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& Beatriz Pena Li0\3

Pupil's Book

Illustrated by Fabian Zaccaria and Carlos Bulzomi


l:fello! 6
Characters • Personal descriptions • Nature vocabulary • Wild animals

1 I like basketball 10 96
Revision:lfike/don'tlike • /love· This / That· Sports · Toys • Animals
Family members • Pronouns (1, he, she, it, they) • Colours • School objects

Integration ?.h.otos for> ,h.o%pewor>k 16

The shadow has a big head 20 99

He I She I lt has I doesn't have • Parts of the body • Descriptive adjectives
Possessive adjectives (his I her) • Man, woman, boy, girl, children • But

Integration M.r> ~r>ee%p&:ll1 S letter> 26

Is Mr Tree man under Alex' s desk? 30 102

Prepositions of place • The house: rooms and furniture • Scared, angry
They have I don't have • Greta's (net) • Where .. . ?

Integration ~ello M.r> ~r>ee%p&:ll! 36

4 Alex isn't working! 40 105

I'm I He's I She's I They're (eating) • I'm not I He isn't I She isn't I
They aren't (writing) • Fruits and vegetables

Integration M.r> ~r>ee%11&:ll 1 S bir>d.s 46


"' four

5 There's a note in my copybook 52 108

There is I are • We have I are • The time • Clothes

Integration All e~cur.sio11 to Mr 'rreel}1all'.S house 58

6 Bats sleep all day 62 111

1/WeiThey(live) • 1/WeiTheydon't(sleep) • Thetime(at)
Frequent activities and skills • Breakfast I lunch I dinner

Integration Mr 'rreel}1all'.S .birthday party 68

7 Miss Green talks and talks · 72 114

He I She I lt (jumps) • He I She I lt doesn't (swim) • Profession s

Integration I.s Mr 'rree111a11 a per.so11? 78

There's a fire in the jungle 82 117

Do you ... ? Yes, I do. I No, I don't. • Does he I she ... ? Yes, he I she does. I
No, he I she doesn't. • Does (this planet ... )? Yes, it does. I No, it doesn't.
Do (firefighters .. . )? Yes, they do. I No, they don't.

Integration .A 111edal for Mr 'rreel}1all! 88


End of Year Play 'rree111a11 a11d the Gia11t 94

five 5
1 Read and write the name ~ ~

0 Hi! My name's Greta. I'm 10. I have My name ' s Mr Clark, Tom Clark.
long hair and green eyes. I' m shor~ Hi! I' m t he teacher.
Hi, there! I'm Alex. I'm 9. I'm tall! My eyes?
Hello! I'm Lucy. I' m 9. 0 Yes, they' re small, very small. Look! That's my
My hair' s brown and short. brother,John. He 's 16. He ' s tall, t oo.
2 Look and tick ~ ~
O jungle

0 desert

0 pampa

3 a) Read and tick ~ ~

0 trees 0 puma

0 leaves 0 jaguar

0 plants 0 elephant

0 flowers 0 toucan

0 river 0 parrot

0 waterfall 0 bird

0 snow 0 lion

0 monkey 0 giraffe

b) Listen and check lij~j ~

1 I like basketball
1 Look and listen fK~9] lit~J
Listen and point. Then, match ~-J~ :::3 ·1 ~

3 Listen and tick f<f] ~

- .

Memory game ~
I like jaguars and music,
but I don't like football.

~- - -- - - - -

Look and listen ~ l<i\~J

'\Jo, not a jaguar.

Match 0]

12 twelve
-e~ and write the name lc~1\'] ~

=- ogain and complete ~ ~

s y is my brother.
is my ·Roger is my

q Look and listen ~ jij~J
He llo! I' m your friend ... A black
head and a grey body. Beautiful!

10 Match rl~

Birds ond c,o\ours

orange pink
brown white

green b\ue

-:\ ...

. .· ~ 3

1'-' fourteen

__ -: and circle ~ cd.

- .. c:1d circle ~~
.::. ~~'t .s I Gi~a.ffe.s are grey. 4 s~ow I A- ~ive~ is white.
_ =- -::::s are ptA~ple I 9~ee~ a~d yellow. 5 Mo~k..eys I Leaves are green.
-~..s I J~LAa~.s are brown. 6 Flowe~.s I Lio~s are red and pink.


5 photos of different trees (big, small, etc.)

You need:

~ acamera

~ glue
scissors ~

I have eleven photos.

They' re all different.

1(0 sixteen

-- - - - - - -
Remember the noise?
Mmmmmm ...

seventeen 17
1 Listen and t ick ~ ~i~

0 0 0
fi 0 £) ~
0 0 0
2 Find and say ~ kQ

18 eighteen
a) Look and complete JB9] M

~----and ~~
_ __ _ _ and

-:-..e jungle is beautiful!

: -~~ it, too.
-: s full of colours!

_ _ _ _ and _ _ __ t oo.

- Listen and check ."[;;j "W1

_ Singl ~

nineteen 1<1
2 The shadow has a big head
Look and listen ~ le@\~J

I have an idea. Let's send the

photo to the newspaper.

20 twenty

- -

• • ~ ili.~~-
_ Match [L~

a) Listen and draw [U ~4]

My favourite cot"t 000

b) Now, read and circle ~ ~

Lola has llM9 I .s~rt hair. 5 She has a llM9 I .SMall nose.

2 She has l:>v-oWV\ I 1:>\ack. hair. 6 She has .sMall I l:>i9 ears.
3 She has l:>i9 I f~A+ eyes. 7 She has a l:>i9l .SMIAII mouth.

4 She has l:>llAe I 1:>\tAc.k. eyes. 8 She is l:>i9 I l:>em.Ati-hAI.

twenty one 2...

4 Read ~ A-pril 10

the Shado
Please, look at this photo. The childre"
at school are scared. Is 'the shadow' ~
monkeY o r a person? Monkeys have sra
heads. 'The shadoW' has a huge heao :
isn't ta\\, but it has \onS arms. Mon<<= 5I

have \onS arms, too. 'The shadow' is ~::::

young, it's verv o\d.
Please, send information to the editor

5 Match [l_ij

22 twenty two
0) Read and tick ~~
. A jaguar is a huge animal. 0 4 A condor is a small bird . 0
:_ A jaguar is thin, too. 0 5 A lion has a big head. 0
3 A bird has fat legs. 0 6 A giraffe is tall. 0
) Now, listen and check §\~] ~

:>ead ~


Letters f;o Dear Editor,

'The shadow' is a monster. lt has a huge head, but it doesn't have
a mouth. The girls at school are scared, and the boys, too!
Brenda Smith

Dear Editor,
'The shadow' isn't a monster. He's an old man . His arms are long,
but his legs are very short and thin.
Emily Harris

Dear Editor,
I'm 'the shadow', but I'm not a monster. My name's Treeman.
My house is the jungle . I have a friend: a parrot. She's very young,
she's two. Her name is Miss Green . She's my best friend .

_ s-en and draw in your copybook \U ~ twenty three

q Listen and point. Then# ~atch ~~~j ~ rU

man J _ girl j woman children j

- --

12 a) Read and tick ~~ 0

Emily Harris is a young girl. She's fourteen. She
has long hair and big green eyes. She's tall. That's
her table. She has two black pencils and twelve
coloured pencils~ but she doesn't have markers.
Her copybooks are pink~ her favourite colour.
And look at her rubber. lt's huge!

b) Now# read and write .I (true) or X (false) ~~

Emily is young.
0 4 She has markers.
2 Her hair is long.
0 5 She has a huge rubber. 0
3 She has small eyes.
0 6 Her copybooks are pink. 0
24 twenty four
Look and write .I (true) or X (false) [~9] ~
1 Sam has a brown bed. 0
2 He has a huge ball. 0
3 He doesn't have robots. 0
4 His school bag is blue and white. 0
5 He has two board games. 0
6 He doesn't have a table. 0
7 His chair is grey. 0
8 He doesn't have books. 0
_ ? ead and circle ~ ~
Sa m has a brown bed tMd I w+ he doesn't have a brown chair.
- :-ie has a ball ~V\d Iw+ three robots.
- ~ e ball is huge tMd I w+ the robots aren't huge.

