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Children will love this

little book about

‘boring’ rainy,
snowy days when there
is nothing to do.
When there are no new books
and nothing to
watch on the TV.
That’s when one should
mix it up…

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
Up in the Air

Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

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When you stand at your window

And look down and around.
You will see great, many things
Moving on the ground.
Bugs, bullfrogs, babies,
Buses, cars, cats and a silly clown.
Everywhere you look you’ll see
Something rushing up and down.
But if you are bored of looking down,
Lift your head and look around.
You will find up in the air,
As many things are to be found.
There are things that glide.
There are things that fly.
There are things that hover.
And things that zoom by.
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Birds of all shapes and sizes

Flap their way across the sky.
Eagles, crows, sparrows, robins
And the mountain black-eye.
Beware of flying things that sting
Like mosquitoes and honeybees.
Enjoy the moths and butterflies,
That float by softly like the breeze.
Scrunch your eyes and look really close
When you see something above hover.
If it’s super tiny, it’s a hummingbird
If it’s noisy and huge - a helicopter.
If you feel left out of all that fun
Don’t cry and don’t complain.
Just grow up to be a pilot
And you can fly an airplane.
You can zoom around the world
Whenever, wherever you want to.
And just in case you feel lonesome
Take your folks along too.
But if you want to go up
Much higher than that,
You could become an astronaut
And get into the spacecraft.
You could go to the moon,
To Jupiter, Venus and Mars.
And someday in a space rocket
You could reach for the stars.
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But if you want to fly up high

Right now and right here.
Try airships or hot air balloons
To float from here to there.
But wait, there’s so much more
If you want to be up in the air.
Gliding and parasailing
Are sports for those who dare.
And when you are tired and dizzy
From all the zooming around.
You could still be up in the air
From right here on the ground.
Get your kite, get your balloon
And fly it into the sky.
Watch it bob and dive and dance
Against the clouds that float by.
So when you stand at your window,
Look up and down and all around.
There are many, many things
up in the air
Just as there are on the ground.
Why Fit in When You Were Born to
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A fun poem about all the thinks that fly,
zoom and hover

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
This book brings the concept of
diversity, or being different, into a
simple perspective for the young

Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

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"How was school?"

Sally’s mom asked.
"It was fine," she said with a big smile.
"But my teacher, Ms. Talbert, started talking about
something I didn’t understand.
She called it DIVERSITY."
"Hey mom! What is DIVERSITY?"
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"Sally, let me get you a snack and

I will explain what it really means."
"I have red hair, you have strawberry-blond hair, and
your Dad has … NO HAIR."
Sally laughed at the way her mother said no hair.
"Everyone’s hair is different. Different colors,
styles, lengths. It can be straight, curly or
in between. And sometimes it’s not even there."
"You are a girl and your little brother is a boy.
You are both human but different.
I am old and you are young.
We are different ages."
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"Your friend Jaylynn lives with her sister and father,

and her mother lives in another state.
They are a family just like us, but there are
"You have a brother and she has a sister.
You have both a father and mother at home,
she only has a father."
"We live in a house and Jaylynn
lives in an apartment."
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"They are both places to live but

they are different."
"You like the color purple and your brother likes the
color red.You both have a special color but
the colors are different.
You like soccer and your brother likes baseball.
You both like sports but the sports are different."
"Hey mom! I understand!" Sally shouted.
"Even though things are the same, they are
different and that is DIVERSITY.
I like being different. I can’t imagine everyone
and everything being the same."
Why Fit in
When You Were
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This book brings the concept of
diversity, or being different, into a
simple perspective for the young

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
A frothy, little tale of fun and games.
A playful book full of wonderful
illustrations and quirky tricks that will
have every child wanting to reach for
the wand and become a bubble scientist.
Published by monkey pen publishing 2015
“Wow!” Tristan said as he watched the man on
the street corner make bubbles.

Big bubbles, little bubbles, tiny bubbles too.

Bubbles from a wand, some landing on his shoe.

Bubbles in the air, bubbles on the ground,

Bubbles blowing on the wind, making a popping sound.

Their colors like a rainbow, their shape so round and true.

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere. Look - that one is blue.”

Tristan thought to himself.

“I just have to find out how to make those bubbles.”

So, he walked up to the man and asked him how he did it.

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“Excuse me, Sir,” Tristan said.
“I have never seen bubbles like that
and I would really like to know how to make them.
They are the most beautiful things I have ever seen.”

The man stopped blowing bubbles,

smiled, and said: “Why, thank you young man!
When I was about your age, I saw someone
blowing bubbles and, well, I asked how he made them.
He told me and once I started, I just couldn’t stop.
Just a minute, while I blow some more.”
When he finished, he looked at Tristan,
grinned, and said, “Would you like to try blowing some?”
“Could I?” exclaimed Tristan.

Tristan took the wand, dipped it,

moved it gently through the air, and the biggest bubble
he ever saw rose into the sky. He squealed with delight.
The man then explained some important things
to remember when blowing bubbles.
“I can remember that,” Tristan said.
“But how do I make the solution and the wands.”
“Ah,”The man said in a whisper.
“Let me blow some more bubbles
and then I’ll tell you.”

He then took a wand in each hand,

dipped them, extended his arms, and began spinning.
Soon there was a wall of bubbles.
So many bubbles that Tristan couldn’t see
the man anymore.
Then he heard a laugh and POP!

Pop! … Pop! Pop! Pop! … Pop! Pop! …

Pop! Pop! … Pop!

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When the bubbles were gone, so was
the man and lying on the sidewalk was
a piece of paper.

Tristan bent down and picked it up.

It was just what he needed to get started.

A Bubble Scientist’s Basic Guide

Pop! – Remember to experiment with the basic solution.
A little more glycerin, sugar, or syrup can make
a stronger bubble. Too much can ruin your solution.
Pop! Pop! - If you need more just double,
triple, or quadruple the ingredients.
Pop! Pop! Pop! –
Don’t forget what I told you earlier.
If you make your own bubble solution,
pretend you’re a scientist,
and experiment to make the mix that you like.

All solutions use Glycerin but it is expensive.

Remember that you can use a light corn syrup
(like karo) or even sugar.

It is best to make your mix and let it rest for a day.

This helps make a stronger bubble.
But don’t worry. You can use it as soon as you make it.

Store your mix in a tightly sealed container.

Pour your solution into a shallow tray or

bowl for dipping your wand. Make sure it is a little bigger
than the wand you are going to use.
Make sure your wand can soak up some solution
for better bubbles. If you make a smooth wire wand,
wrap it in cloth so it can suck up the solution.

Blow or move the wand through the air gently.

You can catch or bounce bubbles if you are careful.

They usually pop from dust, dirt, or grease.
So wear a light pair of gloves and go on a bubble hunt.

Don’t shake or stir your bubble solution too much

when blowing bubbles.

Minerals or other additives in water can affect your

It is recommended to use distilled water or boil your water
for several minutes and let it cool before using.
(Don’t forget to have an adult boil the water).
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Basic Bubble Solutions
Pour 1/4 cup liquid dish soap into a mixing bowl.
Add 3/4 cup of water.
Add 1 teaspoon of sugar into the mixture.
(Glycerin or light corn syrup can be substituted).
Gently stir your mixture until the sugar dissolves.
Pop! Pop!
Add 1/2 cup of water to your mixing bowl.
Mix in 2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap.
Stir in 1 tablespoons of light corn syrup.
(Glycerin or sugar can be substituted).
Pop! Pop! Pop!
Dissolve 1/2 cup of soap powder into 1 cup of warm water.
Mix in 2 tablespoons of sugar, light syrup, or Glycerin.
Remember – Don’t throw out your solution if it doesn’t
work with a wand. Make Bubble-Falls. Take your solution
outside and using a straw blow into the solution. Have fun
with the millions of bubbles.
Basic Wands
Be creative and use your imagination.
Anything that holds the solution across it
can be used as a wand.
The bigger the wand – the bigger the bubble – the harder it
is to blow.
Try some things around the house.
A slotted mixing spoon.
A small strainer.
Make one
Bend a pipe cleaner (chenille craft stem)
into any shape and attach another for the handle.

