End Term Assignment

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Plan 2 lessons for (speaking) conversation activity based on “Learning a musical

instrument” and “Planning a trip to any holiday destination”

1. Piano Lesson Plan

Time: 45 Minutes

Learning Objectives

After this lesson, students will be able to:

1. By the end of the lesson students are more likely to frame their own simple sentences
for conversation.
2. Learn to frame simple queries for explorations.
3. They will be able to pronounce correctly do the analysis on variations in voice
modulations and tone of the conversation.

Age: 10 – 12 Years

Level: Intermediate

No of students: 10

Language: English

Warmer (5 to 10 minutes): Asking few questions to students

 Do you like and have interest in music

 What all types of Music you like?
 Can you recall few of the musical Instruments?
 Which is your favourite musical instrument?
 Do you know how to play any musical instrument?

Context Setting:

(10 minutes): Information card on a learning a musical instrument (Piano) is given to the
students and asked them to go through it.
Further, ask students to complete the sample dialogue about learning a musical instrument
which is given in a worksheet. The sample dialogue may as follows:

(A conversation between Institute representative and the student)

Admission officer: Hi, Good Morning, This is Edward Music Academy

Student: Hello, very good morning, I am Nisha here calling you from Andheri

Officer: How may I help you?

Student: I would like to join ________ Lessons. So can you please share me some details
about Piano lessons.

Officer: Yes sure sir, Our Institute is located in ______,and we prefer to teach Piano at

Student: Okay, Can I know how much do you charge?

Officer: That we can discuss only when you will meet us.

Student: Can you please tell me the procedure for admissions?

Officer: You need to either contact us by email____________ or you can also come and meet

Student: Thank you so much for your information and we will contact you soon.

Officer: You are most welcome.

Speaking Activity:

 Students will be asked to perform role play by using the above mentioned
conversation as a pair from each group
 While the role play is going on the teacher will keep on checking the pronunciation,
voice and tone modulations in each dialogue and correcting them simultaneously.
 Inspiring them to be confident to speak in front of the class.


 Asking students where have they faced difficulty in the whole act. And then
accordingly help them in those references.
 The teacher inquires about whether they got confidence to speak or are still not sure.
 More sample situations are given to students to design conversation on their own as a
homework activity.

In the main dialogue the emphasis would be on the vocabularies related to learning the
musical instrument. For example the sound effect of the musical instrument, different
parts of the musical instruments as mention in the purpose of the lesson.

2. Planning a Trip to Any holiday Destination:

Learning Objectives:

After this lesson, Student’s will be able to

1. To speak confidently by framing simple sentences

2. Will be able to pronounce, use voice and tone modulation while speaking.
3. Introduce new vocabularies based on the trip

Language Level: Pre - Intermediate

Age group: 12 – 13 years

No of students: 10 students

Language: English

Warm- Up Activity:

 What all places you have visited India/abroad?

 What all things you have seen there?
 How did you feel? Whether you enjoyed the place you visited?
 What was the special thing you have seen there?

(Few minutes of time are given to them to think about the places they had visited before.
Above mentioned questions will be asked in class which might be helping them to think

Context setting: (10 to 15 minutes)

Here the game activity, passing a ball is conducted.

 Arranging students in a circle

 One ball is given to students, and then the teacher turns back and started to play the
 They continued to pass the ball until the teacher stops the music. At that moment, the
one who has the ball will be talking about a holiday trip which he recently has visited.
 The game will continue till every student talks about their trip.

Speaking Activity: (20 Minutes)

Students are grouped in pairs and asked to complete a dialogue between two friends, by using
the below information card with the help of teacher. The dialogue is about to plan on holiday

Holiday Information Neeta and Amruta

Destination Mahabaleshwar
Transportation By Car
Departure Date 23rd June
Length of stay One week
Accommodation Hotel
Planned Activity Go for site seeing, trekking, and shopping

Sample Dialogue:

Neeta: so Amruta, what about your trip, is the place fixed?

Amruta: Yeah let’s go to_______ then we can move by ____ of June.

Neeta: Sounds great! So we have to arrange for a ______ right?

Neeta: yeah, that we will do. But what about stay and______?

Amruta: Don’t worry, I will connect with a friend there. He might help us to book a
________ room for us. So let us plan for one week.

Neeta: fine, I contacted with a tourist agency there, they can guide us to visit _____ and
Amruta: Wow! I have heard it, its wonderful.

Neeta: Yes, it is! We can enjoy site seeing also.

Post Listening:

 Conversation and Summery

 Identify the difficulties faced by students in listening skills.

