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OB I Quiz II

how do you view the engagement of volunteer women teachers with boys in the juvenile
detention centre?
 It is really stressful situation for the volunteer women teachers in the juvenile
detention center because they are dealing people having criminal background. But
they are minors especially children of age group below ten years don’t know the
difference between violence and sexual violence.
 When a teacher explaining a chapter about “woman’s period stopping and the
enlargement of her breasts during pregnancy.” She was pleasantly surprised at the
way the boys responded. “They received it better than she had expected. There was no
giggling or nudging, no sideward glances. If we sensitise children, they respond in the
correct way. We have a notion that children in a remand home would be rough and
dangerous. But they too come from families. So from her experience teacher must
treat them as reglar students instead of criminals.
 A doctoral student in criminology, interviewed almost a hundred rape convicts in
Tihar jail in Delhi to understand their attitudes towards the victims said she had gone
into the project expecting to find monsters, but was struck by “how these are not
extraordinary men, they are really ordinary.”
I can conclude from the passage that there are good chances that they will become more cruel
if teachers treats them in negetive way. Because a guy said he wanted to be famous and want
to get his face in news paper headlines and other said he wanted to join the army and serve
the country both are different but if we don’t treat them how live and how to act then they are
the targets for terror groups.

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