Have an adult bend a coat hanger into a circle

(or any shape). Cover it with cloth for best results.
Take 2 straws and thread yarn through them. Make sure
the knot is in one of the straws. Using the straws as handles
dip the yarn into the solution. Gently remove it and move it
through the air. It’s hard to do but when you get a bubble, it
will be a GIANT BUBBLE.
“I can’t wait to get home,”
Tristan said as he ran down the street.

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Why Fit in When You Were Born to
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Superhero Portraits
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Books with Illustrated Photos
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Digital Portraits
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A frothy, little tale of fun and games.
A playful book full of wonderful
illustrations and quirky tricks that will
have every child wanting to reach for
the wand and become a bubble scientist.

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
Jimmy and Tammy love their pet Hermit,
the crab. But Hermit is sad; he misses
his home and family in the lagoon.
The children wonder what to do. Should
they set Hermit free? A touching story
about love that has an important life
lesson for the little readers.

Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

As Hector the Hermit Crab crawled along the sandy shallows
of the lagoon, he noticed a strange shadow form across the
small hills and valleys of the sand.
It got bigger, and bigger ... and bigger!

“What a great catch!” Larry yelled to the

others in the boat. “We now have over 100 hermit crabs,
50 starfish, and who knows how many snails to sell
to the pet shop. Let’s go and deliver our precious cargo.”

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About one week later, Tammy and Jimmy were shopping with
their mom at a new plaza that had just opened in their town.
It was a nice plaza and built just across the street from
a small beach, a lagoon, and the big, blue, beautiful ocean.
They liked to shop with their mom, but today was different.
All of the stores were new and their mom was shopping for
a special gift and had told them that they couldn’t buy
anything. They weren’t bored,
but they were definitely not happy.

Jimmy mumbled as they walked ...

“another shoe store, oh look – more dresses,
pots and pans, just what I need.”
“Jimmy,” Tammy said. “It’s hard enough as it is without
listening to you complain. I don’t like being here any more
than you, but you don’t hear me grumbling.”
“What are you doing now?” Jimmy asked.
Their mom smiled and just kept on walking through the maze
of stores. “We’re almost there,” she said. “Almost where?”
asked Tammy. “Almost at another shoe store.” blurted Jimmy.
“Actually,” their mom said.
“I was thinking of the new pet shop.
It’s supposed to be the best in the area.
It has a giant aquarium with all kinds of fish, even a shark.
There are birds, dogs, cats, lizards and more. It’s almost like a
zoo. I thought you two could spend some time there while
I got that special gift.”

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Well, this changed everything. Tammy and
Jimmy were now excited and couldn’t wait to get to the pet
shop. As they went around the next corner - there it was. A huge
door with a giant sign … “The Amazing Animal Emporium”.
As they walked through the door, they couldn’t believe their
eyes. There, right in the middle of the store, was an aquarium
that was bigger than any swimming pool they had ever seen.
They walked around and peered into the water and saw all
sorts of creatures. “Look at all the clown fish,” Tammy said.
“Well, they better swim fast.
Look at that shark!” Jimmy replied.
Oh, they were amazed!!! There seemed to be every type of fish
and sea creature right in the middle of the store.
This truly was an amazing pet shop.
“Let’s see what else is here,”
yelled Jimmy as he walked off to explore.

They were amazed at the animals that were for sale and each
type of animal had its own room. The door with the sign
“Slithers” had all sorts of snakes. “The Pond” had frogs,
toads, and giant dragonflies. “Arachnoland” had spiders and
“Chirps” had hundreds of different birds.
There were rooms for cats, dogs, hogs, and more.

“I wonder what’s in ‘Little Critters’.” Tammy said. “There’s

only one way to find out.” Jimmy replied as
they walked in together.

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As they looked at all the small and sometimes unusual animals.
They were amazed that people had these as pets. There were
mice, chipmunks, moles, starfish, snails,
clams, beetles, and all things small.
“Look at this,” squealed Tammy.
“A hermit crab.” “Cool!” replied Jimmy.
Although the crab didn’t do much, they watched with
fascination as it crawled over the sand and rocks. Once in
a while, it would start to come out of its shell and then quickly
pop back in and cover its face with its giant claw.
“He’s looking for a new and bigger shell for his home,”
said their mom. “I’m glad I was able to find you two,
this place is big.”
Tammy looked at the crab and said “Bye, Hector. We’ll miss
you.” Jimmy waved to him and turned to walk away.
As the three were leaving, they heard a tapping on the glass.
“I don’t believe this,” said their mom. “That crab is saying
good-bye to you two. I guess we’ll just have
to buy him and have a new pet.”

Now the fun began. They had the sales-person get Hector
(since Tammy already named him) and put him into a box.
Then they bought him a new cage, hermit crab bedding, several
shells, a swimming pool, water dish, special food,
some rocks, and everything Hector needed
to be at home – in their home.
Tammy and Jimmy took excellent care of Hector and their mom
was happy to see that they were so responsible with their little
friend. But as time passed, Hector seemed to be less and less
happy. After all, no matter how nice his human friends were,
he didn’t have any friends of his own kind. Hector missed his
family and the open spaces of the lagoon that he
was accustomed to.

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One morning, Jimmy and Tammy decided that although
Hector was a good pet, he deserved things they couldn’t give
him. “Mom,” Tammy asked from across the room. “Can we let
Hector go?” “Don’t you like him any more?” she inquired. “Of
course we do,” said Jimmy. “But he isn’t happy here and
setting him free would be the best for him.” “Hmm,” their
mom thought. “Tammy and Jimmy are very unselfish
and very smart. I am so proud of them.”
Later that day, their mom took Tammy, Jimmy, Hector, and all
of Hectors’ things to the lagoon across from the plaza.
Tammy carefully took Hector from his cage and placed
him in the sand next to the shallows. Jimmy put his swimming
pool and rocks in the sand and their mom placed his food dish
securely between two rocks.

As they left with the empty cage, they thought they heard a
faint tapping on a rock. They turned to see Hector and several
other hermit crabs slowly crawling into the shallows.
A true act of love is
ensuring that everyone is happy.

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Why Fit in When You Were Born to
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Superhero Portraits
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Jimmy and Tammy love their
pet Hermit, the crab. But
Hermit is sad; he misses
his home and family in
the lagoon.
The children wonder what to
do. Should they set Hermit
free? A touching story about
love that has an important
life lesson for the little

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
I Found a Frog is a story describing the
unique transformation of a Tadpole into
a frog. It is fun, educational, and just
may have you catching a Tadpole so
you and your child can see it for
Published by monkey pen publishing 2015
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Even though I have grandchildren

of my own, it seems like it was only yesterday
when I returned home from school
to find a frog in my bedroom.
My mother just chuckled when I yelled out,
“I found a frog on my bed.”
Now, she knew that I would eventually find one
but she let me discover a wonder of Nature
.that many people miss

I am glad she did.

You see, a little earlier that spring,
when I was 6 years old; I saw some little,
black fish in a pond.
Since I didn’t have any pets I went home and
asked my mother if I could have one.
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After we talked about my catching

some of the fish I saw, and
the responsibility of having a pet, she agreed.
She gave me a bowl,
told me to go catch a few, and said that while
I was out she would prepare their new home.
Off I went.
There were so many that they were easy to catch.
I filled the bowl and ran home.
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When I got home, my mother had an

old fish bowl filled with water
sitting on the corner of my desk.
She asked to see the fish, looked,
and with a big smile said,
“Tadpoles. – Wow! You are in for a surprise.”
I asked what she meant and
she just said that I would have to
wait and see, but to watch my fish carefully.
After a few weeks,
I noticed some were changing.
“Mom,” I yelled with excitement.
“Come here, my fish are growing legs.”
She came into my room, looked, smiled, and
told me to keep watching.
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After several more weeks,

there were more changes.
“Mom,” I yelled with excitement.
“Come here, my fish are growing front legs
and their tail is going away.”