- -ie doesn't have an electronic game, tMd I w+ he has two board games.

- . . .. e has a blue table tMd I w+ a green chair.

.... s7en and guessl l<i\~J ~ He ' s a boy. He has

magic powers.
He doesn 't have ...

twenty f ive 25
2~ twenty six
Mr Clark and the children
read letter number three ...

twenty seven 2
~· ---·
1 Read the story and write. Treeman. Mr Clark or Miss Green? ~ ~

He has a friend, a parrot. That's my letter!

l- - - - J
Look at the children!

The children are nice.

~---------------- )
_ _ _~)
i- -
2 Look and say fKC:.?J EiJ

28 twenty eight
.Jsten and say I~ ~J EtJ

:J Read and circle m~

- -seman has a nice I beautiful friend. She's a bird I parrot, oh ~esf
.7::-..& has a green I big head
;:i. short white I grey legs.

:_ ~eman doesn't have two I three e~es,

-..:: he has a big/ small mouth.
":."...= s a thin, old I young man
- -; the river /jungle is his house.

:_ :::E:nanf Oh, Treemanf Oh, Treemanf

: ) ~sten and check l(d~j ~

· Sing! ~

twenty nine zq
3 Is Mr Treernan under Alex's desk?
Look and listen ~ Jij,~J

30 t hirty

. '·1-!.tl'
, · H'l.itu
.· ...·. - ~~.rr~,
. ,· rrll I,

- • I
lj, .

-- en and number. Then~ match !(d"j ~IT]

0 0
bookcase desk chair wardrobe cupboard

_) Listen and match lit~] rl_ij

) Now~ read and write t! (true) or X (false) ~ ~

M iss Bank has a small bed. 0 3 She doesn't have a bookcase. 0
~ She has a wardrobe. 0 4 She has a desk in the living room. 0
thirty one 3
4 Memory game ~ They have 4 chairs.

5 Listen and point. Thenl match lit~j m rL~

on the school bag undertheschool bag

behind the school bag in the school bag

6 Read and draw in your copybook ~ ~

. l

___Aiex is terrible! __!-ook at the living room! His favourite ball is on the big t ab le

His board game is on the cupboard, his copybook~ are under the bookcase . - -

electronic ame is behind the chair, and his robot is under the small table .

----~----------------~-------------------------- -----

32 thif'ty two
7 Guess I t~J~ Is my book under
my pencil case?
Yes, it is.

a) Look and write .I (true) or X (false) ~[M

1 Her school bag is in the bed. 0

~ 2 Her doll is on the desk.
3 Her yellow books are
under the bed.
4 Her pink books are
in the wardrobe.
5 Her red books are in
the wardrobe.
6 Her blue books are on
the desk.
7 Her two balls are under
the black table.
8 Her pencil case is on
the chair.
) Memory game fi?a
Her pink ball is
under the bed.


thirty three
q Look and listen [}(r:_~ ~
Look! The ch ild ren
are next t o that t ree.

10 Match [1_]

... beh ind the tree. ... next to the tree. ... in the t ree.

34 thirty four
_) Listen and match lij\~j Ll~

) Now read and complete ~~

_ _ __ ____ school bag is on the wardrobe.

_ _ __ _ _ __ school bag is in the wardrobe.

j _ _ __ _ _ _ _ school bag is next to the ward robe.

_ _ __ _ _ _ _ school bag is under the wardrobe .

..Jp school bag is behind the wardrobe .

.. ess! ~

thirty five 35
3((, thirty six

N o pro blem. She do esn 't have
a net now, a nd she 's happy.

thirty seven 37
1 Read the story and write the name ~~
1 _ _ _ _ _ has a net. 4 _ _ __ _ is not OK.
2 _ _ _ _ _ is behind a tree. 5 _ _ _ _ _ has Greta s net.

3 _ _ _ _ _ is scared. 6 _ _ _ _ _ is happy.

2 a) Listen and number l<i\~J ~

b) Read and complete ~~

Greta 1 s net is _ _ _ __ (D Her net is _ _ __ _
the bookcase. the bookcase.

0 Her net is _ _ __ _
the bookcase.
(}) Her net is _ _ _ __
the bookcase.

0 Her net is _ __ _ _
the bookcase.

thirty eight
_ __ _ _ the wardrobe. Birds _ _ _ __ the chair.
-~~~ _ __ _ _ the bed. Leaves the bed.
_ __ _ _ the cupboard. John's bedroom's a disaster!
_ _ _ __ the desk Where is he? What a mess!

-en ond check !l~- Jt_Yl

thirty nine 3c
4 Alex isn't working!
1 Look and listen ~ lit~J

Listening to music and

doing your homework?

No, Mary, he's right.

lt's a long story, dad. Greta and 1. .. They are medicinallea\e..

LIO forty
I~ j

-en and match. Then, write the name lij~J rl_~ ~

- d oing my homework. \"'==,_--==:d.) I' m having water.
\ )
"T\ co\ouring a map. \
) \' m p\a)'\ng tenn\~.
\ )

~ead and circle ~ ~

She i.s I i.sV\>t I He i.s I i.sV\>t doing He i.s I i.sV\ >t

drawing a picture. ) his homework. having milk.

She i.s I i.SV\>t writing

an ·email. making a fruit salad. reading a book.

forty one
. . .- ~~
- . . . :
• . 'll
! --.. • • '
~ ~ "

4 Look and listen fK~9] 1®\~J

-----;--- - -=;

• Two heads of lettuce

• Three tomatoes

• Oil and lemon juice

Cut the tomatoes and the
cheese into cubes, and put
all the ingredienl:5 in a bowl.

Strawbe rries? They' re

fo r the fruit sa lad!

'-' 2 forty two

- <

'I ~\o
listen and number. Then, match i<i\~j ~ rl_~


:::.:. ~o t strawberry


a) Listen and match l<i\~3 rl_~

b) Read and complete ~ ~

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are eating lettuce.

2 _ _ __ _ _ _ and ------=- -- - -- are eating tomatoes.

3 _ __ _ _ __ and _ _ _ __ _ _ are eating carrots.

4 - -- ------'-- -- and _ _ _ _ _ __ are eating strawberries.

forty three
7 Mime ~

Are you eating a banana?


8 Look and write .I (true) or X (false) [c:_9] ~

1 Sa m s father is 5 Sam is writing.
making a salad. 0 6 He isn t watching TV.

2 His brother isn t 1

listening to music. 0 7 His sister is drawing

a picture.
3 1
He s reading a novel.
0 8 His mother is working
4 He isn t doing his in the living room.
homework. 0
QQ forty four

I ~~
- I
- .1
a) Read and complete ~~

· Susy _ _ _ _ __ the butterflies. 4 Peter is in the living room, but he

She lettuce and having TV. He s drawing and

water. listening to music. He _ __ __ _

' Eric _ _ _ _ __ the butterflies. He some milk.
_ _ _ ___ to the birds. 5 Mike is in the living room, too.
3 Pam andJulia _ _ __ __ an He isn t writing an email.
e mail. They to music. He his homework.
They' re eating biscuits and having a He _ _ _ _ __ a sandwich and
soda . having milk.