2. Lesson plan for developing the 4-skills by using 4 skills:

Reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary, grammar, exercises,

dialogue, pictures, follow-up homework, and a link to a relevant YouTube

1. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson students will be able to: - -

 Students should be able to listen to short excerpts [video / audio] and answer
questions by the end of this lesson.
 Listen to relevant information and use the target language structure to complete
the task adequately ·
 Gain deeper insight into speaking abilities and understanding of the vital
situation of this essential skill.
 Prepare and incorporate a variety of successful speaking exercises to allow
students to fully participate in enhancing their ability to communicate.
 Improve voice, fluidity, accuracy and pronunciation skills.
 Skimming and scanning (Enhancing and enriching reading skills) / A detailed
comprehension of the text.
 Demonstrate the ability to use various forms of writing (e.g. in- comments,
articles, notes, studies, argumentative essays, academic papers, etc.) to
accomplish the basic goals of the course.
 Demonstrate changes in the written expression of thought through the use of
specific methods (such as peer review, multiple drafting or revision of
assignments after receipt of a feedback.

2. Age: 11-15 years

3. Language Level: Intermediate

4. Material used: Flash cards, projector, handouts, video clips, white board.

Pictures of Chinese cuisine, audio clips, Power point slides,

Introduction to students:

•Informally welcome the students

• Several warm-up exercises are arranged to attract students’

Warm up activity attention: (10 minutes) Teacher gives the students a workbook and
motivates them to match the names of the food to the images.

Students can only guess and match [even if the answer is incorrect].

Match the following – [work sheet]


----------------------- [a] jiangsu

----------------------- [b] fujian

----------------------- [c] Zejiang

----------------------- [d] cantonese


----------------------- [e] Shandong

Answers -1b, 2a, 3d, 4c, 5e
Listening skills [ 15 minutes]
Pre-listening Activity-
Students are inspired, made to understand the meaning and ready to meet the
[Vocabulary: Sichuan, savoury, flavor, sumptuous, stir, casseroles,
Shandong, Cantonese, Jiangsu, Fujian, recipe, condiments appetite.]
Language focus- [simple present tense, verbs, adjectives+ nouns,]
While listening
Watch and listen to the video and respond to the questions.


1. Different types of Chinese cuisine include:

2. Very hot peppers of this region make it famous
3. Shandong cuisine means------------------------------------
4. If you travel to Singapore most of the dishes which you have is
5. The ingredients that are used in Cantonese food ------------------,
-------------and --------------------------------

Exercise grammar-Recognise the tense used in the sentences.

Draw attention to adjectives and nouns

Post listening

• Discussions and summarization

• Diagnosis of students ' hearing abilities difficulties

Speaking skills [ 15 minutes]

Pre speaking

Asking simple questions on the following pictures.

1 2
3 4

1. Do you recognize these pictures?

2. Have you ever eaten such types of food?
3. Would you call the foodstuffs?
4. What part of china is renowned for the sumptuous casseroles, roasts and stir
5. What food item is well known for its pure taste and original flavour?
Vocabulary Cantonese, Jiangsu, Fujian, savoury, flavor, sumptuous, stir,

casseroles, Shandong, Cantonese, Jiangsu, Fujian, recipe, condiments

appetite, ingredients, mouthwatering
While speaking
Buzz groups
Students are divided into small groups and given the pictures depicting Chinese
cuisine to talk about. Students talk explicitly about the various forms of


Role play:
A conversation by telephone between a restaurant manager and a
customer: Hello, is it Grand Hayat?
Manager: yeah, that's it. Why may I help you, sir?
Customer: do I want to know the variety of savory dishes that you
Manager: well sir, we got Indian, Chinese, Middle East etc. dishes?
Customer: Could the Chinese food be brief?
Manager: Off course yes. A huge variety of Chinese foods there. And
they're mouthwatering. You can have food such as Cantonese, Jiangsu,
Cantonese Fujian, and Shandong.
Customer: what kind of condiments is used in those items?
Manager: depends on that, sir. Each element is composed of different
Customer: Your explanation is very appetizing.
Manager: yeah, I am very pleased to learn.
Customer: do you have delivery sir at home?
Chef: Sure, why not? We have a great variety of sumptuous casseroles,
roasts, stir fries which are the northern part of China's most popular
Customer: that is amazing! I need three roasting plates, stirring fries each,
and two Shandong and Fujian plates each.

Manager: can you please help me with the address.

Customer: door number7/34, Holy Church apartment,
Bandra west, Mumbai
Manager: We thank you for choosing Grand Hayath.
Customer: My pleasure.

