Cultura Y Economia Regional de Asia: Tutor: Juliana Correa Jaramillo

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Tutor: Juliana Correa Jaramillo

Derly Yineth Oliveros Código 1421028128

Carolina Diaz Pinzon Código 1411022112


INDIAN CULTURE......................................................................................................................4
INDIAN MUSIC............................................................................................................................4
CUSTOMS OF INDIAN................................................................................................................5
RELIGION OF INDIAN................................................................................................................5
INDIAN FOOD..............................................................................................................................5
INDIAN ECONOMY....................................................................................................................5
INDIAN POLICY..........................................................................................................................6
INDIAN CULTURAL AND BUSINESS LABLES......................................................................6
CULTURE OF TAIWAN..............................................................................................................7
MUSIC OF TAIWAN....................................................................................................................7
CUSTOMS OF TAIWAN..............................................................................................................8
RELLIGION OF TAIWAN...........................................................................................................8
TAIWAN FOOD............................................................................................................................8
ECONOMY OF TAIWAN............................................................................................................8
TAIWAN POLICY........................................................................................................................9
TAIWAN CULTURAL AND BUSSINESS LABELS..................................................................9
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES............................................................................................................9
CULTURE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES...................................................................................10
MUSIC OF THE ENITED ARAB EMIRATES...........................................................................10
CUSTOMS OF THE ANITED ARAB EMIRATES....................................................................11
RELLIGION OF UNITED ARAB EMIRATES..........................................................................11
FOOD UNITES ARAB EMIRATES...........................................................................................11
ECONOMY UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.................................................................................11
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES POLICY.......................................................................................12
MAJOR TRADING PARTENRS............................................................................................................13
CORPORATE CULTURE......................................................................................................................16
HAVE PHYSICAL..........................................................................................................................17
PRODUCT OR SERVICE OFFER...........................................................................................................18
STRATEGIES SERVICE........................................................................................................................21
ECONOMIC STRATEGIES...................................................................................................................21

The history of India is an extensive journey plagued by invasions that shape today's India, full of
rich traditions and cultures. According to studies, the first Indian civilization dates from the year
3000 BC. At that time two great cities arose, Mohenjodaro and Harappa, where great temples were
built. The economy of these early civilizations was based on agriculture and trade. In the sixteenth
century BC the first invasion took place. This time the Aryans subjected the population and
introduced the iron armors and the Sanskrit language, which is the origin of almost all Indian
languages. With the wars of cavalry the empire went expanding to the north and the great empires
arose. The two great religions of India, Buddhism and Jainism, emerged in the sixth century BC,
when a great social and intellectual agitation took place.
The Indian culture is directly influenced by the religions that predominate in this region, with
Buddhism in the lead. The first artistic manifestations within the Indian culture, dating from the
beginning of the Harappa Culture, is in ceramics and engraved stamps. The Indian Literature was
present in the first steps of cultural formation of this country, it is affirmed that the first sacred
books date from the Vedic period, which have great cultural importance, such as the Mahabharata
and the Ramayana. While in the period of the Maurya Empire the growth of the artistic currents
Architecture is another significant link within the Indian culture, it presents as a fundamental
material the stone and the palmettes as decorative themes, zoomorphic capitals and lions that
symbolized the Buddha. Already for this time the fever of Buddhism begins and the constructions
of this region with veneration to this religion become typical.
The origin of Hindu or Indian music is not well defined, but it could be said that the first musical
manifestations took place in the years 3000 and 1500 BC. In those times the musical instruments
consisted of a kind of wind instrument, similar to a trumpet (nadasuaram), accompanied by a kind
of drum (tavil). It can be said that the music of India is divided into two major groups: sacred and
profane music. The first of them consists of an extensive improvisation with a single melodic line,
very similar to the songs that were sung in the Western Middle Ages. For a long time in religious
music only hymns and texts of the so-called Veda, which is the sacred book of Hinduism, were
sung. In the fourteenth century, India suffered the Muslim invasion, which brought with it a change
in the arts and music of the region. At that time the country was divided into two large groups: to
the north the first manifestations of Islamic-Hindu music (Hindustani) began, which was
characterized by greater freedom in style and greater elegance in its form; while in the southern part
they continued faithful to the musical tradition and began to compose a more austere (carnatic) type
of music.