") Who is it? EiJ

I' m not watching TV.
__..., I ' m drawing.

.. -' , . .. ,; .
- - .. :;.
- . .


. . - ~-

Mr 'rree'Jl1a:n'.s .bircl.s
The children are making a sca~o~

- -- =---- - - - - -
- ' •
. ,..

: ." - .

·: ~

::. :)!ants over there are for my

~___,k,_ =:.-:e rest are for your children.

forty seven '-' 7

.. I '
. '- f

. ::;__ ·,"'

1 Read the story and circle ~ b~

0 I' m listening to Mr Treeman. O I don 't like the scarecrow.

A bird or Alex? Miss Green or MrTreema n7

f) I have two eyes for the scarecrow.

e I' m eating the fruit.
Greta or Mr Clark?
A bird or Mr Treeman?

8 I'm scared!
Miss Green or the scarecrow?
Miss Green or the scarecro-w-

2 Find 4 differences ~
In picture A, Sam ...

I j fI,

8 forty eight
1.,,-·. .-____
lj~l ' ~ -
' Ill.

_ook and complete ~ 1~

_ __ _ _ is writing,
_ _ _ __ is making a cake,
_ _ _ _ _ are listening to mugic
and two children are pla'jing a game.

Oh, what a craz'j da'jf
Oh, what a craz'j da'jf

_ _ __ _ is pla'jing on a tree
and is watching 1V.
Oh no, a spook'.:) _ _ _ __
Come and help me, please!


b) Listen and check : ~WJ ~

c) Singl ~

forty nine qq
p A R R 0 T D 0
c p T 8 L E E L E
T A A D F ) S K D
A j y H G A K D N
L s E F E G R M 8
L F 0 G I u E C w
y 0 u N G A M
WWI l G R E y 0

l t AIJ\\ e1 ... ~ B 0 0 K c A s E M
p 0 E L R I 0 N
0 p T M E B A s T
J jun~l• word! J quarit;,, R u T R E R R L y
R R L I N 0 s E R
E p H T H WM G u
A L A D U N p E D
G E A GM 0 R D

J(olou" J part! of th• body J Pifttf of furnifurt

- .iy
a Colours and school objects
~ Parts of the body
~ Furniture and parts of the house
~ Qualities
~ People and family
~ Activities

fifty one
S There's a note in my copybook
1 Look and listen [~~ l(d~J

52 fifty two
-nr-• ., .• '

' - -

Listen and number. Then~ match ~ ~ rL~

There's a pen behind

the Pencil case.

There's a pen in the

There's a pen next to

the pencil case.

There•s a pen on the table.

There's a pen under

the t able.

Look at frame 1 on page 52 and write .I (true) or X (false) ~ Jtffi

1 This is a picture of a living room. 0 4 There's a pen behind the apple. 0
2 There's a big table in the picture. 0 5 There's a clock on the wall. 0
3 There's an apple on the table. 0 6 lt's nine o'clock. 0
~ Memory game ~
There's a phone on the
small table in frame 1.
~ ~------------~


fifty three 53
5 a) Read ~

~ . June23
~ Dear families,
' We have an excursion to Mr freeman's house tomorrow. His hou se is
in the jungle, in a very rainy area.
Your kid needs:
• A raincoat • Boots • Trainers • Socks • A cap • Long pants • AT-shirt
(There are a lot of mosquitoes in the jungle.)
Food and drinks
• Four sandwiches • Biscuits • Three sodas
(No fruit, please. There are banana plants in the area.)
Warm regards,
Mr Clark

b) Read again and tick. Then~ match ~ ~ LL~

0 0

pants trainers cap socks boots raincoat T-s,_,-

~q fifty four

..;sten and complete l(ii::J M


_ _ _ __ _ bedroom.


- s 1s _ _ _ _ __ _ bedroom. This is _ _ _ _ __ bedroom.

:>) Read and circle b differences ~ ~

:n Rod's bedroom there's a raincoat on the bed and there's a school bag next to the
raincoat. There are boots next to the bed and trainers next to a chair. There 's a cap on a
chair and a sweater under the chair. There are three T-shirts in the wardrobe. And there's
an umbrella behind the chair.
In Brenda 's bedroom there's a raincoat on the bed and there 's a school bag behind the
raincoat. There are trainers under the bed and boots next to a chair. There are socks on
a chair and a sweater under the chair. There are two T-shirts and a dress in the wardrobe.
And there's an umbrella behind the chair.
In Ham's bedroom there 's a raincoat on the bed and there 's an umbrella next to the
raincoat. There are trainers under the bed and boots next to a chair. There's a cap on a
chair and a sweater under the chair. There are two T-shirts and two pairs of pants in the
wardro be. And there are socks on the chair, next to the sweater.

fifty five 55
7 Guessl to~

There are socks

on the bed.

And there's aT-shirt ~

next to the socks.

8 Look and listen [:9] lij\~3

Please, give me
the p ink umbrella!

5~ fifty six

' '
. . J-...1 -
:) Listen and number )ij~J ~

0 0
b) Read and write the number ~ ~

She isn't wearing a dress. She's wearing a

skirt and aT-shirt. She's wearing trainers
but she isn't wearing socks. She has a
sweater and a cap. She doesn't have a
fifty seven 57
Where 's MrTreeman's )
p resent? r-- •
~ --

58 fifty eight

- ·-=,..,

I '
. r
..r• .
~ -6

.l..l!f""",__~. ~- _.. • -~- - ... - ---- ......

Look! There's a tree
trunk over there.

fifty nine ~q
1 Read the story and write .I (true) or X (false) ~ IJ~
1 The children are working.
0 5 There are birds in the trees.
2 lt's sunny.
0 6 There's a present in the river.
3 There are butterflies next
to a tree. 0 7 There's a small house
next to the waterfall. c
4 There's a monkey next
to Mr Clark. 0 8 There's a small river in
the jungle. 0
2 Find 7 differences EfJ
In picture A, ...
it! Ea There are two boys
and a girl in the kitchen. Page 52, frame 3! j

J Read and circle ~ ~

There's a huge, blue I white waterlall,
there are very small/ tall trees,
t here are big and small parrots I birds,
the-y are -yellow, grey I red and green.

There are lots! of children drawing/ playing,

the-y're wearing T-shim and caps I pants.
We all love the jungle!
When it's rainy I sunny, we have fun!

b) Listen and check ~~~J ~

c) Sing! ~

/"'_ A
sixty one '0
6 Bats sleep all day
1 Look and listen f[c:_9] ~~~]

l02 sixty two


Match. Then, listen and check [lljij\~3 ~

a) Read and circle ~ b_~

1 Pandas live in ~sitA I E.tAYope. 6 Penguins live in t.tAYope I ~ttAYc.tic.tA.
2 Lions live in A-tric.fA I ~eY'ic.fA. 7 Pumas live in ~W\eY'ic.tA I ~tY'tAiitA.
3 Tigers live in A-tric.tA I ~sitA. 8 Gorillas live in ~tY'rAiitA I A-fY"ic.tA.
4 Jaguars live in ~eY'ic.tA I E.tAY'ope. 9 Zebras live in ~sitA I A-fyic.tA.
5 Kangaroos live in A-tric.tA I A-\AstYtAiitA. 10 Koalas live in ~tY'tAiitA I A-tric.fA.

b) Now, listen and check [~~: ~

sixty three
--- -

-- -~--

4 Listen and write the time. Then~ complete ~~

1 I get up

2 I visit my grandma

3 I play football

4 I go to bed

5 Look and listen [c:__g] li\~J

A le x: Miss Green! You ' re a Alex: OK! We go to school lucy : We have dinner at
parrot not a bat! in the morning and we eight, but we don ::
Treema n: Now you know about study a lot! eat insects.
bats, but I don't know Mr Cla rk: Mmm ... G reta: We love hamburge-:
about you! and ice cream!
Tre e m a n : No fruit?
Ale x: I like strawberries!