Spoken activity and context setting

Talk a few sentences using the following verbs in a simple present [Eat, drink,
say, cook, plan, order, mix, and add]

Example:1] Everyday I eat meat.

2] On Sundays, we prepare the Chinese food.

Post speaking

 Study of the spoken language;

 Reflection on the use of plain present tense.
 Identification of large concentrated areas.
 Helping students faced with issues

READING SKILLS: [15 minutes]

Pre – reading-

Look at the advertisement of below mentioned Chinese cuisine and answer
the following questions:

1. What is the advertisement about?

2. Name the food items that are advertised.
3. What is the special offer of the day?
4. What is served with crispy rice?
5. What is done freely?

Unique, traditional, beverage, soy-sauce, popularity, delicately, pastries,

donuts, appropriate, READING

Reading comprehension

Activity- 1 pair work [Handouts are given to the students]

Read the following passage on Chinese cuisine and with your friend ask and answer the
following questions [do not write anything yet]
Chinese Food Culture
Type of Courses
A Chinese meal is consisted of two parts: staple food, normally made of rice, noodles or
steamed buns, and ts'ai, vegetable and meat dishes. (This is different from Western
meals, which take meat or animal protein as main dish). The primary eating utensils are
chopsticks (for solid foods) and ceramic spoon (for soups and congees). In a Chinese
meal, everyone will have their own rice bowl; however, the accompanying dishes will be
served in communal plates and shared by all people. Normally, the dishes are often
eaten together with a mouthful of rice. Desserts are not main course in China; instead,
Chinese desserts are considered as snacks eaten between two meals. If dessert is
served in the meal, they will be served during the course of meal with no firm distinction
made. If served at the end of the meal, the dessert is normally fresh fruit.
Cold Dishes

Cold dishes are the first course in traditional Chinese banquet. Salt, sugar, chili powder,
light soy sauce, vinegar and sesame oil are often used to make cold dishes. Cold dishes
attach great importance to the designing of the dish, which is the “shape” of the dish.
Normally, cold dish can provoke people’s appetite.

Hot Dishes

Hot dish is a concept comparing with cold dish. Normally, main course is also called hot
dish. Hot dishes are normally cooked using techniques like stir-frying, deep-frying, Liu,
quick-frying, Hui, etc.

Soups and Congees

Instead of adding milk or cream into the soup, Chinese soups are adding refined
starches from corn to thickening the soups. There are also light soups which don’t use
starches. Normal ingredients for soups are vegetables and meat, like pork and chicken.
Soups are served following the hot dishes. Chinese people believe that soups are good
for health.

Congee is a kind of porridge or gruel. Except for rice and other cereals, meat, fish and
sometimes vegetables and flavorings are added into the congee. Congee is a good
choice for breakfast. Congee is easy to digest, so it’s a great choice of ill people and
young infants.

Staple Food and Xiaochi

Rice is the staple food in southern China, for southern China is the rice farming areas.
People always eat steamed rice. While in Northern China, which is a wheat farming
area, people normally eat flour-based food, like noodles, mantou (a kind of steamed
buns) and dumplings.

Xiaochi are a kind of snacks. They are often sold in street stalls or small restaurants.
Normally, one stall only sells one kind of snacks. Xiaochi is kind of light meal, and it’s
often self-contained and easily portable. Different regions have different Xiaochi. They
are very popular among tourists and local people.
1. What does chinese meal consists of?

2. What are cold dishes?

3. What are hot dishes?

4. How many varieties of dishes are mentioned in the above paragraph please name them?

5. what is congee?

Activity – 2 Underline the nouns, verbs[tense structure] and adjectives in the given

Students identify and underline the nouns, verbs and adjectives that are found in the
paragraph and actively participate in learning activities.


 Analyzing whether the students have met the success criteria

 Your opinion on Chinese cuisine.[discussion]
 Discussion on the grammar components [parts of speech]

WRITING SKILLS [ 15 minutes]

Pre – writing Based on the ongoing activities [listening, speaking and writing]students are
encouraged to use the topic-related vocabulary items, COOKING CHINESE CUISINE to
present their ideas on the subject.

While writing

Practice: ask the students to use the vocabulary in short sentences.[ Unique, traditional,
beverage, soy-sauce, popularity, delicately, pastries, donuts, appropriate,
 Free writing.
Ask the students to write short sentences about their favorite Chinese cuisine.
[Students are free to write]
 Production
Students are asked to write a short paragraph about their favourite Chinese cuisine.
[This activity will be given an as an assignment if I run out of time]
 Analyzing the language and vocabulary.