It is very difficult to know the customs or at least of most of them when you visit a country for the
first time. India is a country of deep-rooted customs, remember that this is a region with a millenary
culture. One of the most atypical examples of their customs is the greeting, which is expressed by
saying the word namaste and joining hands in front of the chest, under the cheeks, between a man
and a woman in this region is inappropriate to hug or shake hands, Not so in the case of the same
sex, it is common in this country to see two men walk with their hands taken, which would be rare
in any region of Europe or America
For the region of India the oldest civilization dates from 2500 BC, this was developed in the last
days of the valley on the Indus creek, hence the provenance of the name that today has this nation.
This civilization does not have data containing any religious content, what is known for sure is that
they built towns and cities before the Mesopotamians and Egyptians. Among the first
representations that appeared in Hindu religious folklore is that of the goddess Shiva, this image
appeared in Mohenjo-Daro, in the capitals of the Indus valley. Already for the 1500 a.d.c. and for a
thousand years the Vedic religion is developed in India. It is called in this way by its sacred books,
the Vedas, which are still used in the cults of the Hindu religion. In Hinduism the ages of religion
and life are divided into four and these are not measured in a linear, but circular, so for example if
we are now in a decadent era, a golden age awaits, ie the return to the beginning of the new world
and the return to peace and tranquility. In India there are countless temples and gods, which are
worshiped under the same Buddhist precepts
The food of India, like its culture and traditions, are the result of the mixture of several cultural
belonging to the different countries that have invaded the country through the centuries. The natives
and emigrants living in the country were incorporating culinary techniques and flavors, to conform
what is now known as Indian cuisine, known internationally as one of the most exuberant cuisines,
due to the use of spices and vegetables, which give it distinctive touch. The fundamental food that is
never missing in the Indian table is the Chapatis, consisting of pieces of flour, with water and
without yeast, which are roasted supported by a pincer. This dish is used as a complement for all
meals of the day
The Indian economy has resisted better than other emerging countries to the slowdown in the global
economy, and has taken advantage of low oil prices in recent years. According to figures from the
IMF, the Indian economy grew 7.3% in 2018, which corresponds to the highest growth in two
years, and the strongest since the first quarter of 2016, driven by a rebound in industrial activity,
especially in manufacturing and manufacturing bulding and an expansion of agriculture. The sectors
that registered growth above 7% include manufacturing; electricity, gas and water supply;
construction, and public administration and defense. India also registered the third highest growth in
the world in 2018. It is expected that the growth continue to rise in the next two years, with figures
of 7.4% in 2019 and 7.7% in 2020.
India's fiscal deficit was USD 101.93 billion at the end of November 2018. This corresponds to
114.8% of the budget set for that year, mainly due to lower income compliance and increased
spending, with a debt proportional to GDP that remains high. This corresponds to a slight increase
with respect to the previous year of the budgetary objective (112%). The inflation rate grew from
3.6% in 2017 to 4.7% in 2018. However, the economy seeks to move towards a more stable pricing
regime. In addition, in 2018 the government deficit was -6.6% of GDP, and this figure is expected
to continue in the following years. In 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi continued his program
of reforms with the aim of cleaning up public accounts, promoting investment and industrial
development, and improving the business climate.

Form of government India is a federal republic based on a parliamentary democracy. Executive
power The President is the head of state and is elected by an electoral college formed by elected
members of the two houses of parliament and the provincial legislative assemblies for a term of five
years. The Prime Minister is the head of the Government and is elected by the parliamentary
members of the majority party after the holding of legislative elections to exercise for a period of
five years. The President, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, appoints the ministerial
cabinet. The legislative power the legislative assembly is bicameral. The Parliament consists of the
Council of States and the Popular Assembly. The citizens of India enjoy a considerable number of
political rights. Main political parties-Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP): pro-Hindu right-wing party and
nationalist ideology, heads the National Democratic National Alliance (NDA). In the 2014
elections, it doubled its number of deputies, achieving the first solitary majority in its history. -Party
of the Indian National Congress (CNI): one of the main Indian political parties, which was
committed to the movement for the independence of the country. He leads the United Progressive
Alliance (UPA), currently in opposition. The CNI has been affected by different corruption scandals
and has been accused of economic management problems. Its number of seats went from 206 to 44
in the 2014 elections
India has historically been marked by a considerable difference of classes, strictly confirmed during
centuries of history, but which, nevertheless, has managed to revert considerably during the last
decade. For more than 10 years, we have seen the emergence of an emerging middle class that has
captured many job opportunities and has diminished that cultural-economic-social difference
between a high and powerful class and a very low and no fixed employment. This is the reason why
India has adapted to Western customs and cultural ways when doing business, in order to offer a
more attractive market without barriers for all those who come from abroad and want to market
with this Asian giant
The long-term index (Long-Term Orientation Index) shows that India has a persevering and
parsimonious culture when it comes to doing business. With respect to religions, what you need to
know about India is that it is predominantly Hindu, with 81% of its population practicing. Then the
Muslims occupy 12% of the citizenship. Negotiation Strategies
Most of the companies and companies in India are family, of several generations, and the rest
belong to the State, so the treatment and the way of doing business can sometimes be a bit
bureaucratic. For your negotiation to be successful, it is very important to keep in mind certain

