Lies and Propaganda Directed Against The Creativity Movement Part 2

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L i e s and Propag anda:

Directed Against The Creativity Movement

Part 2: Steven Alan Hassan's Freedom of Mind Center

Creativity Momement
(formerly known as World Church of the Creator)

Alternate Names of the Group:

Church of the Creator

The Creativity Institute
(“The Creativity Institute” is not a trademarked name that was used by
adherents of the religion.)


Ben Klassen


Matt Hale (aka "Pontifex Maximus Reverend Matt Hale")

(Rev. Hale is no longer the leader of The Creativity Movement. He is the
former Pontifex Maximus.)

Description of Group (submitted by former member):

White Supremacist, (White Separatist, not Supremacist) Whites-only

atheist(atheistic religion, it rejects the title “atheist” but can be considered a-
theistic because it is without a deity) "religion". (Creativity is a valid religion
so removal of the quotation marks is necessary in this case.)
Megalomanical. (The group doesn't make any big claims that would
characterize as megalomanical so this is a false term of representation.)

Misogynist.(The group doesn't hate women either, and women are ordained
ministers in the religion and are able to be ordained the highest leader of the

Neo-Nazi.(The movement denies being associated with National Socialism,

and is a religion so a political description of it is invalid.)

Women are to be wives and their husbands' entertainment, (fallacious

statement as such is most definitely not the case) and have a lot of children.

Wants to exterminate all others,(also a fallacious statement that is absolutely

not true) including other white supremacists, and make an all-white planet
ruled by the one leader(the organizational structure has a College of Electors
and a Guardians of the Faith Committee. The P.M.'s job is only to be the
“high” priest and the “Great Promoter” of the religion, the lead spokesperson.)
of the church who has absolute power. (false statement)

Wants to "cull out the misfits," by sterilizing deformed or retarded Whites.

(Partially true, but not in totality. The church believes it is wise to subsidise the
families of intelligent people so they have as many children as possible, among
other things that increases the population of clean, healthy people.)

Hitler, Nietzsche and Klassen were the three greatest persons in history,
according to the group.
(Some adherents may or may not regard those three men as the “greatest”
persons in history, but that is not an official statement of the church)

Many leaders have recently been imprisoned.

(False statement. The only leader imprisoned was and is Rev. Matt Hale who
was charged under Draconian laws)
One member, (former adherent of the religion who distanced himself from the
church because he wasn't ideologically in tune with all of the teachings of the
church) Benjamin Smith, went on a shooting spree in July of 1999, killing two
and wounding 9, then committed suicide. He did so to protest the Illinois Bar
Association denying Hale a law license. Hale appealed to the U.S. Supreme
Court, who denied his appeal on June 26. Hale then stated in a news article
that he will try to be licensed in a state neighboring Illinois.

The BITE Model Applied to World Church of the Creator:

Information supplied by former member (which makes it less reliable)

I. Behaviors

The group controls: where, (the idea was for Creators in Illinois to move
around East Peoria, Illinois so they could have more influence in that city, as
well as the fact that Rev. Hale's father was a police officer) how (stating that
the group controls how a person associates with another member is of little
meaning of worth) and with whom (adherents are able and should associate
with as many White people as possible) the member lives and associates with;
what clothes,(this is a false statement as there is no dress code by any stretch
of the imagination that is placed upon ordinary members. Creator missionaries
do have a dress code but that is not the same thing) hairstyles the person
wears;(a false statement as well) what food the person eats, drinks, adopts and
rejects (a "raw" food diet as described in their holy book Salubrious Living)
(Salubrious Living is taught but not enforced. It is presented as an option for
members who wish to partake in it and isn't commanditory).

Members are expected to be able to commit all acts of terrorism when the
leader demands.(This is another one of the fallacious statements that has
nothing to back it up. Terrorist acts are forbidden on all levels, and the church
is hierarchical, not authoritarian.) The only time this is allowed, according to
Klassen, is when they think their Constitutional or religious freedom rights are
in any way being hampered.

Many members are in jail, for acts they supposedly did on their own without
the leaders' approval or order. (There is a sizeable nimber of inmates who
converted to the religion, but not in there because they committed terroristic
II. Information

Spying on other members and former members is clearly encouraged by leader

Matt Hale.(There is no “spying” that occurs. There may exist some just
looking out for the others as exists in every religious group out there but not
spying, in any sense of the word) Betraying or leaving the group is seen as
treachery or treacherous apathy to the White Race and Ben Klassen requires
the severest punishment for those who betray them. (Leaving the group
dishonorably is seen as bad however there are those who leave The Creativity
Movement as a group, but retain the Creativity religion.)

III. Thought

Thought-stopping techniques used by the group are denial,(the group doesnt

deny anything but rather presents facts in the matter) rationalization,
justification(the group states what it is for and what it is not for) and wishful
thinking (Building an [all-white] Whiter and Brighter World)(the idea of
building a Whiter and Brighter world isn't wishful thinking as can be proven
and has been by them with meaningful evidence). No critical questions about
leader,(the statement is false as anybody can question the leader and present
their case) or doctrine (doctrine is capable of being questioned and the
adherents are taught to “Expand Creativity” or policy allowed,(all primary
groups can direct their own action) but oddly enough Hale is not supposed to
change the original creed written by Klassen or disobey the membership
criteria, but he does so at his whim. No alternative belief system whatsoever is
valid; in fact all others are destructive to the "white race."(Other belief systems
are valid in the context that they are pro-White and promote White people and
racial loyalty. Creativity seeks to have no other pro-White religion barred.)

IV. Emotional

There were publicized excommunications of disloyal leaders.(Publicised

excommunications are found in virtually every religious and political group)
Since this group is atheistic, the terrible consequences were severe punishment
as a traitor, (This is heresay and no proof exists that such “punishment” was
carried out.) and unable to find happiness or fulfillment. If the group fails the
consequence is the torture then extermination or enslavement then eventual
loss of every white person and the annihilation of white culture. (This is a
basically true idea, however they believe that the social message of White
Racial Loyalty is enough as well.) Never a legitimate reason to leave unless
they are race traitors, weak.(To leave dishonorably)

Thank you for reading. This was written by Bro. Shane Bunting in
defense of The Creativity Movement.

The above article where text was taken from can be found at

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