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ups PHOTOCOPY OCLC ILLiad: 1767769 ILL Number: 198656176 Borrower: YSM Stony Brook University 1382 Melville Library Room E 400 Nicolls Rd Stony Brook NY 11794 Ship via: UPSCharge Maxcost: 50.001FM Reference: Article provided by University of ins (UIU) 302.2305 GL MX (MAN CHG SP HAND) Serial Title: Global media and communication. Atcle Author: Pasquali Article Title: The South and the imbalance in communication Imprint: London ; Thousand Oaks, CA’: SAGE Publications, e201 Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Month/Year: December 2005 Pages: 289-300 ‘OCLC/Doctine: 60353271 Fax: Ariel; Lender String: *UIU,ZASSP,PAU. Download Date: 20191008 Shelf Sort cl Unshiv Si Cardex. Stat Other LociNotes, Initials/date 1+ Initials/date 2~4 = a i VOLUME 1 / NUMBER 2/ AUGUST 2005 Editorial Terhi a The message is the medium: an interview with Manuel Castells Articles osha A. Abdulla TTaking the e-rain: the development of the internet in Egypt ‘Margarita Maass and Jorge A, Gon: Technology, global flows and local memories: media generations in ‘global’ Mexico Jing Wang ‘Youth culture, music, and cell phone branding in China Review essay Gholam Khiabory Faultiines in the agendas of global media debates Book reviews Web review ‘Anne Alexander Iraqi websites Policy review Martin Kretschmer “Tends in global copyright Data ' TT, @SAGE Publications ee ae hiypivame sagepub com SMA ae os eet ts ers ia and Communication ES) eter ise Coln From NWICO to WSIS SC SiMe eens eee oe Poe Global Media and Communication Ea Editors Daya K. Thussu (Managing Editor) University of Westminster, UK John DAM. Downing Southern lis Univerity, USA Yuezhl Zhao Simon Foxe Ue Carads ‘Terhi Rantanen London Scho! of fconomies ‘and Politico Science, UK Reviews Editor Des Freedman Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK Regional Editors it ge tvs Jann mrt ens me See erie rs rs i tng Tota naan te \ouiseGourgaut Northern Michigan Univesity USA Sint an ent wiconmowase, USA {ie Can Cttry Une Seer ‘Steven Dong Tsinghua University, China ‘cite steer apo ‘aye amatpur Roce ey OA ‘an War Coc Uns Cond ‘Ted Magder New York University, USA Shere ny fa, UA Bella Mody University of Colorado at Boulder, USA Vien ne errs one Eon ‘Mamid Naficy Rice University, USA ‘nany cs or eSnyof Cet Métal Pas Univer of Sorbonne, France ‘inten ey eo Roget Cutln Univesy of Tecmo, Sree ear She = usr ‘nd Poti ae ‘Cole Sparks University of Westminster, UK Aone srry Sl foreland Micon Ste Pn eat of London, UK aot Univer of eds, UR - eminon Neingo ret Utt ‘8a VoerUnvety a top, New 20004 Seagate Wang ong Kong aap Unies Hong Kona $5 Wang henner te eel UA ito Une of Oregon USA ie ei nd Communtaton (SS printed vaion 27665 SSN nna veson 742.767) 9 publ BY 38S baton anon touand Outs: CA New th) in April, August and December. ‘Sepyrant © 2005 sac publetons Ln. Apart rom fie Trowbridge, Witshire, UK Global Media and Communication VOLUME 1 / NUMBER 3 / DECEMBER 2005 RECEIVED Contents MAR 07 2006 Communications Editorial 122 Greg Halu” 23 = INTERVIEW Cosmopolitanization ~ now! An interview with Ulrich Beck Tetbi Rontanen 247 "FROM NWICO TO WSIS: ANOTHER WORLD INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ORDER? Guest editor: Claudia Padovani Introduction Claudio Padovani and Kaavle Nordenstreng 264 ‘Twenty years mean nothing’ Guillermo Mastrini and Diego de Charras mB ‘The South and the imbalance in communication Antonio Pasquali 289 Communication, global justice and the moral economy Andrew Calabrese 301 Debating communication imbalances from the MacBride Report to the World Summit on the Information Society: an analysis of a changing discourse Claudia Padovani 316 Myths of digital technology in Africa: leapfrogging development? Gado Alzouma 339 What is bottom-up about global internet governance? lisa McLoughlin and Victor Pickard 387 288 Global Media and Communication 1(3) UNESCO (2003) Contribucion a la Cumbre Mundial sobre la Soctedand de la Informacion (Geneva 2003 and Tunisia 2005) 166+ reunion Conseje Ejeeutivo (166 EX/19, Pas, March 3). United Nations Development Programme (2001) Human Development Report. Making New Techmologes Work for Human Development. New York: Oxtord University res. WSIS (2003a) ‘Declaracion de Principios, Construir la sociedad de la informacion: un

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