At first, the island of Taiwan was inhabited by people from the Malay and Polynesian islands, until
the arrival of the Portuguese in the sixteenth century, who gave it in the name of Formosa
(Beautiful), shortly before the arrival of the Spanish. There were several conflicts between them
over the possession of the island, which were aggravated with the arrival of Zheng Chenggong, a
Chinese military leader who had intentions of colonizing the island. Despite this, Spain again sent
an expedition to Taiwan, who founded the city of San Salvador east of the island, which was
currently free of pirate attacks. From that moment, the island was baptized as All Saints, although
its peace would not last long, as the frequent conflicts with natives and Dutch eventually forced the
Spanish to withdraw in 1642. The period of Dutch domination would not prosper too much, since
that the troops of Zheng Chenggong expelled them definitively in 1662.The government of the
island was in charge of Zheng Chenggong until the year 1683, when his constant struggles against
the Qing Dynasty ended up weakening him so much that he was forced to accept the surrender.
During the next almost 2 centuries, Taiwan would continue to be ruled by the natives, isolated and
forgotten by all. In 1895, China ceded to Taiwan the Taiwanese territory, after the end of the war
between the two nations, but the inhabitants of the island did not agree with this condition, so there
was a revolt and the Independent Republic of Formosa was founded, it had a sad ending 148 days
after its birth, since the Japanese occupied Taiwan anyway.
Counting on an incredible historical background, the culture of Taiwan has been influenced by non-
Chinese aboriginal groups that have mixed with societies as diverse as the Dutch culture and
Spanish culture, resulting in a surprising range of colors and varied customs. The culture of Taiwan
is greatly marked by diverse facets of a society whose origin goes back to about five thousand years
ago, being as old as other oriental civilizations like the culture of China, the culture of Japan and the
culture of Korea. When you observe the diversity of customs and traditions that the culture of
Taiwan has you can appreciate a series of festivals and popular festivals, as well as a great variety
of ceremonies celebrated by the different beliefs that inhabit the country and that combine the
traditional art with the elements of modernism. The puppets are part of one of the most relevant
cultural manifestations that can be seen in traditional Taiwanese art, so contemporary with
traditional Chinese art.
Western ecclesiastical music came to Taiwan for the first time during the Dutch pre-sence in the
seventeenth century. The Spaniards, who occupied northern Taiwan around the same time, brought
music from the Catholic Church and military band instruments. In the second half of the nineteenth
century, several schools founded by Presbyterian pastors began to teach music, which was the
beginning of the education of Western music in Taiwan. During the following Japanese colonial
era, all the schools in Taiwan founded during that regime taught Western music, in view of the fact
that a Western educational system had already been adopted in Japan. This created the framework
for the first generation of Taiwanese musicians who received training in Japan. Among them,
Chang Fu-xing established the first Western music group of Taiwan, the Linglong Society, in 1920.
Taiwan's first public symphony orchestra (now the Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra) was
established in 1945 by the Taiwan Commando the Taiwan Garrison. After that, the Taipei
Symphony Orchestra and the United Experimental Orchestra of Taiwan (now the National
Symphony Orchestra) were founded in 1969 and 1986, respectively.
Due to a varied historical background, the culture of the island is very diverse and rich. In the
historical development of Taiwan, non-Chinese aboriginal peoples, primitive Chinese settlers from
Fukien and Jakhas, the Dutch, Spaniards, Japanese and modern Chinese from the mainland have
intervened. In Taiwan, as the traditional cultures have been preserved, you can see the aboriginal,
Chinese and Taiwanese culture, while there are historical remains left by the Dutch and Japanese. In
Taiwan the national language is Mandarin Chinese, but many speak Minnanhua (Chinese dialect
spoken in Fujian and other places), since a large part of the population comes from the Chinese
province of Fujian. A small part of jakas and aborigines, still retain their native languages.
As far as religious beliefs are concerned, Taiwan is extremely diversified. They practice Buddhism,
Taoism, Christianity, Mormonism, Moon practices (Church for the Unification of Universal
Christianity), Hinduism as well as native sects such as Yiguandao and others.
Being Taiwan an island, fish is abundant. That's why seafood is the most typical thing in Taiwan.
Also the rice, cooked, in soup, or porridge, is very typical accompanying tapas of vegetables or
nuts. What is typical of Taiwan's current food is its way of cooking. The flavors are rather smooth,
with many sweet and sour dishes. All types of cooking, such as steaming, baking, frying and
sautéing, are worth trying. The jaka cuisine is very special, with foods dried in the sun, and pickled.
The jaka food is stronger, a little more salty, being its typical dish a kind of scrambled tofu,
vegetables, meat and seafood sliced and sautéed, called "siaochao jaka". Pork, seafood, rice and soy
are very common ingredients. Veal is much less common, and some Taiwanese (especially the older
ones) continue to avoid consuming it. This is partly due to the fact that some Taiwanese are
Buddhists, to the traditional resistance to sacrificing livestock useful for agriculture and to the
emotional attachment to these farm animals. Interestingly, the Taiwanese version of noodle soup
with cow is still one of the most popular dishes in the country, despite this traditional dislike.
Vegetarian restaurants with a wide menu are also common, mainly due to the influence of
Taiwan, located in East Asia, has an area of 35,980 km2 with what is among the smallest countries.
Taiwan, with a population of 23,571,000 people, has a high percentage of immigration, is also in
position 56 of the population table, composed of 196 countries and has a high population density,
with 655 inhabitants per km2. Its capital is Taipei and its currency New Taiwanese dollars. Taiwan
is the 21st economy by GDP volume. Its public debt in 2017 was 180,797 million euros, with a debt
of 35% of GDP. Its per capita debt is € 7,415 per capita. There are some variables that can help you
to know something more if you are going to travel to Taiwan or simply want to know more about
the standard of living of its inhabitants. The GDP per capita is a very good indicator of the standard
of living and in the case of Taiwan, in 2018, it was € 21,189 euros, which is why it is ranked 38 out
of the 196 countries in the GDP per capita ranking. If the reason to visit Taiwan is business, it is
useful to know that Taiwan is in 13th place of the 190 that make up the Doing Business ranking,
which classifies countries according to the ease they offer to do business. As for the Corruption
Perception Index of the public sector in Taiwan, it has been 63 points, thus, its inhabitants have a
low level of perception of government corruption. In the tables at the bottom of the page you can
expand information on the economy and demographics of Taiwan and if you want to see
information about any other country you can do it from economy countries.
Taiwan is governed according to the Constitution adopted in 1947 and amended subsequently. The
island is characterized by having a political system by which, although in practice all the
characteristic structures of a sovereign state have been developed, it formally constitutes one more
province of China. Furthermore, neither the nationalist government established on the island, heir to
the former government of the whole of China until its transfer to Taiwan in 1949, nor the People's
Republic of China have recognized their mutual existence. As a result, for many years in Taiwan,
two levels of government structure have survived: the administration existing in mainland China
prior to 1949, and transferred to the island, and the administration developed in Taiwan as of that
date; the first had a formal predominance over the second until the 1990s.
Taiwan is predominantly Chinese, it is a country that was born from a part of the population
emigrated from China for political reasons, which makes its culture very similar to that of the Asian
giant. Despite being a small island, it has a population of 22 million inhabitants, which makes it a
very interesting and varied business market. Its economy is fully capitalist although it also has
mixtures of communism that reigns in China, it is a very complex economic-cultural-society.
Taiwan has one of the highest longevity indexes in the world, so you will notice that the vast
majority of managers or CEOs of companies are very old men. This is also because they believe in
experience more than in any other virtue.
There is no single religion in Taiwan, although all of them derive from the thoughts of the Chinese
philosopher Confucius, therefore, they all have things in common and the same ideological-spiritual