She came into my room, looked, smiled,

and told me to keep watching.
A week or so later when I got up,
I was amazed. There were more changes.
My fish didn’t have tails, their legs were
bigger, and they didn’t look like
the little black fish I had caught
earlier in the Spring.

“Mom,” I yelled with excitement.

“Come here, my fish are really different.”
She came into my room, looked, smiled, and
told me that a surprise was very close.
That day, when I returned home
from school, is when I yelled out,
“I found a frog on my bed.”
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“Surprise,” yelled mom.

“You watched a miracle
right before your eyes. A fish
changed into a frog.

Now you had better catch and take him

and the other almost frogs back to the pond.
I don’t need 50 more surprises
tomorrow morning.”
Off I went.
Nature is a wondrous
thing and sometimes provides
the unexpected.
Why Fit in When You Were Born to
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Superhero Portraits
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Books with Illustrated Photos
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Digital Portraits
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I Found a Frog is a story describing the
unique transformation of a Tadpole into
a frog. It is fun, educational, and just
may have you catching a Tadpole so
you and your child can see it for

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
illustrated by Gops and Dileep of Design Hub
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
A Dog On A Log is just a fun story for
the young reader. It may impart
a sense of rhyme and rhythm but is
intended to evoke a smile.

Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

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On a beach by a tree, sat

my family and me.
Then shouted a hog, “There’s a
Dog On A Log!!”
A Dog On A Log? Well,
how can that be?
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He must be saving that big,

frightening flea.
Now why would a dog
be saving a flea?
Especially in the water
on the branch of a tree.
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I couldn’t believe what

I saw happen next.
Even that Dog On A Log was
The flea pulled on a rope
and up came a boat.
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I’ll bet you can’t guess what hap-

pened next.
A flea family ran from
the dog’s little toe.
They got into the boat
and began to row.
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Once on the shore, they ran

through the sand.
Over a cookie in
my left hand.
Right to the hog, that’s
where they went.
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They found a new home

with an unpleasant scent.
As for the Dog, he’s still
riding that log.
As for me-Ouch-I think
I have a flea.
None- Just for fun.
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A Dog On A Log is just a fun story
for the young reader. It may impart
a sense of rhyme and rhythm but is
intended to evoke a smile.

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by

It was Jennie and Jimmy’s first trip to the Big Zoo in the
city and they couldn’t wait to get there. “Are We There
Yet” soon became the frustrating phrase of the day. You
are familiar with that phrase, aren’t you?

It is easy to become bored but just as easy to stay busy.
Published by monkey pen publishing 2015
Jennie and Jimmy were twins
and were they excited.
They had just completed Kindergarten.
And because they did so well,
were going to the Big Zoo in the city.

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After they got into the family car’s back seat,
mom checked their seat belts and dad said,
“If everyone is ready let the journey begin.”
They were off and headed to the Big Zoo in
the city.
The Big Zoo in the city was a long
way from home.
It wasn’t long before Jennie and
Jimmy were bored.
They were so excited and just wanted to see
the animals,
even get some peanuts, popcorn, and soda.
But it was taking so long.
“Are we there yet?” asked Jimmy.
“No” his mom replied. “It will be a little
while.Why don’t you and Jennie look out
the window and count pine trees?”

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Jimmy looked at Jennie and then
tried to look out the window.
But they were too low in the seat to
see anything.
Jennie grumbled, “Dad, we can’t see
out the window.
Are we there yet?”
“Yah, are we there yet,” Jimmy sang out.
“We are getting close.” Mom chimed in.
“Why don’t you both sing a song?
That will help pass the time.”
“Okay.” Jennie said. Then she leaned
over to Jimmy and
whispered something in his ear.
They both smiled and giggled
a little as they faced
the front of the car and began to sing.

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“Are we there yet …. Are we there yet ….
Arewethereyet, Arewethereyet ….
Are we, we, there, there, yet ….
Are we there yet …. Are we there yet ……”
Their dad looked at their
mom and said softly,
“I don’t know about you but
I am glad we’re here.”
Then in a deep voice he sang out
“Weee Haaave Ah-rived!”
Jennie and Jimmy giggled.
Jimmy and Jennie had such a fun day.
They visited every animal, had fun in
the petting zoo,
and ate hot dogs, popcorn, and peanuts.
Soon it was time to leave. Mom got
their seat belts on and they were headed

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“I hope they are tired and fall asleep,”
dad whispered to mom.
“Are we there yet?”
Jennie giggled in a soft voice
Why Fit in When You Were Born to
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Books with Illustrated Photos
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It was Jennie and Jimmy’s first trip to the Big Zoo in the
city and they couldn’t wait to get there. “Are We There
Yet” soon became the frustrating phrase of the day. You
are familiar with that phrase, aren’t you?

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
Science has never been so much fun. Here is all that a
child needs to know about water, rain, hail, sleet and
water cycle. When Professor Mois Ture teaches- little
readers read, learn and ask for more…..

Water is precious. Don’t waste it.
Published by monkey pen publishing 2015
Hi, I am Professor Mois Ture and
I will be telling you about water.
You can call it RAIN. You can call it SNOW.
You can call it SLEET. You can call it HAIL.
But it’s WATER all the same.
Did you ever wonder how old water is or
where it comes from? The answers may surprise you.
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The next time you see a pond
or even a glass of water,
think about how old that water might be.
Do you really want to know ?
I thought you did.
Did you brush your teeth this morning?
Well, some of the water that
you used could have fallen from the sky
yesterday, or a week, or month ago.
It’s pretty new.
But, some part of that water is very old
and was around during the time of
the dinosaurs, or even longer.
Or maybe it’s a little newer; like from
the time when the Pharaohs
were building pyramids.
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You see there is only a limited amount of
water and it gets recycled.
Yep! It keeps going round and round.
We call it the “Water Cycle.”
Yes – You have a question?
No – It’s not like a jet-ski or
a bicycle for water. It is nothing you can ride.
It is how water keeps going
round and round.
Let me explain
First, I would like to say that
water is very important.
Imagine an empty lake.
The fish would be very unhappy.

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Imagine an empty ocean.
Your day at the beach would be like
going to a desert.
And since you are
mostly made up of water - let’s just say you
would be a lot lighter.
The Water Cycle has 4 parts.
Evaporation, Condensation
Precipitation, Collection

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When the water in
an ocean, a lake, a pond, a river, or a stream is
heated by the sun, it turns into
vapor or steam.
It then floats into the air.
Of course, when you are out on a hot day,
or you exercise, you sweat.
Well, guess what!
That evaporates too.
What about those drops of dew
on leaves, or the grass?
Yes – They too evaporate and become
a part of the Water Cycle.

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As the water vapor gets cooled,
it changes back into a liquid and turns
into clouds.
When the air in the clouds
cannot hold any more liquid, it falls back
to the ground.
It returns in different ways, depending
on the temperature and where
it comes down.
It can fall as rain.

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Or, it can fall as snow.
(Did you know that no two snowflakes
are the same?)
It can return as sleet,
which is like rain that has
almost frozen.
Or it can come as hail.
Those frozen balls of rain
that can actually
break windows and dent cars.

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No matter how it comes down,
it is collected and stored. It can fall into the ocean,
lake, pond, river, or stream.
If it lands on the ground, it may roll into
a river or be sucked up by the soil.
It may even pass through the ground to
an underground lake or river to be used later.
Now, what happens tomorrow
when the sun comes out?
That’s right.
The Water Cycle starts over again.
Oops,!…the sun is out!
But don’t worry, Professor Mois Ture will return.
After all, I am a part of the Water Cycle.
Evaporation Condensation
Precipitation Collection

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Science has never been so much
fun. Here is all that a child needs
to know about water, rain, hail,
sleet and water cycle. When
Professor Mois Ture teaches- little
readers read, learn
and ask for more…..

