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" \, by Hans Wilhelm HUra OTCKaHMpOBaHa Ana Ki 4 Lowe Colors! (0-439-19288-9) Copyright © 2000 by Hans Wilhelm, Ine, ! Hate My Baw! 25519-3) Copyright © 1995 by Hans Wilhelm, Inc, f Lost My Tooth! (0-590-64230-8) Copyright © 1999 by Hans Wilhelm, Inc, Don't Cut My Hair! (0-590-30700-2) Copyright © 1997 by Hans Wilhelm, Ine. FAs Lost! (0-590-30699-5) Copyright © 1997 by Hans Wilhelm, Ine. It's Too Windy! (0-439-10849-7) nt © 2000 by Hans Wilhelm, Ine. All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Ine, SCHOLASTIC, SCHOLASTIC READER, CARTWHEEL BOOKS, and associated kogos ave trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc. publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or m or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, 0987654321 5678 9 10% in Singape 46 created This edits ively for Barnes dé Noble, linc. 2005 Barnes & Noble Books ISBN 0-7607-6771-8 This edition first printing, February 200 __ IT LOVE COLORS! by Hans Wilhelm I will make a picture. and BLUE. There are three colors: RED YELLOW, Oooops! I can use my tail as a brush. This looks good! I will do some more. Now I have three colors: | © RED nixed with YELLOW RED ORANGE, \ makes ORANGE. and YELLOW. My feet are still white.... Now they are BLUE! What will happen when I dip my YELLOW feet into BLUE? They turn GREEN! YELLOW mixed with BLUE makes GREEN. And now I will dip my RED tail into BLUE. What will happen? It turns PURPLE! Uh, oh! The paint is RED mixed with BLUE 7 getting sticky and stiff! makes PURPLE. Watch out! Here comes RAINBOW Dog! Splash!!! Now I’m myself again. o A i, 4 But maybe I should keep a little bit of color. What do you think? G ae \

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