 Re-read your sentences and make sure sentences make sense.

 Eliminate "unnecessary or redundant details
 Proofread for spelling, vocabulary, grammar (checklist).
 Edit your paper (peer-editing, post-teacher editing]


Students are asked to prepare various types of Chinese cuisine and plan for a Chinese
cuisine food festival [Write a short paragraph on Chinese cuisine using simple present
Plan a speech in the next class on Chinese cuisine.

1. Duration: 60 minutes
2. Level: Intermediate
3. No. of students: 12
4. Date: 27th March 2020
Final objective:

 Practice listening to [video / audio] short clips and answering questions.

 Listening and reinforcing target language
 listening for relevant details and correctly using the target language structure to
complete the task.
 Developing deeper insight into communication abilities and understanding of the vital
situation of this essential skill.
 Prepare and incorporate a variety of successful speaking exercises to allow students to
fully participate in enhancing their ability to communicate.
 Improve voice, fluidity, accuracy and pronunciation skills.
 To be able to communicate easily and confidently — Skimming and scanning
activities (Enhancing and enriching reading skills)
 Apply the newly acquired vocabulary and use it extensively.
 Demonstrate the capacity to use various writing forms, (for example, in-class
responses, journals, notebooks, reports, argumentative essays, research papers, and
others) to achieve the specific purposes of the course.
Demonstrate changes in the written expression of thought through the use of specific
methods (such as peer review, multiple versions or revisions of assignments after

2. Age: 12-14 years

3. Language Level: Intermediate
4. Material used: Flash cards, projector, handouts, video clips, white board.

Pictures of Chinese cuisine, audio clips, Power point slides,

[ https://slideplayer.com/slide/6319026/] google sheet [google classroom]

Qualifying objective:

a. Warmer: At the end of warmer: students are able to understand what the lesson is
about (cooking Chinese cuisine) through their cognitive maturity.

b. Pre- listening, speaking, reading and writing: At the end of each session students
have developed each skill i.e. to listen, to speak, to read and write

c. While listening, speaking, reading and writing: At the end of each session
Students get a better understanding of the subject and can develop the four different
d. Post –listening, speaking, reading and writing: At the end of each session
Students may gain a deeper understanding of listening, speaking, reading and writing
e. Aids or material used: [TLM] Flash cards, projector, handouts, video clips,

white board. Pictures of Chinese food, audio clips, YouTube video.

Vocabulary Taught .
Sichuan, savoury, flavor, sumptuous, stir, Shandong, Cantonese, Jiangsu,
Fujian, recipe.

Unique, traditional, beverage, soy-sauce, popularity, delicately, pastries,

donuts, appropriate, harmonize

Time taken Teachers’ activity Students activity Anticipated

10 minutes Teacher enters the Greet the instructor in an Monitoring and
classroom, welcomes informal manner, give
handling the course
students, has some oral answers to the
and including all the
informal interactions to questions, share with the
create a sound study, test instructor their previous
preconditions through experience and answer
oral questions, and set the questions.
stage for presenting the
subject and eliciting the
60 minutes Encourage students Students nicely 1 Some are having
to take an active part participate in the difficulties paying
in the four activities attention to the
skills[listening, guidance.
speaking, reading 2. The students take
and writing]activities the time to complete
as per the teacher's the assignment.
10 minutes Discussion and input Students debate in Focusing on the
on the subject in classes, and engage questions and
question and test if fully in the process searching for
the criteria for to achieve the final answers.
success were met by aim.
the students.
3. Research

Suggest two suitable methods and skills that are required to teach ESL/EFL students. Base
your answer on research studies, citing relevant examples/evidence.



A method is a specific process for accomplishing or achieving something, especially a

systematic or developed one. The scholars developed many methods for making English
language teaching a piece of cake. Good and effective approaches form part and parcel of the
learning process of English language teaching. Ordinary approaches are to be implemented in
the study, so as not to have the effectiveness
Although the educators propose innumerable methods, audio lingualism and communicative
approach are the best methods. These methods are the validated methods used in the
classroom to make English language teaching become increasingly interesting. In general,
these approaches include a wide range of drills, events, assignments, etc. that help turn the
monotonous idea into reality.Let us have a detailed look at these methods.

The audio-lingual method, Army Method, or New Key, is a teaching tool used in foreign
language instruction. This is focused on behaviourist philosophy, relying on long repetitive
exercises where the learners are properly prepared to use the language. This means that the
instructor would first pose the challenge and then the students would take it up again,
memorize and practice the vocabulary to be able to do so.