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

In Greek, “Dragon”
means a huge snake or a water-snake.

A dragon is an imaginary animal.
There are many popular stories about dragons
in countries all over the world.

In most European stories dragons are

evil creatures but Chinese folk tales
are mostly about kind and helpful dragons.
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Chinese Dragons

The Chinese love dragons.

They believe that the dragon is powerful and wise and brings good
luck. There are many temples built to honor the dragons in China.
Chinese dragons are snake-like, wingless animals with four legs
and five claws on each leg. According to stories, Chinese dragons
have a magic pearl which gives them the power to fly and go into
heaven. The Chinese believe that dragons control water, rainfall,
hurricane, and floods.
Korean Dragons

Korean dragons are the most kind-hearted of all the dragons.

A Korean dragon is a snake-like, wingless animal with a long
beard. A Korean dragon has four legs with four claws on
each leg. In Korean stories, dragons are water animals,
which control water and farming.
Japanese Dragons

Japanese dragons are large, wingless, snake-like animals with

three claws on each foot. Japanese believe that dragons are water
animals that control rainfall and water. According to Japanese
stories, dragons were first born in Japan. Dragons are very popular
in Japan and are used a lot in art, music and architecture.
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Indian Dragonns

Indian dragons are wingless animals that are half-snake and half-
human. Indian dragons are called Nagas and are said to live in an
underground kingdom. In Indian stories, Nagas are found in rivers,
lakes and seas and they are believed to be guardians of great
Filipino Dragons

The Filipino Dragon is called Bakunawa, which means “moon-eater”.

According to an ancient story in Philippines, Bakunawa is a snake-
like dragon with whiskers, two pairs of wings, a red tongue, and a
mouth as big as a lake. In the story, the Bakunawa lived in the sea
and would rise out of the water into the sky and eat the moon. Thus,
the Filipino dragons were believed to be the cause of eclipses.
Welsh Dragons

The flag of Wales has a red dragon in a green and white field. The
flag tells the story of the red dragon which saved Wales from the icy
white dragon but died after the fight. The Welsh flag was made to
honor the red dragon and remember him forever.
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Greek Dragons

The most famous Greek dragon was the Hydra, which was killed by
the Greek hero, Hercules. The Hydra was a nine headed snake-like
water dragon with poisonous breath and blood. It had the power of
regeneration; it grew two new heads for each head that was cut off.
In this Greek story, the dragon was killed by Hercules, who burnt its
neck stumps to stop any new heads from growing.
English Dragons

In most English stories, dragons were evil animals. They lived

in dark caves, guarded great treasures and fought with English
knights. English dragons have four powerful legs and claws, scales
on its body, huge wings and a sharp tail. They have fangs, poisonous
breath and breathe fire.
Russian Dragons

In Russia, a dragon was believed to have three heads, which could

grow back if cut off. In popular Russian stories, dragons were green,
walked on two back paws, had small front paws and breathed fire.
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Scandinavian Dragons

The most evil among all dragons is the Scandinavian dragon,

Nidhogg. He is a huge, multicolored, wingless dragon who lives
underground. In the Norse story, this thirty-foot, snake-like dragon
keeps eating the roots of the world-tree Yggdrasil. This is dangerous
for Earth because this is the tree that keeps the universe safe.
Bhutanese Dragons

The Druk is the “Thunder Dragon” of Bhutanese stories. This dragon

is the national symbol of Bhutan. The Thunder Dragon is a giant
snake-like, wingless animal with four legs and scales on its body.
The flag of Bhutan has a Druk and the Bhutanese people call their
country Druk Yul (Land of Druk).
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By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
A heartwarming family story about
a little girl and her best friend – her
grandfather. On a hiking trip with
her grandfather, Mandy learns many
gentle lessons about love, family and
relationships. This book is a must on
every child’s bookshelf.

Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

Mandy was lucky as she and her mother
lived with her grandparents
and she liked nothing better than to
spend time with her grandfather.
You see, he was always making something
and she enjoyed watching,
learning, and sometimes even helping him
finish whatever he was doing.

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“Grandfather, what are you building in your
workshop today?” Mandy asked. She giggled as
she said, “It looks like you’re playing with two
long sticks.” “Well Mandy,” he said. “I am going
to make two walking sticks
with your help, one for you,
and one for me. Then I have a surprise.”
“Alright!” Mandy shrieked. “Where do I start?”
After some time, Mandy (with her grandfather’s
help) finished the walking sticks. they were two
of the most beautiful walking sticks
she had ever seen.
With the bark removed, they were sanded
smooth, the tops wrapped in leather, and each
had a funny looking face carved in them.“These
are really nice,” Mandy said. “But just what
do we do with them?” “Ah, that is the surprise
granddaughter,” he replied. “Tomorrow
morning we are going on a hike in the woods
and these walking sticks will help make the hike
easier. So now it’s time to clean up and
go to sleep so we are well rested for the hike.”
The next morning, Mandy did not need an alarm
to wake her.
She was up, dressed, and ready to go as the
sun rose and the day began.
She went to the kitchen
and saw that her grandfather was busy packing
sandwiches, water, snacks, and other items
into their backpacks. “It looks like we are going
to be hiking for a long time,” Mandy said.

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“It will be an all day hike,” He replied.
“I think we have everything so grab your
walking stick and let’s go.” “What about
breakfast?” Mandy asked. “Oh, did I forget to
mention that we are going to stop and
have breakfast at a diner?”
he said with a smile. Their journey began.
After a great breakfast and a long drive, they
arrived at the base of a mountain and the
beginning of the trail. “This is beautiful,” Mandy
said. “Just where are we hiking?” “To the very
top of the mountain where we will have lunch,
rest, maybe take a swim,
and then hike back down,” he replied.
“Swim!” Mandy said excitedly.
“Is there a lake on the top of the mountain?”
“Yes,” her Grandfather replied.
“There is a pond surrounded by big flat rocks.
It was carved from the mountain during the last
Ice Age and is filled with clear, cold water.”
“Wow!” was all Mandy could say.
As they hiked up the mountain, Mandy asked
many, many questions. What kind of tree is
that? How high are we? Are there bears around
here? Are there any other people up here? What
do we do if we get lost? Are there snakes? And
of course: Are we there yet?
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Her grandfather answered all her questions
the best he could and explained
that they were in a very natural area.
Not many people, all sorts of wild life, even
bears. He helped her understand and respect
the natural beauty around them,
particularly the animals.
He taught her how to use a compass,
and things to help them
be safer while they hiked.
Like before stepping over a log put your
walking stick on the other side to let any
animal, like a snake, know you are there.
Whistle a song or make some noise to let the
bigger animals know you are in their area.
In a soft voice, her grandfather said.
“Mandy, there are a few things
to remember when you are hiking or
anywhere for that matter.
The Earth is our mother take care of her.
All life is sacred; treat all life with respect.
Take from the Earth what is needed
and nothing more. Enjoy your journey
but leave no tracks.”
As they hiked a little farther, the forest opened
and Mandy saw the pond surrounded by large
flat rocks. They had arrived, and it was almost
like being in a different world.

Mandy picked a large rock that extended out

into the water for them to rest on. It had been
warmed by the sun and was
the perfect place for lunch.

