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Nursing Care Plan 56-1

Patient with Increased Intracranial Pressure

Nursing Diagnosis*
Decreased Intracranial Adaptive Capacity
Etiology: Decreased cerebral perfusion or sustained increase in ICP
Supporting data: Repeated increases of >10 mm Hg for more than 5 min following a
variety of external stimuli, baseline ICP >20 mm Hg, elevated systolic blood pressure,
bradycardia, widened pulse pressure

Patient Goals
1. Maintains intracranial pressure within normal parameters
2. Ha no serious increases in intracranial pressure during or following care activities

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

Neurologic Status Cerebral Edema Management
 Cognitive status _____  Monitor vital signs to promote cerebral perfusion.
 Cranial, sensory, and motor  Monitor neurologic status closely and compare to
function _____ baseline to evaluate patient’s response to treatment
 Intracranial pressure _____ and enable immediate reporting and modification of
 Breathing pattern _____ treatment if necessary.
 Pulse pressure _____  Monitor respiratory status: rate, rhythm, depth of
 Blood pressure _____ respirations; PaO2, PaCO2, pH, bicarbonate because
 Radial pulse rate _____ low PaO2 and a high hydrogen ion concentration
 Communication appropriate (acidosis) are potent cerebral blood vasodilators that
to situation _____ increase cerebral blood flow and may increase ICP.
 Analyze ICP waveform to provide an accurate
Measurement Scale indicator of ICP.
1 = Severely compromised  Monitor patient’s ICP and neurologic responses to
2 = Substantially compromised care activities.
3 = Moderately compromised  Position with head of bed up 30 degrees or greater to
4 = Mildly compromised promote cerebral venous outflow, reducing ICP.
5 = Not compromised
 Limit suction passes to less than10 seconds to prevent
increased ICP.
 Allow ICP to return to baseline between nursing
activities to prevent sustained increases in ICP.
 Maintain normothermia because elevated temperature
increases cerebral metabolism and causes increased
 Give sedation to decrease agitation and hyperactivity
that cause increased ICP.
 Decrease stimuli in patient’s environment to prevent
increases in ICP.

*Nursing diagnoses listed in order of priority.

Copyright © 2020 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

eNursing Care Plan 56-2

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for Ineffective Tissue Perfusion
Risk factors: decreased cerebral perfusion and cerebral edema

Patient Goal
Maintains cerebral perfusion within normal parameters

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

Tissue Perfusion: Cerebral Cerebral Perfusion Promotion
 Intracranial pressure  Consult with HCP to determine hemodynamic
_____ parameters, and maintain hemodynamic parameters
 Systolic blood pressure within this range to maintain hemodynamic parameters
_____ and maintain/optimize cerebral perfusion pressure
 Diastolic blood pressure (CPP).
_____  Induce hypertension with volume expansion or inotropic
or vasoconstrictive agents, as ordered, to maintain
Measurement Scale hemodynamic parameters and maintain/optimize
1 = Severe deviation from cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP).
normal range  Consult with HCP to determine optimal head of bed
2 = Substantial deviationfrom placement (e.g., 0, 15, or 30 degrees) and monitor
normal range
patient’s responses to head positioning to maintain
3 = Moderate deviation from
hemodynamic parameters and maintain/optimize
normal range
4 = Mild deviation from cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP).
normal range  Monitor determinants of tissue oxygen delivery (e.g.,
5 = No deviation from normal PaCO2, SaO2, and hemoglobin levels and cardiac
range output), if available, to ensure adequate oxygenation to
support cerebral metabolic needs.
 Headache _____  Calculate and monitor CPP to evaluate adequacy of
 Restlessness _____ cerebral blood perfusion.
 Impaired cognition _____  Monitor neurologic status to assess for changes and
 Decreased level of prevent complications.
consciousness _____  Monitor intake and output to assess effects of diuretic
 Vomiting _____ and corticosteroid therapy.
 Impaired neurologic
reflexes _____ Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring
 Record ICP pressure readings to monitor trends in
Measurement Scale cerebral pressure.
1 = Severe  Monitor amount, rate, and characteristics of
2 = Substantial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage to assess for changes
3 = Moderate and prevent complications.
4 = Mild  Maintain sterility of monitoring system to prevent
5 = None

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eNursing Care Plan 56-3

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

 Change transducer, flush system, and drainage bag as
indicated to maintain system function and reduce risk of
 Monitor insertion site for infection or leakage of fluid to
prevent unreliable monitoring results and report
complications to the health care provider.
 Notify HCP about elevated ICP that does not respond to
treatment protocols to initiate early treatment and
prevent complicatons.

Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for Injury
Risk factors: altered level of consciousness, immobility, and altered nutritional intake

Patient Goal
Experiences no complications of immobility

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

Immobility Consequences: Airway Management
Physiologic  Position patient to maximize ventilation potential to
 Lung congestion _____ prevent aspiration and tongue from blocking airway.
 Pneumonia _____  Remove secretions by encouraging coughing or
 Pressure sore(s) _____ suctioning to remove accumulated secretions, reduce
risk of aspiration, and ensure patent airway.
Measurement Scale  Perform chest physical therapy to mobilize secretions
1 = Severe and prevent pulmonary congestion.
2 = Substantial
3 = Moderate Pressure Ulcer Prevention
4 = Mild
 Use an established risk assessment tool to monitor
5 = None
individual’s risk factors (e.g., Braden scale [see eTable
12-3 on website]).
 Nutritional status _____
 Inspect skin over bony prominences and other pressure
 Joint movement _____
points at least daily when repositioning to identify
 Muscle tone _____ potential or actual skin problems and initiate a plan of
Measurement Scale
1 = Severely compromised  Turn every 1-2 hours, as appropriate, because
2 = Substantially compromised prolonged pressure decreases circulation and leads to
3 = Moderately compromised tissue ischemia and necrosis.
4 = Mildly compromised  Turn with care (e.g., avoid shearing forces) to prevent
5 = Not compromised injury to fragile skin.
 Keep bed linen clean, dry, and wrinkle free to promote
skin integrity.
 Use devices on the bed (e.g., sheepskin) that protect

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eNursing Care Plan 56-4

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

the patient to absorb moisture and prevent friction.

Nutrition Therapy
 Complete a nutritional assessment to determine
current nutritional status and needs.
 Determine, in collaboration with the dietitian, the
number of calories and type of nutrients needed to
meet nutrition requirements.
 Determine need for enteral tube feedings to meet
nutritional needs if patient is unable to ingest food and

Exercise Therapy: Joint Mobility

 Perform passive or assisted ROM exercises to
maintain joint ROM and muscle strength.

ICP, Intracranial pressure; PaCO2, partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood;
PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood; ROM, range of motion; SaO2, oxygen
saturation of arterial blood.

Copyright © 2020 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

eNursing Care Plan 56-5

eNursing Care Plan 56-2

Patient with Bacterial Meningitis

Nursing Diagnoses*
Decreased intracranial adaptive capacity†
Risk for ineffective tissue perfusion†

Nursing Diagnosis
Acute confusion
Etiology: impaired cerebral function
Supporting data: inaccurate interpretation of environment, fluctuation in cognition and
level of consciousness, and misperceptions

Patient Goals
1. Demonstrates appropriate cognitive function
2. Is oriented to person, place, and time
Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales
Delirium Level Neurologic Monitoring
 Disorientation of time, place,  Monitor level of consciousness to identify changes.
and person _____  Monitor level of orientation.
 Impaired cognition _____  Monitor vital signs: temperature, blood pressure,
 Difficulty following complex pulse, and respirations because changes in cranial
commands _____ pressure are reflected in vital signs.
 Difficulty interpreting  Note complaint of headache because this is a
environmental stimuli _____ symptom of increased intracranial pressure.
 Misinterpretation of cues  Monitor response to stimuli: verbal, tactile, and
_____ noxious as indicators of cranial pressure.
 Altered level of consciousness  Identify emerging patterns in data to anticipate
_____ changes in treatment.
 Notify HCP of change in patient condition so that
Neurologic Status: changes in therapy may be made as necessary.
 Seizure activity _____ Delirium Management
 Stupor _____  Monitor neurologic status on an ongoing basis to
 Trance state _____ determine extent of problem.
 Delirium _____  Administer PRN medications for anxiety or
 Coma _____ agitation to reduce fear and anxiety.
 Provide a low-stimulation environment for patient
Measurement Scale in whom disorientation is increased by
1 = Severe overstimulation.
2 = Substantial  Approach patient slowly and from the front to avoid

*Nursing diagnoses listed in order of priority.

