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1. What’s your name?

2. Where are you from?
3. Where do you live?
4. What your address?
5. How old are you?
6. What color are your eyes?
7. What color hair do you have?
8. Where do you study?
9. What’s your favorite subject?
10. What time do lessons start?
11. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
12. Do you have a pet?
13. What do you do in your free time?
14. What’s your favorite tv program?
15. Do you play a musical instrument?
16. What do you do at the weekend?

His name is Juan Camilo Daza, he is from Popayán, he lives (lifs) in Mallorca
urbanization(urbaniseishon), his address is street sixty-four number ten BN
seventy-one, he is nineteen years old, he has dark eyes (ais), he has black hair, he
studies in universidad cooperative de colombia, his favorite subject is english, he
starts classes at six o’clock pm, he has a sister, he has a pet, in his free time he
exercises and watch television, he does not have a favorite tv program, he plays
bass, he does homework on weekends

His neim is juan Camilo daza, ji is from popayan, ji lifs in Mallorca urbaniseishon,
jis adres is striit sixtifor number ten bi en seventi uan, ji is naintin yiarsold, ji jas
dark ais, ji jas black jer, he staris in Universidad cooperativa de Colombia, jis
faivorit sabyect is inglish, ji starts classes at six o’clock pi em, ji jas a sister, ji jas a
pet, in jis fri taim ji exersais and guatches tivi, ji dasent haf a feivorit tivi program, ji
pleis bes, he das homework on weekends.

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