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As her grandfather unpacked their food, she
leaned over and wiggled her fingers
in the cold water.
Immediately several small fish came
by and nibbled at her fingers.
She shrieked in surprise and then,
realizing the fish were just curious, placed her
hand back into the water and watched
as the fish darted around her fingers.
She laughed and played with the fish until
she heard her grandfather say “Time for lunch.”
After lunch and a resting period,
they took a swim. The water was deep
and Mandy couldn’t reach the bottom no matter
how hard she tried. She giggled each time
a curious fish nibbled at her body and watched
a deer come down to have a drink.
It was a wonderful day and she was saddened
when she heard her grandfather say, “Mandy,
it’s time to dry off and begin
the hike down to the car.”
After making sure everything was just like
it was when they arrived, they began
their hike down the mountain.
After a short time Mandy asked, “grandfather,
can we take a different trail down
the mountain?” “I don’t see why not,”
he replied.

After a short time, the trail began blending into

the surrounding brush and then disappeared.
“I’m scared,” Mandy said. “I think we are lost.”
“No, we’re not lost,” her grandfather, said. “But
we aren’t on a trail so we will have to continue
hiking down the mountain
in the direction of the car.
Just enjoy the surroundings and being
together on our first hiking adventure.”

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As they continued down Mandy said.
I have a problem at school and I don’t know
who to talk to,” “Talk to me,” he said.
“I’d like to but you are my grandfather
and you may get angry because you are family
and not, well, like a friend.”

Now Mandy’s grandfather had to do some

serious thinking. After all,
she was right that as her
grandfather, he may get angry or his feelings
hurt but she needed a big person as a friend.
“Mandy,” he said in a serious tone.
“If I were to promise that anything
we talked about would stay between us,
and that I would not get angry or talk to you as
your grandfather, but rather as an old friend;
would you talk with me?” “Is that a promise?”
she asked. “Yes,” he said softly.
“And you know I have never broken a promise
to you.” She gave him a big hug, and began
to talk. Soon they were at the bottom
of the mountain and packing the car.
Before leaving, her grandfather thought for
a minute and said. “Granddaughter, anytime
you need me as your friend, and not your
grandfather, pick up your walking stick and ask
to go on a hike.
It will be our secret code.”

“This was the best day ever,” Mandy said. “I

was with my grandfather, my new best friend,
and I have a talking/walking stick.”

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A heartwarming family story about
a little girl and her best friend – her
grandfather. On a hiking trip with
her grandfather, Mandy learns many
gentle lessons about love, family and
relationships. This book is a must on
every child’s bookshelf.

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
An exciting story that has everything that
children love – a pirate, a treasure map, a
hidden treasure and a great mystery! And an
important lesson about caring and sharing
that every child needs to learn.

Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

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Arrgh, me hearties, I has a story for ye, a story of

untold riches and a young lad who found ‘em.
And who am I, ye ask?
Well - I be the spirit of Sand-dollar,
a pirate and buccaneer, Captain of the
Seahorse, the finest ship to ever sail the seven seas.
Ah, she was a fine vessel. Three masts and ten sails made
her fast, and her sleek hull let her cut through
the waves with ease.
Me crew was the finest bunch of
sailors to ever set sail on the open seas. They came from all
over the world, to serve on the Seahorse, and share in the
I remember we just hid the treasure and I found a safe
place to hide me treasure map. A familiar place, a place,
where as a young lad, before the sea called me to service,
was me home.
As we finished burying the treasure, we saw a storm
approaching from the East. It was a bad one. The wind
was a howling, rain soaked us to our very bones, thunder
roared, and the lightening frightened
the bravest of me crew.
We were in the longboat, just about
to board the Seahorse, when it happened.
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The bottom of the sea opened

and the waters began draining.
The waters started going round and round. Slowly at first,
and then picking up speed until we were in a whirlpool.
It didn’t take long for the swirling
waters to suck the Seahorse to
the bottom of the sea.
As for us in the longboat, we watched
her go down as we spiraled around that whirlpool before
getting sucked down with her.
Arrgh! It makes me heart
happy to see that lad growing like he is.
They call him Sandy, after me.
Ya see I’m his
“Sandy,” called his mom from the house.
“You forgot you chores for the day.
Remember you were going to clean
the attic.”
“Oh,” grumbled
Sandy as he slowly walked to the house.
“I don’t mind chores, but
cleaning the attic! There hasn’t been
anyone up there in years.”
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“It must be dark, dirty,

and full of spiders
and other creepy things.
There is probably even
a ghost or two living up there with
the spiders.”
“I unlocked the door to the attic,”
his mom said. “Be careful, it’s a little dark
and there is a lot of stuff just lying
around or stacked in piles.”
The spirit of Sand-dollar
thought to himself as he watched Sandy.
“Arrgh, I must have looked
the same on that stormy night when
I hid me treasure map
in that very room.
I wonder if it will be finally found.”
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“This isn’t so bad,” Sandy said to himself.

“There’s a lot of neat stuff up here.
I’ll clean as I move and organize all these
different things.”
“Arrgh,” Sand-dollar thought to himself.
“That lad be a hard worker.
I’d have him on me crew if I could.
He’s only been up here a few hours
and he’s almost done.”
“One last thing to clean and move,”
Sandy said aloud. (Even though he knew,
no one was there to hear him).
“I’ll just wipe down this old trunk
and slide it over there in the corner.
Wow! This thing is heavy;
I think I’ll have to empty it before
I can get it to move.”
“Arrgh,” Sand-dollar thought to himself.
“The lad be
getting close to me map.
He has emptied a lot of things from the trunk.”
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“Oh, wow!” Sandy said.

“Look at this old book.
I’ll just open it up and …… a map!
Here’s an old map.
A treasure map! I don’t
believe it! I’ve got to show mom.”
“Arrgh, the lad found me map.
At last, someone can find me treasure
and be rich beyond belief.”
Sand-dollar said.
“Where did you find it?” his dad asked.
“It was in this old book. I couldn’t move
this old trunk in the attic so I started
taking things out when I saw the book.
When I opened the book, the map fell out.”
Sandy replied.
Sandy’s mom added.
“It’s certainly old and it’s definitely a treasure map.
And look here, whatever it leads to is
buried on our property.”
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“Look at this note on the side,” his dad, said.

“It says the finder will have untold wealth
and be rich beyond belief.
It’s signed by someone named Sand-dollar.”
“Let’s study the map. Tomorrow
morning we are going on a treasure hunt,”
his dad said.
“Yippee!” Sandy exclaimed.
“Arrgh, it appears me treasure is
close to being found.” Sand-dollar said.
“Sandy, you take the shovel, mom can read the map, and
I’ll use the compass,” his dad said as they
walked into the yard to begin their treasure hunt.
“Arrgh, look at em go.
They be pretty good at following me map.
That’s it! 22 paces due West from the well,
Turn to the North East and take 6 paces, then 11 paces to
the South ….. They be at me treasure.”
Sand-dollar said.
“If we followed the map correctly,
and there really is a treasure,
we are standing on top of it,” Sandy’s dad said.
“I get to dig,”
Sandy said excitedly as he removed
the first scoop of many from the sandy soil.
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“Arrgh, that lad be a chip-off-the-old-block.

Look at him dig. You are almost there lad.
Don’t give up!” Sand-dollar said.
“I hit something,” screamed Sandy.
“It’s a box. It’s the treasure!
We found the treasure! Let me get it out
and hand it to you dad.”
“An old Bible?” Sandy said with
“I thought the map said we would be rich beyond belief.”
“Sweetheart,” his mom said.
“The words in this book do give you riches beyond belief.”
“Mom, I know,” Sandy replied.
“But I was expecting to find
diamonds, rubies, and gold coins.
Not a Bible.”
“Arrgh, me lad. Don’t ye give up now.
Ye have found the truth, and riches,
but there is more.
Ye has to look into the Good Book lad.”
Sand-dollar said.

Sandy said. “Mom, let me see the Bible.