This language learning technique was similar to another, the former method was called direct
method. Unlike the direct approach, the audio-lingual approach advised students to teach a
language explicitly, without having to use the native language of the students to clarify new
words or grammar in the target language.Unlike the direct approach however, the audio-
lingual approach did not rely on vocabulary teaching. Quite the teacher used grammar to train


• Each skill is handled and taught separately (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).

• Writing and reading skills are not neglected but the focus is on listening and speaking

• Audio-lingual syllabus is key feature of dialog.

• Patterns drilling is used as an common technique and an integral part of this method
for teaching and learning languages.

• As an effective teaching aid the language laboratory was implemented.

• Mother tongue was given little priority, similar to the direct approach, but was not so
rigidly emphasised.


The aim of learning with audio-lingual method makes learning English easy for children,
particularly in remembering the words / sentences. There are many methods that can be used
to enforce this process, such as memorization strategies, word-building, tools, frequently
asked questions etc. With this approach the instructor is able to overcome the learning
limitations of the students.
The need for imitation, practice, and serving in the study to strengthen the child's
understanding of the material being taught.


Teacher: A cup is on the table ... Repeat

Students: A cup is on the table

Teacher: Spoon

Students: A spoon is on the table

Teacher: Book

Students: A book is on the table

Teacher: On the chair

Students: A book is on the chair.


The communicative approach is based on the premise that the effective learning of language
comes from real-life communication experiences. As learners engage in real conversation,
their innate methods and ability for language learning can be used, allowing them to learn
how to use the language efficiently and successfully.

CLT stresses the Social, Cultural and pragmatic features of languages. This method makes
great use of accurate and consistent vocabulary in an effort to create fluidity in the
vocabulary. Because of its broad variety of classroom applications it is said to be the widely
approved and accepted form. It lets the students communicate easily and comfortably in the
target language.


• Learning language is learning how to communicate using the target language.

• Learner Cantered

• Community and interactive learning

• Online learning

• Content-based learning

• Contextualization is an important part of this approach and the vocabulary used to

communicate should be relevant to the situation, speaker position, and environment and

• Communication is important.

• Actions should be portrayed and have a communicative intent in a situation or


• This approach's typical activities are: games, problem-solving tasks and role-play.
The activities will include knowledge distance, choice and input.

• The learners must be actively communicating with the target language and be
introduced to it.

• Training of the four active and responsive skills — listening, reading, speaking, and
writing — is integrated from the outset as communication incorporates the various skills;

• Themes are selected and graded according to the age, needs, level and interest of the

• Key factor is motivation.

• The teacher's position is that of a guide, a facilitator or an instructor

• Trial and error are a part of the learning process.

• The evaluation concerns not only the performance of the learners but also their


• Dialogs join around communicative functions and usually are not memorized.

• Contextualisation is a basic prerequisite. Students master the target language quickly

and naturally and this allows the students to develop their natural language learning strategies

• Drilling may take place, but at the periphery.

• We are trying comprehensible pronunciation.

• Can start reading and writing from day one.

• The program helps learners to make efficient and reasonable use of the language

• Teachers support learners in every way that motivates them to interact with the

Example and relevance [role play]

Practicing query types by asking the learners to find out about their colleagues ' personal
details is an example of the communicative approach, since it requires substantive contact. It
can be done in a role-play and the students get a crystal-clear understanding of the language
part taught.

Context can be placed on a situation in real life, and it gives space for successful language


Communication competence is an important part of teaching the language. And the teacher
needs to be able to effectively interact with the students. The true teaching learning cycle
only happens when the teacher is able to interconnect effectively with the students. It is
difficult to respond to the student's needs unless the instructor interacts with the student in a
clearer and appropriate manner. Good communication helps the teacher communicate with
the students, paving the way for real learning. Body language and the tone of speech are
really powerful communication devices.

When we teach English to learners, when we use English, we have to constantly ask
ourselves, "Is there a simpler way to say this? "We'll become a better listener, at the same
time. As a language instructor we are constantly recording the speech of your students. They
are the centre of the world, when it's their turn to talk.


Time management and planning are an important part of teaching. Planning for a class and
how effectively this plan is to be implemented is a key aspect. The teacher should be able to
complete what he / she has planned within the timeframe allowed and should be careful about
digression of the subject.

Things to consider

• Carefully prepare the lesson to end successfully

• Prioritize the class

• Strategically prepare homework tasks.

• Effectively administer time.


Communicative approach and audio lingual approach are the two worthwhile approaches for
teaching esl / efl students. Such methods have been shown to bring significant success in the
language learning process.

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