G~ sixty four

- - ---- . - - .. 'l''
_s·en and match lij\~3 0]

dinner breakfast lunch

c) Listen and tick li\~J ~

b) Read and circle ~ ~

1 I 9et ~P I dOVI •t 9et ~p at six. 4 I W(.ltc.h I dOVI't w~tc.h TV in the afternoon.

2 I h~ve I dOVI •t h(.lve breakfast at school. 5 I li..steVI/ doVI•t li..ste~t~ to music.

3 I do I dOVI •t do homework at school. 6 I h(.lve I do~t~'+ h(.IVe dinner at nine.

sixty five ~S
8 Read and circle ~ ~
1 Gorillas e~t I doV\ 't ~+ chicken. 4 Babies Ye~ I doV\ 't Y~ books.
2 We h~ve I dOV\ 't h~ve lunch at schoo l. 5 Boys and girls pl t.~y I doV\ 't plt.~y on the computer.
3 Babies dYiV\k. I dOV\'+ dYiV\\( mil k. 6 Boys and girls eV\ I dOV\ 't li.steV\ to music.

q Who? t~J~

Get up
Read Play Make
Drink milk Cook
at 7 books football a cake
Alex and
John .I X X .I X .I
Greta and
Brenda .I .I X X .I X
brothers X .I .I X .I X
Lucy and
Penny .I X .I .I X .I

They get u p at seven,

t hey don't read books,
they don't cook,
they don't drink milk.

10 True or false? tiJ

I do n 't e at c hicke n.
Fa lse!

GG sixty six
c) Read and complete the fact files ~ ~

Habitat: ......... ... ........... ...
Jaguars are members of the feline family. They Descripti~~·:··::::::::::::::.:··········· ······· ··· ··
live in the centre and west of the United States
and in South America . Jaguars have a big Diet· ............ .
head with sharp teeth. They eat other animals, Life ~p·~~ :······
for example rodents, reptiles, birds, fish and . ....... ......

monkeys. They climb trees, iump and swim

very well. They live about 15 years.

Tigers live in Asia. There are eight types of Ani mal: ...............................................
tigers, but three types are extinct. They are Habitat: ..............................................
yellow or orange, but there is one exception:
Description: .....................................
the white tiger. They have a big head and
········ ······ ········ ········ ··············· ············ .....
sharp teeth. They eat big animals. They climb
Diet: .....................................................
trees, iump and swim very well. They live 10
Life span: ..........................................
to 15 years.

Lions are really big cats. They live in Africa, but

there are lions in Asia, too. They sleep during Animal:
the day, but they are active at night. They Habitat:·············
have a huge head with sharp teeth. They eat Descripti~~·; ·:.········· · ·············· ....
................... .. ..
zebras and big animals, for example buffalos,
giraffes, hippos and young elephants. They Diet· .............
eat small animals as well, for example birds, Life ~~~-~·;··.·.·.·.·.·.·_.........
reptiles, fish and insects, but they don't eat
cats. They live 12 to 15 years.

b) Read again . I W3llllnA

and write the name of the amma
1 Th ,
ey don t have a sma ll head. 5 They eat insects.

2 Th ey don' t eat fish 6 They climb and swim

3 They live ten years. 7 They don't eat reptiles.

4 They don't have a huge head. - - -- -- 8 They don 't live in Africa. - -- - - ·

----------------------------------------------------------------~~s:ix:ty~seven G7
M:r ':t:ree:rpa:n'.s bi:rtltday pa:rty

Yes, and we live

in the jungle.

G8 sixty eight

-- ~.- . ~-::l

. . .
~ . .
- ~ ~
. .
__..__..,- "
.,. ----
. -
- - - .

Here's a present
for you Mr Treeman.
Come! There's a
fruit salad for you.

sixty nine ~q
1 a) Read. guess and tick ~ ~~]? [J~

1 Treeman's friends live in a big house. 0

2 They don't have breakfast. 0
3 They drink milk. C
4 They watch TV. C
5 They listen to music. C
6 They don't eat tomatoes. C
7 They swim in the river. 0
8 They visit Mr Treeman. 0
9 They cook. C
10 They work. C
b) Now. listen and check lit~J iJ41
2 Memory game ~

I don't like candles. MrTreeman!

70 seventy
o) Look and complete ~ ~

We 1 _ _ _ _ _ in the morning,
We 2 and 3 _ _ _ __
We stud'.:3, we 4 _ _ _ _ _ , we 5 _ _ _ __
And we 6 _ _ _ _ _ a lot of books.

We have fun,

We are happy,
We all pla'.:3
with our friends.

2- At home we 7 _ _ __ _

And then we 5 _ _ _ __

We don't play in the garden

When it's a rain'.:3 day.


b) Listen and check Ji{;'"'j ~

c) Singl ~

seventy one 7
7 Miss Green talks and talks
Look and listen l[c:__~ l(d~J
Come please!
I need your help.

72 seventy two
Read and write ./ (true) or X (false) ~~
1 Treeman likes cake.
0 3 The jaguar eats fruit and chicken.
2 The forest ranger wears
a uniform.
0 4 Treeman puts his hands on
the jaguar's leg.
ow a) Read and tick ~~

Forest Rangers around the World 0

Hi, there! I'm Muriel and I'm a forest ranger. I work in Costa Rica.
There are huge trees in the jungle here, exotic birds and
magnificent butterflies. The leaves of the plants are enormous!
I don't have a car or a truck. They aren't necessary here. I use a b ike
(my favourite). I swim in the rivers and visit other forest rangers.


My name's Robert and I work in the jungle in the north east of
Argentina. lt's a magnificent place with a huge waterfall, a lot
of birds and big trees and plants. I wa lk a lot, and I use a bike
and a truck. I don't have a car, impossible in the jungle! In this
picture I'm next to my bike and my truck is behind me.

b) Read and circle ~~

1 I MlAYiel uses a truck.
~OPev+ 3 I MlAYiel walks a lot every day.

2 ~oPev+ I MlAYiel swims in the rivers. 4 ~oPev+ I MlAYiel visits forest rangers.
seventy three 73
4 a) Mat ch. Then, listen and number rL~ ~~~j ~

vet forest ranger student magician doctor teacher

b) Read and complete ~~

1 A _ _ _ _ _ _ does homework. 3 A _ _ _ _ _ _ works at b irthday pa rtie:
2 A _ _ _ ___ lives and w orks 4 A wears a u n iform an d
in the j u ng le. works in a clinic.

5 Look and listen [~_9] I~~j

Alex:Miss Green doesn't like John: And she doesn ' t play Mum: You talk a lot too!
jaguars. with the bats ... Dad: Ha! Ha! lt' s time to go
Mum: Of course! Jaguars eat Alex: No, bats sleep a ll day to bed.
sma ll animals. and she ta lks and ta lks ...

1LJ seventy Four

a) Listen and circle I~~3 ~

b) Read and circle ~ ~

· Robert 9et.s lAp I doe.SV\ '+ 9et lAp early. 5 He eat.sI doe.SV\ '+ ea+ hamburgers.
2 He dY"iV~k..s I doe.SVI 't dY"iV~k. orange juice. 6 He watc.he.s I doe.sV~ 't watch TV.
3 He weaY".s I doe.SV\
+ WeaY" trainers. 7 He li.steV~.s I doe.SV~ 't li.steVI to music.
' He Y"ide.s I doe.SV\ '+ Y"ide his bike. 8 He c.ook..s I doe.SV~ 't c.ook. dinner.