For some strange reason
I want to look through it.”
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“This is really interesting,”

Sandy said. “And look at this.
Different words are circled in the first page. Wow! There is
a family tree
and a letter written in the back.”
“Let me see,” his mom said.
“Oh my! Look at this.
Here is a branch labeled ‘Sandy’
and above it is written ‘Sand-dollar’
with a 1 circled.”
Sandy’s dad asked, “Could I see the Bible?
When I was a little boy, younger than you Sandy,
my father told me we had a pirate in the family. Let me
have a few minutes to study this.”
“After reading everything, here is what
I figured out.” Sandy’s dad said
in a soft voice.
“Sand-dollar was a pirate.
He was also your
He left for adventures on the high seas,
became a pirate, and, well, the family
just forgot about him.
He wrote his story in this Bible and hid it as a treasure. He
said that he took this Bible from the Captain of a ship they
overtook and each night would read it.
As he read, he learned more, and he became rich.
Rich in the messages contained in the Bible.”
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“This Bible taught him to repent for

all the errors he had made during his
life as a pirate. But he didn’t know how.
So he took all the treasure the gold, silver, the jewels, and
buried them.
He asks that whoever finds this other
treasure share it, do good, and do what the Bible says. He
thinks if this is done,
his soul might rest in peace.”
“Wow,” said Sandy.
“Quite a story,” Sandy’s mom said.
“There’s more,” Sandy’s dad said.
“And Sandy – You may want to get the shovel.
When I looked at the 1 with a circle around it,
I remembered what Sandy said about
words being circled on the first page.
It is a code to another treasure.
Sand-dollar was his pirate name.
Ten letters and ten words circled on the first page.
Here is the key to the treasure.
Start A New Dig – Dig Out Lots
Lower And Receive
There’s more treasure, buried deeper in
the hole that we dug.”
“Arrgh, it does me heart good to see
me family helping me,” Sand-dollar said.
“I am digging as fast as I can, mom.”
Sandy said. “Look at all these sand dollars, and when they
break there is a ‘Dove of Peace’ in them. I hit something
big!” “Arrgh, that’s it lad. Dig out that chest.
Come on! You and your dad can get it out of the hole.
Come on lad, put ye back into it. Push! That’s it, now pry it
open.” Sand-dollar said.
“Oh my goodness,” Sandy’s mom said in
disbelief. “Look at that. A real treasure.”
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“Arrgh, and now lad it’s up to ye to do the right thing.”

Sand-dollar said.
“It’s up to you son,” his dad said. “It’s your treasure.”
Sandy simply said. “I want two things.
The Bible so I can learn what
my Great-Great-Great-Grandfather
learned, and that gold sand dollar to help me remember
him. Mom should have that jeweled necklace.
It would look nice on her.
Dad, you need to take some of the gold and sell it to help
pay some of the bills.”
“I think we should give the rest to the Church.
They know who the needy are,
and I think it will help many people for a long, long time.”
“I think you are making a wise decision
Sandy,” his mom said.
“What dad?” Sandy asked.
“I didn’t say anything, Sandy,” his dad replied.
Sandy then said, “I thought I heard you say
‘I thank ye lad’.”

It is sometimes better to give than to

receive and always better to share what
you can with those less fortunate.
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An exciting story that has everything that
children love – a pirate, a treasure map,
a hidden treasure and a great mystery!
And an important lesson about caring and
sharing that every child needs to learn.

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
A memorable tale about friendship, with
delightful characters like Paw-Paw the bear,
Dillard the dog, Willard the weasel. A story
that will be read and reread by little readers
at bedtime.

Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

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Many years ago, deep in the North Woods,

lived a great bear named Paw-Paw.

He was the strongest and bravest bear

alive and respected by all the forest creatures.
One day, all the animals gathered together
to discuss some changes in the woods.

A new animal that walked on two legs and was

covered in strange fur was making
its home nearby. They needed a leader
and could think of no one better than Paw-Paw.
They all marched to Paw-Paws’ cave
and asked if he would be the king of the forest.

Paw-Paw was thrilled and even though

he didn’t know what being a king was all about,
he gladly accepted.
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Paw-Paw then said

“I will need some helpers and I want
Crowly Crow and Willard Weasel
to be my advisors.”

Well, Crowly and Willard were honored,

and both agreed to work with King Paw-Paw.
One day, Slither, the snake visited
King Paw-Paw and told him of a strange animal
he saw close by. Paw-Paw asked,
“Where did you see this animal?”

Slither replied.
“It lives with the strange, two- legged creature
at the edge of our woods.”
Paw-Paw thought for a moment and said.
“Willard and Crowly - go to the edge of the woods
and see what this animal is.”

Within moments,
his two helpers were on their way.
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Some time later, Willard and Crowly returned

and excitedly told King Paw-Paw
that there was indeed a strange animal at the
edge of the woods.
It wasn’t a wolf or a coyote but looked like one.

It was small, maybe the size of Bobby Beaver,

and it had a strange, barking voice instead
of a yelp or a howl. All three sat for a long time
thinking about the strange
newcomer that lived so close to their woods.
Finally, King Paw-Paw said,
“We must go and meet this animal.”

All three got up and left King Paw-Paws’ cave.

In a short while, they were at the edge of the woods
watching the strange animal.
King Paw-Paw said,

“Willard, go to the animal and ask what he is

and why there is a rope tied around his neck.”
Without hesitation, Willard scampered across
the field and hid behind some
piled wood close to the strange animal.
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“Psst!” said Willard.

The strange animal looked around.
“Psst! I am over here behind the woodpile,”
Willard said in a louder voice.

The strange animal stretched the rope as far

as it would go but not being able to see
who was speaking said,
“Please come out so that I can see you.
My master isn’t around.”
Willard came out slowly from behind the woodpile
and cautiously approached the strange animal.
“What type of an animal are you?” asked Willard.
“I am a dog. And my name is Dillard.” He replied.

“And what are you?”

he then asked. “Me … I am Willard,
the Weasel representing King Paw-Paw,
ruler of the forest.”
“Why are you bound to that stake in the ground?”
asked Willard. “My master keeps
me tied so I cannot go into the woods,”
replied Dillard.

“No animal should be tied,”

Willard shouted. “I shall bite through
the rope to set you free. You can then come into
the woods and live with me.”
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In one mighty bite,

Willard set Dillard free.

Then the two of them

ran across the field and into the woods.
After Willard introduced Dillard to King Paw-Paw
and Crowly, they all left. When they got to the
center of the woods, King Paw-Paw introduced
Dillard to all the other forest creatures.

Dillard especially liked meeting Wayne Wolf

and Carl Coyote who seemed to be his cousins.
As the summer passed, King Paw-Paw
fattened himself on berries and salmon,

Dillard and Willard became good friends.

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One day, Willard sniffed the air.

Oh, what a marvelous smell was being
carried on the breeze.

“Chicken eggs … Fresh chicken eggs,”

Willard thought to himself.
“I must find them and have a snack.” In seconds,
he was off running through the woods and
following his nose to his favorite treat.
His nose lead him to the strange creature’s
house, where he had first met Dillard.
He looked around … All was clear.

He followed the wonderful smell of eggs

into a strange cave. He looked around and
couldn’t believe his eyes. There were chicken eggs,
hundreds of chicken eggs all around him.
As he reached for an egg,
a chicken saw him and sounded the alarm.

Soon all the chickens were clucking,

squawking, and making a fuss.
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Then he heard something behind him. As he turned,

he saw the strange creature that lived there.

The one that Dillard called master.

There was no escape and Willard was terrified.
The strange creature looked at Willard and said,
“You varmint! You are the weasel that set Dillard free.
Why I ought to …” But before he could finish
Willard yelled out. “Wait! Don’t do anything to me.”

“I can return Dillard to you.

Just let me pass and Dillard will be back
in a very short time.”
The strange creature stepped
aside and let Willard free.
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When Willard returned to the woods,

he ran to his friend. “Dillard!
Quick follow me. I need your help.”

Well, Dillard didn’t hesitate to help his friend

and off they ran- with Willard in the lead.
As they crossed the field, Dillard stopped.
“What’s wrong?” asked Willard.
“My master lives there and I am afraid
to go any further.” Dillard replied.

