Referat Clopotel Ro-Justice

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they lived for
and suffered
for their trust
in the power
of justice
all was good
at their
but they
be failures?


Now, in world are many categories
of people.

There are people who have a sense

or a consciosness of justice and
there are people who search for the
best ways to gain succes
independentlly of the
justice principles.

The justice agent is imperfect in the

folowing sense:

·it do not know all the illegalities

that was made, that are made and
that will be made.

·it cannot prevent all the

·it cannot punish all the people
had made ilegalities; there are
many people in the world and in
the history of world that, due to
their mony or manipulative and
deceptive inteligence or
relationships, escape of
punishment .

·sometimes laws are injust.

·our justice conception is


Because of this imperfections

many people, about justice agent
do not know, or maybe do not want
to know, anything, had suffered. It
is imposible for me to present their
list or the quantity of their pain.
There exist and existed before
many people in the world who
search the imperfections and
weakenesses of laws to make the
most profitable injusticies. And,
after they made this injusticies they
wipe all signs.

When this injusticies are to great,

and it seem that it is no posible any
application of a punisment, those
who suffer them blaim god...

It is a great need of an perfect

impartial justice agent, but, there
is no god...

If there is no omniscience and

omnipotence, there cannot be
In the history of world there was
many inteligent peoples who
discovered many new posibities.

On the one hand, there was

scientists, artists, politicians,
lawers, and others that discovered
new good posibilities, on the other
hand, there was and there are
people who discover new injust
profitable posibilities.

It seem that there is no, and there

will never be a world in wich the
posibility to make injusticies to be

What make it posible the

realization of these injust actions?
How would be posible to minimze
the number and gravity of injust

How much would be the gain and

the happiness of minimization of

From antiquity humans aspired at a

perfect/divine justice and justice

But, a perfect justice agent involve

omniscience, omnipotence and

However, I think that human

justice and justice agency can
make new fundamental
evolutionary steps.
I think at the ways of minimize the
injust actions; justice agent is
taken many times tipically by

There are no scientific

institutionalised systematic efforts
to calculate all the posible injust
actions at all the levels of society
·at the level of individ.
·at the level public institutions.
·at the level of press.
·at the political level.

If this posibilities of illegal actions

would be know, the next step would
can be their prevention.

There are no scientific

institutionalised systematic efforts
to calculate the absolute action
posibilities and the context-relative
actions posibilities at all the
previous levels and for all the
posible contexts, for our security.

There are no payed scientific

institutionalised systematic efforts
to find ways to minimize the the
posibility of realization of all the
injust posibilities.

That is why, at least in part, we

suffer in continuation.

It is not the most inteligent thing

to have good experts for discovery
of injust actions.
I think that, a great evolutionary
step in human justice and justice
would be assured by the systematic
pursuit of the next pragmatic
regulative principle:

The minimization of the posibilities

to make injust actions imply the
minimization of realization of injust

But, I think that, the application of

this principle have as a previous
condition of posibility the
knowledge of all injust strategical
posibilities of agents at all the social
organization levels.

Maybe this principle, sometimes,

was pursuited, but, in an
unconscious or inexplicit and
nonscientific, noninstitutionalised

In the time in wich we work hardlly

with our inteligence in the limits of
our justice conception, others try to
develop a deceptive and
manipulative and thief inteligence to
gain the results of our work and our
place in the social hierarchy.

We loss because of our justice

principles of behaviour and because
of the imperfections of justice

Sometimes, we have not time or we

are incapable to calculate all the
injust posibilities wich would can
affect us.

On the other hand, why we live in

society? To manipulate and deceive
each others?

Always will be people wich will

love this posibility.

But, if the justice agency is

how will we rationally justify our
just actions?

By non-inteligence?

By the evolution of inteligence

appear new deceptive and
manipulative posibilities.
I think that wisdom must to imply
justice and freedom, therefore it
does not involve deceptive and
manipulative behaviour, but this
thoughts must to be grounded.

A rational belive would say that the

deceptive and manipulative
behaviour will be detected at least in
long time, but this is not necessary
or depend also on the evolution of
justice agency.

I tell you an partial story to see a

kind of injust posibility:

There was once, a workoholic


But, this student was very
independent and critical in his ideas
and behaviour at courses and

This student have had in its class a

student competitor that was very
she tried to gain the sympathy of
proffesors by flatering them and
relative to class have had a nice, but,
in secret, very deceptive and
manipulative behaviour. For
exemple, in the ideatic fights in
class she allied temporarlly
with everybody, even with its
anemies, for the sake of succes. Its
mentality was fundamentaly
independent of every justice
conception; but it showed herself
as a good person, especially to those
When the individual and
independent thinking of the
workoholic student have arrived at
some veridical ideas, she tried to
misinterpret its behaviour:

·she tried to attract the discredit and

irony of class and of professors
on it.