- Read and tick ~ ~

Facts about the iaguar
Jaguars are an endangered
species. There are only four
eats Q
r Treeman, jaguars in this area. walks O
the fantastic vet sleeps at night O
r Treeman is an excellent runs Q
et. The jaguar is OK now.
- e walks in the jungle and
plays with animals Q
':) ays with the forest ranger. jumps O
-e doesn't sleep all daYr
~ e only sleeps at night.
swims O
-e eatsr jumps and runs
plays with the O
.vith other animalsr too. At k ' Here's the jaguar and
L 00. .
Robert, the forest ranger
forest ranger. They're playmg.
school we're very happy!

seventy five 75
8 Who? t~J~

- Rides a
Wears Listens to Swims in Watches Does 1
bike boots music the river TV homework

John ./ X X ./ X ./
Hans ./ ./ X X ./ X
A lex X ./ ./ X ./ X
Rod ./ X ./ ./ X ./

He rid e s a bike, he
doesn 't listen t o m usic,
he doesn 't wa tc h TV. J ohn!

q Look and say ~ ~

7 fD seventy six
'• ..._ .

I '· ., ·~ """

.._,.,., -

- Read and say ~ ~

-~---- -


- -----·-----~-··-·--·-·,I

lt doesn't sleep at night. lt isn't a
bird. lt doesn't eat fish.
, ,~---·

lt lives in Africa and Asia. lt doesn't 'I


sleep at night. lt eats big and small

animals, but it doesn't eat cats. l
3 I
lt lives in Asia. lt eats big I
doesn't eat fruit or insects. ' --
lt lives in trees. lt eats fruit, eggs
and insects. lt doesn't eat fish.

lt is a big cat. lt's a solitary animal.
lt lives in Mexico, Central and South
America. lt eats small animals. lt
doesn't eat insects.
lt's red, blue and yellow. lt eats
seeds and fruit. lt talks. lt doesn't
run. lt doesn't swim.
Answers on page 120

b) Now, write your riddles! Use eat. run. live. jump and swim ~

seventy seven n
Look! Mr Treeman And the

Here we're
eating the cake.

MrTreeman doesn't
like candles.

78 seventy eight

- --- -

No, he 's a person.
He t a lks, h e walks, he eats ...

Grandpas don 't

live 110 yea rs!

~evenfy nine 7CJ

1 Read and complete ~ :~
oo e New Message

,, A
Send Chat Attach Address Fonts Save As Draft


Subject: MrTreeman!

Hi, Penny

How are you? I love the jungle and MrTreeman. He's a very special person.

He ,________ in a cave with a parrot and a lot of bats.

His routine? He 2_ _ _ _ __ _ _ at 5 every day. He 3 fru it anc

-~-------- mi l k for breakfast, but he s orange juice.

He 6_ __ _ _ __ _ books but he 7 TV. He 8_ _ _ _ _ _ __

to music. Wel l, he listens to b irds. He 9 _ __ _ _ _ __ birds!©©©

He's fantastic!

Write to me,


2 Memory game ~
gets up at 6.

80 eighty
- r'\ue or false? Efj Mr Clark doesn 't
get up at 8.

18 visit Roger and Bruce

8 school
club (s wim - football) True!
lunch (chicken and salad) 19

20 cook
15 write emails
21 dinner
J: read homework
.._,. 16
,. 17 rv 22

o) Read and circle ~ ~

We love I like Mr Treernan.
He's a very special vet/ doctor.
He lives with his animals I friends He doesn't go I goes to school,
and he's always ready to play I help. and he watches/ doesn't watch TV,
but he listens I reads to music,
when a lot of bat:J/birds sing.
Mr Treeman is a man I boy.
He's not a special/tall tree.
He's very, very tall/ old.
And he plays I lives with Miss Green.

b) Listen and check ~ ~

c) Singl ~

eighty one 81
g There's a fire in the jungle
1 Look and listen [:?J &lJ
Look! There's a fire
in the jungle.

Don'tworry! I'm No, fire is ve l)

calling the forest ranger! dangerous. I'm go ·- ;
::::::...;.=._"""'--_ _....-=:;..

82 eighty two

.- . .. ~· ..

. . . •,
J - - ~~
: eod and write .I (true) or X (false) ~ ~
: r Treeman lives in the fire area.
0 4 Miss Green and Mr Treeman
need help.
h Treeman is leaving the jungle.
0 5 The children are going to
- n e fire is dangerous.
0 the fire area with Mr Clark.

Read and tick ~ ~

View Favourites Tools Help


b) Now, listen and check /(d~J ~

eighty three 83
Ll Read and write the number ~ ~

The Green World

Forests and jungles cover 1/3 of the planet l1l. They
are the home of a great va riety of trees, plants and
anima ls. But a fire destroys a fo restl2 l in fou r or five
days! lt destroys all the flora and fauna .

Fires start by lig htning l3l or by accident. The two

great enemies o f forests and jungles are cigarettes [AJ
and campfires [51.

Forests and jungles have a very important role. Th ey

produce oxygen [6 1. They're the lungs of the p la net.
Protect forests a nd jungles!

5 Read and match ~ (l_ij

1 Does a jungle pro du ce oxygen?
2 Does a penguin live in the jungle?
3 Does a fire p roduce oxygen ?
4 Does a campfire start a fire in the jungle?
5 Does t he rain destroy t he j ungle?
6 Does this plane t ne ed jungles?

84 eight y four

- --

...... 1
:;ead and answer ~ Ea
There's a lot of work in the jungle. Muriel is tired. She's in her
bedroom now. Ifs nice. There's a TV on the desk, and there's a
computer next to the TV. There isn't a bookcase, but there are
five books in the wardrobe. There are skirts, pants and T-shirts
in the wardrobe too, but there aren't any dresses. There's a
raincoat next to the skirts. There 's an umbrella under the bed.
There's a small table and there are biscuits on the table. There 's
orange juice, too.

Does Muriel watch TV in her bedroom? 5 Does she have dresses?

~ Does she read in her bedroom? 6 Does she eat biscuits?
~ Does she wear skirts? 7 Does she drink orange juice?
- Does she listen to music in her 8 Does she have a raincoat and an
bedroom? umbrella?

~Aemory game ~
Does Muriel Yes, she does!
like T-shirts?


Ask and answer questions Ea


15 Does Robert write

9 in the aftern oon ?



17 TNo, he doesn ' t.

~ 12

"=:!) I 13
,... eighty f ive 8~
q Read and circle ~ ~

1 Mr C la rk ' s watering the plants. 2 Mr Clark's walking. 3 Mr C lark's wo rk: - ~

088 088 088

Who? ~~J~

Saturdays and Sundays

Get up Play Walk Read

Cook Study
at 8 volleyball a lot books
John Do they
and Alex .I X X .I X .I read books?

and Rod X .I X X .I X
' Lucy J o h n and A/ex?
and Penny X .I .I X .I .I
Greta and
Brenda .I X .I .I X .I

8<0 eighty six

. - . . -'~~;~
• • • • 4 •
- - - ··- ... . . - .t- ~ ·'f
~ ~ •• I '

~~l;: 1.' • _· -- -

~ead and answer ~ ~

The jungle game!

- )oes Mr Treeman listen to music? 6 Do giraffes eat leaves?

~ )oes Miss Green like candles? 7 Does a zebra drink juice?
: )o b irds like candles? 8 Do koalas live in the jungle?
- )o Mr Treeman 1s old friends like candles? 9 Does a gorilla eat fruit?
5 )oes Mr Treeman like cake? 10 Do pandas live in the desert?

our answers

0 7

"? 8

J 10

Write your questions and send them to

b) Now, listen and ch~ck [[] ~

c) 'Nt'\te yout' quest\ons ~

eighty seve 8

B8 eighty eight

. .~ . . ~, l r.
- --- - - ··~-
eighty nine 8'3
1 Read and complete ~ ~
eo e New Message

Send Chat Attach Address Fonts Save As Draft


Subject: Re: MrTreeman!