“Don’t worry,” said Willard. “Your master

is not there.” Again, Dillard followed Willard
right into the cave with all the chickens.
In a flash, the master had a rope
around Dillard’s neck.

He then looked at the weasel,

tossed him an egg, and said
“Thank you for returning my dog.”
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Willard left for the woods without saying a word.

Dillard remained with the farmer, making

sure no weasel or any other varmint ever
bothered his livestock.
Use caution when listening
to the words of others.
Don’t be mislead by their trickery.
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A memorable tale about friendship, with
delightful characters like Paw-Paw the bear,
Dillard the dog, Willard the weasel. A story
that will be read and reread by little readers
at bedtime.

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
.J i m m y ’s m o t h e r t h i n k s t h a t J i m m y i s r e a d y t o g o t o s c h o o l
B u t J i m m y i s a f ra i d t i l l h e r e a l i z e s t h a t c h a n g e c a n b e
a g o o d t h i n g . Th i s i s j u s t t h e b o o k t o g e t l i t t l e r e a d e r s r e a d y
.f o r c h a n g e s i n t h e i r l i ve s

Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

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5 Jimmy had just turned

.and was starting school
.He was frightened
He had never been
.to school before
Jimmy did not know
what to expect
and he did not want to
.leave home by himself
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Jimmy's Mom told him

not to be afraid as she
.walked him to his bus stop
She told him
he would make new friends
.and have lots of fun
Jimmy was being brave
as he got on the bus
.and sat down
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He waved to his Mom

.as the bus drove away
Why Fit in
When You Were
Born to
Personalised Children’s Books
with Illustrated Photos
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J i m m y ’s m o t h e r t h i n k s t h a t J i m m y i s
ready to go to school.But Jimmy is
a f ra i d t i l l h e r e a l i z e s t h a t c h a n g e c a n
b e a g o o d t h i n g . Th i s i s j u s t t h e b o o k
to get little readers ready for
.c h a n g e s i n t h e i r l i ve s

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
Bill is on a bullying spree. He believes
that he is the strongest animal on the
farm and that gives him the right to do as
he pleases. But the farm animals decide
to stop him in his tracks by ……………..
a great tale that moves at a quick pace,
keeping the reader engrossed
right to the end.
Published by monkey pen publishing 2015
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Farmer Fred had just bought a new bull.

He named him Bill.
Bill was a strong and handsome bull with great
horns. He was very big for his age.
Farmer Fred got Bill, the bull loaded into
the trailer, and headed back home to his farm.
When they arrived, Farmer Fred said, “Bill,
welcome to your new home.” Bill just snorted
and tossed his head back to show off his
impressive horns.
This was all new to Bill as he was raised in a
small stall and his new home was very different.
He had a lot to explore.
Bill stood on the hill and watched all the
barnyard animals. He thought to himself. “I am
the biggest animal on Farmer Fred’s farm. No
other animal
has such great horns.”
Bill chuckled at the chickens as he slowly walked
up to them. They were so small and they
didn’t have horns.
As Bill approached, the chickens clucked. The
lone duck, ducked, as Bill almost stepped on her.
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Bill lowered his head and quickly shook it from

side to side right in front of the chickens.
“I’m Bill, the bull and I’m bigger than you
chubby chickens,” he said in a deep voice.
“And I am the boss of the barnyard.”
Bill, the bull, frightened the chickens. They
rapidly ran, flipped, flopped and, flew,
to the safety of their cozy coupe.
This made Bill, the bull, laugh loudly.
He was having fun.
Bill saw some plump pigs moving in the mud
and decided to play a prank.
As he approached, he said loudly, “I heard
Farmer Fred say that he needed some bacon for
breakfast and ham for dinner.” He then laughed
loudly and tossed his head around showing off
his great horns
This frightened many of the pigs and they
proceeded to their pen for protection.
The biggest pig, named Pork Chop, walked up to
Bill and said.
“You are a very mean bull, Bill.”
Bill snorted a reply.
“Well, you have a big, flat nose,
a tornado tail and pink ears.
Also, you are dirty, and smelly”
Then Bill lowered his head, snorted
a great snort,
and shook his horns at Pork Chop.
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Pork Chop was a wise old pig

and knew what Bill was doing.
He wouldn’t be bullied by any bull, even Bill.
Now, Bill, the bullying bull, was expecting Pork
Chop to mush through the mud and proceed to
the pen for protection.
But Pork Chop just stood there looking at him.
Then Pork Chop said in a soft voice.
“You are a very mean bull, Bill,”
and walked away
Then, Bill saw some sheep in the meadow. Bill began to
walk across the big barnyard towards them. When he got
there, he was met by the Roger Ram, the leader of the
flock.“I’m Roger Ram, rejoicing at meeting my newest
neighbor on Farmer Fred’s farm,”
he said in a very polite manner.
Bill ran at Roger Ram, snorting and shaking his big horns
and said, “I am Bill, the bull.
I am the boss of the barnyard.”
In a split second, Roger Ram, rammed Bill the bullying
bull, between his big horns.
Bill, the bullying bull, looked at Roger Ram and said. “All
that white curly hair, might give you lots of flair,
but you ram like a ewe.”
Then Bill backed up, started to paw at the ground with
his hefty hooves, snorted seven snorts, shook his horns,
lowered his now lumpy head, and…………
Roger Ram and the others retreated from the meadow.
Bill, the bullying bull, was proud of what he had done.
All the barnyard animals were afraid of Bill.
He was either threatening them with his size
and big horns
or making fun of the way they looked.
It was not a pleasant day on Farmer Fred’s farm.
“I am going to call him Bully Bill,”
said Henrietta Hen.
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“That’s not nice,” responded Roy Rooster. “It’s

being a bully yourself.”
“Well, we will work on something to stop his
bullying,” replied Toby Turtle.
Roger Ram said, “I don’t know what we can do?
I rammed him and he called me a ewe.”
Dorothy Duck said, “He almost stepped on me
with those heavy hooves. No one is safe!”
With tears in her eyes, little Patty Piglet said,
“I heard
I was going to be eaten by Farmer Fred. I’m
Pork Chop said in a soft and soothing tone,
“Don’t worry my friends.
By the evening feed by Farmer Fred,
Bill, the bullying bull, will become our buddy.”
Bill was having so much fun. He certainly was
the boss of the barnyard.
He looked around and saw a big barn, with open
doors, and he just had to let whoever lived there
know that he was boss of the barnyard.
It was a bright sunny day but as Bill walked into
the dark barn,
he couldn’t see anything.
This frightened him a little.
He turned the corner around the door and …
BOOM … he was stopped in mid stride. Bill
realized that he had just walked into something
really big. So big, it didn’t move
when he walked into it.
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As Bill’s eyes adjusted to the darkness

in the barn,
he started to see what had stopped him.
He was looking at
the chest of some big animal. Bill was scared.
As he looked up, he could see the biggest bull,
with the biggest horns, staring down at him.
A voice like thunder filled the barn. “I finally get
to meet Bill, the boss of the barnyard.”
Now Bill didn’t know what to do or what to say.
All he could do was look up at this giant and
wonder what would happen next.
There was silence in the barn for several
minutes as Bill just looked up in amazement.
Finally, the big bull said something.
“I am Brian Bull and have lived on Farmer Fred’s
farm for many, many, years. In all those years,
never have the other animals asked me for help.
But today, they came to me with the story of
a big bull that was bullying them
and they asked me
to put an end to it. I agreed!”
Bill was never, ever, so frightened.
Brian could toss him across
the barnyard, with little effort, and
one push from his head.
Brian slowly lowered his head.
Bill looked down and began to shake.
Brian got closer and whispered into Bill’s ear.
“What do you think I should do, Bill? I promised
the other animals I would put a stop to your
“Please believe me Brian. You have!” Bill said in
a truly honest voice.
“I have never been so frightened in my life
and I know how the other animals
must have felt.”
Bill began to sob a little.
“I now know how it feels to be bullied and you
didn’t even really bully me. I have learned my
lesson and I will go out and apologize to
all the animals and ask them to forgive me
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“You don’t have to,” Brian said.