The United Arab Emirates was formed from organized Arabian Peninsula sheikhdoms tribes along
the southern coast of the Persian Gulf and the northwest coast of the Gulf of Oman. The rise of
Islam, the arrival of the messengers of the Prophet Muhammad in the year 630 announced the
conversion of the inhabitants of the region to Islam. In any case, on the death of the Prophet in 632,
a revolt was harshly suppressed by the first Caliph Abu Bakr. Already in 637 the Islamic army used
the city of Julfar, in the current Emirate of Ra's al-Khaimah, as an advance in its conquest of Iran
and then the entire region became a strategic area for the sovereigns of the caliphs of Abasí and
Ommeyad. Later, part of the nation was under the direct influence of the Ottoman Empire during
the sixteenth century. Portuguese and English presence for the Arab populations of the region the
consequences of the landing of the Portuguese in the Gulf were atrocious. The conquerors, with the
complicity of the local sheikhs, directly exploited the natural resources of the country, particularly
the fruitful fishing of large pearls. As the Portuguese explorer Pedro Teixeira will narrate, each year
a fleet of 50 boats departed from Julfar to reach the pearl banks throughout Europe. Faced with the
growing exaltation of Europeans by the pearls of the Gulf, the great Venetian jeweler Gasparo Balbi
went personally to Julfar in the year 1580 so as not to miss such a powerful source of wealth.From
the year 1790, the city of Abu Dhabi thus becomes an important political center of all Bani Yas
groups. The Sheikh of Abu Falah of the Al Nahyani family of Bani Yas, left Liwa to settle there. At
the beginning of the 19th century the members of the Al Bu Falasah tribe, a branch of the Bani Yas,
settled in the places of Dubai and established the kingdom of the Maktoum. After the defeat of the
powerful tribe of the Qawasim and the destruction of their fleet, the British concluded a series of
agreements with the sheikhs of each emirate, which consequently gave rise to the so-called states of
The United Arab Emirates are part of the Khaliji tradition of the Persian Gulf, also known as
Bedouin folk music. The liwa is a type of music and dance played mainly in the communities that
house descendants of East Africans. During the celebrations singing and dancing can take place;
many of these songs and dances have been transmitted from generation to generation, managing to
survive today. The young women dance by oscillating their hair and swinging their bodies to the
rhythm of the loud music. Young people recreate battles or successful hunting expeditions often
using symbolic swords or rifles repressed by sticks. Hollywood and Bollywood movies are popular
in Dubai. The United Arab Emirates has a very active musical environment, as musicians such as
Amr Diab, Diana Haddad, Tarkan, Aerosmith, Santana, Mark Knopfler, Elton John, Pink, Bon Jovi,
Pink Floyd, Shakira, Celine Dion, Cold Play, and Phil Collins have performed in this country. Kylie
Minogue was paid 4.4 million dollars to perform during the inauguration of the Atlantis hotel on
November 20, 2008.
Arabic music is the music of the Arab countries, which have the Arabic language and Islam in
common. It includes under this category genres of classical, popular, profane and religious music.
Arabic music has been in contact with other regional musics, such as Persian, Turkish, Indian,
Berber, Swahili, Andalusian and European. As in other areas of science or the arts, Muslims
translated the ancient treatises of music theory from Greek into Arabic, and assimilated the
principles of the enharmonic, chromatic and diatonic systems.
Arabic music is characterized by the primacy of melody and rhythm over harmony. The usual thing
is that the music is of monochrome texture, although there are also some examples of Arabic music
with a polyphonic texture. From the melodic point of view the Arabic musical system is based on
the octave divided into 24 quarters of tone, a system difficult to assimilate by the ears accustomed
to Western music, educated tonal and harmonic in an octave divided into 12 semitones and
oblivious to the microtonalism.
The dress code while Islamic is not mandatory, unlike neighboring Saudi Arabia, many of the older
and younger Emirati men prefer to wear the dishdash a white robe that reaches to the ankles, made
with wool or cotton, while Very few women wear black abaya on their other garments, which
covers most of the body. These tunics are particularly suitable for the hot and dry climate of the
UAE Western-style clothing is also quite popular, especially among young people. The label is an
important aspect in the culture and tradition of the E.A.U. and visitors are expected to comply.
Recently, many expatriates have not respected the laws being imprisoned for not wearing enough
clothes on the beaches, some have even been caught completely naked.
Islam is the official religion of the state, as well as the largest religion in the United Arab Emirates.
According to the CIA World Factbook, 76% of the country's population is Muslim. Christians are
the largest minority community that represents approximately 9% of the country's population.
Followers of other religions represent the remaining 15% of the population. Among the other
religions practiced in the country, Hindus and Buddhists have the highest representation.
The majority of Muslims in the United Arab Emirates, around 85%, are Sunnis. The remaining
Muslim population consists mainly of Shia Muslims. Sufi influences are also visible in the country.
The Ibadi Muslims are mainly immigrants from Oman. Sharia courts have significant authority in
the United Arab Emirates. Punishments such as flogging, amputation, stoning, etc., are imposed on
those involved in adultery, alcohol consumption or other crimes that go against Islamic principles.
Sharia law also guides personal matters such as marriage, divorce, etc., in the country.
United Arab Emirates is known for being one of the best dining destinations with an incomparable
multicultural cuisine. You will be seductive your taste buds with a mix of Asian and Middle Eastern
influences. The Emirati cuisine constitutes several hearty dishes surprisingly seasoned with a
variety of dishes.
Traditionally the main dishes should eat in the UAE include the dates, camel dairy products, fish,
meat, rice, spices, etc. Bzar, that is, the Emirati spice mix is a test to this and also constitutes things
like cardamom, pepper, cilantro, nutmeg and ginger and soon. One can easily access other dishes
that come from international cuisine, ranging from Japanese sushi to Western-style pizza, and make
it easy to overlook local food. Large cities not only provide all the international cuisine but also
offer that, also, the big hotels have captured chefs from all over the world. The restaurants of typical
food of the Middle East serve the classics of Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. In the UAE it is
easier to eat international food than Arab food but, if we are lucky enough to have access to it, it is a
must. In the UAE we find bottled water at a very good price, tap water, despite Desalination is
impossible to take because of its flavor. Fruit juices, all imaginable, even avocado. The coffee is
drunk all day, even perfumed with cardamom and previously sweetened.
The UAE has an open economy with high GDP per capita and expressive trade surpluses.
Successful efforts to diversify the economy reduced the share of oil and natural gas in the gross
domestic product to only 25%. Since the discovery of oil in the UAE more than 30 years ago, the
country has gone through a profound transformation, from a region of poor principalities in the
middle of the desert to a modern country with a high standard of living. Government spending
expanded the creation of jobs, and the expansion of infrastructure increased the economic
involvement of the private sector. The territory of the Emirates is in its entirety desert. For this
reason, traditional economic activities are limited to the collection of dates, fishing and the raising
of camels.
The seven emirs of E.A.U form the supreme council, the main governing body. These are elected
every five years. Although it is not official, the president of the country is by inheritance a sheikh of
the emirate of Abu Dhabi and the prime minister, a sheikh of the emirate of Dubai. The Supreme
Council is also in charge of electing the council of ministers, while a federal national assembly of
40 members, chosen from all the emirates, is in charge of reviewing the laws proposed by the
government. There is also a federal judicial system, all states except Dubai and Ras Al-Jaymah have
joined this federal system. All emirates impart Islamic and secular law for civil, criminal cases and
in the Supreme Court, in western terms we can equate this system with a constitutional monarchy.
Requirements: 1. With these (3) countries already defined, each group must make a preselection
matrix (Excel), where each country registers the most recent figures for each of the following
macroeconomic variables: - Total GDP - Inflation - Rate of unemployment - Human Development
Index (HDI) - Doing Business (regulations to do business) - Exchange rate (Colombian pesos) -
International reserves - External debt / GDP (External debt over GDP) 2. Carry out an analysis of
the data obtained in the matrix, where the importance of each variable is evidenced with solid
arguments. According to the criteria of the group, select the country with the best and most
competitive macroeconomic figures presented (justify your choice).