Hi, Lucy

Amazing! What an adventure! I have a lot of questio ns! Mr Treeman is very special!

Does he 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pants and T-s hirts? Does he 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a car?

Does he 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the computer? And Miss Green, does she ~-------

insects and fruit? Does she _________ in MrTreeman's cave?

Now tell m e about you. Do you 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your teacher? © ®

Do yo u your homework every day?

I have three great friends. We 8 footba ll at school. Do yo u and you r fr 2- :._

9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ football too?



2 Guessl ~
Do you read a
book every day?

qo ninety
'ok and complete [[~9] ~
-.:: !nemor'j s goo d.
, I

.. :_c:I't know, let me check!

- ~ the children 1 Treeman?

·_-~ the'J do. Yes, the'J do.
;:; :; es Greta 2 a sister?
:.-~ she does. Yes, she does.
:;oes the teacher 3 _ __ _ _ at 8'?
_ · :J he doesn't. No, he doesn't.
- _ ~~ children 4 _ _ _ _ _ ever'] da'j?
. ·u the'J don't. No, the'] don't.

-.:..ere, t h ere, 'JOU re wrong.f


'::- 81j pla'J football ever'] da'j!

:<. OK, 'JOU're right.
~ ~o more questions. Now 'JOU tr'j!

- .Jsten and check l(it~J ~

- Sing! ~

ninety one
In picture A, ...

• Do you get up at 7?
• Do you have breakfast in the kitchen?
• Do you . ..
(• ========================<)

r. '·

..--.-~·2 ninety two

nll he.ppg bog is _ _ ____ with
O e. p~Z.n.

T wo he.ppg bogs ar 12.

lunch at t~Z.n .

hr~Z-12. happg bogs ar 12.

T T\?.

f our happg bogs ar12.

n~Z.Xt to e. tr~Z.\Z.

f iVIZ happg bogs ar 12.

b l u~Z. pants.

' - iX he.ppg bogs ar 12.

® and plants.

' - ~Z.V~Z.n happg bogs ar 12.

® in th~Z. aft~Z.rnoon.

~I i n~Z.
ight happg bogs ar12.
in th~Z. living room.

happg bogs ar 12.

1q to gou.

T nothing
~Z.n unhappg bogs with
~Z.l SIZ to do.

'"'~ ·g@O-

ninety three q3
Alex Treeman
lucy Castle guards
Mr Clark
Greta The parents
The Giant

~ arrator: Mr Treeman and all the children are

in the school playground .
..Jex: The school play is this afternoon.
~reeman: What's a play?
Greta: lt' s a story with actors and Narrator: The children and Mr Clark are o n
actresses. stage, ready for the play. Parents
are sitting at one corner of the
l ucy: The name of the play is The Very
Bad Giant.
Mr Clark: Are you ready? Your mums a nd
Treeman: What's a giant?
your dads are here.
Alex: A very~ very tall person.
Alex: Look! Mr Treeman is over there !
"Treeman: Where does the giant live?
Lucy: And look! That's mum and there's
Greta: He lives in a castle. your dad!
Lucy: A castle is a very big house. Parents: Hi!
Treeman: Is the giant nice? (Mr Treeman is sitting next to them.}
Greta: No~ he isn't. He's a spooky giant.
Greta: I' m nervous. I don't remember
Lucy: Please Mr Treeman. Come to the my lines.
play! Alex: Don't look at the people. Look
Greta: Please, come! at me.
A lex: We' re the actors! Lucy: I' m not nervous! I' m a good
Treeman: I don't like spooky giants! actress.
A lex: Mr Clark is the giant. lt' s only a Mr Clark: Lucy... That's not nice. I' m nervous
story! too! Let's start!

<14 ninety four

~- .

(Mr Treeman climbs onto the stage.)

Treeman: That's not nice! You ' re a
bad giant. The children a re
~o.r fo..~i.£y, my friends!
'e ii\II'C:ce yot.c. -t-o ot.c.Y' pt.o.y: Giant: They aren't my frien ds. Trere
are no children in my casbe.
I like .silence.
Child 1: We like games and music ar:::
Treeman: The children are good
teachers. Now I like games
and I listen to music a nd I
-~".£,..: sing!
rto. , L."'e-y, Al.~x Giant: Do you like stories?
Treeman: Yes, a lot.
~-tk ~"'~rtl..s:
-il.:re~ e-hil.ti-Y'~,...
Child 2: We tell him stories. He lo\ e::
mystery stories!
Giant: Well ... this is a myste ry
.story... Who am I?
arrator: Welcome to the play!
Treeman: You' re the bad giant!
- ~olause)
Child 3: Please giant! Show him ye - r

arrator: We are in the Giant's garden. The

guards .see some children playing in
the garden. They take them to see the Chorus: Show him! Show him !
Giant. (Giant removes his mask.)
5an t= What are you doing in my garden? Treeman: Oh! Mr Clark! Yo u ' re a
··d 1: We ... we' re playing. wonderful actor an d the
children too! I' m very, vef)
;..ant: Playing in my garden?
ild 2: We ... we like your garden. lt'.s big.
Mr Cl ark: No problem!
· d 3: We don't have a big garden!
(Mr Clark speaks to the audience.)
ant : This is my garden and I don't like
Mr Clark: Did you like the story of The
Very Bad Giant?
- ild 1: Look! Here's my football. Come
Audience: Yes! Super! Great! Thre e
and play!
cheers for the actors an d
- nt= I don't like football. Games are silly. actresses!
No children in my garden! Out! Out!
rus: Yes! Out! Out!
ninety five <15
1 Write this or that ~

_ _ _ _ _ book

_ _ __ _ pen

_ _ _ __ poster

_ _ __ _ marker

_ _ __ _ glue

_ _ __ _ school bag

_ _ _ _ _ electronic game

_ __ _ _ copybook

2 Write [~

\ A

g(Q ninety six

~ead and complete. She's, He's, It's or They'pe?
1 Look at my mum. _ _ _ _ _ beautiful.

2 That's my brother. short.

3 My copybook? _ _ _ _ _ green.

- Look at my parrots. fantastic.

3 lv1y books? over there.

' Look at that monkey. very small.

- Dad? Look! _ _ _ _ _ there.

_ V\aggie is my dog. _ _ _ _ _ adorable.

~ite the colour and colour the pictures

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ elephants 3 A - - -- - - - - - - bird

- - - -- - - ---parrots 4 A _ _ _ __ __ __ _ tree

ninety seven CJ7

5 Read and circle
1 My mum's beautiful. S~e'.s He'.s thirty-two.

2 My brothers are twins. He '.s ~ey'ye thirteen.

3 Look at my books. l.t'.s ~ey'ye blue.

4 That's Laura. S~e '.s He '.s the music teacher.

5 Susan and Fred? He'.s ~ey'ye my friends.

6 My brother? S~e '.s He '.s over there.

7 Look at t~i.s +~~+bird over there. l.t'.s ~ey'ye yellow.

8 Here! ~i.s ~~+is my pencil case.

6 Draw and write

My name's years old.

l'm ~-------
l Hke

l don't like

l love

qs ninety eight
I i,.,.,..,. .
' '


o) Look and complete. He has or She has?

~ ~ 1 brown hair.

2 long hair.

3 a big mouth .

4 a small nose.

5 a big head.

b) Look again and complete. His or Het"?