·she used subtle tactics of

psychological influence; for
exemple, when he was was said
something, she tried to stomble it by
creating some ironical backgrounds
or by irritating it etc.

This competitor student tried to

create for herself good relationships
with some proffesors, those who had
a similar interests with she. Its
mentality was, in secret, one
fundamentaly sly, injust.

Most times she was not sufficient

powerfull to win independently and
with the power of truth or of just

That is why she used other injust


After she gained the sympathy of

those who feeled somehow
threatened theirself, they had begun
to fight together legally but

The workoholic and independent

student, who always tried to win
with truth in the limits of justice,
feeled more hate relative to its
competitor fundamental etichal

Therefore, it selected a licence

theme in the same domain with its
competitor to be in competition with

Both was under the co-ordination of

the same professor, so she begun to
friendlly "understand" with the

The independent one begun to work

hardly informing itself by
international journals(in some
limits, because was poor), but hated
the idea to be c-oo-rdinated by
somebody, much more he tried to
compete with this professor at

The formal conditions wich should

be fulfilled by licence works and
their evaluation criterions was not

On the other hand, the workoholic

student sometimes changed the
bibliography for some papers in
favour of some other better

In final, all presented their licence


The workoholic student's licence

work does not filled some formal
conditions, about he does not knew
anything, and was rejected.

Its pain was inexpressible and its

competitor received a maxim

The workoholic one was at least by

the first active minds in its class.

Its work was substantiated by the

wish of a rational and hierarchical
progress,in the shorter possible

He lost friends for study time, lived

far from home and was sponsorized
most times only by a poor and
sickly mother. And this was the
He loved philosophy of science,
logic and tended toward a absolut

She had and have fundamentally an

manipulative mentality, and this
peoples are dominant now days.

Now, she is at master in philosophy

of science and he is not.

Someday, he made a visit at his

previous colleagues from faculty
are now at master and she hardlly
retained to burst into laughter with
all its heart...when saw him.

Those who know the mentality

exhibited by all the students in four
years in faculty, also know who
would be deserved to progress in
this sense and who does not
deserved. In truth, here was made an
legall injustice.

The absolute or individual power

lover have another chance in the
february of 2004, with the same

After of a summer of study he

presented to profesor a new
bibliography, the professor ignored
all its work and gived to he another
bibliography, I think not a better

The professor selected the co-

authors names for bibliography so
as if the student accept this to be for
him un unbearable humility and if
does not accept to reject him again.

When the professor rejected him

first time he said "you can to come
to me one hundred of times!"...

The professor do not like to hear the

student's arguments and suggested
to student, with other words, that if
he do not like something to change
the professor.

This profesor have an eliminativist

lover thinking(he like Churchlands)
and said to student that there is no
manipulation and subtle
psychological coercition.
The student asked to professor to
give him the licence work of its
competitor for critics, given the fact
that they was in the field of
philosophy where "who reject the
examination of reason does not
deserve respect", but the professor
does not want to give to him...

In truth, this professor protect its

competitor licence work against
critics, injustly, but with fine

Sometimes, this student is very

desperate, he think that all was
useless and cannot accept this... he
fear that he never will have the
chance to revenge in the limits of
law on its injust competitors,
because they try to distroy its

When he loss every hope, alternate

between desperation and criminal

I feel regret for this man, but I

cannot help him.

There is now law for this kind of

injusticies in his country...

In addition, he haven't mony to

sponsorise lawers.

He have no evidences.

The professors are all united.
Much more, this injustice was made
by professor on legall grounds.

He arrived in this situation because

always hated to develop its
manipulation and deception

He hated some aspects of social life.

There are many people now on the

planet who have fundamentally an
injust mentality.

There are many situations for wich

justice agency is not prepared to
solve them.

And, this is because it does not

know neither of their posibilty nor
how to prevent them.
There is a need of serious scientific
calculation of all or at least the most
grave injust possibilities.

If in faculties from the world are

made such injusticies, then what
injusticies are made now at political

Who would be able to calculate all

the possible political injusticies?
At least in principle, it is not
imposible and progress is a question
of time and thinking-work.

It is very hard to know all that it

happen on the planet at the most
lower/individual levels of society.
That is why we need to know all the
posible injust actions and how to
prevent them, it is more
economically and rationally.

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