It is a country that has always been characterized by the world for its mysticism, religiosity and
cultural richness, however, in recent decades it has presented a new characteristic that is worthy of
admiration, an economic growth. The country has had an extraordinary development based on the
overexploitation of its inhabitants, which is possible since the Indian society is governed by a caste
system that allows the payment of denigrating wages despite the high degree of studies of its
workers. Inflation has also contributed greatly because, since the currency's purchasing power is
very low, it forces workers to do any type of work for intensive days, this, together with a massive
migration to large urban centers, concentrates the population and maximizes work, in addition to a
series of liberal reforms in the field of economy. India is positioned in comparison with the other
advanced economies in sixth place worldwide (under the USA, China, Japan, Germany, the United
Kingdom, India and France), in the case of the BRICS, it ranks second after China, since just two
years ago it has just surpassed Russia and Brazil, and is in first place in the South Asia region. This
tells us about the good performance of Indian GDP, however, this economic takeoff is only three
years ago. The poverty index, defined by the World Bank as the percentage of the population with a
daily income of less than 1.9 dollars, has been reduced to less than half.
Taiwan's economy currently shows slowed growth, due to lower demand from its trading partners,
and as a result of tensions between China and the United States. GDP grew 2.18%, it is the 21st
economy in the ranking of the 196 countries, exports of goods and services grew by 5.99 percent
compared to the previous year, exceeding an estimate made in May of an increase in 5.93 percent,
thanks to the emerging technological applications and the demand for machinery, says DGBAS.
The unemployment rate in Taiwan reached 3.7% in 2018, which represents a reduction of 0.05
percentage points with respect to the previous year and its lowest level in 18 years according to the
General Directorate of Budget, Accounting and Statistics. It is in the 13th place of the "Doing
Business" of the 196 that make up this ranking, which classifies the countries according to the ease
they offer to do business. In the last year Taiwan has improved its position, since the previous year
it was in the 15th, so it has become easier to do business and it is the second country where the
opening license is most easily obtained, after Hong Kong, in it it is quite easy to connect to the
electricity network compared to the rest of the countries
Today, the United Arab Emirates is known for having the largest oil reserve in the world and the
seventh largest natural gas reserve. The 2 most important cities are the capital Abu Dahbi and
Dubai. The country ranks 23rd in the world ranking, for its ease of doing business there, as
measured by the World Bank. It should be noted that the nation has the most diversified economy in
the Middle East.
Regarding international reserves, it reached $ 463,040 million dollars, which represents an increase
of 1,260 million dollars (1,118 million euros) with respect to the previous month, mainly due to
gains in the management of island currencies and appreciation. of the euro and other currencies in
the Taiwanese portfolio, guaranteeing financial stability.