“You already have.”
As Bill turned around, he saw all the other
animals standing in the doorway.
“Here pig-pig-pig, come on chick-chick ….”
The animals heard Farmer Fred calling them for
the evening feed.
Pork Chop walked over to Bill and said.
“Come on, buddy. Let’s eat.”
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Bill is on a bullying spree. He believes
that he is the strongest animal on the
farm and that gives him the right to do as
he pleases. But the farm animals decide
to stop him in his tracks by ……………..
a great tale that moves at a quick pace,
keeping the reader engrossed
right to the end.

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by
Gabby favorite pastime is to – you
guessed it! – Talk, talk and then talk
some more. But all goes well till
Gabby’s teacher springs a surprise on Gabby.
Read on to know if it ends well for Gabby…..

Study your school lessons. Then you can easily answer
questions, become wiser, and happier.

Published by monkey pen publishing 2015

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“Hi! My name is Abigail and I just love to talk.

That is how I got the nickname
‘Gabby Abby’.
Talk, talk, talk, and … talk. If I am not
talking, I am asking questions.
I only stop talking when I am listening
to the answer.
Other than that: Talk, talk,
talk, and … talk!
Unless I have to stop to eat,
have a drink, or go to sleep.
Other than that: Talk, talk,
talk, and … talk!
Oh! I just love to talk.
I learn so many new things and then
I can then share the information with my
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Did you know that spiders have 8 legs?

I trip a lot and I only have 2!
When a snake closes its eyes,
it sees through its eyelids.
How do they ever sleep?
Flamingoes at with their heads
upside down.
I tried it and it is hard to do
(and a bit messy).
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If you shave the fur off a tiger, it has striped

skin. I wonder who did that!
I will never wear lipstick.
It is made with fish scales. Yuk!
The original name for ‘butterfly’ was
‘flutterby’. I think flutterby is better
because that is what they do!
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How do I know? I asked.

And because I talk, talk, talk, and … talk!
You know it too.
Can a fish swim backwards?
Why is the sun yellow?

Does a hummingbird hum or can it sing like

other birds? Maybe it forgot the words.
When Abby reached school,
she was ready
to ask some questions. But Miss Pinkerton,
her teacher, had other plans.
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“Today we are going to have a test on

multiplication tables.” Miss Pinkerton said.
Abby and several other students slunk down in
their seats.
Miss Pinkerton asked, “Are there any
Now Abby knew that sometimes her questions
did not relate to the subject Miss Pinkerton was
teaching the class.
But she just could not resist asking.

Abby raised her hand. “Yes Abby,”

Miss Pinkerton said.
“Is a Zebra black with white stripes or
white with black stripes?” asked Abby.
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The class burst out laughing but Miss Pinkerton

quickly quieted
them by putting her
fingers to her lips and
pretending to zip her mouth closed.
“Actually Abby,” Miss Pinkerton said.
“A Zebra is white with black stripes.”

“I thought so,” said Abby.

“Who would like to start us off with the times
1 table from zero to ten?”
Miss Pinkerton asked.

Abby raised her hand excitedly.

This one was easy.
One times anything equals anything.
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“Tristan, would you please come to the board

and write the times 1 table for the class?”
Miss Pinkerton said.
Tristan proudly walked to the board
and wrote the times 1 table.
1 x 0 = 0 1 x 1 = 1
1 x 2 = 2 1 x 3 = 3
1 x 4 = 4 1 x 5 = 5
1 x 6 = 6 1 x 7 = 7
1 x 8 = 8 1 x 9 = 9
1 x 10 = 10
“Excellent,” said Miss Pinkerton.
“McKenzie, would you please do
the times 2 table for us.”
This continued through
the times 8 table
and the students did a wonderful job.
They had obviously studied hard.
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Now Abby was worried. She knew that the

times 10 table was easy; all you had to do was to
put a zero after the first number. But the times
9 table! That was hard.
What would she do if Miss Pinkerton
called on her? “Abby,” said Miss Pinkerton. “I
would like you to show the class the times 9
Abby didn’t want to. She knew she had not studied
but she had to go to the front of the class and do the
best she could.
She approached the board and
wrote the table.
0 x 9 = 1 x 9 = 2 x 9 =
3 x 9 = 4 x 9 = 5 x 9 =
6 x 9 = 7 x 9 = 8 x 9 =
9 x 9 = 10 x 9 =
Abby looked at what she had written and said to
herself. “I know some of the answers like 10 x 9
is 90, 1 x 9 is 9, and 0 x 9 is 0. I will write them
down in their equations. She was starting to
feel better since she had some correct answers
written down.

0 x 9 = 0 1 x 9 = 9 2 x 9 =
3 x 9 = 4 x 9 = 5 x 9 =
6 x 9 = 7 x 9 = 8 x 9 =
9 x 9 = 10 x 9 = 90
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Abby thought for a second and decided to

count the parts she did not know.
“Let’s see,” she said to herself. “The first
one I don’t know is 2 x 9, so I’ll put a 1 next to
it. The second one I don’t know is 3 x 9, so I’ll
put a 2 next to it. Oh! I think I am in trouble.”
She realized that she did not know too many
answers. As she thought about each, she
wrote the numbers next to the equations she
did not know.
The times 9 table looked like this.
0 x 9 = 0 1 x 9 = 9
2 x 9 = 1
(First one Abby didn’t know)
3 x 9 = 2
(Second one Abby didn’t know)
4 x 9 = 3 .
5 x 9 = 4 .
6 x 9 = 5 .
7 x 9 = 6 .
8 x 9 = 7 .
9 x 9 = 8
(Eighth one Abby didn’t know)
10 x 9 = 90
There were many snickers and chuckles from the
class but Miss Pinkerton said, “Class-quiet down
and let Abby finish. Remember that it is not nice to
bully a person by laughing or making fun of them.”
Well, Abby was almost in tears. She was just
about to give up when she had an idea. Maybe, just
maybe, if she checked her table, from the bottom
up, she could get some more answers correct. She
was not going to give up!
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Abby thought to herself. “9 x 9 well that’s the

first one I don’t know,” and marked the table as
she did before. She then thought “8 x 9 … Oh! I
don’t know that one either.” So, she marked the
table and it looked like this.
0 x 9 = 0 1 x 9 = 9 2 x 9 = 1
3 x 9 = 2 4 x 9 = 3 5 x 9 = 4
6 x 9 = 5 7 x 9 = 6 8 x 9 = 72
(Second one Abby didn’t know)
9 x 9 = 81
(First one Abby didn’t know)
10 x 9 = 90
Abby was really nervous but she continued
with the rest. She looked at the equation,
realized she did not know the answer, and
marked it. When she was done, she had
completed the table.

0 x 9 = 0 1 x 9 = 9 2 x 9 = 18
3 x 9 = 27 4 x 9 = 36 5 x 9 = 45
6 x 9 = 54 7 x 9 = 63 8 x 9 = 72
9 x 9 = 81 10 x 9 = 90
“Excellent work Abby,” Miss Pinkerton said.
“Aren’t you glad you asked me how you could
remember the Times 9 Table?”
Abby had a big smile but knew she had to give
up some talk … talk … talk for some study …
study … study.
She remembered Miss Pinkerton telling her that
not everything had an easy trick to help you get
through the problem.
Before taking her seat, Abby asked. “Miss
Pinkerton, can an elephant jump?”
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Miss Pinkerton just smiled

and said “No.”
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Gabby favorite pastime is to – you
guessed it! – Talk, talk and then talk
some more. But all goes well till
Gabby’s teacher springs a surprise on Gabby.
Read on to know if it ends well for Gabby…..

By T. Albert
Illustrated by
By T. Albert
Illustrated by

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