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Name: Dudás Ágnes

Class: 11 cd
Topic: How to be a good parent? A teenager’s guide
Aims: To broaden students’ vocabulary
To develop students’ speaking skills
Age group: Teenagers
Level: B2
Time: 45 minutes
Introduction: In this lesson, the aim is to broaden students’ vocabulary. In the beginning of the lesson, they summarize the text from last week.
They have to list again the problematic situations between parents and teenagers. After, they get a gap-filling exercise, in which they have to
put phrasal verbs (which are from the text) in the correct place. Then, they match these verbs with their definitions. After this, in pairs, they
explain the meaning of the underlined phrases in sentences from the text, and rewrite those using different words. As a follow up, there will be
a role-play in which they choose a problematic situation between parents and teenagers, and they imitate either one of the parent or the

Stage Aim Procedure Interaction Timing

Warm-up To start the lesson Talking with the Ss about their weekend T-Ss 5 min
Lead-in To focus Ss on the topic Ss recall their memories connected to the T-Ss 5 min
To recall their memories from text and they summarize what is the text
last lesson about.
They list problematic situations between
parents and teenagers.
Vocabulary- To practice gap-filling exercises Ss have to put the phrasal verbs from the Individual work 10 min
building 1 text in the correct place.
To make students understand Ss match the verbs with their definitions, and
the meaning of the phrasal verbs then write the solutions on the board.

Vocabulary- To broaden Ss’ vocabulary Ss explain the meaning of some expressions Pairwork 10 min
building 2 To practice speaking from the text and then they rewrite the
sentences using different words.
Follow up To practice a role-play exercise Ss get roles (mom/dad/teenager) in little Pairwork 15 min
To develop speaking skills cards, and they have to convince each other
based on a given situation

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