Taiwan enjoys trade surplus with China, Hong Kong, United States and Singapore. The large
surplus with Hong Kong, more than 39,719 million Americans last year in 2017 dollars, meets its
status as intermediate destination of Taiwanese exports. The surplus it has with the People's
Republic of China is equally broad, touching the 38,940 million US dollars. With the European
Union, Taiwan has a trade deficit, importing about 2,000 million US dollars more than it exports.
With regard to Japan, given its status as the country supplier, who is leading Taiwan recorded
deficit levels. In 2017 the deficit with this country became more than 21.000 million US dollars.
The UAE is the 32nd largest export economy in the world and the most complex economy 54th
according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). In 2017, the UAE exported $ 142 thousand
million and imported $ 175 bn, resulting in a negative trade balance of $ 34 bn. In 2017 the GDP of
UAE was $ 382 bn and its per capita GDP was $ 73.9 Miles. The main exports are UAERaw oil ($
39.9 bn), Petroleum refining ($ 21.2 bn) Gold ($20.2 bn), diamonds ($ 8.22 bn) and Gas oil($ 7.92
bn), according to the classification of the Harmonized System (HS). Its main imports areGold ($
17.2 bn), Jewelry ($ 10.5 bn), cars ($ 8.62 bn), diamonds ($ 8.32 bn) and Petroleum refining ($ 8.16
The main export destinations are UAEIndia ($ 22.1 bn), Japan ($ 18.8 bn), China ($ 11.4 bn), Oman
($ 10.1 bn) and Switzerland ($ 10 bn). The main sources of imports areChina ($ 28.6 bn), India ($
28 bn), Germany ($ 12.2 bn), the United Kingdom ($ 9.6 bn) and Turkey ($ 9.2 bn).
Exports in 2017 the UAE exported $ 142 thousand million, which is the 32nd largest exporter in the
world. Over the past five years, exports of UAE has decreased at an annualized rate of -6.7%, from
$ 181 bn in 2012 to $ 142 million in 2017. Thousands of Latest exports are led by exportsRaw oil,
Representing 28.1% of total exports of UAE, followed by Petroleum refining, Representing 15%..