†Because cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure may occur with bacterial
meningitis, see the related nursing care plan, NCP 56-1, for these nursing diagnoses.

Copyright © 2020 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

eNursing Care Plan 56-6

Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales

3 = Moderate stimulating or frightening patient.
4 = Mild  Provide appropriate level of
5 = None supervision/surveillance to monitor patient and to
allow for therapeutic actions.
 Reorient the patient to the health care provider with
each contact to assist with orientation and reduce
 Communicate with simple, direct, descriptive
statements to avoid overstimulation.
 Assist with needs related to nutrition, elimination,
hydration, and personal hygiene because the patient
may lose awareness of the needs.

Nursing Diagnosis
Etiology: infection and abnormal temperature regulation by hypothalamus secondary to
increased intracranial pressure
Supporting data: increased body temperature

Patient Goal
Maintains body temperature within normal range
Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales
Thermoregulation Fever Treatment
 Hyperthermia  Monitor temperature and other vital signs to evaluate effects of
_____ hyperthermia.
 Headache _____  Monitor intake and output, being aware of changes in
 Increased skin insensible fluid loss, because increased body temperature
temperature _____ increases the risk of fluid deficit and increases cerebral
 Drowsiness _____ metabolic needs.
 Monitor for fever-related complications and signs and
Measurement Scale symptoms of fever-causing condition (e.g., seizure, decreased
1 = Severe level of consciousness, abnormal electrolyte status, acid-base
2 = Substantial imbalance, cardiac arrhythmia, and abnormal cellular changes)
3 = Moderate because fever increases cerebral metabolism.
4 = Mild  Encourage fluid consumption to replace fluids lost through
5 = None
increased metabolism and diaphoresis.
 Administer medications or IV fluids (e.g., antipyretics,
antibacterial agents, and anti-shivering agents) to reduce fever.

Copyright © 2020 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

eNursing Care Plan 56-7

Nursing Diagnosis
Acute pain
Etiology: headache and muscle aches
Supporting data: general discomfort of head, joints, and muscles; apathy; grimacing on

Patient Goals
1. Reports satisfaction with pain control
2. Demonstrates no effects of pain
Outcomes (NOC) Interventions (NIC) and Rationales
Pain Level Pain Management
 Reported pain _____  Perform a comprehensive assessment of pain to include
 Facial expressions of location, characteristics, onset/duration, frequency, quality,
pain _____ intensity, or severity of pain, and precipitating factors to
 Muscle tension _____ plan care for the patient.
 Restlessness _____  Provide patient optimal pain relief with prescribed
analgesics to relieve pain.
Measurement Scale  Select and implement a variety of measures (e.g.,
1 = Severe pharmacologic, nonpharmacologic, interpersonal) to
2 = Substantial facilitate pain relief. Teach the use of nonpharmacologic
3 = Moderate techniques (e.g., relaxation, guided imagery, music therapy,
4 = Mild distraction, hot/cold application, and massage) before,
5 = None
after, and if possible, during painful activities; before pain
occurs or increases; and along with other pain relief
 Reduce or eliminate factors that precipitate or increase the
pain experience (e.g., fatigue, fear, monotony, and lack of
 Control environmental factors that may influence the
patient’s response to discomfort (e.g., room temperature,
lighting, noise) because pain can be exhausting to the
 Institute and modify pain control measures based on the
patient’s response.

Collaborative Problem
Potential Complication
Seizure activity related to cerebral irritation
Nursing Goals Nursing Interventions and Rationales
 Monitor for seizure activity  Monitor for seizure activity so that interventions can
 Carry out appropriate medical be initiated immediately.
and nursing interventions  Keep side rails up and padded to protect patient if a
 Report and record any seizure seizure occurs.
activity  Administer sedative and antiseizure medications, as
ordered, to control or prevent seizure activity.

Copyright © 2020 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

eNursing Care Plan 56-8

Nursing Goals Nursing Interventions and Rationales

 Perform interventions to treat underlying causes of
inflammatory brain condition to prevent seizure
ICP, Intracranial pressure; PRN, as needed.

Copyright © 2020 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

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