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Bats Strategy Guide for Clash Royale!

This July a new card arrives on the scene to hiss and squeak your opponent towards defeat! While it has
been around in tournaments and used with the Night Witch, Bats have for the most part been relegated
to the sidelines in the long wait for the newly announced troops. This new unit fills the void of a dirt-
cheap aerial unit and manages to have some perks that make bats excellent choices for winning a fight
in a pinch. While common, they are a fantastic new addition to the Clash Royale roster and add a more
nuanced layer to aerial gameplay.

Unit Breakdown


Elixir Cost: 2
Hit Speed: 1 Second
Speed: Very Fast (120)
Deploy Time: 1 Sec
Range: Melee
Target: Air & Ground
Count: X4
Transport: Air
Type: Troop
Rarity: Common

Bats are basically Aerial Skeletons. The next obvious question than would be, “Why do we have to fight
for hours to get lousy skeletons at the Frozen Peak?!?” Ok, so skeletons hit peak usefulness around the
third Arena, but bats are versatile and can be used for oh so much more than stopping the occasional

While they cause the same amount of damage, have the same amount of hit points, and have the same
Damage Per Second as Skeletons, the blazing fast speed and aerial attacks make bats a deadly threat,
even in the more advanced arenas.

Using Bats basically summons 4 single-target melee bats. They swoop into battle and can quickly
decimate opponents. With attack strength just slightly lower than that of Minions, bats can make large
troops like Giants into a poof of elixir in moments. Bats are generally not very strong. This means well-
placed arrows or a Wizard can annihilate a group of them. As discouraging as that thought is, higher
level bats can survive more of a wallop and aggravate ground troops and crown towers alike!

Strategies for Bats!

Strategy #1: Take the high road

One of the best features of the bats is that for a low-low cost you can now counter some of the more
painful aerial units (Balloon) and launch an immediate assault upon ground troops. While they pack less
power than a Minion, having four of them, instead of three, makes them a quick assault troop with high
enough damage to do some harm. Bats are less of a hammer and more of a scalpel, designed for surgical
strikes. With the paltry Elixir cost of 2, always look for times when the opponent can’t defend against air.
If timed right, you could have an easy positive Elixir trade off by annihilating a skeleton army, Prince, and
more! Also with wicked speed, you can launch them at the edge of your lane and they will fly super fast
toward a lumbering giant, mini P.E.K.K.A. or more!

Strategy #2: Air Block!

Several cards are absolutely a pain to fight against if you need a strong crew like the Minion Army to
take them down. You can be left waiting in AGONY for Elixir. No longer is this the case! Whether it is a
Baby Dragon or a Balloon, there is now an easy way to aggro and annoy enemy flying units. Not only do
bats chip away at flying units, they distract them while the crown tower whittles away at enemy troops.

Combos for Bats!


The Night Witch, as seen in our recent guide, is the new aerial summoning powerhouse. She summons a
couple of bats and over a quick period of time can make a distracting formidable army. On top of this,
she summons bats upon death. For this strategy, simply place the Night Witch on the field in a strategic
place (For Night Witch tips head on over to our other guide!) and then wait until the prime opportunity
for launching a bat army! Even LARGE troops are defenseless against the super quick bat mobs! If you
time it right, and the Night Witch dies in glorious combat, you can end up with ELEVEN bats screaming
across the field to the enemy crown towers. Since they are so fast, they can actually hit them quickly
(Unlike Skeletons) and make quick work of a tower!

Fly The Deadly Sky’s!

One of the unique parts of using bats is that they are cheap enough to team up with Aerial units quickly.
No longer are you left needing 8 or 9 elixir to make an Air Mob. Even more so, most opponents use only
one or two aerial counters per deck. This means you have a pretty good feel for whether or not they can
be overwhelmed by aerial troops within a match. For this strategy, pick two low cost aerial units (Such
as Minions, or Mega Minion) and one high cost troop (Such as Minon Army, LavaBeast, or Balloon).

With a three card aerial force, you can use several of them in conjunction to create a scary flying horde
(10 flying troops is terrifying!) OR our personal favorite, put a troop such as Baby dragon or LavaBeast in
one lane and send volleys of quick units in the other. It basically breaks you opponent down mentally!

Counters for Bats.

To counter bats, use Arrows, other flying units, Wizards, or other units that specialize in splash damage.
Mixed with a Night Witch, they can be fast and overwhelming, but troops like Wizard make it easy to
block. NEVER use lone tanks like the Giant, without some form of support, if your opponent is sporting
bats. They know how to use bats with surgical precision, so you always have to be aware of that!

Thanks for joining us!

As always thanks for reading! If this guide has helped, share it with your friends, like it, subscribe to our
blog and keep coming back! We have new Deck Guides on the way and some exciting content coming
As always players, keep on learning. You’ll be a champ so very soon. That’s it until next time, see you in
the Arena!

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