In Taiwanese business culture, the hierarchy is very important, therefore it is more successful and
productive meeting with senior officers of the company have the ability to make decisions. His
delegation must be level. During meetings may stop to answer a call, this should not be taken as a
lack of respect, it is very common in business practice in Taiwan, most certainly also because their
partners have more business to attend to. If you are attaching written material for your
presentations, you should be careful that they are translated into English and Mandarin, in Taiwan
both languages are spoken, but some employers prefer more than the other. Usually the meetings
are extended too, because what entrepreneurs Taiwanese take their time to listen and to express
their views, so no need to show desire or pressure decisions, this could be frowned upon and in the
worst case cases affect negotiations.


 Personal and lasting relationships are critical in business to create ties and very good long-
term trade links
 Arabs are excellent negotiators and demand for money on products and / or services
 It is not advisable to talk about politics or make value judgments
 English is perfectly widespread in the country, but it is good to know expressions in Arabic
 It is crucial to show respect for the culture, religion and customs of the country
 It is essential to show patience in the negotiations and show no haste or nervousness at
meetings because denotes concern and to display an image of security and serenity
 Do not show the sole of your shoe, it is highly offensive.
 Do not shake hands with his left hand
 Business proposals are based on knowledge and personal relationships. Time must be taken
to meet your possible future business partner.
 "Yes" it is not a deal that could mean "possibly".



T4. Tea for U

Allen Cheng created in 2004 original brand tea Taiwan, with more than 402 stores worldwide and
barely a decade it has spread through Southeast Asia, England and the United States, in 2016
decides to enter the Colombian market, currently has nine stores in Bogota and Medellin, it is also
expected to join the heroic city of Cartagena de Indias, finally having a projection of 30 points in
2020 our country. Taiwanese tea seek to provide drinks based on tea that besides being delicious are
healthy, it is an excellent antioxidant that fights free radicals foreseeing the aging of cells, it helps
burn fat, stimulates the immune system, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol blood, protects the
gastrointestinal system and reduces stress among many other benefits to improve our health.
It has more than 44 flavors which are divided into flower tea, fruit tea, smoothie, classic Taiwanese
tea, especially milk crown cream, Special Taiwan, super foods and additions bubble tea which are
the pelas of Asian tapioca pudding tropical jelly, aloe, chia, oats etc..., to sweeten their drinks get
the best healthy low calorie sugar extracted 100% of sugarcane with only 1/3 of fructose calories ½
calories of a sugar cube. It is also characterized by rigorous quality control, both of the ingredients
and their final product. Have likewise processes of extraction and preparation of tea of the highest
technology to offer consumers the best tasting tea.