1 _ _ _ __ hair is short. 4 _ _ _ __ eyes are big.

2 _ _ __ _ nose is big. 5 _ _ _ _ _ mouth is small.

3 _ _ __ _ head is small.

~ead and complete. Old, young, huge, thin, shof'f or long?

The man is 1_ _ _ __

The woman is 2_ _ _ __ , too.

The girl is 3_ _ _ _ _
and her
arms are 4_ _ _ __

She has 5_ _ _ _ _ hair.

The boy is 6_ __ __ and

his head is 7_ _ _ __

ninety n·ne
3 Read and complete. Has Or' doesn't have?
1 A fish arms. lt - - - - - - t w o eyes.
lt hair.
2 A lion a big head. lt - - - - - - f o u r legs.
lt arms.
3 A bird a big head. lt - - - - -- arms,
but it two legs.
4 A monkey a big head. lt _ _ __ __ long arms and short lee
lt a big nose.
5 A butterfly a big head. lt - -- - - - a thin body. lt _ _ _ __
six legs, but it arms.

I love tennis! My gym teacher is Miss Bank. 1 She>..s He>..s twenty-

seven. She's young 2 ~nd wt beautiful. She 3 i..s ~..s long brown
hair and 4Pi9 .f~+ eyes. 5 HeY Hi..s nose is small 6~ wt her ears
are small, too. She 7 i..s ~ a small family: a mother, a father and a
brother. She 8 ~ doe.sVI>t ~ve a sister. 9 Hi..s HeY brother is a young
Poy WIWI, He's ten.
She has a dog 11 ~ w+ a cat, but she 12
h~..S doe.sVI>t h~ve a parrot.

I ~

100 one hundred

- Read and match. There is one extra ending

Mr Cla rk a re long.

H e has have green e yes.

is my teache r.
He doesn' t
" are g reen.
He is
is big.
His le gs short ha ir.
His nose ta ll a nd t hin.

Draw and write ,,

Hev- nt:IW'Ie '.s _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __

..J.e ~t:I.S - - - - - -- - - - - - - - S~e ~t:I.S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

-le '+ ~t:lve - - - - - - - - - - -

one hundred and ore


1 Look and write

1--- -- ---...---'1

2 Read and draw

Jeremy is Mr Cl ark's student.

Look at his bedroom! His four
books are under the chair,
his big ball is on the bed and his
school bag is on the desk.
His pencils? They' re on the chair.
And his robot? lt' s behind the
bed. Look! His electronic games
are in the wardrobe, and his blue
pencil case is in the bookcase.

10 2 one hundred and two

ad and circle Amy's toys and school objects

- 11y has a nice dol I. lt' s on

:.""'e big table. She has
~ robot, too. lt' s under
:.'"~ e small table. She doesn't
- ave a ball. She has a pencil
case. lt' s in the cupboard .
.::;,e doesn 't have books. But
ne has copybooks. They' re
~eh ind the bookcase. What's
:.'1at next to the bookcase?
-: er electronic game.

~ok and circle

This is 1Mi.s.s\k. Mi.s.s BAVIk. '.s ho use.

1.t'.s S~e'.s a nice house. lt has a
living room, a kitchen, a bedroom,
a big bathroom and a garden.
""Thi.s ""That is her bedroom. She has
a big ~ed 4
clAp~oav-d, but she doesn 't
have a wav-dv-o~e. Her schoo l bag
is oVI iVI the bed, and her pencil case
is VIeXt to iVI her school bag. Where
i.s av-e her pen? lt's 9 iVI lAVIcJev- t he
pencil case. Where are her copybooks?
They' re ~e~iVId OVI the school bag.

one hundred and three 103

5 Read and match. There is one extra answer
Where's Jeremy? __ Yes, they are~

No, he isn't.
Is his sister in the bedroom?

No, it isn't.
Where are his pencils?
No, she isn't. j
Is his school bag on the table? "
--------------~-;- They' re in his school bag.
Are his books next to l
the school bag? r He's in the living room.

6 Draw and describe your bedroom.

Use in, on, unden next to or behind

My bedroom is nice. I have ...

-- I
My be dro 0 ,_,

My toys and my school objects?

11 My school bag is
My favourite board game is

My books are

M encil case is

- - -!-+ - - -- - --


OLl one hundred and four

. .~1 ~-


,1~~: -

Complete the email

New Message

Send Chat Attach Address Fonts Save As Draft

t 53 £5 c §f re& es w
To: '

Hello from my n ew house

Hi, Ruby
How are you? I'm in my new house. Look! I have some photos. In photo 1, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

in the garden with my dog. In photo 2, - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And look at photo 3 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - and _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

I love photo 4, h e r e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What about you? Write to me.


2 Read and answer

1 Jeremy is doing his homework. Is he in the bathroom
or in the living room?

2 His mother is watching TV. Is she in the bedroom or in the garden?

3 His father is reading a book. Is he in the kitchen or in the bedroom?

4 His dog is playing with a ball. Is he in the classroom or in the garden?

5 His friend Ruby is drawing. Is she in the bathroom or in the bedroom?

one hundred and five 105

3 Look and write

4 Write the captions

E-- J

5 Read and circle

Jeremy is in 1 ~i.s ~eY house. He's watching 2 WIIA.Sic. IV and doing 3a .salad ~i.s ~wo~.
Hi.s Hev- dad is in the kitchen. He's 5 c.oiCMYi~ mak.i~ a salad with lettuce~ two
tomatoes and two 6c.aYYot.s His mum? 7 He'.s S~e'.s in the living room.

She's 8woY'k.iV\9 Ii.steV\iV\9.

10(0 one hundred and six

~~· ,.._ : -:;-.,.»"-;;.. ~ et 'II""'W'"'., ,.,<::"'""'11• .,..,. -- :0 - .-..:'- ~ '!!!~ I


.' •



, : , I_

6 Read and match. There is one extra answer

Is Jeremy working? "- Yes, they are.


No, I'm not.

Is Sharon doing he r homework?

No, it isn't.
Where is Sharon?
She's in the garden.

Are you eating strawberries?

Yes, she is.

Are)eremy and Sharon playing? " No, he isn 't.


7 Describe your photos

Here ··················································································--·-
In this photo, ···································································
---·································· ······························ ································
.. ··································································································· ...

1 Read and draw in your copyboook

New Message

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To: jeremy@pop

Subj ect: Re: Hello from my new house

:::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :u 7

Great photos, Jerem y! How are you? I'm in my bedroom . lt's sm all and beautif ul. There's a sm all
bed. lt's brown, and th ere's a blu e table wit h a blue chair. There's a computer o n t he tab le, and
there's a b ig pencil case next to t he computer. it's g reen and bl ue. There's a w ard robe and a
sm al l bookcase next to t he w ardrob e. I love my bed room!
What about your bedroom? Tell m e.
t $#£ £1C::C!!I!et!P Jl$$¥1t:C:e:J!I!!I!i!!di'4!C!)ZB$04W:W8&MCC $ #illi!!1. 4;aJ:&iil!il###Ji¥"'"illt tat A•••• a:Ati8!!<1M@A&!I!!!!Malft k!II&•M I 1111114111! !!

2 Read and write the time

lt' s five o 'clock in t he afte rnoon in Arge ntina. .-...-..-.

I 1. 1_11_1

What's t he t ime in ....

... N ew Zeala nd? lt 's eight o 'cloc k in t he morning .

... Pe ru? lt 's t hree o'clock in the afte rnoon .

... Hong Ko ng? lt ' s fo ur o'clock in the morning. (_~J;J

... Austra lia? lt' s six- t hirty in the morning.

