily newspaper, was
illusion of a moving object.
published in the country.
Two Frenchmen, LOUIS and AUGUSTO LUMIÈRE, further developed the technology
o Other early newspapers
of film projectors.
 Diario de Manila (1848)
EDISON would still improve the technology developed by the Lumière brothers with
 Boletin Oficial de Filipinas (1852)
large screen of projecting.
o One of the most popular newspapers in history is LA SOLIDARIDAD, which
o By 1986, EDISON VITASCOPE was on public debut in New York, where it
was published in Spain in 1889 and was actively used to campaign for
showed a film entitled Rough Sea at Dover by Robert Paul.
reforms in the Philippines.
While the newspaper catered to people’s desire for information, the rise of film
o In JANUARY 18, 1896, the KATIPUNEROS published ANG KALAYAAN as the
addressed an emerging worldview that would define much of modernity’s rise –
official revolutionary newspapers of the KATAASTAASANG KAGALANG-
the demarcation of people lives between work and leisure.
Film represented leisure, a time distinct from work and livelihood.
As an institution, the newspaper publisher is based in an urban or semi-urban
RADIO and TELIVISION followed very closely.
o By 1928, the first telecast of a television program took place, transmitting
o Enjoys relative freedom but is subject to government regulation, thus
from the experimental studio of GENERAL ELECTRIC in New York City.
subject itself to self-censorship.
o By 1930, the RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA introduced electronic
o Exists in the public domain
scanning, a much-improved technology.
o Marketed as a commodity, thus expects profit generated from its sales o By 1939, US President FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT became the first president
Today, the newspaper as a medium has evolved with the rise of the internet and to appear on the tube.
digital technology. In Europe, the Nazi authorities in Germany operated the world’s first regular
o The broadsheet and tabloid formats still exist, news agencies have turned television service, using it as a platform for propaganda.
to the web as another platform for newspaper publications and have Commercial television in the united states – 1946, in the Philippines – 1953
generated a new business model for the newspaper industry. o In PH, there were already explorations on the technology of broadcasting
o Online newspapers are no longer confined to news on daily basis but would 1946 – James Lindenberg began assembling transmitter in Bolinao, Pangasinan
have to account for immediacy. o Later teamed up with Antonio Quirino
o Reading habits have also changed dramatically since readers of online
o Established the Alto Broadcasting System
newspapers tend to consume the news at most time of the day.
o First official telecast - October 23, 1593
Traditional media become synonymous with the seven most common forms of
o Books, newspapers, magazine, sound recording, radio, television, and film
1948 – invention of transistor radio signaled the development of semi-conductor
devices which is considered as the foundation of modern electronics then led to the
invention of integrated circuits
1953 – IBM shipped its first electronic computers called 701 in the industry and sold
19 machines to research laboratories, aircraft companies, and the federal
1969 – ARPANET was created; predecessor of the internet
o Large area-wide network created by the US military, spec. for the US
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
1971 – transition from ARPANET to internet
First innovation – TCP/IP architecture proposed by Stanford University
o Considered as the standard protocol
1983 – universally adopted


March 29, 1994 – World Wide Web was launched in the Philippines
Bulletin Board System – a computer system running a software that allows users to
connect and exchange messages and information using a terminal program
o 1986 – was operated using a software that ran on an IBM XT Clone PC –
1200 bpm
o Subscription fees – as high as P1000 per month
1987 – inter-BBS connectivity through the Philippine FidoNet exchange
Early years of 90s – email gateways and services broadened
1993 – DOST
With the support from the Industrial Research Foundation, the PhilNet was
o UP Diliman, UP Los Banos, DLSU, ADMU

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