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⚫ What do new learners need to do with English?
⚫ Which of the skills do they need to master and how well to
be efficient in English?
⚫ Which Genres do they need to master either for
comprehension or production purposes?
English is a link Language
“Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we
all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more
than half the battle”
• Most common mistakes we MAKE not DO…
⚫ * Subject verb Agreement
⚫ * Question forms
⚫ * Irregular Verbs
⚫ *Modal Verbs
⚫ *Adjectives
⚫ *Prepositions……………
Hilarious mistakes
⚫ Return back/Revert back/Reply back
⚫ Most Essential
⚫ Most Happiest
⚫ On the other hand….
⚫ Discuss about
⚫ I would like to welcome you all tonight for dinner
⚫ We all are waiting to see you
⚫ It’s a big blunder mistake
⚫ Myself Neelima…
⚫ You both are intelligent people…
⚫ My good name is…..
⚫ My cousin brother/my real sister..
⚫ I want two XEROX copies of this book…
⚫ Me & My friend/I & my friend will do the work..
⚫ One of my friend is going to Singapore…
⚫ Why because…?
⚫ Say v/s tell……( She said hello…not she told hello…)
⚫ Hear v/s Listen…( listening-Consciously/Hearing
⚫ Specially v/s Especially…
⚫ "Passing out" instead of "graduating from".
⚫ "Out of station" instead of "out of town".
⚫ "Expired" instead of "Passed away"
⚫ Tendency to use "Only" everywhere.
⚫ Didn't knew/ Didn't came/ Didn't went instead of "Didn't
know/ Didn't come, Didn't go. Because didn't already in
past form and according to verb rules, with the past tense,
first form of verb one should use..
Made from, made of, made out of, made with
⚫ Made from
We often use made from when we talk about how something is manufactured:
Plastic is made from oil.
⚫ Made of
We use made of when we talk about the basic material or qualities of
something. It has a meaning similar to ‘composed of’:
She wore a beautiful necklace made of silver.
⚫ Made out of
We usually use made out of when we talk about something that has been
changed or transformed from one thing into another
⚫ Made with
We use made with most often to talk about the ingredients of food and drink:
This dish is made with beef, red peppers and herbs.
Subject verb
⚫ Wrong : He have two Sisters
⚫ Correct : He has two sisters
I/we/they/…Plural Noun Have/eat/run/walk

He/she/it/….singular noun Has/eats/runs/walks

⚫ Wrong: Many people likes to go on a vacation this

⚫ Right: Many people like to go on a vacation this summer
⚫ Wrong : Jacob & Sophie lives in America
⚫ Right: Jacob & Sophie live in America
⚫ Wrong : There is ten apples in the basket
⚫ Correct : There are ten apples in the basket
⚫ Wrong : Everyone know that the sun rises in the east
⚫ Correct : Everyone Knows that the sun rises in the east
Question Formation
⚫ Wrong: You went to the beach yesterday?
⚫ Correct: Did you go to the beach yesterday?

Auxiliary verb+sub+main verb…?

She is painting a picture

Is she painting a picture?

Wrong: Where I can buy a cell phone charger?

Correct: where can I buy a cell phone charger?

(Question word)+AV+SUB+MV ?
⚫ Wrong: Do you know who is that woman?
⚫ Right: Do you know who that woman is?

Do you know
May I ask Indirect Questions/Polite
Can you tell me
I am working as a teacher I work as a teacher
I am having a large family I have a large family
I don’t think she is recognizing me I think she recognizes me
⚫ Wrong :Lucas is working here for three years
⚫ Correct :Lucas has been working here for three years

Sub+has/have been+verb-ing
We have been waiting for you since two hours
We have been waiting for you for two hours

Wrong: I have graduated from college in 2014

Correct : I graduated from college in 2014

Wrong : I have sent you an Email yesterday

Right : I sent you an email yesterday
Wrong Right

We didn’t receive the package yet(until We haven't received the package

now) yet(Present perfect)

I come and see you in your office I will come and see you in your office
tomorrow tomorrow

We will get married on the 8th of We are getting married on the 8th of
September (fixed arrangement in the September ( Present continuous tense)
future) no “WILL”
-ing Adjectives ( Reason /Cause) -ed Adjectives ( Result /Effect)
Sports cars are Interesting I am interested in sports car
The Lecture was boring The students were bored

Your English is more better than mine Your English is better than mine

There are LESS libraries……. There are FEWER libraries….

( LESS- Uncountable Nouns) (FEWER – Countable Nouns)
Less Milk Fewer Chairs
Less sugar Fewer buildings
Less Information…. Fewer jobs….
⚫ Wrong: According to me , this is the best book..
⚫ Correct: In my opinion, this is the best book

⚫ Wrong: I met John for the first time in Spain ten years
⚫ Correct: 10 years ago(amount of time)

⚫ Wrong: Most of people have a computer these days

⚫ Correct: Most people, have a computer these days

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