... N e pa l? lt ' s one-fifte e n in the morning . (_~]:J

.. . Ve ne zuela ? lt 's three-thirty in the afte rnoon.

... Spa in? lt ' s t e n o 'clo ck in the evening. ( J~J

108 one hundred and eight

3 a) Write. Jeremy's or Ruby's?

eremy's: Ruby's:

b) Write in your copybook

Boy Girl Boy or Girl

Read and write .I (true) or X (false) '

1 There are boys in my class.

~ 4 There's a pen in my pencil case.

2 There are five books on my desk. r_j 5 There is a tree in the classroom.
3 There a re coloure d pe ncils
in my pencil case. CJ 6 There are two tables for the
teacher in the classroom.

one hundred and nine 1oq

5 Read and circle

Look at Ruby's w ardrobe ! Th ere 1 i.s ~v-e two

2 .sk.iY't.s! There Is a 31-.shiY't ear
on the chair a nd there 1 s 4~ ~VI umbrella
behiVId I.AVIdev- the chair. There 6 i.s ~v-e
boots under t he cha ir.

6 Read and match. There is one extra ending

.rB-·--- fi- -------------------

~ a small parrot.
We are in
tree in the garden.
We have
and thin.
We a re short
e leven.
There's a
flowers next to t h e tree.
There are
the garden .

7 Draw and write. Use Thef'e is or There af'e ~.

_ My bedroo:_:_rn
__:___:______ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
In my bedroom

110 one hundred and ten

Read and match
There are big deserts in the world, and there are sma ll deserts too. There is no water- -
deserts, but animals live there . For example, hyenas live in the Arabian, Ka la ha ri a rc
Sahara deserts. Dromedaries live in the Arabian desert too. Kangaroos live in the des:=--: -
-\ustralia, and coyotes and tarantulas live in the North American desert, in t he US/"\ a- =
V\exico. What about deserts in South America? There are two big deserts, Atacama a . . :
Patagonian. Llamas five in Atacama, and guanacos and armadillos five in Patagon ia.

( ,--
hyenas llamas
J _ armadillos j dro meda rie~

kangaroos J tarantulas J , --- ·---------...

coyotes ~ gua nacos J

one hundred and eleven 111

2 Look and write the activity "

3 Write activities in the house

The kitchen The living room The bedroom The garder

4 Read and complete

At 7, I

At 12 or 12.30, I

At 5 in the afternoon, I

At 7 in the evening, I

At 9 in the evening , my family

112 one hundred and twelve

-d and circle

21u~ch +a.s-
_ and her sister Gracie 9et l.Ap 90 to j,ed at 6.30 every day. They have j,yeak._
:.-e Kitchen. They ~o+ do~'+ drink soda. They 4eat wv..k.e fruit and biscuits.
• -~ool, they wv-ite watch stories and 6Yead dYaW books. They 7have dYi~k. chicken arc

- · - .:-or lunch.

li.ste~ toN, play on the computer or 9vi.sit

- :.-e afternoon, they watch 90 +o friends.
--~ :d~ J+ aYe~ J+ cook. They have dinner at 8.30 and they go to bed at 10.

ead and match. Thel"e is one extl"a ending

Bats eat at school.

Boys don't for a birthday party.

Babies don't in the kitchen.
Teachers work on the computer.
We listen to TV in the living roo m.
We watch inse cts.

My mum and dad cook rock and pop music.

I make a cake wear skirts.

rite in your' copybook

- -- -
Myweeke~nQd ____________________________________~

one huncireci and fhif"feen

1 Read and complete. Use in, on, undef', next to, behind

1 The re 's a _ __ __ _ __ __

2 There a re _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

3 There's a _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _

4 There's a---------~

5 There a re _ __ __ _ __ _ _

2 Complete with the verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs

eat drink get have listen live play read swim visit walk watch write

The school and the jungle are fantastic! And the forest ranger...
He's great! He has a friend, Muriel. She's a forest ra nger, too. She
_ _ __ _ in Costa Rica. She up at 6 eve ry d ay
3 4
and breakfast. She a lot of milk.
She 5 with the animals in the jungle and 6_ _ _ __

in the river. She a salad for lunc h a nd then she
8 _ __ __ emails or 9 _ _ __ _ a bo ok.
She 10_ __ __ TV and 11_ _ __ _ to music. Her life is fantastic !
•••**'*''*";q; ...

11£1 one hundred and fourteen

I~ - "l-

r, I

3 Read and write the name. Then, complete with the profession

1 Mary wears a white~

green or pink 4 Emma wears a white uniform.
uniform. She works with animals. She works in a hospital or cl inic.
She's a She's a
2 Ross wears a brown uniform. He uses a 5 Andrew wears black. He works c:: c
truck or a bike. He works in the jungle. birthday party or at the theatre.
He's a He's a
3 Mark wears a uniform. He studies a lot. 6 Maggie works at a school.
He's a She's a

- Correct the false information

1 A puma eats insects. 5 The forest ranger uses a car in t he ] . . . ;- ~ ::

2 Treeman lives in a big house. 6 He wears a black uniform.

j Mr Clark works in a hospital. 7 Miss Green drinks orange juice.

- He has a parrot. 8 She watches TV with Mr Treema n.

one hundred and r:;-~-

5 Read and circle
Sharon 190 9oe.s to school in the morning. She's a good student. She 2 .si~9.s .s-ruc .;.__
a lot. She doe.s~'+ i.s~'+ have lunch at home. She has lunch at school.
The students 4 eat eat.s spaghetti or chicken and drink water.
There 5 i.s aye a TV in her bedroom, and she watc.~e.s watc.~ TV in the afternoo n.
She 7 lik.e.s li.ste~ comedies and Ben 10, ~eY yov.y favourite TV programme.
She d~'+ doe.s~'+ do her homework in the bedroom. In the afternoon, she
9oe.s i.s ~i~ to her friend's house and they 11 .stv..dy .stv..die.s together.
She and her family have di~~eY at 9 pm.

6 Read and match. There is one extra ending

~----------------~ ,---~------------

!) 8
at six every day.
Sharon and her friends
She listens comedies and cartoons.
She watches football at the club.
Rob by doesn't go to school in the morning.
He gets up the living room.
His friends don't play live in the jungle.
to rock music.

7 Write

My fr;end's day

My best fr;end is _ _ _ _ _ _ .He f 5he _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

11 ~ one hundred and sixteen

1 Read and answer
1 Do firefighters wear trainers? 5 Do vets work with animals and plants?

2 Do they use bikes? 6 Do magicians use special equipment?

3 Do students wear a uniform? 7 Do doctors work at schools?

4 Do teachers have special equipment? 8 Do forest rangers work in the desert?

2 Complete the questionnaire CA

1 Do you go to school in the morning? 6 Do you listen to music?

2 Do you have breakfast at home? 7 Do you cook at home?

3 Do you have lunch at school? 8 Do you eat vegetables?

4 Do you play sports in the afternoon? 9 Do you drink water?

5 Do you watch TV in the afternoon?

one hundred and seventeen 1 7
3 Look and answer in your copybook
1 Does Mr Clark like
orange juice?
2 Does he drink water?
3 Does he cook?
4 Does he make cakes?
5 Does he read books?
6 Does he play tennis?
7 Does he play football?
8 Does he listen to music?

4 Read and tick

Does Miss Bank Does a penguin

work at school? eat chicken?
Yes, she does. Yes, it does.
Do teachers Does a penguin
work at school? eat fish?

Does Miss Bank

wear a uniform?
Yes, he does. Yes, they do.
Does Mr Clark Does your friend
wear a uniform? play football?

Do Greta 1 s brothers
go to .school?
Yes, we do! Yes, they do.
Do they like 1
Does Greta s sister
school? go to school?

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