Going hand in hand with the shift that has occurred in recent years to seek healthier and fit options.
Social trend is concern about eating foods that do not affect the health and instead provide benefits,
without neglecting those foods that consumers expect to be in good taste. In the segment of natural
drinks there is a strong reception for places that offer different alternatives. An article in Portfolio
Magazine (2017) reads as follows: "The trend for healthy living, where food is key, has meant that
today more people consume more natural juices" increasingly Colombian consumers will migrating
the habit of drinking soft drinks to more healthy as tea”.

The sector of food and beverage industry will grow 7% achieved superior sales to 25,000 million
dollars in 2021 according Invest in Bogotá. With regard to cities, Bogotá is the largest center of
consumption in the country, with 57%, followed by Antioquia (15%), Valle del Cauca (8%),
Bolivar (6%) and Atlantic (5%). Bogotá, with a middle class that represents 51.6% of the
population, has a robust market for food and beverage industry with high added value. It has been
observed that the rate of consumption of Bogota households has grown by 4% a year. It is therefore
the center of increased consumption of this industry in Colombia. (Portfolio Article - Food and
Beverage Industry)

T4 has generated employment opportunities and entrepreneurship in the country.

The ASUS brand is a Taiwanese computer company specializing in the manufacture of laptops,
hybrid 2 in 1, desktops, tablets and Smartphone. It is the fifth largest computer maker world's
largest, behind Lenovo, HP, Dell and Acer andleading gaming motherboards and internationally, as
well as one of the top three notebook manufacturers in the world. It also develops products
augmented reality and virtual, as well as IOT devices and robotic technologies. Recently, ASUS has
introduced the Zenbo, a smart home robot designed to assist, entertain and keep company with
Asus has spent 10 years in Colombia and the company is the largest market in Latin America,
therefore, they seek to offer a premium quality and experience. Cell phones, ranging from high-end
to low-end laptops with better technology, smart watches etc... Being products with excellent value
for money. The ZenBook 3 laptop is very similar to Apple MacBook computer; It features a
lightweight design, manufacture aluminum making it a perfect team for all users who want to get
portability and performance. On the other hand, is the Transformer 3 Pro, a team 2 in 1, very similar
to Microsoft Surface, is focused on creative users, since it has a touch screen, a magnetic keyboard
and a stylus for drawing.
The technology sector Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the country has had
a steady development in recent years, the trend is in units maximum 3% in the country. In January
and February 2019, in the notebook market has sold 137,696 units.
In Colombia there are about 4,000 companies in the technology industry, of which 80% are located
in the Central Region of the country, 4% in the Northern Region, 6% in the West Region, 4% in the
Oriente region the rest are scattered throughout the rest of the nation. The added value general
operation Asus in Colombia has helped this sector have a better development meet the needs of
consumers, the constant generation of new products and services thus achieving a strengthening in
the economy and employment where structural changes in production devices generate prosperity,
higher incomes, export capacity, better jobs and increased quality of life of society. According to
LR the Republic article informs us that "the most recent figures from the company GFK, asus is the
second leading brand in Colombia in notebook sales with a market share of 24.8%. With 30
employees in the country.

Taking into account the new business trends and the high possibilities to participate at this moment
is the time to venture into new alternatives that favor us. One of these opportunities is services in
Spanish (BPO). Business process outsourcing, this expression refers to the outsourcing of business
processes functions to both internal and external service providers. The trend towards advertising by
employees, insurance companies, telecommunications and retail of multinationals; taking into
account the increase in turnover in Latin America this translates into more developments in
Company that was taken into account to propose a service (BPO) TECNOLOGIA Y LOGISTICA
SATELITRACK LTDA, NIT. 900, 112,285 -8
A complete system of order handling, storage and order control, customer maintenance.

Permanent control which allows to take correct and timely decision

Click And Sell, It is an adaptable solution, simple to manage that pretends to offer its customers
improvement in their processes, this system provides the opportunity to unify online control
activities for suppliers, distributors, warehouse operators, transporters and final customer, assuming
that the supply chain is do with more vigilance and credibility

Intensive strategies

 Product development
 Continuously improve and innovate by providing alternate service for all types of
 Market Development
 Create new branches in strategic points
 Look for new users and market segments.

Differentiation strategies

 Having highly trained

 Have a liability insurance packages to their destination .


Maintenance Strategy

 Keep the prices established in relation to the market by creating internal policies

Delivery pricing strategy by area

 Determining a base price areas: Costa, Sierra, Eastern and Insular cover consumer surplus
 Establish exclusive prices for areas of greater and lesser competition

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