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PAGE 87:

Exercise D

2. B, Could I get it in a larger size?

3. A, This one’s a medium.
4. B, It’s a present for my sister.

Exercise E

1. Excuse me.
2. That’s not too bad.
3. Here you go.


Exercise A
2. them.
3. it.
4. it, him.
5. it, it, her.
6. it, it, me.


Exercise B
1. I am buying it for her.
2. They are getting them for us.
3. I need them for my son-in-law.
4. Please give it to me.
5. He is finding it for me.


Exercise B
1. Outerwear
2. Sleepwear
3. Hosiery
4. Men’s underwear


Exercise A

2. shorter
3. heavier
4. looser
5. cheaper / less expensive
6. more popular
Exercise B
1. hotter than; lighter
2. prettier than; cheaper
3. longer, better
4. A: warmer B: less expensive


Exercise A
1. Disagree.
2. Disagree.
3. Disagree.
4. Agree.
5. Disagree.
6. Disagree.

Page 96

Exercise A
1. Shoes
2. Outerwear
3. Bags and Accessories
4. Hosiery
5. Sleepwear

Exercise C
1. darker
2. more practical
3. cooler
4. more convenient than
5. more conservative
6. more formal
7. hotter
8. lighter
9. more comfortable tan
10. heavier

Exercise D

2. They sent them to them.

3. How is she paying him for them?
4. When are we buying it for her?



Exercise 1

1. d
2. f
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. e

Exercise 3

1. a shirt
2. a blazer
3. a skirt
4. pantyhose
5. pumps
6. a sweatshirt
7. a windbreaker
8. sweatpants
9. socks
10. running shoes

Exercise 5

1. them
2. it
3. her
4. me
5. us
6. them, you
7. them, them, him

Exercise 6
1. Certainly.
2. Charge, please.
3. The V-neck or the crew neck?
4. That’s too bad.

Exercise 7
1. (+) -r: looser; nicer
2. (+) -er: taller; sweeter; younger
3. (−) -y (+) -ier: spicier; friendlier; healthier
4. double the final consonant (+) -er: hotter; thinner; fatter
5. more: more comfortable; more important; more convenient
6. irregular forms: worse

Exercise 9
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. b

Exercise 13
1. b
2. d
3. a
4. c

Exercise A

2. When does she wash it?

3. How often does he eat them for lunch?
4. What time does Monica / she meet him for coffee?

Exercise C

1. warmer
2. more comfortable
3. bigger
4. healthier
5. nicer
6. faster
7. more relaxing

Exercise D

1. Writing is much more difficult. English usage is much more complicated than
English grammar. 
2. I'm happier on vacation.
3. Shopping for clothes is more interesting tan shopping for electronics.

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